Monasteries and/or retreat centers between Georgia and Massachusetts

Wet Paint, modified 15 Years ago at 12/9/08 6:59 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 12/9/08 6:59 AM

Monasteries and/or retreat centers between Georgia and Massachusetts

Posts: 22924 Join Date: 8/6/09 Recent Posts
Author: josh0
Forum: Dharma Overground Discussion Forum

In January I'm going to be driving up from Athens, Georgia to Massachusetts. If things work out the way I'd like, I'll have no obligations from the 4th through the 12th, which basically gives me a full week to myself. It seems pretty unlikely that there would be any actual retreats that would meet my geological and chronological contraints, but I was wondering if anyone knows of any Monasteries or centers in the right general area where I might be able to spend a few days. Failing that, any recommendations on where I might be able to find a secluded campground to pitch a tent and spend a few days on my own in the woods would also be great.

The Southern Dharma retreat center in NC would be convenient and sounds like exactly what I'm looking for, but for $65/night would be stretching my budget a bit far.
Lee G Moore, modified 15 Years ago at 12/9/08 10:20 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 12/9/08 10:20 AM

RE: Monasteries and/or retreat centers between Georgia and Massachusetts

Posts: 18 Join Date: 7/4/09 Recent Posts
Normally there would be Bhavana Society in West Virginia which is open to visits for up to 6 nights. However Jan-Feb the monastics are in retreat and closed to visitors.

There are also a couple of Goenka centers on the east coast that run 10 day retreats. Not sure if one coincides with your timeline and has any room. Check out

Wet Paint, modified 15 Years ago at 12/9/08 11:21 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 12/9/08 11:21 AM

RE: Monasteries and/or retreat centers between Georgia and Massachusetts

Posts: 22924 Join Date: 8/6/09 Recent Posts
Author: josh0

Hmm, Bhavana would be perfect if only it weren't exactly the wrong time of year. emoticon

A Goenka retreat would be nice, but unfortunately I only have a maximum of 8 days, so a 10-day retreat just wouldn't work. It looks like Bodhi Monastery is right on my route, but I'm not sure if I'd be able to spend a few days there or not.

I may just head a little ways west for some backcountry camping in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park for my own self-led retreat. :/
