Effortless Meditation n Mindfulness Meditation

Allan, modified 6 Years ago at 4/4/18 5:42 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 4/4/18 5:42 AM

Effortless Meditation n Mindfulness Meditation

Post: 1 Join Date: 4/4/18 Recent Posts
i just read the book, shift into freedom by LochKelly and about effortless meditation and it give much better insight on Meditation.
I  practice Mindfulness Meditation and it open a lot of repressed unconscious emotions n thoughts which I could not handled.

Has anyone read  Loch Kelly  Shift into Freedom book -I hope to get someone to dicuss about it and  your experience when
practising the book pointers.It seem the effortless meditations taught are are advance meditation methods.
Yilun Ong, modified 6 Years ago at 4/4/18 7:07 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 4/4/18 7:05 AM

RE: Effortless Meditation n Mindfulness Meditation

Posts: 623 Join Date: 8/7/17 Recent Posts
Not read that book but it sounds like Shinzen Young's Do Nothing or what is commonly termed as Choiceless Awareness? Yes that is an advanced practice, basically what happens is previous meditation practices/habits will come into auto-play. Not recommended for beginners as they go swimming in content and have insufficient mindfulness for this practice to effect positive outcomes.

It will help if you can detail your practice (past/present), what issues are you facing, what are your short term goals, etc. so that kind folks here can better advice. If you aren't ready to face the bubbled up stuff, I will work on stillness to achieve greater concentration for the time being until I am ready to strengthen my equanimity to push onwards...

Metta to you! (And it is also such an underrated practice - can't go wrong practicing it!)
jonjohn, modified 6 Years ago at 4/4/18 12:59 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 4/4/18 8:54 AM

RE: Effortless Meditation n Mindfulness Meditation

Posts: 91 Join Date: 3/24/17 Recent Posts
I did read it (most of it). It is a very good book. I don't know though how helpful can be or how easy it may  seem to different kind of practitioners. Cutting through duality at once, is a tricky thing. After you know what it is like, it is tempting to forget the progression that preceded it and devalue the meditation techniques and effort that were required. It seems to me that the truth is somewhere in the middle: you can't trust or recognise the situation if you didn't practice a lot, and on the other hand, you can bypass lots of concentration work and go directly to the thing. 

"What is here if there is no problem to solve" was a very useful mantra for me. Others like "turn back" or "unhook" etc, not so. 

Edit: The above was a reply to Allan (i mistakenly replied to Yilun). 
