Why do you meditate?

Jim Smith, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 3:09 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 3:08 PM

Why do you meditate?

Posts: 1830 Join Date: 1/17/15 Recent Posts
In another thread I wrote:

I meditate every day because it helps me have equanimity and peace every day. I am not looking for a huge breakthrough, just a gradual improviement over a lifetime. I wonder what other people expect from their practices.

If you want to discuss why you meditate please share your views below.

Partly I am wondering if there are any others here like me but I am also interested in what motivates other people to meditate and what they expect from their practice. Maybe my sights are too low?

Konstantin Alexandrov, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 4:43 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 4:43 PM

RE: Why do you meditate?

Posts: 17 Join Date: 10/5/17 Recent Posts
Started because I just wanted to find a solution for my very life. Whatever occupation I would imagine back then seemed vain and not leading to self realisation. Could not start any ambitious project because of the realisation that whatever I come up with is lacking objectivity within its goals so that you cannot be sure if it is leading to the good or to the bad.

Continuing now because I can see that enlightenment is real, and the full enlightenment is desirable.

Still, I think that the real goal of everything is much bigger than just to get rid of suffering.
Chris André, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 4:49 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 4:49 PM

RE: Why do you meditate?

Posts: 114 Join Date: 6/23/17 Recent Posts
Primary reason is to alleviate mental and emotional suffering.
Jim Smith, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 5:44 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 5:42 PM

RE: Why do you meditate?

Posts: 1830 Join Date: 1/17/15 Recent Posts
Konstantin Alexandrov:

Still, I think that the real goal of everything is much bigger than just to get rid of suffering.
I feel the same way. I don't get my spiritual beliefs, values, or guidance from Buddhism. I look to Buddhism for practical advice on how develop in order to put my spiritual values into pracitce. A common theme in spiritual philosophies is to love ... but they never tell you how to do it, what to do to feel it.  Buddhism does.
Thich Nhat Han Solo, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 7:02 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 6:55 PM

RE: Why do you meditate?

Posts: 16 Join Date: 1/12/18 Recent Posts
Fundamentally, because I need to know the truth of reality - the question has burned for an answer in me since I can remember. 
The cessation of suffering is just a very welcome side-effect - but it's not why I need to get the job done.
I'm very much meditating for enlightenment (or as close to) in this lifetime. 
ivory, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 8:26 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 8:26 PM

RE: Why do you meditate?

Posts: 199 Join Date: 9/11/14 Recent Posts
I do it just to meet hot babes
Nick O, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 8:56 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 8:56 PM

RE: Why do you meditate?

Posts: 317 Join Date: 11/5/17 Recent Posts
Three years ago, after a very brief overview of Zen Buddhist philosophy and meditation pratice, I experienced split second sudden awakening (similar to Eckhart Tolle's personal event detailed in his book The Power of Now). There was nothing to worry about. Nothing to desire. The blinders were removed and there was only love to see. There was a permanent shift in perspective but the euphoria slowly vanished and suffering (to a much lesser extent) returned. My search began. After discovering insight meditation and practicing Vipassana, I've been slowly working back to find the peace I found in that moment three years ago. When I don't meditate, I fall back into false, unhealthy perspectives, thoughts and emotions. When life gets busy and I don't make time to meditate, the effect is emotionally similar to not getting enough sleep.

In addition to the "maintenance" it provides for my life, there's of course the mystery of the path that fuels enthusiasm for the deeper practice, retreats, etc. How deep does this rabbit hole go anyways? Who am I? What is IT? 

By the way Jim, I am truly enjoying your point blank, honest questions and the answers it brings out of the kind folks here. I've learned a thing or two. 
Richard Zen, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 9:02 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 9:02 PM

RE: Why do you meditate?

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 5/18/10 Recent Posts
I meditate to look for painful mental movements that are optional, and let them go.
Noah D, modified 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 10:24 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/18/18 10:24 PM

RE: Why do you meditate?

Posts: 1227 Join Date: 9/1/16 Recent Posts
Bodhicitta - the wish for buddhahood
Jim Smith, modified 6 Years ago at 7/19/18 1:47 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/19/18 1:47 AM

RE: Why do you meditate?

Posts: 1830 Join Date: 1/17/15 Recent Posts
Nick O:

By the way Jim, I am truly enjoying your point blank, honest questions and the answers it brings out of the kind folks here. I've learned a thing or two. 
Jim Smith, modified 6 Years ago at 7/19/18 3:55 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/19/18 3:55 AM

RE: Why do you meditate?

Posts: 1830 Join Date: 1/17/15 Recent Posts
Nick O:

By the way Jim, I am truly enjoying your point blank, honest questions and the answers it brings out of the kind folks here. I've learned a thing or two. 

I appreciate the helpful answers I have gotten. I don't like to clutter up the threads with messages thanking for every response (which is why I often close with "Thanks in advance") so I'll take the opportunity here to say thanks to those who have provided responses to my questions. 

streamsurfer, modified 6 Years ago at 7/20/18 7:57 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/20/18 7:57 AM

RE: Why do you meditate?

Posts: 101 Join Date: 1/19/16 Recent Posts
To awaken, in a buddhist sense as well as psychological.
For not wasting this very life in limitless aversion without even noticing - I'm glad I had the moments pushing me in this direction. (kicks in the ass)
And of course, magick/powers emoticon It's somehow supporting my life and fun to do, and although it's not my main practice, it's somehow related to that.
Nicolas G, modified 6 Years ago at 7/20/18 10:12 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/20/18 10:12 AM

RE: Why do you meditate?

Posts: 27 Join Date: 1/4/18 Recent Posts
I'm in the path (morality-meditation-wisdom) to transend the mind conditioning and help others do to the same.
Mike, modified 6 Years ago at 7/20/18 3:00 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/20/18 3:00 PM

RE: Why do you meditate?

Posts: 2 Join Date: 7/8/18 Recent Posts
I do it just to meet hot babes

Well, obviously.

Apart from that, to cultivate tranquility. Anatta, which makes me laugh like a drain. Oh, all of it is wonderful.

Thinking about it, I laugh a lot more these days. Result!
