Glossary - Discussion
Wet Paint, modified 15 Years ago at 4/8/09 3:41 PM
Created 15 Years ago at 4/8/09 3:41 PM
Posts: 22924 Join Date: 8/6/09 Recent Posts
Author: garyrh
Forum: Glossary
If you would like a word defined by the community please add it to the left column keeping the alpha sorting.
If you are confident about a definition please add or edit the definition in the right column.
If you are really good you might like to contribute with the word and definition at the same time .
If you feel inclined to discuss a definition, please add a new thread for each word (so there is one thread per word with the subject having only the word).
Forum: Glossary
If you would like a word defined by the community please add it to the left column keeping the alpha sorting.
If you are confident about a definition please add or edit the definition in the right column.
If you are really good you might like to contribute with the word and definition at the same time .
If you feel inclined to discuss a definition, please add a new thread for each word (so there is one thread per word with the subject having only the word).
Wet Paint, modified 15 Years ago at 4/9/09 6:24 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 4/9/09 6:24 AM
RE: Glossary
Posts: 22924 Join Date: 8/6/09 Recent Posts
Author: garyrh
Here is the procedure.
1)anyone can submit a word, concept or definition straight into the glossary page.
2)at any time we can engage a community discussion about the definition/concept.
3)at any time anyone can modify a definition. The member modifying is to notify the community in the discussion thread for that particular word.
4)in the case of a dispute include both definitions or concepts for the word.
5)reckless activity (such as resolving a dispute by removing a definition) will be handled by the forum moderators
Here is the procedure.
1)anyone can submit a word, concept or definition straight into the glossary page.
2)at any time we can engage a community discussion about the definition/concept.
3)at any time anyone can modify a definition. The member modifying is to notify the community in the discussion thread for that particular word.
4)in the case of a dispute include both definitions or concepts for the word.
5)reckless activity (such as resolving a dispute by removing a definition) will be handled by the forum moderators