7 day S.E is possible : Samahta-Vipassana + experienced mentors guidiance - Discussion
7 day S.E is possible : Samahta-Vipassana + experienced mentors guidiance
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 7/21/18 3:56 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/18/17 7:57 AM
7 day S.E is possible : Samahta-Vipassana + experienced mentors guidiance
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent PostsPyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/8/18 8:17 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/18/17 8:12 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
Sorry for no description there is some problem posting at mobile.
I am from Myanmar. There is now very popular meditation center led by Arahant sayardaw Ashin Sandimar. I can't believe that people are saying how fast enlightened in that center. And then my father got enlightenment within 15 days. Then my friend who just got back from Singapore got enlightenment.
i was dumbfounded then my wife interested alot it in so i got dragged in, thinking well just gonna try a few days. it is 7 hr a day practice. talking is moderatly allowed. First I Met my master who is 3rd stage enlightenment and some saids he is even close to Arahant i didn't expect he is younger than me. That give me the motivation i need to go forward.
So i decided i am gonna forget about life and lets go with it.
what difference is at every sessions we are to write down our experiences and master checks every one thoroughly. and change techniques for each one as necessary, like doctors giving drugs according to different diseases.
at first 3 days we are taught samahta, and wonderful effects of mind power
{cont tomorrow }
I am from Myanmar. There is now very popular meditation center led by Arahant sayardaw Ashin Sandimar. I can't believe that people are saying how fast enlightened in that center. And then my father got enlightenment within 15 days. Then my friend who just got back from Singapore got enlightenment.
i was dumbfounded then my wife interested alot it in so i got dragged in, thinking well just gonna try a few days. it is 7 hr a day practice. talking is moderatly allowed. First I Met my master who is 3rd stage enlightenment and some saids he is even close to Arahant i didn't expect he is younger than me. That give me the motivation i need to go forward.
So i decided i am gonna forget about life and lets go with it.
what difference is at every sessions we are to write down our experiences and master checks every one thoroughly. and change techniques for each one as necessary, like doctors giving drugs according to different diseases.
at first 3 days we are taught samahta, and wonderful effects of mind power
{cont tomorrow }
Daniel M Ingram, modified 7 Years ago at 12/23/17 5:21 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/23/17 5:21 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 3297 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent PostsPyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/8/18 8:03 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/8/18 8:03 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent PostsDaniel M. Ingram:
What were the specific sensations and experiences that you feel are enlightenment?
Sorry for late reply Dan, i lost the password and just now i was able to recovered it .
I will continue my post now.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/10/18 7:18 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/8/18 8:31 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
If i have time i will write whole experience , eatch sessions , which is recorded in my book.
Summary (but long),
the technique we practiced is Samahta Yarnika Vipassana
Which starts with Samahta , and then when 1st Jhana is fulfilled , moved immediatedly to vipassana.
The mentors checking every one at every sessions and decide which technique to for who ,
to each person.
The format is 7 hr a day 15 days total of 105 times ,
meal at 4 am and 11 am , permitted to take light food at night.
At the first session we are asked to just breath in breath out and meditate back in our room , just alone for 60 minutes and report back.
Thoughts are wandering around that session.
At second session :
Send Focus on the tip of the nostrils , Recon air entering , recon air going out.
Mind become to clam and still and then things starts to clam down , no more thoughts wandering around .
At the third session:
Send Focus on the tip of the nostrils , Recon air entering , recon air going out.
Send focus to the middle between upper lips , Recon , Knowing .
Then , after Samadi become stronger everything become , i saw a vision :
A Funeral of my Brother in Law , with Name and date written but cant actaully see the year "11/08/20??"
I was immediately worried and saddened, really want to go and warn .
But i keep meditating, then i saw of my body becoming bone , starting my leg to tight, i was frightened.
I reported to mentor after the session , and then he group me to a small group of 4 person , i do not understand why at that time but then he taught us to
Breath in , Breath out , Actknowledge 3 times between lips and nostrils.
After 15 minutes in:
I start seeing lights , dim light and then it starts to fill whole vision.
After reporting that to mentor , he teach how to use my mind to command it to brighten it .
Notice Breath in , Breath out , Acknowledge 3 times between lips and nostrils.
If light appears , stop noticing circles , try to brighten it,
if theres nothing keep noticing
At first it was hard , and after about 3 session , the light become so bright , fills whole vision , like the headlight of truck infront of me.
It becomes so bright to a point that tears starts to comes out , and i cannot comprehend where the light comes from.
Even after meditation.
On second day , Master teaches us to look into the light: after 2 session of looking into light , it starts to change shape and forms .
Then at the afternoon of 2nd day , suddenly it darkens , and then flashes , like camera flashes in pitch dark room , for about 10 times.
and then when looking into light , it changes shapes and forms .
After reporting that , mentor teaches to
1 - Pick any part of the object that appears
2 - Make it brigher
3 - Change color of object.
Objects appears comes in and out of existances , and since they comes and go fast its hard to change color
it tooks me about 5 session to actually change color.
Then at the 3rd day :
After changing color succeeds , mentor teaches to move objects around and change shape and sizes of objects.
It was easier than color and brightening .
The most significant one was when i saw a bright object a round my chest area , i move it into where the palm rest and then
i turn it into a ball , bring ball , move it up and down , and i can do for 10 minutes.
After that i was taught to look into objects , and keep looking as it change forms:
I saw a window like thing then while i look deeply into it , i suddenly felt i was warp to home , at the living room , meditating alone , and i heard my mom calling out house maid.
and then suddenly i snap back , then in another noticing circle , I saw what it looks like Large Corridors , in the cloud , with round Golden props.
Very peaceful and delighted.
After that , I was told to move into next step
3rd Night : Transition to Vipassana
Notice Breath in , Breath out , Ack 3 times between lips and nostrils.
if objects appear : Notice as Seeing , Seeing
If objects appear take note how they appear , how they disappears
[Disappears in a flashes , Blacked out , fade away , move away , etc]
Things starts to appear and disappears in and out of existences so fast that i cannot even count.
And mind is moving so fast , sessions are getting faster and faster.
At first i thought a day is all i going to last. After i experience those unexplained stuff ,
i was convince i am on something very amazing , i am now decided to keep on doing.
4th day : Move to Vipassana
During Samahta , we are allowed to move or stretch around abit (wtihout opening eye) if there are some stress and muscle pain.
But during vipassana those are no longer allowed.
If there is pain , we are taught to recongize it as "painful , painful"
Even if pain is significant and cannot concentrate on other things keep recognizing pain
if you want to move recognize it as
"want to move , want to move "
Notice any event
For example:
Mind :
if you are thinking : recon it as thinking
if you are feeling upset : recon it as upset
if you are feeling unplesent : recon it as unplesent
if you are happy : Recon as plasent
If you feel pain , recon as painful
if you feel itch , recon as itching
if hot , recon as hot
if hungry , recon as hungry
Sense Doors:
if you hear : recon it as hearing hearing
if you see things (like before) recon it as seeing ,
if you smell , recon as smelling smelling
Circles are :
Note Breath in , Breath out , Ack 3 times between lips and nostrils.
if there event recon , if there no events repeat for (5-10 times)
Note Breath in , Breath out , Ack 2 times between sturnum.
if there event recon , if there no events repeat for a few times (5-10 times)
Send mind , to the butt, Notice Sitting , notice it touching to the floor , notice knowing there.
if there event recon , if there no events repeat for (5-10 times)
Send mind , to edge of the feet, Notice it Touching floor , notice knowing.
I do not have time so i will try to make this shorter:
At first I found out that When i reconed each of them correctly , i no longer effected by them,
If i recon pain first , it is just pain , i do not feel angry due to pain.
During samahta , i am disturbed when there are noise around like people coughing , sneezing.
but when i recon those noice successfully , i no longer feel annoyed or, disturbed .
The ego become less and less as it is not me , it is only noise , nothing more than body and mind.
Then in one session enourmous pain, come on the back area, sharp , and slashing pain,
I nevery got stabbed or slashed in my life but i felt like someone slashed my back with a sharp blade severaltimes.
I felt like i wanna run away but i do not give up and recon that slashing pain at my back.
, sometimes tears running down due to pain and even hard to breath.
And emotions cames , want to cry , it was , hardest to reconize.
At the 6th day , i become better at reconing pain and emotions , they disappears faster.
While meditating , time become to slip way so fast and i felt like yogis around me dosen't exist anymore.
I even though everyone left and i was alone
And then i didn't notice time was up , i was meditating for more than 1 hr 15 mins , i only knew it after others are reporting to mentor.
At next session:
While Noticing time starts to flew by faster and faster,
and then suddenly i felt sitting in the middle of the sun, warmth and , felt like whole body radiating so brightly .
The warmth and happiness continues after the meditation , for a few hour till next session.
At next session
It got to a point , 3/4 of body seems to diappeared, i just can't feel anymore.
only the , ankles and the chest area remain noticiable.
Everything disappeared like i do not feel i have arms and legs anymore . I was scared and don't know what to do.
I reported and mentor taught me to recon remain parts as knowing knowing only.
I was afraid and ask , "Master what will happen if those disappeared , what will happen to me"
He just smile and , saids you will know.
That didn't happen again in next session so i was a bit faustrated , thinking something is wrong.
That session was the most boring session , i ever had , there is nothing , i feel nothing to recognize , no pain , no event noticiable. All i do is repeating the circles till ran out of time.I had never actually bored that much in my life.
I even want to stop meditating and told my mentor that , something is wrong , nothing to recognize . He saids just keep doing.
Then in next session, the same , boring , and i become tired of boring , so I keep on trying hard on noticing circle.
The seventh day:
Early sessions are same boring , one session after lunch:
While noticing thoughts come in and to the point that i can't notice anymore ,
it become a dream like-state so i just tag my conciousness along , to bring back to meditation.
Then my face become so itching and then, i felt sharp pain in my abodmen.
I thought due to food i ate , but never the less i try to recon , it become so immense and move downwards inside stomach.
I recon every second of it by concerntrating deeply and deeply, my neck become stiff.
And suddenly:
I can't feel anything anymore
No concept of time
No concept of space.
There is no notcing.
There is no concept of feel anymore.
No Breathing
There is no "my body"
There is no "mind".
It is not Darkness
It is not "Not Seeing"
It is not "Not Hearing"
It is not "Not Noticing"
it is not "Slip in time"
I can't find my breath
There is no "I" .
Can't notice of touching
Can't notice of feeling
Can't Notice of Knowing
Can't Notice of "not Knowing"
There is no nothing
There is no anything
Then when i was back with a flash of bright light , but unlike i have seen during Samantha mediation.
i felt refreshed , like new person , i know something that never felt before. So peaceful and profound yet i don't know what it is.
it is not like piti that comes from Samantha meditation ,
It is not like happiness or peace.
When i realize , my neck was fall down from meditating posture.
It is not Unconciousness:
i had once hit by MotorCycle while in bangkok.
i was flown 8 feet away head hit with road. I was unconcious for 2-3 minutes.
i know what Unconciousness is. During Unconciousness state , i realize there still is mind during that time.
I felt darkness and mind of that i want to go running to my ex-gf at that time.
Nothing like that.
After the session , i reported to my mentor and he ask if i was fallen asleep , i told no , it is impossible.
Then he told me to report only at the last after everyone reported in next sessions.
In next session :
every noticing events happens faster and faster , i can notice things more clearly on mind level.
There are many mind events that i only know happened after noticed , like before breathing there is one event start with
"Wants to breath in" also when breathing out , the same "Want to breath out"
Those stuff become appearent.
I try to notice as many as i can , and then "Snaps" again.
Then it happens about 6 times in that session.
My mentor just nods and then tell me to report how many times each session happens and how long they are.
And in another session it was significant.
My body become lighter , noting lightness , and nothing left to notice so i just notice "Knowing , Knowing"
and then suddenly "Snaps"
I only know it took about 20 minutes (i didn't know there was bell rang) after yogis are reporting already .
At first I didn't know they are cessation , i know it is most significant thing ever happen to me.
But it put firmly in my belief that i am on right path , and i firmly believe in nibanna.
After the longest one:
Those pains , and things from the start comes back again , for about 1-2 days , there was no ceasing , until 9th day ,
It back to ceasing again ,
it was ceasing rapidly that i can't even get my head up ( 40 times within 15 minutes).
on 12th day , we are allowed to listed to Vipassana Nana , some those are not allowed are sent back before that session ,
to come back later ( only about 4 person).
Those are not allowed to listen are never reach cessation during mediation.
So to prevent "Fake Cessation" Nana are never taught to those who do not get Enlightenment.
From Nana 1 to 16th in brief. I was so amazed that everything in there happened to me.
Summary (but long),
the technique we practiced is Samahta Yarnika Vipassana
Which starts with Samahta , and then when 1st Jhana is fulfilled , moved immediatedly to vipassana.
The mentors checking every one at every sessions and decide which technique to for who ,
to each person.
The format is 7 hr a day 15 days total of 105 times ,
meal at 4 am and 11 am , permitted to take light food at night.
At the first session we are asked to just breath in breath out and meditate back in our room , just alone for 60 minutes and report back.
Thoughts are wandering around that session.
At second session :
Send Focus on the tip of the nostrils , Recon air entering , recon air going out.
Mind become to clam and still and then things starts to clam down , no more thoughts wandering around .
At the third session:
Send Focus on the tip of the nostrils , Recon air entering , recon air going out.
Send focus to the middle between upper lips , Recon , Knowing .
Then , after Samadi become stronger everything become , i saw a vision :
A Funeral of my Brother in Law , with Name and date written but cant actaully see the year "11/08/20??"
I was immediately worried and saddened, really want to go and warn .
But i keep meditating, then i saw of my body becoming bone , starting my leg to tight, i was frightened.
I reported to mentor after the session , and then he group me to a small group of 4 person , i do not understand why at that time but then he taught us to
Breath in , Breath out , Actknowledge 3 times between lips and nostrils.
After 15 minutes in:
I start seeing lights , dim light and then it starts to fill whole vision.
After reporting that to mentor , he teach how to use my mind to command it to brighten it .
Notice Breath in , Breath out , Acknowledge 3 times between lips and nostrils.
If light appears , stop noticing circles , try to brighten it,
if theres nothing keep noticing
At first it was hard , and after about 3 session , the light become so bright , fills whole vision , like the headlight of truck infront of me.
It becomes so bright to a point that tears starts to comes out , and i cannot comprehend where the light comes from.
Even after meditation.
On second day , Master teaches us to look into the light: after 2 session of looking into light , it starts to change shape and forms .
Then at the afternoon of 2nd day , suddenly it darkens , and then flashes , like camera flashes in pitch dark room , for about 10 times.
and then when looking into light , it changes shapes and forms .
After reporting that , mentor teaches to
1 - Pick any part of the object that appears
2 - Make it brigher
3 - Change color of object.
Objects appears comes in and out of existances , and since they comes and go fast its hard to change color
it tooks me about 5 session to actually change color.
Then at the 3rd day :
After changing color succeeds , mentor teaches to move objects around and change shape and sizes of objects.
It was easier than color and brightening .
The most significant one was when i saw a bright object a round my chest area , i move it into where the palm rest and then
i turn it into a ball , bring ball , move it up and down , and i can do for 10 minutes.
After that i was taught to look into objects , and keep looking as it change forms:
I saw a window like thing then while i look deeply into it , i suddenly felt i was warp to home , at the living room , meditating alone , and i heard my mom calling out house maid.
and then suddenly i snap back , then in another noticing circle , I saw what it looks like Large Corridors , in the cloud , with round Golden props.
Very peaceful and delighted.
After that , I was told to move into next step
3rd Night : Transition to Vipassana
Notice Breath in , Breath out , Ack 3 times between lips and nostrils.
if objects appear : Notice as Seeing , Seeing
If objects appear take note how they appear , how they disappears
[Disappears in a flashes , Blacked out , fade away , move away , etc]
Things starts to appear and disappears in and out of existences so fast that i cannot even count.
And mind is moving so fast , sessions are getting faster and faster.
At first i thought a day is all i going to last. After i experience those unexplained stuff ,
i was convince i am on something very amazing , i am now decided to keep on doing.
4th day : Move to Vipassana
During Samahta , we are allowed to move or stretch around abit (wtihout opening eye) if there are some stress and muscle pain.
But during vipassana those are no longer allowed.
If there is pain , we are taught to recongize it as "painful , painful"
Even if pain is significant and cannot concentrate on other things keep recognizing pain
if you want to move recognize it as
"want to move , want to move "
Notice any event
For example:
Mind :
if you are thinking : recon it as thinking
if you are feeling upset : recon it as upset
if you are feeling unplesent : recon it as unplesent
if you are happy : Recon as plasent
If you feel pain , recon as painful
if you feel itch , recon as itching
if hot , recon as hot
if hungry , recon as hungry
Sense Doors:
if you hear : recon it as hearing hearing
if you see things (like before) recon it as seeing ,
if you smell , recon as smelling smelling
Circles are :
Note Breath in , Breath out , Ack 3 times between lips and nostrils.
if there event recon , if there no events repeat for (5-10 times)
Note Breath in , Breath out , Ack 2 times between sturnum.
if there event recon , if there no events repeat for a few times (5-10 times)
Send mind , to the butt, Notice Sitting , notice it touching to the floor , notice knowing there.
if there event recon , if there no events repeat for (5-10 times)
Send mind , to edge of the feet, Notice it Touching floor , notice knowing.
I do not have time so i will try to make this shorter:
At first I found out that When i reconed each of them correctly , i no longer effected by them,
If i recon pain first , it is just pain , i do not feel angry due to pain.
During samahta , i am disturbed when there are noise around like people coughing , sneezing.
but when i recon those noice successfully , i no longer feel annoyed or, disturbed .
The ego become less and less as it is not me , it is only noise , nothing more than body and mind.
Then in one session enourmous pain, come on the back area, sharp , and slashing pain,
I nevery got stabbed or slashed in my life but i felt like someone slashed my back with a sharp blade severaltimes.
I felt like i wanna run away but i do not give up and recon that slashing pain at my back.
, sometimes tears running down due to pain and even hard to breath.
And emotions cames , want to cry , it was , hardest to reconize.
At the 6th day , i become better at reconing pain and emotions , they disappears faster.
While meditating , time become to slip way so fast and i felt like yogis around me dosen't exist anymore.
I even though everyone left and i was alone
And then i didn't notice time was up , i was meditating for more than 1 hr 15 mins , i only knew it after others are reporting to mentor.
At next session:
While Noticing time starts to flew by faster and faster,
and then suddenly i felt sitting in the middle of the sun, warmth and , felt like whole body radiating so brightly .
The warmth and happiness continues after the meditation , for a few hour till next session.
At next session
It got to a point , 3/4 of body seems to diappeared, i just can't feel anymore.
only the , ankles and the chest area remain noticiable.
Everything disappeared like i do not feel i have arms and legs anymore . I was scared and don't know what to do.
I reported and mentor taught me to recon remain parts as knowing knowing only.
I was afraid and ask , "Master what will happen if those disappeared , what will happen to me"
He just smile and , saids you will know.
That didn't happen again in next session so i was a bit faustrated , thinking something is wrong.
That session was the most boring session , i ever had , there is nothing , i feel nothing to recognize , no pain , no event noticiable. All i do is repeating the circles till ran out of time.I had never actually bored that much in my life.
I even want to stop meditating and told my mentor that , something is wrong , nothing to recognize . He saids just keep doing.
Then in next session, the same , boring , and i become tired of boring , so I keep on trying hard on noticing circle.
The seventh day:
Early sessions are same boring , one session after lunch:
While noticing thoughts come in and to the point that i can't notice anymore ,
it become a dream like-state so i just tag my conciousness along , to bring back to meditation.
Then my face become so itching and then, i felt sharp pain in my abodmen.
I thought due to food i ate , but never the less i try to recon , it become so immense and move downwards inside stomach.
I recon every second of it by concerntrating deeply and deeply, my neck become stiff.
And suddenly:
I can't feel anything anymore
No concept of time
No concept of space.
There is no notcing.
There is no concept of feel anymore.
No Breathing
There is no "my body"
There is no "mind".
It is not Darkness
It is not "Not Seeing"
It is not "Not Hearing"
It is not "Not Noticing"
it is not "Slip in time"
I can't find my breath
There is no "I" .
Can't notice of touching
Can't notice of feeling
Can't Notice of Knowing
Can't Notice of "not Knowing"
There is no nothing
There is no anything
Then when i was back with a flash of bright light , but unlike i have seen during Samantha mediation.
i felt refreshed , like new person , i know something that never felt before. So peaceful and profound yet i don't know what it is.
it is not like piti that comes from Samantha meditation ,
It is not like happiness or peace.
When i realize , my neck was fall down from meditating posture.
It is not Unconciousness:
i had once hit by MotorCycle while in bangkok.
i was flown 8 feet away head hit with road. I was unconcious for 2-3 minutes.
i know what Unconciousness is. During Unconciousness state , i realize there still is mind during that time.
I felt darkness and mind of that i want to go running to my ex-gf at that time.
Nothing like that.
After the session , i reported to my mentor and he ask if i was fallen asleep , i told no , it is impossible.
Then he told me to report only at the last after everyone reported in next sessions.
In next session :
every noticing events happens faster and faster , i can notice things more clearly on mind level.
There are many mind events that i only know happened after noticed , like before breathing there is one event start with
"Wants to breath in" also when breathing out , the same "Want to breath out"
Those stuff become appearent.
I try to notice as many as i can , and then "Snaps" again.
Then it happens about 6 times in that session.
My mentor just nods and then tell me to report how many times each session happens and how long they are.
And in another session it was significant.
My body become lighter , noting lightness , and nothing left to notice so i just notice "Knowing , Knowing"
and then suddenly "Snaps"
I only know it took about 20 minutes (i didn't know there was bell rang) after yogis are reporting already .
At first I didn't know they are cessation , i know it is most significant thing ever happen to me.
But it put firmly in my belief that i am on right path , and i firmly believe in nibanna.
After the longest one:
Those pains , and things from the start comes back again , for about 1-2 days , there was no ceasing , until 9th day ,
It back to ceasing again ,
it was ceasing rapidly that i can't even get my head up ( 40 times within 15 minutes).
on 12th day , we are allowed to listed to Vipassana Nana , some those are not allowed are sent back before that session ,
to come back later ( only about 4 person).
Those are not allowed to listen are never reach cessation during mediation.
So to prevent "Fake Cessation" Nana are never taught to those who do not get Enlightenment.
From Nana 1 to 16th in brief. I was so amazed that everything in there happened to me.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/9/18 7:24 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/9/18 7:24 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent PostsNoah D, modified 6 Years ago at 5/9/18 11:39 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/9/18 11:39 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 1227 Join Date: 9/1/16 Recent PostsPyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/10/18 3:41 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/10/18 3:33 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
Thank you very much , sorry there will be a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes , i will correct them as i have time.
I am finding my note book back , i will write down later how it develops session by session , it will be bout 40 Pages.
The way i have practices is very clear and simple , i had also trained one guy i met online , from spain , and he developed fast, too and he have been check by my mentor .
But mentor warned me that the pratice , especially Samantha pratice we have learnt is dangerous without a proper mentor
and if something wrong during samahta is is very hard to move to vipassana , causing "Fake cessation" and can lead wrong way from path.
and he warned me in certain vipassna stage , it needs an experienced mentor to guide trrough.
I am finding my note book back , i will write down later how it develops session by session , it will be bout 40 Pages.
The way i have practices is very clear and simple , i had also trained one guy i met online , from spain , and he developed fast, too and he have been check by my mentor .
But mentor warned me that the pratice , especially Samantha pratice we have learnt is dangerous without a proper mentor
and if something wrong during samahta is is very hard to move to vipassana , causing "Fake cessation" and can lead wrong way from path.
and he warned me in certain vipassna stage , it needs an experienced mentor to guide trrough.
neko, modified 6 Years ago at 5/10/18 5:28 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/10/18 5:28 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 763 Join Date: 11/26/14 Recent Posts
Thanks for the report. The practice progression itself seems very interesting. Anapanasati, then switch focus to the visual nimitta, then Mahasi noting.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 2:51 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/10/18 7:49 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
Sayardaw Phayarr San Di Mar (founder of Aung Thu Kha) was from Mahasi.
Sayardaw have belief that , during buddha's time that People got enlightenment within 7-15 days average, and he have firm belief that is doable with correct guidance.
During his journey to become arahant , Sayardaw tried to find out the fastest way possible according to his belief.
After Arahant (i think 30 years ago) , Sayardaw started accepting yogis , at first duration of each intake was 45 days.
Back then , there was just a small wooden school , and yogi meditate on ground with mat.
Sayardaw checks and apply different method to different yogi , that way he tried to find out the easiest and fastest approach.
Then according to the success rate , total duration was decreased from 45 to 30 days , to now 15 days.
Before it was 15 days samahta , 30 days vipassana , now 3 - 5 days samahta (according to status of yogi) and the rest vispassana.
Now there are 7 Aung Thu Kha meditation centers across Myanmar , All mentor Monks had to be at-least Anagami level and now 10 anagami stage mentors in total currently.
But there are already hundreds of anagami yogis in Myanmar. A lot more Sotapanna and Sadagam , from Aung Thu Kha.
In my experience , AungThuKha is the only center in Myanmar that guides yogi till 3rd stage enlightenment.
After 15 days meditation, those who success are tasked to meditated at home 1-2 times a day , and report back every 40 times.
Sayardaw and Mentor Monks check every reports and give different meditation/noting/ also wishing way to advance to 2nd and 3rd stages.
Sayardaw is now over 90 years old and preparing for paratenibanna.
EDIT: wrong spelling on Saydardaw's name corrected.
Sayardaw have belief that , during buddha's time that People got enlightenment within 7-15 days average, and he have firm belief that is doable with correct guidance.
During his journey to become arahant , Sayardaw tried to find out the fastest way possible according to his belief.
After Arahant (i think 30 years ago) , Sayardaw started accepting yogis , at first duration of each intake was 45 days.
Back then , there was just a small wooden school , and yogi meditate on ground with mat.
Sayardaw checks and apply different method to different yogi , that way he tried to find out the easiest and fastest approach.
Then according to the success rate , total duration was decreased from 45 to 30 days , to now 15 days.
Before it was 15 days samahta , 30 days vipassana , now 3 - 5 days samahta (according to status of yogi) and the rest vispassana.
Now there are 7 Aung Thu Kha meditation centers across Myanmar , All mentor Monks had to be at-least Anagami level and now 10 anagami stage mentors in total currently.
But there are already hundreds of anagami yogis in Myanmar. A lot more Sotapanna and Sadagam , from Aung Thu Kha.
In my experience , AungThuKha is the only center in Myanmar that guides yogi till 3rd stage enlightenment.
After 15 days meditation, those who success are tasked to meditated at home 1-2 times a day , and report back every 40 times.
Sayardaw and Mentor Monks check every reports and give different meditation/noting/ also wishing way to advance to 2nd and 3rd stages.
Sayardaw is now over 90 years old and preparing for paratenibanna.
EDIT: wrong spelling on Saydardaw's name corrected.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/10/18 8:07 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/10/18 7:58 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
I forgot to add important piece
From forum i have seen that many practioners of vipassana are trying to notice everything. Especially Five Senses Doors.
Priorities are like this :
in Early Stages:
Five senses > Body > Mind
and at middle stages
(body Mostly)
And in last stages:
Mind > Body > Five Senses
EDIT: Sorry for name change , this account was created during i was a monk (monk name) .
From forum i have seen that many practioners of vipassana are trying to notice everything. Especially Five Senses Doors.
Priorities are like this :
in Early Stages:
Five senses > Body > Mind
and at middle stages
(body Mostly)
And in last stages:
Mind > Body > Five Senses
EDIT: Sorry for name change , this account was created during i was a monk (monk name) .
Noah D, modified 6 Years ago at 5/10/18 8:22 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/10/18 8:20 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 1227 Join Date: 9/1/16 Recent PostsPhyo Arkar:
Sayardaw Phayarr Than Ti Mar (founder of Aung Thu Kha) was from Mahasi.
Sayardaw have belief that , during buddha's time that People got enlightenment within 7-15 days average, and he have firm belief that is doable with correct guidance.
During his journey to become arahant , Sayardaw tried to find out the fastest way possible according to his belief.
After Arahant (i think 30 years ago) , Sayardaw started accepting yogis , at first duration of each intake was 45 days.
Back then , there was just a small wooden school , and yogi meditate on ground with mat.
Sayardaw checks and apply different method to different yogi , that way he tried to find out the easiest and fastest approach.
Then according to the success rate , total duration was decreased from 45 to 30 days , to now 15 days.
Before it was 15 days samahta , 30 days vipassana , now 3 - 5 days samahta (according to status of yogi) and the rest vispassana.
Now there are 7 Aung Thu Kha meditation centers across Myanmar , All mentor Monks had to be at-least Anagami level and now 10 anagami stage mentors in total currently.
But there are already hundreds of anagami yogis in Myanmar. A lot more Sotapanna and Sadagam , from Aung Thu Kha.
In my experience , AungThuKha is the only center in Myanmar that guides yogi till 3rd stage enlightenment.
After 15 days meditation, those who success are tasked to meditated at home 1-2 times a day , and report back every 40 times.
Sayardaw and Mentor Monks check every reports and give different meditation/noting/ also wishing way to advance to 2nd and 3rd stages.
Sayardaw is now over 90 years old and preparing for paratenibanna.
Sayardaw have belief that , during buddha's time that People got enlightenment within 7-15 days average, and he have firm belief that is doable with correct guidance.
During his journey to become arahant , Sayardaw tried to find out the fastest way possible according to his belief.
After Arahant (i think 30 years ago) , Sayardaw started accepting yogis , at first duration of each intake was 45 days.
Back then , there was just a small wooden school , and yogi meditate on ground with mat.
Sayardaw checks and apply different method to different yogi , that way he tried to find out the easiest and fastest approach.
Then according to the success rate , total duration was decreased from 45 to 30 days , to now 15 days.
Before it was 15 days samahta , 30 days vipassana , now 3 - 5 days samahta (according to status of yogi) and the rest vispassana.
Now there are 7 Aung Thu Kha meditation centers across Myanmar , All mentor Monks had to be at-least Anagami level and now 10 anagami stage mentors in total currently.
But there are already hundreds of anagami yogis in Myanmar. A lot more Sotapanna and Sadagam , from Aung Thu Kha.
In my experience , AungThuKha is the only center in Myanmar that guides yogi till 3rd stage enlightenment.
After 15 days meditation, those who success are tasked to meditated at home 1-2 times a day , and report back every 40 times.
Sayardaw and Mentor Monks check every reports and give different meditation/noting/ also wishing way to advance to 2nd and 3rd stages.
Sayardaw is now over 90 years old and preparing for paratenibanna.
Love it.
I wish all mainstream Buddhist groups in the U.S. would have a chance to watch a video of this gentleman (apologies for my ignorance, I'm assuming he's lineaged, been ordained a long time given his title, etc) explaining this process outright. I wonder how that would cause them to rethink things... the idea that laypeople. without much previous experience, on only a handful of really well-taught retreats, with strong intentions, could make solid steps into the progress of insight.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 4:39 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 3:19 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
Title (Sayardaw Phayarr) means Head Monk of the Monestry.
Here is sayardaw's recent video on aung thukha's basic teachings question /answer for Steam-Entry.
He only stay in that Monastery and teaching enlightenment to yogi in that Pegu Aung Thu Kha Meditation Center for past 30 years since after reaching Arahantship (by leaving society for years and medititating in forest ) .
Very rare to find his videos . Even in Myanmar.
- In this video he is teaching that
- Just learning teachings (by heart) won't be enough
- Just 5 precepts is not enough.
- Praticing Vipassana and Samhta is what is needed for enlightenment.
Using an example during buddha time , a monk named Kaw Si La , who is the teacher of dhamma to 500 monks:
- He is very educated , learnt all dhamma teaching by heart. Can remember all teachings , And very proud of himself.
- But he didn't had really praticed meditation Not even enlightement reach yet.
- He teaches dhamma to many young monks
- When he come to homage buddha , budda told him just one word "Useless"
- He then realize and shocked then he tried to ask all of prominent Arahants to teach him path to enlightenment.
- But seeing as he is prominent monk and teacher of monks , Arahants told him that you already can remember Tripitaka so we don'tneed to teach you.
- That leads to a meditating Young Novice Monk , and he asked him to teach him.
- Young Monk ask him do you really want dhamma ?
- Kaw Si La saids yes , please
- Young Monk then told him to go backwards to the pound.
- He accept and walks backward till he is in the pound and his robe wet.
- Young Monk then asked to stop and tell him.
- A Lizard goes into a Mound with 6 Holes , to catch him you have to Close 5 holes , and wait at one hole.
- He realize and practied immediately. And that quickly Lead Kaw Si La to enlightement
- That is the way Aung Thu Kha used.
- Sayardaw explained how Kaw Thi La become Arahant Quicky
- Mound is body , 6 hole is 6 senses doors , Closing 5 holes is shutting down 5 senses doors.
- Leaving Breathing in Breath out behind , and Catching the Lizard means
When Air Coming in : Notice as Comes in
When Air Goes out : Nothing as Goes Out
- How Kaw Thi La Become Arahant So quickly?
- Air goes in , Can you hold that Breath forever ?
- Anicca
- Air goes in , Air Goes out , as you cannot hold it forever , and it is not working as you want , do you stasifty ?
- Dukkha
- Breath goes in and out , in our entire life , is there self attached to it , is that under our control?
- Anatta
- Knowing that 3 Charactice Existance , leads to enlightments quickly.
Here is sayardaw's recent video on aung thukha's basic teachings question /answer for Steam-Entry.
He only stay in that Monastery and teaching enlightenment to yogi in that Pegu Aung Thu Kha Meditation Center for past 30 years since after reaching Arahantship (by leaving society for years and medititating in forest ) .
Very rare to find his videos . Even in Myanmar.
- In this video he is teaching that
- Just learning teachings (by heart) won't be enough
- Just 5 precepts is not enough.
- Praticing Vipassana and Samhta is what is needed for enlightenment.
Using an example during buddha time , a monk named Kaw Si La , who is the teacher of dhamma to 500 monks:
- He is very educated , learnt all dhamma teaching by heart. Can remember all teachings , And very proud of himself.
- But he didn't had really praticed meditation Not even enlightement reach yet.
- He teaches dhamma to many young monks
- When he come to homage buddha , budda told him just one word "Useless"
- He then realize and shocked then he tried to ask all of prominent Arahants to teach him path to enlightenment.
- But seeing as he is prominent monk and teacher of monks , Arahants told him that you already can remember Tripitaka so we don'tneed to teach you.
- That leads to a meditating Young Novice Monk , and he asked him to teach him.
- Young Monk ask him do you really want dhamma ?
- Kaw Si La saids yes , please
- Young Monk then told him to go backwards to the pound.
- He accept and walks backward till he is in the pound and his robe wet.
- Young Monk then asked to stop and tell him.
- A Lizard goes into a Mound with 6 Holes , to catch him you have to Close 5 holes , and wait at one hole.
- He realize and practied immediately. And that quickly Lead Kaw Si La to enlightement
- That is the way Aung Thu Kha used.
- Sayardaw explained how Kaw Thi La become Arahant Quicky
- Mound is body , 6 hole is 6 senses doors , Closing 5 holes is shutting down 5 senses doors.
- Leaving Breathing in Breath out behind , and Catching the Lizard means
When Air Coming in : Notice as Comes in
When Air Goes out : Nothing as Goes Out
- How Kaw Thi La Become Arahant So quickly?
- Air goes in , Can you hold that Breath forever ?
- Anicca
- Air goes in , Air Goes out , as you cannot hold it forever , and it is not working as you want , do you stasifty ?
- Dukkha
- Breath goes in and out , in our entire life , is there self attached to it , is that under our control?
- Anatta
- Knowing that 3 Charactice Existance , leads to enlightments quickly.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 8:42 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 4:07 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
Also on this video , Sayardaw explains in Buddha times , Buddha Categoried 4 kind of person and
How fast they gain enlightement.
He saids , first 2 type is no longer seen but the last two
he saids we are in third type:
Who gain enlightment in 7 days or more and buddha rate them Slowest kind of Enlightenment. (I don't know about how fast the first two kind is because : if 7 days is the slowest kind)
But those :
Murdering one's own mother.
Murdering one's own father.
Murdering an arahant.
Maliciously injuring the Buddha to the point of drawing blood.
Deliberately creating a schism in the monastic community.
Will never gain enlightenment.
I just learn , the first two category are
1 - Those that gain enlightement within one listening of Dhamma (Fastest)
2 - Those that gain Enlightment within one session of meditation to less than 7 days (Intermediate)
3 - Those that gain Enlightment after 7 days or more (Slowest)
Sayardaw saids 1 and 2 are only seen during buddha's time
3 can be doable even in these days and his belife have been proven.
How fast they gain enlightement.
He saids , first 2 type is no longer seen but the last two
he saids we are in third type:
Who gain enlightment in 7 days or more and buddha rate them Slowest kind of Enlightenment. (I don't know about how fast the first two kind is because : if 7 days is the slowest kind)
But those :
Murdering one's own mother.
Murdering one's own father.
Murdering an arahant.
Maliciously injuring the Buddha to the point of drawing blood.
Deliberately creating a schism in the monastic community.
Will never gain enlightenment.
I just learn , the first two category are
1 - Those that gain enlightement within one listening of Dhamma (Fastest)
2 - Those that gain Enlightment within one session of meditation to less than 7 days (Intermediate)
3 - Those that gain Enlightment after 7 days or more (Slowest)
Sayardaw saids 1 and 2 are only seen during buddha's time
3 can be doable even in these days and his belife have been proven.
Jinxed P, modified 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 7:08 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 7:08 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 347 Join Date: 8/29/11 Recent Posts
Are these retreats taught by teachers who speak English?
Also, how has your enlightenment maintatined since your attainment. Meaning, how do you experience the world differently than before? Your emotional life? As well as your perception of the senses, etc? Reduction in craving..etc.
Are these retreats taught by teachers who speak English?
Also, how has your enlightenment maintatined since your attainment. Meaning, how do you experience the world differently than before? Your emotional life? As well as your perception of the senses, etc? Reduction in craving..etc.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 9:05 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 7:53 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
For the retreat , they are only taught by Burmese speaking mentor monks.
But my master , was a doctor , and he have good English.
Now he is guiding my disciple in English over online after i taught him online , to next steps.
Alot had changed
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and always pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not paying and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not termiate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one recon.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Before i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I can be contented easily than before (both good and bad thing).
> how has your enlightenment maintatined since your attainment
After retreat , we got to meditate 2 times a day (1 hr each) 5 times on weekend
- After 40 times report back to my mentor
- He check the progress.
On home meditation do not need to write full reports , only some strange one need to be reported.
But in this format:
- DateTime
- Pleasent/Unpleasent
- How many Cessation (Phala) occour within 1 session or not
- How many minutes if it occours
- Comment
Also before meditation we have to sat 3 types of aim by Wishing (i tried to translate closly to english)
May i Gain Fruitation of Stream Entry (10 Sessions)
May i Gain Phala for Longer period (10 Sessions)
May I enter Nibanna (10 session)
But my master , was a doctor , and he have good English.
Now he is guiding my disciple in English over online after i taught him online , to next steps.
Alot had changed
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and always pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not paying and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not termiate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one recon.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Before i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I can be contented easily than before (both good and bad thing).
> how has your enlightenment maintatined since your attainment
After retreat , we got to meditate 2 times a day (1 hr each) 5 times on weekend
- After 40 times report back to my mentor
- He check the progress.
On home meditation do not need to write full reports , only some strange one need to be reported.
But in this format:
- DateTime
- Pleasent/Unpleasent
- How many Cessation (Phala) occour within 1 session or not
- How many minutes if it occours
- Comment
Also before meditation we have to sat 3 types of aim by Wishing (i tried to translate closly to english)
May i Gain Fruitation of Stream Entry (10 Sessions)
May i Gain Phala for Longer period (10 Sessions)
May I enter Nibanna (10 session)
Rednaxela, modified 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 8:18 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 8:18 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 158 Join Date: 12/23/11 Recent Posts
Thank you for posting this Phyo! It is very much appreciated.
Can i ask: how did you know of this forum?
Can i ask: how did you know of this forum?
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 8:34 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 8:28 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
Via google while looking for Theravada Buddhist communities, and this one seems to be only forum paracting right path.
Rednaxela, modified 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 9:27 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 8:46 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 158 Join Date: 12/23/11 Recent Posts
Well done! I'm grateful to have you on this message board and very much appreciate your detailed notes.
Are you a Burmese national? I would love to understand that video you posted but imagine that you've told us what we need to know.
Can I also ask how would you compare Aung Thu Ka with Panditarama or other Mahasi centres? I can't wait til i can get a few months off to get there. I was in Malaysia in 2017 with U Pannathami who's English is excellent but I showed up jetlagged a day after 40 hours of flying so he may have thought I was a bit slow. I left full of energy but only after only 11 days retreat with him.
With Metta
Are you a Burmese national? I would love to understand that video you posted but imagine that you've told us what we need to know.
Can I also ask how would you compare Aung Thu Ka with Panditarama or other Mahasi centres? I can't wait til i can get a few months off to get there. I was in Malaysia in 2017 with U Pannathami who's English is excellent but I showed up jetlagged a day after 40 hours of flying so he may have thought I was a bit slow. I left full of energy but only after only 11 days retreat with him.
With Metta
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 9:04 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 9:03 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
I am Burmese National ,
I was not religious and never practiced anything only thing i withhold is 5 precept and just some belief that there is Nibanna
But that is until Aung Thu Kha Retreat.
I do not know much in Pali ,
Those lists are pretty much 50% of what sayardaw taught , there are more , which are questions and answers.
> Can I also ask how would you compare Aung Thu Ka with Panditarama or other Mahasi centres?
I do not know Panditarama
My mother gain enlightenment after 7 month after Mahasi center retreat ,
But AFAIK , Aung Thu Kha is only center i know of to guide on progress after
Stream Entry to next stages ( and overwhelming success rate of S.E around 80-90 percent).
I was not religious and never practiced anything only thing i withhold is 5 precept and just some belief that there is Nibanna
But that is until Aung Thu Kha Retreat.
I do not know much in Pali ,
Those lists are pretty much 50% of what sayardaw taught , there are more , which are questions and answers.
> Can I also ask how would you compare Aung Thu Ka with Panditarama or other Mahasi centres?
I do not know Panditarama
My mother gain enlightenment after 7 month after Mahasi center retreat ,
But AFAIK , Aung Thu Kha is only center i know of to guide on progress after
Stream Entry to next stages ( and overwhelming success rate of S.E around 80-90 percent).
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 9:22 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/11/18 9:17 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
Most others Center i know are Full Vipassana
(Mogok - Focus mostly on Arising and Passing Away )
(Mahasi - Full Vipassna)
(Myay Sin - Samahta 30days , till 4th Jhana is fulfilled , and then Vispassan 15 days - 45 days total , many yogi who practiced there gains past life experiences , some report see their animal past lives etc , not just human life )
The main difference of Aung Thu Ka is Systematic Guidance Approach and Hybrid of Samahta and Vipassa
The Mentors ( 3rd Stage , Anagami and monks) Check everyone carefully- like everyone got their own private tutor.
- Guide what to do in next session after listening to the report
- Everyone is profiled carefully , cannot even lie , mentors know what is not included in the report and ask Why it is not reported (
like fallen asleep, move abit to relax , even cough or sneeze got to report , or if you hear caught and sneeze of others , and frightened not included in report)
- They are very carefully in that , even vistors (friends and family) are not allowed in certain important days to visit their yogis - those Nana that wants to run away.
(Mogok - Focus mostly on Arising and Passing Away )
(Mahasi - Full Vipassna)
(Myay Sin - Samahta 30days , till 4th Jhana is fulfilled , and then Vispassan 15 days - 45 days total , many yogi who practiced there gains past life experiences , some report see their animal past lives etc , not just human life )
The main difference of Aung Thu Ka is Systematic Guidance Approach and Hybrid of Samahta and Vipassa
The Mentors ( 3rd Stage , Anagami and monks) Check everyone carefully- like everyone got their own private tutor.
- Guide what to do in next session after listening to the report
- Everyone is profiled carefully , cannot even lie , mentors know what is not included in the report and ask Why it is not reported (
like fallen asleep, move abit to relax , even cough or sneeze got to report , or if you hear caught and sneeze of others , and frightened not included in report)
- They are very carefully in that , even vistors (friends and family) are not allowed in certain important days to visit their yogis - those Nana that wants to run away.
tamaha, modified 6 Years ago at 5/13/18 12:56 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/13/18 12:56 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 62 Join Date: 5/17/17 Recent Posts
Dear Phyo, thanks for sharing. Sounds too good to believe such a thing exists. Happy for you.
Could you please tell if there are Non Burmese speaking yogis there? Is there a way to make sure the availability of an English speaking teacher there? You said your master teaches online. Is there a way to be his student online from a different country?
Could you please tell if there are Non Burmese speaking yogis there? Is there a way to make sure the availability of an English speaking teacher there? You said your master teaches online. Is there a way to be his student online from a different country?
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/13/18 11:21 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/13/18 11:21 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
thank you very much
my master do not teach online,
he only accepted my disciple as his after he practiced under my guidance for 12 days.
he is miguel, from spain, i asked him to post here too
i met him on an anonymous image board and he says in line of he want to end suffering, i saw that as a good sign and i decided to teach him
i taught him online and then he progress in a way that i do not expect and then i requested my master to accept as disciple and introduced him to my master
who check up and confirm his stage
availability of an English teacher = no
currently no foreigner had accepted at mediation center due to language barrier, but that may change in future.
Miguel will post here about his experience
my master do not teach online,
he only accepted my disciple as his after he practiced under my guidance for 12 days.
he is miguel, from spain, i asked him to post here too
i met him on an anonymous image board and he says in line of he want to end suffering, i saw that as a good sign and i decided to teach him
i taught him online and then he progress in a way that i do not expect and then i requested my master to accept as disciple and introduced him to my master
who check up and confirm his stage
availability of an English teacher = no
currently no foreigner had accepted at mediation center due to language barrier, but that may change in future.
Miguel will post here about his experience
Miguel, modified 6 Years ago at 5/13/18 12:13 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/13/18 11:48 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 4 Join Date: 5/10/18 Recent Posts
Hello everyone!
Let me begin by apologising for taking so much time to post, and thanks to my master Phyo Arkar for his patience!
I would like to share my experience with meditation.
I attained enlightenment within a few weeks of practice, I was kindly taught by Phyo Arkar, to whom I owe everything.
I live in Spain and here meditation and Buddhism is not very popular, and the few who call themselves "Buddhists" have no idea what they're talking about, so I always thought Buddhism was a bit dodgy, and I never really paid much attention. Silly me. What fool I was. Anyway, I decided to give meditation a shot because why not? I met with Phyo Arkar on another website where in a thread, he convinced me to meditate.
He was a bit surprised since seemingly I was a tiny bit more advanced than normal, because I told him that "I want to stop being human". I had done a bit of thought work myself.
He taught me all there is to know a out meditation and closely followed my progress. I would sit down and meditate, and after each session, I wrote everything that happened, every single event, and shared it with my master.
I will explain how I meditated on demand, but it's exactly like Phyo Arkar has said here, in above posts.
After a few samatha sessions, i got a session where i felt like I was about to fly, I was weightless, on my second day of meditation (4th session, each session = 1 hour). Then and there, he moved me to Vipassana.
The session I remember the most was when I tried to recognise my own self, my own being, I guess. I tried and searched but then it hit me: There is no self!
And then I came back from nowhere. Because I had vanished, it felt like I jumped in time. Everything was like vapour, I felt a really weird and new feeling in my body I had never felt before. It's hard to describe. It's like coming home from a long trip when moments ago you were in your own house, and you remember nothing of this trip. Just that you were not here. Not anywhere. A trip to nothingness.
Also, I have had several sessions, where I just sit down, start with the circles, and suddenly feel like I'm getting disoriented, and then bam, I come back from nowhere, and the alarm sounds off... while I thought I had been meditating for less than 20 minutes!
And oh man, have things changed in my life. I don't want to make this my personal blog post so I will just say that i have taken a huge load off my back and I couldn't be gladder.
After some time meditating, as I was advancing quite fast, Ko Phyo got me in contact with his master, to whom I refer as Ashin Phayarr (Venerable One). At first I was really nervous because having such a noble being dedcate his time to me (sometimes he would dedicate a whole day to teach me, about Buddha, about meditation, everything!), I didnt feel I deserved it. But he is very wise, and I am inifnitely fgrateful to him and to Ko Phyo, I owe them eveything.
I must have done something right in my past life to deserve this enormous honour. I can't even put it inot words.
If all goes well and smooth, I might become one day a monk in Myanmar, besides my master, Ko Phyo, and Ashin Phayarr. But for now, in two month's time I will go to beautiful Myanmar, and pay Homage to my masters, to Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha.
Thanks for reading!
Let me begin by apologising for taking so much time to post, and thanks to my master Phyo Arkar for his patience!
I would like to share my experience with meditation.
I attained enlightenment within a few weeks of practice, I was kindly taught by Phyo Arkar, to whom I owe everything.
I live in Spain and here meditation and Buddhism is not very popular, and the few who call themselves "Buddhists" have no idea what they're talking about, so I always thought Buddhism was a bit dodgy, and I never really paid much attention. Silly me. What fool I was. Anyway, I decided to give meditation a shot because why not? I met with Phyo Arkar on another website where in a thread, he convinced me to meditate.
He was a bit surprised since seemingly I was a tiny bit more advanced than normal, because I told him that "I want to stop being human". I had done a bit of thought work myself.
He taught me all there is to know a out meditation and closely followed my progress. I would sit down and meditate, and after each session, I wrote everything that happened, every single event, and shared it with my master.
I will explain how I meditated on demand, but it's exactly like Phyo Arkar has said here, in above posts.
After a few samatha sessions, i got a session where i felt like I was about to fly, I was weightless, on my second day of meditation (4th session, each session = 1 hour). Then and there, he moved me to Vipassana.
The session I remember the most was when I tried to recognise my own self, my own being, I guess. I tried and searched but then it hit me: There is no self!
And then I came back from nowhere. Because I had vanished, it felt like I jumped in time. Everything was like vapour, I felt a really weird and new feeling in my body I had never felt before. It's hard to describe. It's like coming home from a long trip when moments ago you were in your own house, and you remember nothing of this trip. Just that you were not here. Not anywhere. A trip to nothingness.
Also, I have had several sessions, where I just sit down, start with the circles, and suddenly feel like I'm getting disoriented, and then bam, I come back from nowhere, and the alarm sounds off... while I thought I had been meditating for less than 20 minutes!
And oh man, have things changed in my life. I don't want to make this my personal blog post so I will just say that i have taken a huge load off my back and I couldn't be gladder.
After some time meditating, as I was advancing quite fast, Ko Phyo got me in contact with his master, to whom I refer as Ashin Phayarr (Venerable One). At first I was really nervous because having such a noble being dedcate his time to me (sometimes he would dedicate a whole day to teach me, about Buddha, about meditation, everything!), I didnt feel I deserved it. But he is very wise, and I am inifnitely fgrateful to him and to Ko Phyo, I owe them eveything.
I must have done something right in my past life to deserve this enormous honour. I can't even put it inot words.
If all goes well and smooth, I might become one day a monk in Myanmar, besides my master, Ko Phyo, and Ashin Phayarr. But for now, in two month's time I will go to beautiful Myanmar, and pay Homage to my masters, to Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha.
Thanks for reading!
Mangala, modified 6 Years ago at 5/13/18 1:28 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/13/18 1:28 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 12 Join Date: 4/9/18 Recent Posts
I am very inspired by your story, as I have been currently trying to find a strategy that combines samatha and Mahasi Sayadaw Style Noting Vipassana. Your story reminds me of the video I just recently watched of Burma's former President, U Nu, where he explains his progression from Buddhist by birth to unshakeable Buddhist by experience of Nibbāna. https://youtu.be/bGKdUJoah6Y Here's the link to the video! I heard you would like to teach but your Sayadaw said it is dangerous to do so if you don't have a certain amount of experience. What you could do, is be a middle man, between us English speaking Westerners who also want to experience the excellent guidance you've described but who can't necessarily come to Burma right now. It sounds like you're good at technology! I'd love to learn the ways of this Sayadaw.
With loving-kindness,
I am very inspired by your story, as I have been currently trying to find a strategy that combines samatha and Mahasi Sayadaw Style Noting Vipassana. Your story reminds me of the video I just recently watched of Burma's former President, U Nu, where he explains his progression from Buddhist by birth to unshakeable Buddhist by experience of Nibbāna. https://youtu.be/bGKdUJoah6Y Here's the link to the video! I heard you would like to teach but your Sayadaw said it is dangerous to do so if you don't have a certain amount of experience. What you could do, is be a middle man, between us English speaking Westerners who also want to experience the excellent guidance you've described but who can't necessarily come to Burma right now. It sounds like you're good at technology! I'd love to learn the ways of this Sayadaw.
With loving-kindness,
Rednaxela, modified 6 Years ago at 5/13/18 4:40 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/13/18 4:40 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 158 Join Date: 12/23/11 Recent Posts
i stumbled upon a Burmese who posted 5/8 on boards.4chan.org and who had similar experiences as yours and was offering to teach others.
Are you willing to teach one of us?
With Metta
i stumbled upon a Burmese who posted 5/8 on boards.4chan.org and who had similar experiences as yours and was offering to teach others.
Are you willing to teach one of us?
With Metta
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 1:40 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/13/18 11:32 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
that might be our post
sorry for 4chan, it may not seem to be a good place for discussion of dhamma, due to bad press, but thats where i found Miguel, where he stated that he wanted to end suffering. and i started teaching a bit on there. and we moved to private chat.
i am willing to teach alot, but i was told not to teach someone until i have experienced enough to handle all issues of my disciple, my master saids he can't help much online if something wrong [during dark night or wrong samahta] and the disciple will suffer.he saids case of Miguel is very rare and he may had been practicing alot in previous life.
but i believe in this forum, might be very suitable since many are already walking on the right path.
i m trying to find back our 4chan thread that all started
Miguel do you still have it? can i also share the chat log of our teachings so others may learn?
sorry for 4chan, it may not seem to be a good place for discussion of dhamma, due to bad press, but thats where i found Miguel, where he stated that he wanted to end suffering. and i started teaching a bit on there. and we moved to private chat.
i am willing to teach alot, but i was told not to teach someone until i have experienced enough to handle all issues of my disciple, my master saids he can't help much online if something wrong [during dark night or wrong samahta] and the disciple will suffer.he saids case of Miguel is very rare and he may had been practicing alot in previous life.
but i believe in this forum, might be very suitable since many are already walking on the right path.
i m trying to find back our 4chan thread that all started
Miguel do you still have it? can i also share the chat log of our teachings so others may learn?
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 6:34 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 6:34 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
> What you could do, is be a middle man, between us English speaking Westerners who also want to experience
> the excellent guidance you've described but who can't necessarily come to Burma right now.
I will request my master on this case , As I will go to bring back mother in law , from meditation center tomorrow.
She just called today happily about her experience ( no phones allowed until enlightenment or kicked out of center)
The center operates every month from 1 to 15th , and there are some special intake for people who already in S.E to progress (invitation only)
next stages between 20th to 30th , I got invited by my master and I don't want 7 more reincarnations,
current life is enough so i am thinking about entering 2nd intake.
What U Nu said is very true tome , that is experience what happened after S.E . Buddha already told to believe what can only be tested ,
and thats what happen to S.E person because all the signs that we just heard before in buddha's teachings become clear at that point.
> the excellent guidance you've described but who can't necessarily come to Burma right now.
I will request my master on this case , As I will go to bring back mother in law , from meditation center tomorrow.
She just called today happily about her experience ( no phones allowed until enlightenment or kicked out of center)
The center operates every month from 1 to 15th , and there are some special intake for people who already in S.E to progress (invitation only)
next stages between 20th to 30th , I got invited by my master and I don't want 7 more reincarnations,
current life is enough so i am thinking about entering 2nd intake.
What U Nu said is very true tome , that is experience what happened after S.E . Buddha already told to believe what can only be tested ,
and thats what happen to S.E person because all the signs that we just heard before in buddha's teachings become clear at that point.
Rednaxela, modified 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 8:10 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 8:10 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 158 Join Date: 12/23/11 Recent Posts
thank you Phyo and apologies for mentioning 4chan.org. I agree that this is a much better forum. Could we work together if i made myself available for a weekend online retreat? I understand that you may not wish to do this immeadiately.
I am usually available every other weekend. I live in Toronto which is 10.5 hours behind Myanmar.
With Metta
I am usually available every other weekend. I live in Toronto which is 10.5 hours behind Myanmar.
With Metta
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 9:48 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 9:48 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
I don't think just weekend meditation will progress much
As i experience , After i was busy for a month , and i can't meditate during that period.
I was back to meditation , now on 10th session and not a single ceasing yet.
I was going up and down between 8th and 11th nanas.
So i have to mediate deeply again.
I have to check you first before starting , can you get aleast 2 session a day?
As i experience , After i was busy for a month , and i can't meditate during that period.
I was back to meditation , now on 10th session and not a single ceasing yet.
I was going up and down between 8th and 11th nanas.
So i have to mediate deeply again.
I have to check you first before starting , can you get aleast 2 session a day?
Rednaxela, modified 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 10:01 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 10:01 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 158 Join Date: 12/23/11 Recent Posts
To be clear i already have 2 sit practice. I aim for 1 hour in morning and 1 hour in evening. I'm often tired but this morning, for example, i forgot to set timer and accidentally sat too long.
However, i am a professional works at a quiet desk job. Do you think i can continue this job as i train with you?
Incidentally, i sent an introductory private message. Not sure if you can see it.
With Metta
However, i am a professional works at a quiet desk job. Do you think i can continue this job as i train with you?
Incidentally, i sent an introductory private message. Not sure if you can see it.
With Metta
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 10:15 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 10:15 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
I cannot open inbox , it seems to be not functioning.
> However, i am a professional works at a quiet desk job. Do you think i can continue this job as i train with you?
If you have 2 times a day , should be fine , but i cannot guarantee any success as my masters but i would try my best.
I will meditate together with you and see , that way i can guide better since i am out of practice for a bit long.
Alright , let set a session then.
> However, i am a professional works at a quiet desk job. Do you think i can continue this job as i train with you?
If you have 2 times a day , should be fine , but i cannot guarantee any success as my masters but i would try my best.
I will meditate together with you and see , that way i can guide better since i am out of practice for a bit long.
Alright , let set a session then.
Rednaxela, modified 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 12:58 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 10:31 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 158 Join Date: 12/23/11 Recent Posts
the gist of my message was that i am interested and reasonably dedicated. With 8years experience including with daily sits and at least one 7-10day retreat/year.
thank for agreeing to show me. At your convenience let me know how to proceed.
with Metta
thank for agreeing to show me. At your convenience let me know how to proceed.
with Metta
Miguel, modified 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 10:33 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 10:33 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 4 Join Date: 5/10/18 Recent PostsPhyo Arkar:
that might be our post
sorry for 4chan, it may not seem to be a good place for discussion of dhamma, due to bad press, but thats where i found Miguel, where he stated that he wanted to end suffering. and i started teaching a bit on there. and we moved to private chat.
i am willing to teach alot, but i was told not to teach someone until i have experienced enough to handle all issues of my disciple, my master saids he can't help much online if something wrong [during dark night or wrong samahta] and the disciple will suffer.he saids case of Miguel is very rare and he may had been practicing alot in previous life.
but i believe in this forum, might be very suitable since many are already walking on the right path.
i m trying to find back our 4chan thread that all started
Miguel do you still have it? can i also share the chat log of our teachings so others may learn?
sorry for 4chan, it may not seem to be a good place for discussion of dhamma, due to bad press, but thats where i found Miguel, where he stated that he wanted to end suffering. and i started teaching a bit on there. and we moved to private chat.
i am willing to teach alot, but i was told not to teach someone until i have experienced enough to handle all issues of my disciple, my master saids he can't help much online if something wrong [during dark night or wrong samahta] and the disciple will suffer.he saids case of Miguel is very rare and he may had been practicing alot in previous life.
but i believe in this forum, might be very suitable since many are already walking on the right path.
i m trying to find back our 4chan thread that all started
Miguel do you still have it? can i also share the chat log of our teachings so others may learn?

Miguel, modified 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 3:08 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 3:08 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 4 Join Date: 5/10/18 Recent Posts
Alright, here are the links to the screencaps I took from the thred. Master Phyo posted as FourNobleTruths.
Please, let me know if there it is possibel to access the link. I'm finding it hard to figure how imgur works.Thanks
Please, let me know if there it is possibel to access the link. I'm finding it hard to figure how imgur works.Thanks

Rednaxela, modified 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 3:48 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 3:42 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 158 Join Date: 12/23/11 Recent Posts
Thank you Miguel, i can see these conversations.
From what i see this is 14 hours (14x1hr) of anapansati followed by Vipassana. Perhaps you got acess to the Jhanas?
Are you familiar with Goenka (U Ba Khin)? They taught something quite similar but not in regards to jhanas.
I don't think i'm only speaking for myself when i says that we are familiar with these concepts . There are some serious practitioners here.
I don't doubt that you've acheived more exalted states than i ever have or perhaps ever will. I believe Someone asked U Pandita why Burmese students got enlightened so much faster than us Westerners. I think he said it's because they know how to practice and don't worry about why their life is such a mess, why their girlfriend/boyfriend left them etc.
So, after seing this, i conclude that i have to keep praticing. At the same time, Thank you for sharing.
From what i see this is 14 hours (14x1hr) of anapansati followed by Vipassana. Perhaps you got acess to the Jhanas?
Are you familiar with Goenka (U Ba Khin)? They taught something quite similar but not in regards to jhanas.
I don't think i'm only speaking for myself when i says that we are familiar with these concepts . There are some serious practitioners here.
I don't doubt that you've acheived more exalted states than i ever have or perhaps ever will. I believe Someone asked U Pandita why Burmese students got enlightened so much faster than us Westerners. I think he said it's because they know how to practice and don't worry about why their life is such a mess, why their girlfriend/boyfriend left them etc.
So, after seing this, i conclude that i have to keep praticing. At the same time, Thank you for sharing.
Noah D, modified 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 9:11 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/14/18 9:05 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 1227 Join Date: 9/1/16 Recent Posts
Munindra said "Westerners are doing psychotherapy."
I think he said it's because they know how to practice and don't worry about why their life is such a mess, why their girlfriend/boyfriend left them etc.
Munindra said "Westerners are doing psychotherapy."
Bhumi, modified 6 Years ago at 5/15/18 1:37 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/15/18 1:37 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 38 Join Date: 11/23/17 Recent Posts
Phyo thanks for your detailed explanation. I also believe that through experimentation with those techniques, people may be able to awaken faster than normal. I am looking forward to see more post from you about your future experiences. I could recommend you going on the reddit page r/streamentry while some people are very open about their practice, others will question your attainments but at least you will be able to share and chat communicate with a community there.
Miguel, modified 6 Years ago at 5/15/18 6:15 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/15/18 6:15 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 4 Join Date: 5/10/18 Recent PostsRednaxela:
Thank you Miguel, i can see these conversations.
From what i see this is 14 hours (14x1hr) of anapansati followed by Vipassana. Perhaps you got acess to the Jhanas?
Are you familiar with Goenka (U Ba Khin)? They taught something quite similar but not in regards to jhanas.
I don't think i'm only speaking for myself when i says that we are familiar with these concepts . There are some serious practitioners here.
I don't doubt that you've acheived more exalted states than i ever have or perhaps ever will. I believe Someone asked U Pandita why Burmese students got enlightened so much faster than us Westerners. I think he said it's because they know how to practice and don't worry about why their life is such a mess, why their girlfriend/boyfriend left them etc.
So, after seing this, i conclude that i have to keep praticing. At the same time, Thank you for sharing.
From what i see this is 14 hours (14x1hr) of anapansati followed by Vipassana. Perhaps you got acess to the Jhanas?
Are you familiar with Goenka (U Ba Khin)? They taught something quite similar but not in regards to jhanas.
I don't think i'm only speaking for myself when i says that we are familiar with these concepts . There are some serious practitioners here.
I don't doubt that you've acheived more exalted states than i ever have or perhaps ever will. I believe Someone asked U Pandita why Burmese students got enlightened so much faster than us Westerners. I think he said it's because they know how to practice and don't worry about why their life is such a mess, why their girlfriend/boyfriend left them etc.
So, after seing this, i conclude that i have to keep praticing. At the same time, Thank you for sharing.
No, I'm not familiar with U Ba Khin to be honest.
And please, dont say "more exalted states than i ever have or perhaps ever will". You have already started the path, you just need to keep practising and you WILL get there. I belive you can do it, and I trust this method is great for everyone!
And no problem, and thank you!
Rednaxela, modified 6 Years ago at 5/15/18 7:41 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/15/18 7:30 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 158 Join Date: 12/23/11 Recent PostsHey Rednaxela, thanks for your reply. I got to first stage Jhana, and got close to second, but my master moved me to Vipassana, since it's a bit risky to move further into samatha without face to face guidence, and besides, samatha only does not lead to enlightenment.
No, I'm not familiar with U Ba Khin to be honest.
And please, dont say "more exalted states than i ever have or perhaps ever will". You have already started the path, you just need to keep practising and you WILL get there. I belive you can do it, and I trust this method is great for everyone!
No, I'm not familiar with U Ba Khin to be honest.
And please, dont say "more exalted states than i ever have or perhaps ever will". You have already started the path, you just need to keep practising and you WILL get there. I belive you can do it, and I trust this method is great for everyone!
Thanks Miguel, I will try to follow this method as outlined. Apologies if i sounded skeptical.
I was reading Mahasi Sayadaw's short Progress of Insight last night on the subway. I realized how brief and skeleton-like are his descriptions of the means to get to the fruitions. And somehow they made me think of Phyo's descriptions.
So I wanted to edit my post, worrying that I'd offended you and him (but I didn't as i had no internet access until today). I'm glad that you don't seem to have taken offense.
Anyway, I've spent too many years focusing on the nose area so it's very sensitive for me. My head fill with pressure, seems to blow up within ten breaths. I've spent a while trying to anchor the sensation of breath to the abdomen.
But for now, I willl follow these intructions to note breath in the anapanasati spot below the nostrils, note these sensations, note any pressures, follow instructions and report back.
--> that Munindra quote sounds about right, thanks Noah
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/15/18 9:25 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/15/18 9:25 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
Sorry for late reply , I just fetched back my mother in law from meditation center and she is sharing her experience for 2 hr , filled with joy and peace.
Now my duty for nearest family members are almost complete.
Please do not think we will be offended. You have right to not believe.
I do not believe at first when my friend and my father enlightened too.
Until i see their changes in their way of life.
In aungthukha and all other centers Myanmar ,
Vipassana Stages are Never to be disclosed to yogi until they reach to certain stages.
That can cause wrong expectations and can lead wrong way.
That are to be only determined by mentors only after serially reading the reports.
But i understand since online and in western world , there is no mentor to guide every session too.
I would like to to talk with you first to know what stage are you in , what are your practices.
From the experience of our mentors , those who hardest to enlighten are those who mixed up. So i want to know clearly what you did first.
Miguel and My progress was also due to that , we knows nothing until we actually practiced and then enlightenment.
Don't worry we are not offended.
Now my duty for nearest family members are almost complete.
Please do not think we will be offended. You have right to not believe.
I do not believe at first when my friend and my father enlightened too.
Until i see their changes in their way of life.
In aungthukha and all other centers Myanmar ,
Vipassana Stages are Never to be disclosed to yogi until they reach to certain stages.
That can cause wrong expectations and can lead wrong way.
That are to be only determined by mentors only after serially reading the reports.
But i understand since online and in western world , there is no mentor to guide every session too.
I would like to to talk with you first to know what stage are you in , what are your practices.
From the experience of our mentors , those who hardest to enlighten are those who mixed up. So i want to know clearly what you did first.
Miguel and My progress was also due to that , we knows nothing until we actually practiced and then enlightenment.
Don't worry we are not offended.
Rednaxela, modified 6 Years ago at 5/15/18 12:24 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/15/18 10:17 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 158 Join Date: 12/23/11 Recent PostsI would like to to talk with you first to know what stage are you in , what are your practices.
From the experience of our mentors , those who hardest to enlighten are those who mixed up. So i want to know clearly what you did first. .. Miguel and My progress was also due to that , we knows nothing until we actually practiced and then enlightenment.
From the experience of our mentors , those who hardest to enlighten are those who mixed up. So i want to know clearly what you did first. .. Miguel and My progress was also due to that , we knows nothing until we actually practiced and then enlightenment.
Happy to hear of your mother-in-law's success!
As i may have mentioned earlier, i am an 8yr meditator with daily pratice and retreats of 7-10days/year. I practice mindfulness (vipassana) but have also dabled in jhannnic concentration (with limited success), Metta and zen. Here's my own 5pt critical self-assessment:
1. My pratice is mostly on cushion, noting experience. Broadening that into noting in daily life with limited success.
* Noting and Labelling internal and external experience as See, Hear, Feel
2. To my great relief, i've recently moved awareness of breath from the upper lip to the abdomen
* I will note Rising, Falling. Nothing special.
3. When i spent years of focused at the upper lip, i had all kinds of tension and was forced to stop for six months in 2016. Since I restarted it's still there and there is still pressure, brightness and slightly less discomfort.
4. Unfortunately, I'm often carried away by daydreams, thinking, planning etc. One way I find to overcome that is sit for hour or longer. Equanimity sets in. I enjoy the luminous experience, so to speak, and can just sit with it.
5. The other morning i I tried spoken labels. I made the important discovery of noticing that i stop labelling when i daydream. I makes sense to me that i should therefore make a concerted effort to keep labelling. It was suggested to me that i could make use of these daydreams, perhaps i could heighten their clarity. I'd love to label my daydreams but never have the presence of mind and sure that would make them disappear.
Does that help?
Unfortunately, i can no longer see the imgur notes that Miguel posted. Perhaps the server is over capacity or perhaps he can repost (now getting message it's been deleted). My recollection is almost pure anapansati for 10-14 hour long sits. I thought it also included Mahasi-like noting of sensations and other mental formations (?) like (un)pleasantness, thinking, planning, etc. Maybe also hearing sounds, seeing images similar to Mahasi noting.
With Metta
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/16/18 7:53 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/16/18 2:19 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
I am now able to go prive messages and also invited you to a group chat.
Can you join?
Currently my time is 1:48 pm , i am usually free from 11 to 2pm , during weekdays.
And a few random hours on weekends.
Can you join?
Currently my time is 1:48 pm , i am usually free from 11 to 2pm , during weekdays.
And a few random hours on weekends.
Thor, modified 6 Years ago at 5/17/18 2:41 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/17/18 2:41 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 8 Join Date: 5/17/18 Recent Posts
Sorry, but you have not. Your entire post is about showing off and pretending you have reached an advanced level of meditation.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/18/18 2:56 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/17/18 10:59 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
its alright to have doubts, thats what buddha have said never to believe what is said, only to believe what is verifiable
we had to test to prove several time before confirmation of the attainment
but showing off part is not, i just want to bring as many as possible to enlightenment, nothing else.
pride is the thing i avoided most.
but it is said in teachings that Ariyas are allow to show their way of enlightenment to people, and if necessary can tell their attainment.
we had to test to prove several time before confirmation of the attainment
but showing off part is not, i just want to bring as many as possible to enlightenment, nothing else.
pride is the thing i avoided most.
but it is said in teachings that Ariyas are allow to show their way of enlightenment to people, and if necessary can tell their attainment.
Anonymous, modified 6 Years ago at 5/18/18 11:56 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/18/18 11:56 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Post: 1 Join Date: 5/18/18 Recent Posts
Thank you for coming here and sharing your experiences.
Here’s some different questions that came into my mind, I hope you don’t mind:
I would be grateful to know the correct locations of the centers. I don’t intend to go there at the moment, but maybe sometime in the future I might if possible.
Also I agree with Bhumi that r/streamentry at reddit is a great place and quite similar to Dharma Overground, if you want another place to share your experiences where people could be interested.
Here’s some different questions that came into my mind, I hope you don’t mind:
- Aside form the one you visited, do you know if any of the other 6 Aung Thu Kha centers can teach foreign people?
- If the only barrier to teaching foreign people is language, would it be a dumb idea if the student hired a translator while he/she is staying in Myanmar?
- Are all of the 7 different Aung Thu Kha centers known to have the same high quality teaching as the one you visited?
- Where are the 7 different meditation centers located and which one did you visit?
I would be grateful to know the correct locations of the centers. I don’t intend to go there at the moment, but maybe sometime in the future I might if possible.
Also I agree with Bhumi that r/streamentry at reddit is a great place and quite similar to Dharma Overground, if you want another place to share your experiences where people could be interested.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 5/21/18 5:24 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/21/18 5:21 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
1 . No
2 . Only if mentors allowed , and non-yogi can only visit during visiting hour (1 hr from 10 to 11 AM)
So , chances are , you have to find a translator who want to meditate along with you.
3 . Yes , all are trained by anagami stage monks , who are hand picked by sayardaw , and there are only 10 of them ,
they are under long training of sayardaw and rules are also very strict for those monks.
If one center is under performing , that Mentor is called upon questioning , and if the ways are wrong the mentors monk is casted out ,
no longer allowed for mentoring. Also there are some cases that Mentors are no longer allowed to mentor and , they are to be meditate in forest unltil they become arahat
4 . This is where i medidated.
This one is the where Sayardaw resides . The meditation center is only for checking of Stream Entry and above Yogis' meditation report by the head monk (Sayardaw Phayarr) .
2 . Only if mentors allowed , and non-yogi can only visit during visiting hour (1 hr from 10 to 11 AM)
So , chances are , you have to find a translator who want to meditate along with you.
3 . Yes , all are trained by anagami stage monks , who are hand picked by sayardaw , and there are only 10 of them ,
they are under long training of sayardaw and rules are also very strict for those monks.
If one center is under performing , that Mentor is called upon questioning , and if the ways are wrong the mentors monk is casted out ,
no longer allowed for mentoring. Also there are some cases that Mentors are no longer allowed to mentor and , they are to be meditate in forest unltil they become arahat
4 . This is where i medidated.
This one is the where Sayardaw resides . The meditation center is only for checking of Stream Entry and above Yogis' meditation report by the head monk (Sayardaw Phayarr) .
Henry wijaya, modified 6 Years ago at 7/16/18 11:34 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/16/18 11:34 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 58 Join Date: 7/7/18 Recent PostsPhyo Arkar:
For the retreat , they are only taught by Burmese speaking mentor monks.
But my master , was a doctor , and he have good English.
Now he is guiding my disciple in English over online after i taught him online , to next steps.
Alot had changed
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and always pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not paying and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not termiate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one recon.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Before i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I can be contented easily than before (both good and bad thing).
> how has your enlightenment maintatined since your attainment
After retreat , we got to meditate 2 times a day (1 hr each) 5 times on weekend
- After 40 times report back to my mentor
- He check the progress.
On home meditation do not need to write full reports , only some strange one need to be reported.
But in this format:
- DateTime
- Pleasent/Unpleasent
- How many Cessation (Phala) occour within 1 session or not
- How many minutes if it occours
- Comment
Also before meditation we have to sat 3 types of aim by Wishing (i tried to translate closly to english)
May i Gain Fruitation of Stream Entry (10 Sessions)
May i Gain Phala for Longer period (10 Sessions)
May I enter Nibanna (10 session)
But my master , was a doctor , and he have good English.
Now he is guiding my disciple in English over online after i taught him online , to next steps.
Alot had changed
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and always pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not paying and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not termiate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one recon.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Before i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I can be contented easily than before (both good and bad thing).
> how has your enlightenment maintatined since your attainment
After retreat , we got to meditate 2 times a day (1 hr each) 5 times on weekend
- After 40 times report back to my mentor
- He check the progress.
On home meditation do not need to write full reports , only some strange one need to be reported.
But in this format:
- DateTime
- Pleasent/Unpleasent
- How many Cessation (Phala) occour within 1 session or not
- How many minutes if it occours
- Comment
Also before meditation we have to sat 3 types of aim by Wishing (i tried to translate closly to english)
May i Gain Fruitation of Stream Entry (10 Sessions)
May i Gain Phala for Longer period (10 Sessions)
May I enter Nibanna (10 session)
Your changes are so much same with mine. Are you also considered as 3rd stage ? An anagami? But I have no mentor or guru , I asked a bhante in my town, he said I should stop and just do 5min max everyday , as I’ve family to fulfill responsobility. but I see you do more than that, can I do like yours also?
I Dream of Jnani, modified 6 Years ago at 7/16/18 11:44 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/16/18 11:44 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 39 Join Date: 7/13/18 Recent PostsNoah D:
Munindra said "Westerners are doing psychotherapy."
I think he said it's because they know how to practice and don't worry about why their life is such a mess, why their girlfriend/boyfriend left them etc.
Munindra said "Westerners are doing psychotherapy."
Totally understandable and wise.
Yet Westerners (like this here) often have such complex "shadow" behavior that it tarnishes their Sila and they lie to the extent that it completely c**kblocks any hope of real Insight, much less insight. -Into the very paradox of Sila that prevents Ardor and Devotion.
Jim Smith, modified 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 2:43 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 1:27 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 1830 Join Date: 1/17/15 Recent PostsPhyo Arkar:
At first I didn't know they are cessation , i know it is most significant thing ever happen to me.
But it put firmly in my belief that i am on right path , and i firmly believe in nibanna.
After the longest one:
Those pains , and things from the start comes back again , for about 1-2 days , there was no ceasing , until 9th day ,
It back to ceasing again ,
it was ceasing rapidly that i can't even get my head up ( 40 times within 15 minutes).
on 12th day , we are allowed to listed to Vipassana Nana , some those are not allowed are sent back before that session ,
to come back later ( only about 4 person).
Those are not allowed to listen are never reach cessation during mediation.
So to prevent "Fake Cessation" Nana are never taught to those who do not get Enlightenment.
From Nana 1 to 16th in brief. I was so amazed that everything in there happened to me.
I am trying to understand what you have accomplished, you use the term "cessation" unfortunately I am not that knowledgabe about all the terms and stages so may I ask, what is cessation, is it equivalent to stream entry? Is experiencing cessation the criterion for claiming enlightenmnet? And I am wondering what your enlightenent it is like. I saw this post:
where you describe what has changed. The most significant in my opinion is when you wrote: "Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away". Did you meditate at all before you went on the retreat? (Could you recognize general benefits that tend to come from meditation (lower stress levels and greater equinimity) and distinguish them from enlightenment?)
I am also wondering if your enlightenment is like this (which is from another thread):
Henry wijaya:
A stream enterer cannot be hurt just by words from others, bcause he can lose his identity anytime he want.
Henry wijaya:
I mean you can drop any identitiy anytime, see you have to hold identities when you talk to people, connect with people, but when nobody around, you’re just a gentle whisper of wind blowing in summer breeze.
Noah D:
No Self view = complete perceptual nonduality in waking hours
No doubt = complete confidence that one can operate skillfully in any situation
No attachment to rules = complete fluidity & adaptability of behavior & attitude to be happy in life
Or is it something different like this:
Noah D:
There are other definitions of SE that are completely valid:
1- completion of 1 cycle of insight
2- “Fetter lite”
——a peripheral intuitive sense that the self is an illusion , which can be accessed whenever one turns to it
——confidence that the dharma will eventually work to transform ones suffering
——-recognition that the dharma is about actual practice , rather than magical rituals
1- completion of 1 cycle of insight
2- “Fetter lite”
——a peripheral intuitive sense that the self is an illusion , which can be accessed whenever one turns to it
——confidence that the dharma will eventually work to transform ones suffering
——-recognition that the dharma is about actual practice , rather than magical rituals
Jack Straw, modified 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 10:25 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 10:25 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Post: 1 Join Date: 7/16/18 Recent PostsMiguel:
Alright, here are the links to the screencaps I took from the thred. Master Phyo posted as FourNobleTruths.
Please, let me know if there it is possibel to access the link. I'm finding it hard to figure how imgur works.Thanks
Please, let me know if there it is possibel to access the link. I'm finding it hard to figure how imgur works.Thanks

Miguel or Phyo,
Can you please repost the chat notes? I get an error for these links.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 11:34 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 11:22 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
3rd stage requires total deminishing of sexual desire
i am far from 3rd stage.
but i may have reached within short time if i am not married.
2nd stage magga and phala is different and
3rd stage Third stage magga and phala will be significantly different
but aung thu ka check and guides until 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages.our sayardaw phayarr is confident that whoever reached 1st, nd if they followed as guided, will reach 4th stage within 7 years
within 10 years there are at least over 200 anagami. i don't know the exact numbers but 10 selected monks who guiding in aung thu kha centers are selected from 120 anagamis.
we have given 3 wishing sentences,10 each and we are to report to masters every 30 sits.
masters check the progress and correct. some are giving different noticing circles.
i am far from 3rd stage.
but i may have reached within short time if i am not married.
2nd stage magga and phala is different and
3rd stage Third stage magga and phala will be significantly different
but aung thu ka check and guides until 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages.our sayardaw phayarr is confident that whoever reached 1st, nd if they followed as guided, will reach 4th stage within 7 years
within 10 years there are at least over 200 anagami. i don't know the exact numbers but 10 selected monks who guiding in aung thu kha centers are selected from 120 anagamis.
we have given 3 wishing sentences,10 each and we are to report to masters every 30 sits.
masters check the progress and correct. some are giving different noticing circles.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 10:30 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 11:47 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
i do not believe Burmese got enlightened faster
the only reason it seems to be , because got access to the masters/arahants directly
and most practices are in plain Burmese which is close to pali, which it directly descended from.
Miguel got enlightened faster than me considering he didn't go 15 days camp like me, only 2 sits a day and 5 sits on weekends. And he is Spanish, no knowledge of buddhism and was Christian.
so no, may be Parami. but it has a lot to do with the technique and access to our master directly.
and the main j thing is systematic approach
1. yogis reports after every sits
2. master check and corrects
3. many different methods are applied to yogi not to be, stuck on certain nana
Thamahta and above reasons makes us pass D. N nyanas quite fast compared to other traditions
the only reason it seems to be , because got access to the masters/arahants directly
and most practices are in plain Burmese which is close to pali, which it directly descended from.
Miguel got enlightened faster than me considering he didn't go 15 days camp like me, only 2 sits a day and 5 sits on weekends. And he is Spanish, no knowledge of buddhism and was Christian.
so no, may be Parami. but it has a lot to do with the technique and access to our master directly.
and the main j thing is systematic approach
1. yogis reports after every sits
2. master check and corrects
3. many different methods are applied to yogi not to be, stuck on certain nana
Thamahta and above reasons makes us pass D. N nyanas quite fast compared to other traditions
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 11:54 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 11:54 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
we are specifically order by our master not to teach thamahta
until we can handle the problem and side effects of it,
so we removed it.
until we can handle the problem and side effects of it,
so we removed it.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 8:34 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 12:29 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
Cessation is bodily experience of non_self
it have to be explained in whole sutta but only bodily experience of it will tell you clearly what it is. i will try to explain my best as i experienced but you have to experience it directly.
as human we have
hear touch sight smell taste mind
we consider that combination as self
we cling to it as self we desire to pursue better taste, better sight, better smell, etc
and we thought it was pleasure.But then if we can't get those, we suffer. those cant be last, those cant be satisfying, they are not always under our control.
the answer is total ceasing of those
the moment before ceasing :
i will tell you my experience of longest ceasing
first: hearing doesn't make sense anymore
then breathing disappears
and then only mind left
after noting the last remaining mind
its like fallen into a black hole
its like a total void in time and space
then when i am back i know something happened, but dunno what it is
when i tried to think back what happened, i cease to exist for a moment.
then after a few noting alarm rang, 1hr is up.
all i remember is i sited for 10 mins but already 1 hour is up. and then i realized i was ceased to exist for 50 minutes.
it was so liberating and peaceful that there is no I for 50 minutes.
it is glimpse of nibanna, total liberation from 5 senses doors, desire, ego, self. i feel like a new person fill with joy and peace
it have to be explained in whole sutta but only bodily experience of it will tell you clearly what it is. i will try to explain my best as i experienced but you have to experience it directly.
as human we have
hear touch sight smell taste mind
we consider that combination as self
we cling to it as self we desire to pursue better taste, better sight, better smell, etc
and we thought it was pleasure.But then if we can't get those, we suffer. those cant be last, those cant be satisfying, they are not always under our control.
the answer is total ceasing of those
the moment before ceasing :
i will tell you my experience of longest ceasing
first: hearing doesn't make sense anymore
then breathing disappears
and then only mind left
after noting the last remaining mind
its like fallen into a black hole
its like a total void in time and space
then when i am back i know something happened, but dunno what it is
when i tried to think back what happened, i cease to exist for a moment.
then after a few noting alarm rang, 1hr is up.
all i remember is i sited for 10 mins but already 1 hour is up. and then i realized i was ceased to exist for 50 minutes.
it was so liberating and peaceful that there is no I for 50 minutes.
it is glimpse of nibanna, total liberation from 5 senses doors, desire, ego, self. i feel like a new person fill with joy and peace
Henry wijaya, modified 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 4:09 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 4:03 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 58 Join Date: 7/7/18 Recent PostsPhyo Arkar:
3rd stage requires total deminishing of sexual desire
i am far from 3rd stage.
but i may have reached within short time if i am not married.
2nd stage magga and phala is different and
3rd stage Third stage magga and phala will be significantly different
but aung thu ka check and guides until 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages.our sayardaw phayarr is confident that whoever reached 1st, nd if they followed as guided, will reach 4th stage within 7 years
within 10 years there are at least over 200 anagami. i don't know the exact numbers but 10 selected monks who guiding in aung thu kha centers are selected from 120 anagamis.
we have given 3 wishing sentences,10 each and we are to report to masters every 30 sits.
masters check the progress and correct. some are giving different noticing circles.
i am far from 3rd stage.
but i may have reached within short time if i am not married.
2nd stage magga and phala is different and
3rd stage Third stage magga and phala will be significantly different
but aung thu ka check and guides until 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages.our sayardaw phayarr is confident that whoever reached 1st, nd if they followed as guided, will reach 4th stage within 7 years
within 10 years there are at least over 200 anagami. i don't know the exact numbers but 10 selected monks who guiding in aung thu kha centers are selected from 120 anagamis.
we have given 3 wishing sentences,10 each and we are to report to masters every 30 sits.
masters check the progress and correct. some are giving different noticing circles.
So 4th is arahant? You’re supposed to be sakadagami, 2nd stage? I read suttas there’s also householders reached anagami and live his life as brother and sister afterwards.
In your stage if you have zero sexual activity and thought, then you’re considered 3rd? Or is there is more than just these sexual desire to be done?
If your sensual desire only to fulfill your duty as a husband but nothing more, can you also be considered 3rd stage?
It’s sounds amazing how there exist such a place in this world nowadays, 7year reached arahant if you’re stream-enterer. 80-90% to gain stream enterer. Can I have your contact when I decide to go there? Im not so far away, Im from Indonesia.
I was a non religious person too, I meditate at a point I fulfill most my goals and see my goals has no meaning left for me to chase, I saw people who achieved things in this world but still a mess as a person, so I decide to find out spiritual things, it took me 2 intense weeks of sit, I’d sit whenever I free, every night before sleep, continuing sit if I woke up in middle of the night.
So yes I agree about the parami. And as long as you’re straight to yourself as a person.
Can I take you as my master and I’ll be reporting to you every 30sits and avoid niroda samapati?
Henry wijaya, modified 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 4:13 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 4:13 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 58 Join Date: 7/7/18 Recent PostsPhyo Arkar:
Cessation is bodily experience of non_self
it have to be explained in whole sutta but only bodily experience of it will tell you clearly what it is. i will try to explain my best as i experienced but you have to experience it directly.
as human we have
hear touch sight smell taste mind
we consider that combination as self
we cling to it as self we desire to pursue better taste, better sight, better smell, etc
and we thought it was pleasure.But then if we can't get those, we suffer. those cant be last, those cant be satisfying, they are not always under our control.
the answer is total ceasing of those
the moment before ceasing :
i will tell you my experience of longest ceasing
first: hearing doesn't make sense anymore
then breathing disappears
and then only mind left
after noting the last remaining mind
its like fallen into a black hole
its like a total void in time and space
then when i am back i know something happened, but dunno what it is
when i tried to think back what happened, i cease to exist for a moment.
then after a few noting alarm rang, 1hr is up.
all i remember is i sited for 10 mins but already 1 hour is up. and then i realized i was ceased to exist for 50 minutes.
it waa so liberating and peaceful that there is no I for 50 minutes.
it is glimpse of nibanna, total liberation from 5 senses doors, desire, ego, self. i feel like a new person fill with joy and peace
it have to be explained in whole sutta but only bodily experience of it will tell you clearly what it is. i will try to explain my best as i experienced but you have to experience it directly.
as human we have
hear touch sight smell taste mind
we consider that combination as self
we cling to it as self we desire to pursue better taste, better sight, better smell, etc
and we thought it was pleasure.But then if we can't get those, we suffer. those cant be last, those cant be satisfying, they are not always under our control.
the answer is total ceasing of those
the moment before ceasing :
i will tell you my experience of longest ceasing
first: hearing doesn't make sense anymore
then breathing disappears
and then only mind left
after noting the last remaining mind
its like fallen into a black hole
its like a total void in time and space
then when i am back i know something happened, but dunno what it is
when i tried to think back what happened, i cease to exist for a moment.
then after a few noting alarm rang, 1hr is up.
all i remember is i sited for 10 mins but already 1 hour is up. and then i realized i was ceased to exist for 50 minutes.
it waa so liberating and peaceful that there is no I for 50 minutes.
it is glimpse of nibanna, total liberation from 5 senses doors, desire, ego, self. i feel like a new person fill with joy and peace
I’ve this night too, I sit about midnight and when I open my eyes the sun already came up. My head almost drop to my stomach.
I referred it as a glimpse of nirvana too , my perceptions for life shifted afterwards, my life changed afterwards.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 10:28 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/17/18 8:50 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
i m not sadagami yet, i am sure since i stopped daily sits since each sit increasingly reduced desire for worldly pleasures. i no longer desire another life. some sotapanna still desire 7 life, for example my mom and wife.
i am not in position to guide an anagami. i will request my master but last batch he got very tired and ill, due to many yogis, including prominent ones, so may take abit long to reply.
i am not in position to guide an anagami. i will request my master but last batch he got very tired and ill, due to many yogis, including prominent ones, so may take abit long to reply.
Henry wijaya, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 2:57 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 2:57 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 58 Join Date: 7/7/18 Recent PostsPhyo Arkar:
i m not sadagami yet, i am sure since i stopped daily sits since each sit increasingly reduced desire for worldly pleasures. i no longer desire another life. some sotapanna still desire 7 life, for example my mom and wife.
i am not in position to guide an anagami. i will request my master but last batch he got very tired and ill, due to many yogis, including prominent ones, so may take abit long to reply.
i am not in position to guide an anagami. i will request my master but last batch he got very tired and ill, due to many yogis, including prominent ones, so may take abit long to reply.
Im sorry to hear that Phyo
Im sorry too if I mislead you to think Im as an anagami. I have an absolute clearance for my stream enterer but further than that, sakadagami or anagami, Im not sure. I dont sit nowadays, only if Im unhealthy or lack of sleep.
The sensual desire is ceased but I dont think this is the only parameter, there might be something more to analyze, is there?
Some says there is even no waves of thoughts from these fetters for anagami. Me still have but it ceased as it arise, like in range of miliseconds to seconds. I might even can still fulfill my role as a husband to wife, but I dont know yet in future because I have no need already.
I have no desire for next life too as I’ve stopped my meditation because I sense the emptiness of the self , not on purpose as Im using avijja as object, which shocked me, then tears were flowing on the next day while i was driving thinking of this ultimate truth , I cant find a reason for the tears.
Im asking for the evaluation for my report as I still have desire for jhanas, but need to be approached carefully, still have responsibilities for my family, leaving now would cause hatred and all others negative and it strongly against my spritual path. So it’s ok anyway.
My email : hw_kuul@yahoo.com if you change your mind , hopefully yes ^^
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 11:29 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 11:09 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent PostsHenry wijaya:
Phyo Arkar:
For the retreat , they are only taught by Burmese speaking mentor monks.
But my master , was a doctor , and he have good English.
Now he is guiding my disciple in English over online after i taught him online , to next steps.
Alot had changed
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and always pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not paying and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not termiate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one recon.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Before i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I can be contented easily than before (both good and bad thing).
> how has your enlightenment maintatined since your attainment
After retreat , we got to meditate 2 times a day (1 hr each) 5 times on weekend
- After 40 times report back to my mentor
- He check the progress.
On home meditation do not need to write full reports , only some strange one need to be reported.
But in this format:
- DateTime
- Pleasent/Unpleasent
- How many Cessation (Phala) occour within 1 session or not
- How many minutes if it occours
- Comment
Also before meditation we have to sat 3 types of aim by Wishing (i tried to translate closly to english)
May i Gain Fruitation of Stream Entry (10 Sessions)
May i Gain Phala for Longer period (10 Sessions)
May I enter Nibanna (10 session)
But my master , was a doctor , and he have good English.
Now he is guiding my disciple in English over online after i taught him online , to next steps.
Alot had changed
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and always pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not paying and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not termiate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one recon.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Before i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I can be contented easily than before (both good and bad thing).
> how has your enlightenment maintatined since your attainment
After retreat , we got to meditate 2 times a day (1 hr each) 5 times on weekend
- After 40 times report back to my mentor
- He check the progress.
On home meditation do not need to write full reports , only some strange one need to be reported.
But in this format:
- DateTime
- Pleasent/Unpleasent
- How many Cessation (Phala) occour within 1 session or not
- How many minutes if it occours
- Comment
Also before meditation we have to sat 3 types of aim by Wishing (i tried to translate closly to english)
May i Gain Fruitation of Stream Entry (10 Sessions)
May i Gain Phala for Longer period (10 Sessions)
May I enter Nibanna (10 session)
Are you also considered as 3rd stage ? An anagami?
Sorry my mistake , that post make me think you are already an anagami.
Reduced sexual desires are also due to Strong thamadi , and my master that if you entered 1st Jhana , and if it is still firm (outside meditation i think) , you will have no desire for sex too. But thoses will not last.
Anagami at 3rd stage no longer have sexual desires , and reduced desires for other things too. And Magga and Phala are different ( i don't know how different).
But don't worry , these days one won't jump directly to Anagami stage.
stage 2 needs months to 1 year. (last month , we saw one women reached stage 2 within a month of 5 times a day sit).
There are many checking conditions , to ensure stage 2 too , going stage 2 need different wishing (aiming) like to revisit lower, dukkha nyanas for 30 sits , higher nyanas for 30 sits , without ceasing. It is a lot more intense and tiring than stage 1. ( that i just heard , i do not have experience with thoses are i cannot guide).
Niroda samapati only comes at Anagami or Arahant stage , you do not need to worry about it . Even not all Anagami can enter niroda samapati. 1hr daily sits will be fine.
For me , sexual desires can still be forces , as a duty for mirrage life , but i am no longer - how to say .. horny .
I also heard going Sadagami and Anagami path , sexual desires can rise back , to a point hard to control, they can go up and burn up like the last flame.
When i finished 15 days retreat , i no longer watned household life , at the 11th day of meditation , it comes to the point Cittanupattna : where we focus on mind events , emotings and feelings arised . then one session , the emotions that arisen is love.
When it comes to noting love , it is very hard to note , because what we thought love was just a total illusion.
When i tried to note love as "Love , Love" it is not possible .
So i tried to focus on mind on the feeling of Love , and then everything starts to clear... there is no "Love"
The Love i feel ( for my wife ) is made up of "Attachment , Metta , Kindess , Emphaty , Desire , Lust , Obession , Jealousy"
That what i belive love is , and then i tried to note each and every part of it , and finally , when everything gone, i cease again for about 5 minutes.
Then its clear that love is nothing but suffering , what i (we) consider Love is a Sphagetti of emotional sufferings.
When 15 days sit is over , that is the first thing i told to my wife , is that i no longer cling on to that illusion called love and she should not too. I allow her if she want to leave me because of that (she love me very much , and i don't want her to suffer) she can , if she want to stay as brother and sisters , she can . I want to pursue the path so at some point i may have to leave the family since i want to pursue till 4th stage , and i want to pratice all jhana , abinyannas .
She was so shaken , and cried , she can't take it .
I don't know what to do , but i continue sit at home, 2-3 time a day , and 5 times on weekends.
It comes to a point that sexual desires are so much gone by then.
i went to my master asked , if they allowed me to become a monk , my master called my wife and asked , if she is ready , she is shaken and cried.
So my master told me , to reduce meditation and continue the path at around 50 years of age.
Henry wijaya, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 1:22 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 12:57 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 58 Join Date: 7/7/18 Recent PostsPhyo Arkar:
Henry wijaya :
Phyo Arkar :
For the retreat , they are only taught by Burmese speak ing mentor monks.
But my master , was a doctor , and he have good English.
Now he is guiding my disciple in English over online after i taught him online , to next steps.
Alot had changed
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and al ways pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not pay ing and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not ter miate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one re con.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Be fore i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I can be contented easily than before (both good and bad thing).
> how has your enlightenment maintatined since your attainment
After retreat , we got to meditate 2 times a day (1 hr each) 5 times on weekend
- After 40 times report back to my mentor
- He check the progress.
On home meditation do not need to write full reports , only some strange one need to be reported.
But in this format:
- DateTime
- Pleasent/Un pleasent
- How many Cessation (Pha la) occour within 1 session or not
- How many minutes if it occours
- Comment
Also before meditation we have to sat 3 types of aim by Wishing (i tried to translate closly to english)
May i Gain Frui tation of Stream Entry (10 Sessions)
May i Gain Pha la for Longer period (10 Sessions)
May I enter Nibanna (10 session)
But my master , was a doctor , and he have good English.
Now he is guiding my disciple in English over online after i taught him online , to next steps.
Alot had changed
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and al ways pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not pay ing and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not ter miate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one re con.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Be fore i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I can be contented easily than before (both good and bad thing).
> how has your enlightenment maintatined since your attainment
After retreat , we got to meditate 2 times a day (1 hr each) 5 times on weekend
- After 40 times report back to my mentor
- He check the progress.
On home meditation do not need to write full reports , only some strange one need to be reported.
But in this format:
- DateTime
- Pleasent/Un pleasent
- How many Cessation (Pha la) occour within 1 session or not
- How many minutes if it occours
- Comment
Also before meditation we have to sat 3 types of aim by Wishing (i tried to translate closly to english)
May i Gain Frui tation of Stream Entry (10 Sessions)
May i Gain Pha la for Longer period (10 Sessions)
May I enter Nibanna (10 session)
Are you also considered as 3rd stage ? An anagami?
Sorry my mistake , that post make me think you are already an anagami.
Reduced sexual desires are also due to Strong thamadi , and my master that if you entered 1st Jhana , and if it is still firm (outside meditation i think) , you will have no desire for sex too. But thoses will not last.
Anagami at 3rd stage no longer have sexual desires , and reduced desires for other things too. And Magga and Phala are different ( i don't know how different).
But don't worry , these days one won't jump directly to Anagami stage.
stage 2 needs months to 1 year. (last month , we saw one women reached stage 2 within a month of 5 times a day sit).
There are many checking conditions , to ensure stage 2 too , going stage 2 need different wishing (aiming) like to revisit lower, dukkha nyanas for 30 sits , higher nyanas for 30 sits , without ceasing. It is a lot more intense and tiring than stage 1. ( that i just heard , i do not have experience with thoses are i cannot guide).
Niroda samapati only comes at Anagami or Arahant stage , you do not need to worry about it . Even not all Anagami can enter niroda samapati. 1hr daily sits will be fine.
For me , sexual desires can still be forces , as a duty for mirrage life , but i am no longer - how to say .. horny .
I also heard going Sadagami and Anagami path , sexual desires can rise back , to a point hard to control, they can go up and burn up like the last flame.
When i finished 15 days retreat , i no longer watned household life , at the 11th day of meditation , it comes to the point Cittanupattna : where we focus on mind events , emotings and feelings arised . then one session , the emotions that arisen is love.
When it comes to noting love , it is very hard to note , because what we thought love was just a total illusion.
When i tried to note love as "Love , Love" it is not possible .
So i tried to focus on mind on the feeling of Love , and then everything starts to clear... there is no "Love"
The Love i feel ( for my wife ) is made up of "Attachment , Metta , Kindess , Emphaty , Desire , Lust , Obession , Jealousy"
That what i belive love is , and then i tried to note each and every part of it , and finally , when everything gone, i cease again for about 5 minutes.
Then its clear that love is nothing but suffering , what i (we) consider Love is a Sphagetti of emotional sufferings.
When 15 days sit is over , that is the first thing i told to my wife , is that i no longer cling on to that illusion called love and she should not too. I allow her if she want to leave me because of that (she love me very much , and i don't want her to suffer) she can , if she want to stay as brother and sisters , she can . I want to pursue the path so at some point i may have to leave the family since i want to pursue till 4th stage , and i want to pratice all jhana , abinyannas .
She was so shaken , and cried , she can't take it .
I don't know what to do , but i continue sit at home, 2-3 time a day , and 5 times on weekends.
It comes to a point that sexual desires are so much gone by then.
i went to my master asked , if they allowed me to become a monk , my master called my wife and asked , if she is ready , she is shaken and cried.
So my master told me , to reduce meditation and continue the path at around 50 years of age.
Can I find out more bout dukha nyanas and those other tests?
I know exactly what you said about love, I try to tell people, nobody believe. I said a dog knows how to love too, if a human love, supposed to be way beyond, you dont choose to love who, and what, everything , everybody, even your enemy you love , thats what you view in unlimited space and unlimited consciousness, how small we are , how can we not love everything.
I’ve not yet told my wife since we’re just had a baby and she had a c-section so 100days of no husband wife activity. But I dont plan to make her upset now, Im planning to repay my doing of karma in purpose for my family, I’d pay fully and be non-resistance to their needs, teaching as much as possible, thats what i planned for my 20years of waiting. So how about you phyo?
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 1:46 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 1:40 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent PostsHenry wijaya:
Phyo Arkar:
Henry wijaya :
Phyo Arkar :
For the retreat , they are only taught by Burmese speak ing mentor monks.
But my master , was a doctor , and he have good English.
Now he is guiding my disciple in English over online after i taught him online , to next steps.
Alot had changed
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and al ways pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not pay ing and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not ter miate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one re con.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Be fore i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I can be contented easily than before (both good and bad thing).
> how has your enlightenment maintatined since your attainment
After retreat , we got to meditate 2 times a day (1 hr each) 5 times on weekend
- After 40 times report back to my mentor
- He check the progress.
On home meditation do not need to write full reports , only some strange one need to be reported.
But in this format:
- DateTime
- Pleasent/Un pleasent
- How many Cessation (Pha la) occour within 1 session or not
- How many minutes if it occours
- Comment
Also before meditation we have to sat 3 types of aim by Wishing (i tried to translate closly to english)
May i Gain Frui tation of Stream Entry (10 Sessions)
May i Gain Pha la for Longer period (10 Sessions)
May I enter Nibanna (10 session)
But my master , was a doctor , and he have good English.
Now he is guiding my disciple in English over online after i taught him online , to next steps.
Alot had changed
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and al ways pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not pay ing and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not ter miate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one re con.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Be fore i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I can be contented easily than before (both good and bad thing).
> how has your enlightenment maintatined since your attainment
After retreat , we got to meditate 2 times a day (1 hr each) 5 times on weekend
- After 40 times report back to my mentor
- He check the progress.
On home meditation do not need to write full reports , only some strange one need to be reported.
But in this format:
- DateTime
- Pleasent/Un pleasent
- How many Cessation (Pha la) occour within 1 session or not
- How many minutes if it occours
- Comment
Also before meditation we have to sat 3 types of aim by Wishing (i tried to translate closly to english)
May i Gain Frui tation of Stream Entry (10 Sessions)
May i Gain Pha la for Longer period (10 Sessions)
May I enter Nibanna (10 session)
Are you also considered as 3rd stage ? An anagami?
Sorry my mistake , that post make me think you are already an anagami.
Reduced sexual desires are also due to Strong thamadi , and my master that if you entered 1st Jhana , and if it is still firm (outside meditation i think) , you will have no desire for sex too. But thoses will not last.
Anagami at 3rd stage no longer have sexual desires , and reduced desires for other things too. And Magga and Phala are different ( i don't know how different).
But don't worry , these days one won't jump directly to Anagami stage.
stage 2 needs months to 1 year. (last month , we saw one women reached stage 2 within a month of 5 times a day sit).
There are many checking conditions , to ensure stage 2 too , going stage 2 need different wishing (aiming) like to revisit lower, dukkha nyanas for 30 sits , higher nyanas for 30 sits , without ceasing. It is a lot more intense and tiring than stage 1. ( that i just heard , i do not have experience with thoses are i cannot guide).
Niroda samapati only comes at Anagami or Arahant stage , you do not need to worry about it . Even not all Anagami can enter niroda samapati. 1hr daily sits will be fine.
For me , sexual desires can still be forces , as a duty for mirrage life , but i am no longer - how to say .. horny .
I also heard going Sadagami and Anagami path , sexual desires can rise back , to a point hard to control, they can go up and burn up like the last flame.
When i finished 15 days retreat , i no longer watned household life , at the 11th day of meditation , it comes to the point Cittanupattna : where we focus on mind events , emotings and feelings arised . then one session , the emotions that arisen is love.
When it comes to noting love , it is very hard to note , because what we thought love was just a total illusion.
When i tried to note love as "Love , Love" it is not possible .
So i tried to focus on mind on the feeling of Love , and then everything starts to clear... there is no "Love"
The Love i feel ( for my wife ) is made up of "Attachment , Metta , Kindess , Emphaty , Desire , Lust , Obession , Jealousy"
That what i belive love is , and then i tried to note each and every part of it , and finally , when everything gone, i cease again for about 5 minutes.
Then its clear that love is nothing but suffering , what i (we) consider Love is a Sphagetti of emotional sufferings.
When 15 days sit is over , that is the first thing i told to my wife , is that i no longer cling on to that illusion called love and she should not too. I allow her if she want to leave me because of that (she love me very much , and i don't want her to suffer) she can , if she want to stay as brother and sisters , she can . I want to pursue the path so at some point i may have to leave the family since i want to pursue till 4th stage , and i want to pratice all jhana , abinyannas .
She was so shaken , and cried , she can't take it .
I don't know what to do , but i continue sit at home, 2-3 time a day , and 5 times on weekends.
It comes to a point that sexual desires are so much gone by then.
i went to my master asked , if they allowed me to become a monk , my master called my wife and asked , if she is ready , she is shaken and cried.
So my master told me , to reduce meditation and continue the path at around 50 years of age.
Can I find out more bout dukha nyanas and those other tests?
> Only those are given by masters according to Yogi , I am sorry , i do not have access to thoses.
I know exactly what you said about love, I try to tell people, nobody believe. I said a dog knows how to love too, if a human love, supposed to be way beyond, you dont choose to love who, and what, everything , everybody, even your enemy you love , thats what you view in unlimited space and unlimited consciousness, how small we are , how can we not love everything.
> Attachment is suffering , The only pure love is Metta , the way Buddha love all the beings.
> Since everyone is clouded with Kleshas , if we say Love is illusion , they won't accept. Telling that to a loving couple will only see us as negative people, and that may lead them to think wrong about Dhamma.
I’ve not yet told my wife since we’re just had a baby and she had a c-section so 100days of no husband wife activity. But I dont plan to make her upset now, Im planning to repay my doing of karma in purpose for my family, I’d pay fully and be non-resistance to their needs, teaching as much as possible, thats what i planned for my 20years of waiting. So how about you phyo?
> it will be very hard for your wife to accept , i won't recommend.
> Since normal people have Lust , things will go wrong
> I am 34 years old so i have to wait for 16 years .. as my master recomemnds. But i continue Daily Sit these days .
> What i did was i stopped meditation and force my self to gain back desires.. which is not recommended ..
Henry wijaya, modified 6 Years ago at 7/20/18 2:10 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/20/18 2:10 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 58 Join Date: 7/7/18 Recent Posts
I never look at that kind of way, like you said going back to desire, this desire we meant, is wraped in so many ways, when you have experience these things and shifted perception, the desire reveals the truth.
For example : the body need food, but desire cover the needs to excessive needs become “I need delicious food”.
The body sexual hormone is working naturally, but you thought you need a sexual satisfaction.
The mind, by its nature, collecting things, differentiating things, just in order to survive; but you thought you need to be a success man with large house and cars.
The feeling, by its nature, need to feel pleasant, happiness etc ; but you thought with succesful identity and worthy belongings , you will feel pleasantness, but thats not the truth, you can just sit and feel happiness.
So I never escaped the desire, but I look it in different way, I still eat delicious food, sometimes luxury lifestyle. But I no longer feel I need them, if they are here then it’s fine but if they are gone it is perfectly fine too, better be gone, because I really dont need these ( but then my wife would complain I dont like the clothes she bought, so I wear them anyway, if she’s not around I prefer my plain clothes)
I hope you can enjoy going back to desire without being painful, as its impossible to be attached at illusions since you’re stream enterer. For me it’s a chance to practice things you attained.
See this is a perfect world to live in without resistance , fetters, illusions. But once you reveal the anatta, you no longer want all of these excessive, you just want to stay simple, and your soul want be boundless by aiming for nirvana. Why 7 lives more since you’re just a form of emptiness.
I’ll try to guide my family for the truth, but it is still up to them to reveal the truth.
*when I say “you” , its everybody I meant
For example : the body need food, but desire cover the needs to excessive needs become “I need delicious food”.
The body sexual hormone is working naturally, but you thought you need a sexual satisfaction.
The mind, by its nature, collecting things, differentiating things, just in order to survive; but you thought you need to be a success man with large house and cars.
The feeling, by its nature, need to feel pleasant, happiness etc ; but you thought with succesful identity and worthy belongings , you will feel pleasantness, but thats not the truth, you can just sit and feel happiness.
So I never escaped the desire, but I look it in different way, I still eat delicious food, sometimes luxury lifestyle. But I no longer feel I need them, if they are here then it’s fine but if they are gone it is perfectly fine too, better be gone, because I really dont need these ( but then my wife would complain I dont like the clothes she bought, so I wear them anyway, if she’s not around I prefer my plain clothes)
I hope you can enjoy going back to desire without being painful, as its impossible to be attached at illusions since you’re stream enterer. For me it’s a chance to practice things you attained.
See this is a perfect world to live in without resistance , fetters, illusions. But once you reveal the anatta, you no longer want all of these excessive, you just want to stay simple, and your soul want be boundless by aiming for nirvana. Why 7 lives more since you’re just a form of emptiness.
I’ll try to guide my family for the truth, but it is still up to them to reveal the truth.
*when I say “you” , its everybody I meant
John Smith, modified 6 Years ago at 7/20/18 11:01 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/20/18 11:01 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 6 Join Date: 4/3/18 Recent Posts
Dear Phyo, thank you for sharing your story.
I recently moved to Thailand with hopes of making my practice better.
I would love to work with you online if possible, where can I contact you?
I recently moved to Thailand with hopes of making my practice better.
I would love to work with you online if possible, where can I contact you?
John R, modified 6 Years ago at 7/20/18 6:06 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/20/18 6:06 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 11 Join Date: 6/21/18 Recent Posts
I read this thread before and I want to say something but don't want to trigger any egos so I will just say it and hope you can see beyond that.
Given your explanation of this "enlightenment" I really don't think it is enlightenment.I say this because I have experienced all of the above on my path. And I am not enlightened yet. It sounds to me like some of "you" has dissolved, your ego has diminished.
Furthermore I don't think anyone truly enlightened would come on a forum and say such things. Some small part of the ego drives people to claim attainments. Because, to me atleast, the more the ego dissolves, the closer I get to Source, the less I feel I need to help people. The more I realise I am not in control of enlightenment or other peoples in the same way I do not control my heart beating, my breathe, and my digestive system. People elsewhere read that as "so you dont care anymore?" no thats not what I mean. You just realise, like, its not in your place to do it.
Really struggling to explain this.
Given your explanation of this "enlightenment" I really don't think it is enlightenment.
Alot had changed
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and al ways pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not pay ing and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not ter miate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one re con.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Be fore i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and al ways pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not pay ing and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not ter miate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one re con.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Be fore i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I can be contented easily than before (both good and bad thing).
Furthermore I don't think anyone truly enlightened would come on a forum and say such things. Some small part of the ego drives people to claim attainments. Because, to me atleast, the more the ego dissolves, the closer I get to Source, the less I feel I need to help people. The more I realise I am not in control of enlightenment or other peoples in the same way I do not control my heart beating, my breathe, and my digestive system. People elsewhere read that as "so you dont care anymore?" no thats not what I mean. You just realise, like, its not in your place to do it.
Really struggling to explain this.
Henry wijaya, modified 6 Years ago at 7/21/18 12:35 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/21/18 12:35 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 58 Join Date: 7/7/18 Recent PostsJohn R:
I read this thread before and I want to say something but don't want to trigger any egos so I will just say it and hope you can see beyond that.
Given your explanation of this "enlightenment" I really don't think it is enlightenment.I say this because I have experienced all of the above on my path. And I am not enlightened yet. It sounds to me like some of "you" has dissolved, your ego has diminished.
Furthermore I don't think anyone truly enlightened would come on a forum and say such things. Some small part of the ego drives people to claim attainments. Because, to me atleast, the more the ego dissolves, the closer I get to Source, the less I feel I need to help people. The more I realise I am not in control of enlightenment or other peoples in the same way I do not control my heart beating, my breathe, and my digestive system. People elsewhere read that as "so you dont care anymore?" no thats not what I mean. You just realise, like, its not in your place to do it.
Really struggling to explain this.
Given your explanation of this "enlightenment" I really don't think it is enlightenment.
Alot had changed
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and al ways pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not pay ing and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not ter miate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one re con.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Be fore i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I Just want to become monk and entire life meditate peacefully.
I asked to my mentor to be that , he do not allow as i have human duties left , being married, and only son so to look after parents .
- I am immensely grateful to 3 jewels and al ways pay respect as soon as i see monk and Buddha images .
- Lying become so difficult , and i start to talk things in very honestly
- Almost No Stress
Before Retreat , i was very stress due to :
A project complete but customer is not pay ing and delaying half of payment ,even tho the software launch is success and already 20000 users.
I was so stressed out to the point that it causing me anxiety attack because with that money i am operating
my software company and only about 1 month left to pay to employees. But out of good will , i do not ter miate his app.
After retreat , that said customer , come complaining because Servers become slow due to 20000 active users (ofcoz i can't upgrade server without payment)
He trow very rude and harsh words , if i was before i will go to his office and wreck havoc, but i just clamly listen his harsh words.
I just recon them hearing hearing, if i am a bit annoying i recon annoying , anger , etc. Only very little bit of anger occours , and its gone in one re con.
And then he become so tired to the point that he can't speak anymore.
- My Addiction on Online Gaming is gone. Be fore i can't live more than 1 night without playing games.
- Samadi remain very strong , every like every experience is a bliss that hard to shake away , and sexual desires are very much reduced.
( To a point that even erotic movies makes no sense to me anymore)
- Other kind of desires are much reduce , I am CEO , both business and technical director ,
my role of dealing with clients , when it comes to asking money becomes very hard.
- I want to spent my life teaching others and bringing enlightenment as possible (but we have a rule that if you can't
responsible for your disciple's outcome , progress , should not teach , especially Samahta )
- I can be contented easily than before (both good and bad thing).
Furthermore I don't think anyone truly enlightened would come on a forum and say such things. Some small part of the ego drives people to claim attainments. Because, to me atleast, the more the ego dissolves, the closer I get to Source, the less I feel I need to help people. The more I realise I am not in control of enlightenment or other peoples in the same way I do not control my heart beating, my breathe, and my digestive system. People elsewhere read that as "so you dont care anymore?" no thats not what I mean. You just realise, like, its not in your place to do it.
Really struggling to explain this.
Only people who experienced what he said and above be able to analyze and know, even the great arahant Sariputta cant identify the stages, only Buddha at that time can know.
There are few indicators to look at too, try no meditate, and the time will tell, try going back to the fruition, check the experience of of the no self.
Why no helping others? It is the fruit you taste so sweet, dont you wanna let others know too? You gonna be like taking things for granted from buddha if you don’t, as you already pass the mind tricks but people havent, lost, you gonna help automatically . And you’ll be able to recognize too the mind trick people when they judge your attainment is fake. You know why they do that, and you try to help , but if people resist it’s better to say ; ok fine “Im not there yet, but would you like to help me further?” Will this make things better? Its always ok to drop the identity as stream enterer but will it help or make it worse for people if I retract?
You’re in control your own enlightment but there are many things binding, entangling you, when nothing more binding you, yes you must let go your control and yourself.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 7/21/18 3:56 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/21/18 2:42 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent PostsYou have all rights not to believe. But there is one thing wrong , ego still exists till 3rd stage altough minimal and yes it is my aim and i am not stopping here. Sotapanna is one that bodily expeirenced Nibanna for a glimpse , Non-Self for a blip . Ego dosen't extinguished totally there (but repeated experience of fruitation leading to next stages will diminished ego).
I claimed 7 days enlightement is possible within these days if it is done with guidence of experienced mentors , checking and correcting every session .
Because, to me atleast, the more the ego dissolves, the closer I get to Source, the less I feel I need to help people.
I think that is nothing to do with Ego but Metta.
Edit : I changed to title since it looks too egocentric for some , my mistake and might be due to non-native english.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 7/21/18 2:58 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/21/18 2:58 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent PostsFor example : the body need food, but desire cover the needs to excessive needs become “I need delicious food”.
The body sexual hormone is working naturally, but you thought you need a sexual satisfaction.
The mind, by its nature, collecting things, differentiating things, just in order to survive; but you thought you need to be a success man with large house and cars.
The feeling, by its nature, need to feel pleasant, happiness etc ; but you thought with succesful identity and worthy belongings , you will feel pleasantness, but thats not the truth, you can just sit and feel happiness.
The body sexual hormone is working naturally, but you thought you need a sexual satisfaction.
The mind, by its nature, collecting things, differentiating things, just in order to survive; but you thought you need to be a success man with large house and cars.
The feeling, by its nature, need to feel pleasant, happiness etc ; but you thought with succesful identity and worthy belongings , you will feel pleasantness, but thats not the truth, you can just sit and feel happiness.
So I never escaped the desire, but I look it in different way, I still eat delicious food, sometimes luxury lifestyle. But I no longer feel I need them, if they are here then it’s fine but if they are gone it is perfectly fine too, better be gone, because I really dont need these ( but then my wife would complain I dont like the clothes she bought, so I wear them anyway, if she’s not around I prefer my plain clothes)
Exactly , I also enjoy delicious food but i won't go out and search for best food in town like i used to before.
Before i was very greedy when its come to good food and i ate a lot and sometimes overeat.
But now If it fills my stomach , i am good.
I do not have desire for intoxicants .
Ofcoz we still have desires.
But total elimination of sexual desire will come at 3rd stage and.
Total elimination of desire only comes at Arahantship.
I hope you can enjoy going back to desire without being painful, as its impossible to be attached at illusions since you’re stream enterer. For me it’s a chance to practice things you attained.
Henry wijaya, modified 6 Years ago at 7/21/18 4:09 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/21/18 4:09 AM
RE: 7 day S.E is possible : Samahta-Vipassana + experienced mentors guidian
Posts: 58 Join Date: 7/7/18 Recent Posts
Phyo what do you think of these sensual desire affect according to the stages :
- Sotapanna : Still have waves of sensual thoughts but no more sexual activity for satisfaction; (only for reproducing and spouse need’s) , still have wet dreams.
- Sakadagami : Subtle waves of sensual thoughts but no more sexual activity or wet dreams.
- Anagami : No more waves of sensual thoughts and activity and dreams
I’ve not been in these area but sotapanna so Im just making these assumptions
- Sotapanna : Still have waves of sensual thoughts but no more sexual activity for satisfaction; (only for reproducing and spouse need’s) , still have wet dreams.
- Sakadagami : Subtle waves of sensual thoughts but no more sexual activity or wet dreams.
- Anagami : No more waves of sensual thoughts and activity and dreams
I’ve not been in these area but sotapanna so Im just making these assumptions
I Dream of Jnani, modified 6 Years ago at 7/22/18 6:36 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/22/18 6:36 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 39 Join Date: 7/13/18 Recent Posts
@Phyto, others,
Thank you for sharing your experiences. I find it valuable to hear about how your attitude toward relationship and family intimacy, child rearing, and desire to be a householder potentially changed post Insight.
Be careful with the human tendancy to emotionally react and flee from a newly seen through set of fabricated disctinctions via Desire for Deliverance/Patisankha Nyana-Re Observation, etc.
I gladly admit these and more have hooked me enough times lately, and will likely do so in the future.
I find that when my mind and body is occupied with the wellfare and care of others (even close family members), it has a grounding effect on being and practice itself. We may be able to see through the notion of security and/or enticement-based conceptual "love", but some have found a reason to stand up even for illusionary things, for the sake of Metta/Bodhicitta, and it supports our practice progress too.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. I find it valuable to hear about how your attitude toward relationship and family intimacy, child rearing, and desire to be a householder potentially changed post Insight.
Be careful with the human tendancy to emotionally react and flee from a newly seen through set of fabricated disctinctions via Desire for Deliverance/Patisankha Nyana-Re Observation, etc.
I gladly admit these and more have hooked me enough times lately, and will likely do so in the future.
I find that when my mind and body is occupied with the wellfare and care of others (even close family members), it has a grounding effect on being and practice itself. We may be able to see through the notion of security and/or enticement-based conceptual "love", but some have found a reason to stand up even for illusionary things, for the sake of Metta/Bodhicitta, and it supports our practice progress too.
Donal Flannery, modified 6 Years ago at 8/12/18 7:30 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 8/12/18 7:30 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 2 Join Date: 8/12/18 Recent PostsMin Khant Kyaw Swa, modified 6 Years ago at 9/27/18 10:26 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 9/27/18 10:26 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 2 Join Date: 9/27/18 Recent PostsPyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 12/12/18 8:30 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 12/12/18 8:30 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent PostsPyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 12/12/18 8:32 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 12/12/18 8:32 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent Posts
Do you mean outside of Myanmar? There are many yogis who practices there in myanmar. A few foreigners are accepted now (this year 3) . The first foreigner (who i have guided and then continued mentored by my mentor) is miguel.
Pyro Arkar, modified 6 Years ago at 12/12/18 8:33 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 12/12/18 8:33 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 56 Join Date: 12/18/17 Recent PostsMin Khant Kyaw Swa, modified 6 Years ago at 12/15/18 10:45 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 12/15/18 10:45 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 2 Join Date: 9/27/18 Recent PostsArc, modified 5 Years ago at 8/28/19 6:12 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 8/28/19 6:12 AM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 6 Join Date: 8/26/19 Recent Posts
Could you give details, links, etc., about the center? The internet search did not yield results. Thanks!
Could you give details, links, etc., about the center? The internet search did not yield results. Thanks!
Matthew Jon Rousseau, modified 5 Years ago at 11/28/19 3:44 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 11/28/19 3:44 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 70 Join Date: 10/6/19 Recent Posts
Could you give details, links, etc., about the center? The internet search did not yield results. Thanks!
Could you give details, links, etc., about the center? The internet search did not yield results. Thanks!
simon Krz, modified 4 Years ago at 11/8/20 9:34 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 11/8/20 9:34 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Post: 1 Join Date: 11/5/20 Recent Posts
Hi Pyro,
I know it's been a little while since you posted but I'm extremely interested in your experience. Do you know if over the last year or so any of the aung thu kha centers have been made more accommodating to westerners, or if there's any possible way I could access the techniques your master taught you? Have you learned any more about teaching/would you feel comfortable guiding someone through the process?? Thanks so much for sharing your experience here it's very inspiring!
All the best,
I know it's been a little while since you posted but I'm extremely interested in your experience. Do you know if over the last year or so any of the aung thu kha centers have been made more accommodating to westerners, or if there's any possible way I could access the techniques your master taught you? Have you learned any more about teaching/would you feel comfortable guiding someone through the process?? Thanks so much for sharing your experience here it's very inspiring!
All the best,
Mettafore, modified 4 Years ago at 11/9/20 11:34 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 11/9/20 11:33 PM
RE: 7 day S.E is possible : Samahta-Vipassana + experienced mentors guidian
Posts: 171 Join Date: 3/24/14 Recent Posts
Hi Pyro,
I totally agreee that a hybrid Samtha + Vipassana technique can be very potent for progress.
Is there a way of contacting you? I want to quickly progress further beyond SE.
I totally agreee that a hybrid Samtha + Vipassana technique can be very potent for progress.
Is there a way of contacting you? I want to quickly progress further beyond SE.
david duarte, modified 4 Years ago at 11/15/20 2:37 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 11/15/20 2:00 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Post: 1 Join Date: 9/18/13 Recent Posts
I really need to chat with Miguel or Pyro
Is this possible? Like Miguel I want to end my suffering. I want to tell you my story.
Is there no way to send DMs?
Is this possible? Like Miguel I want to end my suffering. I want to tell you my story.
Is there no way to send DMs?
Derek2, modified 4 Years ago at 11/15/20 2:53 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 11/15/20 2:53 PM
RE: i have attained enlightenment within 7 days in 15 days aung thu kha cen
Posts: 236 Join Date: 9/21/16 Recent PostsMatthew Jon Rousseau:
Could you give details, links, etc., about the center? The internet search did not yield results. Thanks!
Could you give details, links, etc., about the center? The internet search did not yield results. Thanks!
This is what he seemed to be referring to:
Aung Thu Kha Dhamma Yeik Thar
အောင်သုခဓမ္မရိပ်သာခွဲ ထောက်ကြန့်-၁
Ah Wai Yar 2nd Street 11022 Htauk Kyant
Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)
+95 9 431 36250