Comparing with Western Centers

Vincent Horn, muokattu 16 Vuodet sitten at 30.3.2008 4:08
Created 16 Vuodet ago at 30.3.2008 4:08

Comparing with Western Centers

Viestejä: 211 Liittymispäivä: 20.4.2009 Viimeisimmät viestit
Forum: MBMC (Penang, Malaysia)

This is a great review. Thanks so much for writing it, and for including the pictures. I've considered going to MBMC several times, but I always find myself going back to to the Western Centers (IMS, Spirit Rock, Forest Refuge, etc.). I'd love to hear someone who has gone to both comment on how they compare, in detail. Obviously, MBMC is probably a lot cheaper, but with a plane ticket to Malaysia when you compare it to the discounted rates that the Forest Refuge offers it's actually quite comparable from most places in the United States. Europe may be totally different.

In any case, thanks again for the review. emoticon
Guillermo Z, muokattu 16 Vuodet sitten at 31.3.2008 6:04
Created 16 Vuodet ago at 31.3.2008 6:04

RE: Comparing with Western Centers

Viestejä: 20 Liittymispäivä: 8.9.2009 Viimeisimmät viestit
Hi vjhorn,

no problem, I am glad that I can share this great experience at MBMC with this community. My flight ticket was about 1000$ and I spent arround 300$ in hotels, transportation, etc. I guess that it is certainly an attractive deal if you spend longer periods of time (say 3 months) when you compare it with for example IMS.

By the way, I am also very interested in the commentaries of someone that know both Western and Eastern Centers.
