help me get my head around this... - Discussion
help me get my head around this...
, modified 14 Years ago at 9/1/10 5:18 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 9/1/10 4:42 AM
help me get my head around this...
Posts: 13 Join Date: 8/3/10 Recent Posts
i just read through the actual freedom site and was hoping anybody could help me out with clarifying a few things to let this sit together in a larger conceptual framework... i am just checking that my ideas about this make sense
The basic thing that came across was that on the whole the concepts at a broad level seem to be almost identical to the concepts of pure and undogmatic insight meditation such as encouraged by Daniel Ingram and people round here.
It seems logical to assume that a PCE is a fruition, or is no different than the experince of things described as emptiness/no self/true self/nirvana/god or something beyond conceptualising.... whatever words you want to use. Other similarites seem to be using awareness to observe thoughts and sensations and see that they are not really us, but mere impulses.
The differences i see are the processes involved to reach that, that actual freedom doesnt include formal meditation, and it goes about things in another way, through this questioning technique, and also that actual freedom claims that the freedom can be entirely permanent where as within undogmatic insight meditation it isnt really claimed that things become entirely pure and permananet but just the apprehension of things becomes permanantly altered.
i dont doubt that both the method of actual freedom could work, and that the claims to complete freedom could be true.
i found a bit objectional that from my current level of understanding of things that he seems to disregard 'enlightenment' in the meditative traditions almost entirely. it appears in much of the concept of actual freedom he is talking about the very same thing as pure enlightenment from an undogmatic insight mediation sense... and what he is really talking about in terms of the delusion of enlightement is all of the dogma and formalities of eastern religions, and transcendent practises.
so although it generally makes sense, the overall impression he suggests about meditation, seemingly all meditation is that is misguided/dogmatic. being as i percieve that he is talking about a dogmatic, religious type mediation and not pure insight meditation then the only benifit i can see from degrading meditation is that if it was simply just more time consuming, and that if somehow wasnt really neccessary to bother with the formalities of sitting.
it seems that the idea of mahasi style meditation and the purpose of this the dharma overground is all to do with simplicity and effectiveness, so if this actual freedom concept and method was more effective, then lets all jump ship! i think the attitude here is the more effective the better. i am initially skepticle the actual freedom method could be more effective, but who knows..
so what are peoples opinions in terms of meditation vs the actual freedom process of asking questions about our experience.. and do my reflections on it make sense.. or have i failed to understand anything major?
it seems overall unless it is substancially faster or less effort, or pointing toward a different thing, then downgrading meditation just seems incorrect.. it also appears that talking about meditation the way he does has the potential to confuse people, put them off doing entirely effective meditation pratices and just add another thing to get confused about.. like if i read that knowing a bit less than i do now, i might take on board all he says about meditation being deluded and find that i had found a answer which overall might not be the right path at all and potentially increase my own deludeness for a time if i was to start dismissing meditation.. a little like somebody who found buddism might dismiss christianty as dogmatic and disregard that at the very pure root has more in common, and ultimately flows out of the same experience
i just read through the actual freedom site and was hoping anybody could help me out with clarifying a few things to let this sit together in a larger conceptual framework... i am just checking that my ideas about this make sense
The basic thing that came across was that on the whole the concepts at a broad level seem to be almost identical to the concepts of pure and undogmatic insight meditation such as encouraged by Daniel Ingram and people round here.
It seems logical to assume that a PCE is a fruition, or is no different than the experince of things described as emptiness/no self/true self/nirvana/god or something beyond conceptualising.... whatever words you want to use. Other similarites seem to be using awareness to observe thoughts and sensations and see that they are not really us, but mere impulses.
The differences i see are the processes involved to reach that, that actual freedom doesnt include formal meditation, and it goes about things in another way, through this questioning technique, and also that actual freedom claims that the freedom can be entirely permanent where as within undogmatic insight meditation it isnt really claimed that things become entirely pure and permananet but just the apprehension of things becomes permanantly altered.
i dont doubt that both the method of actual freedom could work, and that the claims to complete freedom could be true.
i found a bit objectional that from my current level of understanding of things that he seems to disregard 'enlightenment' in the meditative traditions almost entirely. it appears in much of the concept of actual freedom he is talking about the very same thing as pure enlightenment from an undogmatic insight mediation sense... and what he is really talking about in terms of the delusion of enlightement is all of the dogma and formalities of eastern religions, and transcendent practises.
so although it generally makes sense, the overall impression he suggests about meditation, seemingly all meditation is that is misguided/dogmatic. being as i percieve that he is talking about a dogmatic, religious type mediation and not pure insight meditation then the only benifit i can see from degrading meditation is that if it was simply just more time consuming, and that if somehow wasnt really neccessary to bother with the formalities of sitting.
it seems that the idea of mahasi style meditation and the purpose of this the dharma overground is all to do with simplicity and effectiveness, so if this actual freedom concept and method was more effective, then lets all jump ship! i think the attitude here is the more effective the better. i am initially skepticle the actual freedom method could be more effective, but who knows..
so what are peoples opinions in terms of meditation vs the actual freedom process of asking questions about our experience.. and do my reflections on it make sense.. or have i failed to understand anything major?
it seems overall unless it is substancially faster or less effort, or pointing toward a different thing, then downgrading meditation just seems incorrect.. it also appears that talking about meditation the way he does has the potential to confuse people, put them off doing entirely effective meditation pratices and just add another thing to get confused about.. like if i read that knowing a bit less than i do now, i might take on board all he says about meditation being deluded and find that i had found a answer which overall might not be the right path at all and potentially increase my own deludeness for a time if i was to start dismissing meditation.. a little like somebody who found buddism might dismiss christianty as dogmatic and disregard that at the very pure root has more in common, and ultimately flows out of the same experience
Trent , modified 14 Years ago at 9/1/10 6:10 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 9/1/10 11:00 AM
RE: help me get my head around this...
Posts: 361 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Okay then.
It may seem this way at first, and perhaps even long after the first look, but until / unless one has a far-more-than-basic understanding of both insight meditation methods, processes and outcomes and also of actual freedom methods, processes and outcomes, it may be difficult to compare and contrast the two accurately.
It may seem this way at first, and perhaps even long after the first look, but until / unless one has a far-more-than-basic understanding of both insight meditation methods, processes and outcomes and also of actual freedom methods, processes and outcomes, it may be difficult to compare and contrast the two accurately.
If I may ask, why does it matter to you? How does this effect your current goals or methods or whatever?
Do not these differences seem to suggest that the two are far from identical?
Alright...that's a fine first step, what do you suppose you will do next?
I tend to think similarly of his convictions-- that he is mostly talking about the dogma and formalities-- but regardless, 'being' is fundamentally delusional and the vast majority of people / texts / other resources slinging around the word 'enlightenment' are consumed by attempting / achieving radical, full blown solipsism (which is the opposite of an aim to eradicate / eradicating being). In other words: a majority of contemplatives are heading deeper into delusion, rather than away from it. Though, even having knowledge of the possibility of an actual freedom from the human condition and all that it entails will aid one in avoiding such things (if one's aim's in these matters be pure, that is). Good news, eh?
Pure insight meditation does not actually exist as I think you may be implying. You see, as insight meditation can only take place in a delusion-capable or delusion-ridden mind, one's "pure insight meditation" is only "pure" in relation to other forms, and perhaps the thought that it is "pure" is also supported by one's own ideals. Think about it...if insight meditation was truly pure or clear in method or process, then why all the "paradox," confusion, poor communication, disagreements, and so forth that-- even when people are actually trying to reconcile the issues-- inevitably crop up in such discussions?
This is not to say that insight meditation, especially that of the relatively pure type, does not have merit; although I am also not saying that it does either. As you can see, I am a bit of a fence there is simply not enough information available to draw any realistic conclusions regarding which approach is "best." I say though, regardless of whether one decides to meditate or not, that one should-- as soon as possible-- begin sincerely putting AF methods to use.
Haha... you might want to first jump on the ship and travel across the gaping river of being prior to jumping off; and steer clear of getting pulled off course by Oneness if it be encountered, as it is / contains some particularly seductive sirens (and I'm not talking about Devas here).
Really though, I'm aware of your point due to context, despite your oddly ironical use of that particular idiom. So hey, go for it...
And what if, by chance, you have now stumbled upon the one (confirmed) method which does actually eliminate suffering and delusion entirely? If that is the case, would it not be worth abandoning the alternatives? I am not recommending blind devotion or anything of the like, by the way...investigate-- lose yourself temporarily and experience a PCE-- then decide. If that be done, 'you' may find that the decision regarding 'your' eradication has already been decided upon... and that's where the fun begins!
Matthew Moore:
i just read through the actual freedom site and was hoping anybody could help me out with clarifying a few things to let this sit together in a larger conceptual framework... i am just checking that my ideas about this make sense
Okay then.
Matthew Moore:
The basic thing that came across was that on the whole the concepts at a broad level seem to be almost identical to the concepts of pure and undogmatic insight meditation such as encouraged by Daniel Ingram and people round here.
It may seem this way at first, and perhaps even long after the first look, but until / unless one has a far-more-than-basic understanding of both insight meditation methods, processes and outcomes and also of actual freedom methods, processes and outcomes, it may be difficult to compare and contrast the two accurately.
Matthew Moore:
It seems logical to assume that a PCE is a fruition, or is no different than the experince of things described as emptiness/no self/true self/nirvana/god or something beyond conceptualising.... whatever words you want to use. Other similarites seem to be using awareness to observe thoughts and sensations and see that they are not really us, but mere impulses.
It may seem this way at first, and perhaps even long after the first look, but until / unless one has a far-more-than-basic understanding of both insight meditation methods, processes and outcomes and also of actual freedom methods, processes and outcomes, it may be difficult to compare and contrast the two accurately.
If I may ask, why does it matter to you? How does this effect your current goals or methods or whatever?
Matthew Moore:
The differences i see are the processes involved to reach that, that actual freedom doesnt include formal meditation, and it goes about things in another way, through this questioning technique, and also that actual freedom claims that the freedom can be entirely permanent where as within undogmatic insight meditation it isnt really claimed that things become entirely pure and permananet but just the apprehension of things becomes permanantly altered.
Do not these differences seem to suggest that the two are far from identical?
Matthew Moore:
i dont doubt that both the method of actual freedom could work, and that the claims to complete freedom could be true.
Alright...that's a fine first step, what do you suppose you will do next?
Matthew Moore:
i found a bit objectional that from my current level of understanding of things that he seems to disregard 'enlightenment' in the meditative traditions almost entirely. it appears in much of the concept of actual freedom he is talking about the very same thing as pure enlightenment from an undogmatic insight mediation sense... and what he is really talking about in terms of the delusion of enlightement is all of the dogma and formalities of eastern religions, and transcendent practises.
I tend to think similarly of his convictions-- that he is mostly talking about the dogma and formalities-- but regardless, 'being' is fundamentally delusional and the vast majority of people / texts / other resources slinging around the word 'enlightenment' are consumed by attempting / achieving radical, full blown solipsism (which is the opposite of an aim to eradicate / eradicating being). In other words: a majority of contemplatives are heading deeper into delusion, rather than away from it. Though, even having knowledge of the possibility of an actual freedom from the human condition and all that it entails will aid one in avoiding such things (if one's aim's in these matters be pure, that is). Good news, eh?
Matthew Moore:
so although it generally makes sense, the overall impression he suggests about meditation, seemingly all meditation is that is misguided/dogmatic. being as i percieve that he is talking about a dogmatic, religious type mediation and not pure insight meditation then the only benifit i can see from degrading meditation is that if it was simply just more time consuming, and that if somehow wasnt really neccessary to bother with the formalities of sitting.
Pure insight meditation does not actually exist as I think you may be implying. You see, as insight meditation can only take place in a delusion-capable or delusion-ridden mind, one's "pure insight meditation" is only "pure" in relation to other forms, and perhaps the thought that it is "pure" is also supported by one's own ideals. Think about it...if insight meditation was truly pure or clear in method or process, then why all the "paradox," confusion, poor communication, disagreements, and so forth that-- even when people are actually trying to reconcile the issues-- inevitably crop up in such discussions?
This is not to say that insight meditation, especially that of the relatively pure type, does not have merit; although I am also not saying that it does either. As you can see, I am a bit of a fence there is simply not enough information available to draw any realistic conclusions regarding which approach is "best." I say though, regardless of whether one decides to meditate or not, that one should-- as soon as possible-- begin sincerely putting AF methods to use.
Matthew Moore:
it seems that the idea of mahasi style meditation and the purpose of this the dharma overground is all to do with simplicity and effectiveness, so if this actual freedom concept and method was more effective, then lets all jump ship! i think the attitude here is the more effective the better. i am initially skepticle the actual freedom method could be more effective, but who knows..
Haha... you might want to first jump on the ship and travel across the gaping river of being prior to jumping off; and steer clear of getting pulled off course by Oneness if it be encountered, as it is / contains some particularly seductive sirens (and I'm not talking about Devas here).
Really though, I'm aware of your point due to context, despite your oddly ironical use of that particular idiom. So hey, go for it...
Matthew Moore:
i might take on board all he says about meditation being deluded and find that i had found a answer which overall might not be the right path at all and potentially increase my own deludeness for a time if i was to start dismissing meditation.. a little like somebody who found buddism might dismiss christianty as dogmatic and disregard that at the very pure root has more in common, and ultimately flows out of the same experience
And what if, by chance, you have now stumbled upon the one (confirmed) method which does actually eliminate suffering and delusion entirely? If that is the case, would it not be worth abandoning the alternatives? I am not recommending blind devotion or anything of the like, by the way...investigate-- lose yourself temporarily and experience a PCE-- then decide. If that be done, 'you' may find that the decision regarding 'your' eradication has already been decided upon... and that's where the fun begins!
, modified 14 Years ago at 9/2/10 4:36 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 9/1/10 5:23 PM
RE: help me get my head around this...
Posts: 13 Join Date: 8/3/10 Recent Posts
Hi trent..
thanks a lot for the response.. feels like i am just fumbling around with conceptual frameworks too much
'It may seem this way at first, and perhaps even long after the first look, but until / unless one has a far-more-than-basic understanding of both insight meditation methods, processes and outcomes and also of actual freedom methods, processes and outcomes, it may be difficult to compare and contrast the two accurately.
If I may ask, why does it matter to you? How does this effect your current goals or methods or whatever?'
to start a practice such as insight mediation you need somekind of a percieved goal, be it delusional, or quite sane, otherwise you wouldnt just undertake the practise. the percieved value, at least at first when you have little mometum, is the key thing, and im not really overly locked into any method as yet. just whatever works, is dogma free, and leads to more of a clear insight. mahasi seems to be that thing .... though in terms of how this effects my current goals and methods it is becuase what i read about actual freedom interested me as made a lot of sense.. so it does have a sway in terms of how i am going about things. i atleast want to consider it in some way
i think its apparent proximity to insight made me somehow skeptical at first, or atleast wanting to classify it, but that is pretty stupid in terms of none of this being verifiable/comparible without seeing for yourself, and impressions of these things have no bearing on what they are or arent. i dont want to make assumptions and know that the things we are discussing go into strange territory where you can just get it or not get it due to experience, without any other justification or explination
all in all it is probably the sense that it somehow requires a leap of faith that leads me to perhaps overdoing trying to build some kind of picture to try and understand what i am dealing with first,
i should really just try actual freedom out and see what happens.... all in all, i dont doubt the claims of insight or actual freedom..
actual freedom just opens an alternative to insight which otherwise appears quite all encompanssing, and feels worth looking at.
Do not these differences seem to suggest that the two are far from identical?
yes, i shouldnt assume they are the same, especially as i dont know what im comparing
Alright...that's a fine first step, what do you suppose you will do next?
i can see i am just shooting in the dark in general, i should try it out.. or just forget about it..
the rest of what you wrote i found interesting and pretty stirring... thanks
EDIT: looking further into this as it appears that aside from anything else, that as it sort of appears to justify itself, and it is outside everyday reasoning, then it is simply something you can either work toward or not, experience or not experience. Arguements or assumptions about it appear meaningless. As it appears only truely tangable from the inside, then when on the outside it feels like all you really have if your own sense of inclination toward or away from it. i am aware that if i was inside the pce state then any of these deliberations might seem stupid, irrelvant, meaningless, or whatever.
the only logic i have at the moment inclines me against it, wherver that logic comes from .just feels best left alone at this point.
thanks a lot for the response.. feels like i am just fumbling around with conceptual frameworks too much
'It may seem this way at first, and perhaps even long after the first look, but until / unless one has a far-more-than-basic understanding of both insight meditation methods, processes and outcomes and also of actual freedom methods, processes and outcomes, it may be difficult to compare and contrast the two accurately.
If I may ask, why does it matter to you? How does this effect your current goals or methods or whatever?'
to start a practice such as insight mediation you need somekind of a percieved goal, be it delusional, or quite sane, otherwise you wouldnt just undertake the practise. the percieved value, at least at first when you have little mometum, is the key thing, and im not really overly locked into any method as yet. just whatever works, is dogma free, and leads to more of a clear insight. mahasi seems to be that thing .... though in terms of how this effects my current goals and methods it is becuase what i read about actual freedom interested me as made a lot of sense.. so it does have a sway in terms of how i am going about things. i atleast want to consider it in some way
i think its apparent proximity to insight made me somehow skeptical at first, or atleast wanting to classify it, but that is pretty stupid in terms of none of this being verifiable/comparible without seeing for yourself, and impressions of these things have no bearing on what they are or arent. i dont want to make assumptions and know that the things we are discussing go into strange territory where you can just get it or not get it due to experience, without any other justification or explination
all in all it is probably the sense that it somehow requires a leap of faith that leads me to perhaps overdoing trying to build some kind of picture to try and understand what i am dealing with first,
i should really just try actual freedom out and see what happens.... all in all, i dont doubt the claims of insight or actual freedom..
actual freedom just opens an alternative to insight which otherwise appears quite all encompanssing, and feels worth looking at.
Do not these differences seem to suggest that the two are far from identical?
yes, i shouldnt assume they are the same, especially as i dont know what im comparing
Alright...that's a fine first step, what do you suppose you will do next?
i can see i am just shooting in the dark in general, i should try it out.. or just forget about it..
the rest of what you wrote i found interesting and pretty stirring... thanks
EDIT: looking further into this as it appears that aside from anything else, that as it sort of appears to justify itself, and it is outside everyday reasoning, then it is simply something you can either work toward or not, experience or not experience. Arguements or assumptions about it appear meaningless. As it appears only truely tangable from the inside, then when on the outside it feels like all you really have if your own sense of inclination toward or away from it. i am aware that if i was inside the pce state then any of these deliberations might seem stupid, irrelvant, meaningless, or whatever.
the only logic i have at the moment inclines me against it, wherver that logic comes from .just feels best left alone at this point.
Bruno Loff, modified 14 Years ago at 9/2/10 5:22 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 9/2/10 5:22 AM
RE: help me get my head around this...
Posts: 1113 Join Date: 8/30/09 Recent PostsMathew Moore:
looking further into this as it appears that aside from anything else, that as it sort of appears to justify itself, and it is outside everyday reasoning, then it is simply something you can either work toward or not, experience or not experience. Arguements or assumptions about it appear meaningless. As it appears only truely tangable from the inside, then when on the outside it feels like all you really have if your own sense of inclination toward or away from it. i am aware that if i was inside the pce state then any of these deliberations might seem stupid, irrelvant, meaningless, or whatever.
Very sharply put. Indeed part of the PCE seems to be wanting it more and more.
Trent , modified 14 Years ago at 9/2/10 10:48 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 9/2/10 10:48 AM
RE: help me get my head around this...
Posts: 361 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent PostsMatthew Moore:
Hi trent..
thanks a lot for the response.. feels like i am just fumbling around with conceptual frameworks too much
thanks a lot for the response.. feels like i am just fumbling around with conceptual frameworks too much
You're very welcome.
Matthew Moore:
all in all it is probably the sense that it somehow requires a leap of faith that leads me to perhaps overdoing trying to build some kind of picture to try and understand what i am dealing with first,
i should really just try actual freedom out and see what happens.... all in all, i dont doubt the claims of insight or actual freedom..
actual freedom just opens an alternative to insight which otherwise appears quite all encompanssing, and feels worth looking at.
i should really just try actual freedom out and see what happens.... all in all, i dont doubt the claims of insight or actual freedom..
actual freedom just opens an alternative to insight which otherwise appears quite all encompanssing, and feels worth looking at.
Why do you suspect it requires a leap of faith? I wonder this because faith is not necessary at all (all faith must be abandoned eventually). Just read and attempt to understand, experiment a little bit and see how things work out. If done sincerely (being honest with oneself) you'll prove the harmlessness (figuratively and literally) of doing the practice, especially if you experience an EE or a PCE.
Matthew Moore:
EDIT: looking further into this as it appears that aside from anything else, that as it sort of appears to justify itself, and it is outside everyday reasoning, then it is simply something you can either work toward or not, experience or not experience. Arguements or assumptions about it appear meaningless. As it appears only truely tangable from the inside, then when on the outside it feels like all you really have if your own sense of inclination toward or away from it. i am aware that if i was inside the pce state then any of these deliberations might seem stupid, irrelvant, meaningless, or whatever.
the only logic i have at the moment inclines me against it, wherver that logic comes from .just feels best left alone at this point.
the only logic i have at the moment inclines me against it, wherver that logic comes from .just feels best left alone at this point.
It is only outside of everyday reasoning if one has not brought it into one's every day. That is to say...peace on earth is already available right here, today, now, at whenever time, wherever you are, and it will only be uncovered if you dare to care enough about yourself and other humans so as to sincerely investigate the matter.
Perhaps it feels best left alone at this point because you recognize that it will be the end of 'you.' If that is the case, I have to ask: why are you letting blind nature dictate the course of your life?
Trent , modified 14 Years ago at 9/3/10 3:01 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 9/3/10 3:00 PM
RE: help me get my head around this...
Posts: 361 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
[Edit] Seems the OP was deleted...or something. Let me know if you want me to remove this reply (which contains the previous, now missing, post)
What exactly is it you're claiming to have accomplished? Arhatship?
I have found nothing hard to describe about what it is I experience these days (freedom from the human condition). And personally, it has proven to be far "beyond" anything else I've experienced (including arhatship of the MCTB-described variety).
Unfortunately for those deluded enough to buy into it, this is half baked at best...easy to understand and impossible to resolve, eh? One can disguise one's own confusion in vague (thus profound sounding to the gullible) messages such as this, but I do not suffer that sort of foolishness one little bit. 'Primordial Awareness' is a delusion, and I would be doing no one a favor by saying otherwise.
There is no mix up or confusion over here...perhaps this common-theme of (misplaced) confusion can be recognized for what it is, then reeled back home and leveraged toward realizing one's own autonomy.
Interesting, is it not, that you confidently state "its not new," and yet proceed to immediately defy your own certitude by acknowledging that you may well be clueless...
As I stated in another thread, there is no "movement," it is all quite still here. There are, however, people are reading, exploring, investigating, sharing...and this is wonderful.
Have you considered that these foreboding feelings you find yourself experiencing may be happening because you've actually comprehended just what is being said, and as such, are scared shitless at the prospect(s)?
In a sense, yes...funny writ large; however, as 7 billion of our fellow humans are suffering like mad, it behooves one to reel it in and consider just what is at stake.
If there were any affective feelings at all, of any kind (let alone strong ones of the variety indicated), it has nothing to do with the PCE or an actual freedom. If you would like, I encourage you to post what your current methods entail and I will attempt to redirect you when I have the time to reply; that is, if your aim is genuinely to sample the PCE.
I don't really follow what you're saying to clarify?
Okay then.
You may want to continue your investigation, as you seem quite confused...but, of course, you may do whatever you like.
I'll leave all of that for Daniel to comment on if he wishes to do so.
I can't really figure out what you're saying to elaborate? problem. Though I wonder where exactly you were nudged to and by what specifically.
What exactly is this "slight link?" Could you elaborate? Is this related to the ebullient gusto AF aspirants often seem to suddenly stumble into?
Alright...and what if it only appears to be that way? What then?
And what if not discounting those traditions is actually the block? What then?
I am not pointing these things out to offend you in any way, by the way...but do you see how you have done the following?
In this paragraph you have alluded to or outright admitted to: possibly being insensible (might be nonsense), mad (the ramblings of a madman), out of control (feel it was just ... incidental), defensive of buddhism in general as you perceive it to be threatened, suspecting that it is unsettling to those you identify with, and unsettling to you due to its newness to you.
Perhaps, and I can only suggest, you should take a step back from this, take a nice big deep breath, then perhaps dive in again when you're ready to read with refreshed, unclouded eyes.
[Edit] Seems the OP was deleted...or something. Let me know if you want me to remove this reply (which contains the previous, now missing, post)
Matthew Moore:
the overall message is i appear to have attained what daniel describes in page 302 of his book about the sudden schools of awakening, firmly within the tradition though not neccessarily exclusive to the Mahayana side of buddism. ill make a discaimer that if i fall out of this state, if it turns out to be and insight stage or whatever, and i am just another classic case of jumping the gun and being deluded about something then this can all be disregarded. all i can say it doesnt feel like i have achieved some kind of a path or A and P which would need investigating in any way
What exactly is it you're claiming to have accomplished? Arhatship?
Matthew Moore:
my speculation is that the actual freedom movement is attaining what mahayana is working toward perhaps or somewhere in that area. i dont know the current status of the discussions between AF and buddihsm, heres what it looks like to me.. the concept that this is somehow new is pretty ridiculous, just odd or plain outrageous, if thats the case, maybe ill claim it instead, so, im the first, (obviously im not).. it appears to fit into of traditional methods. bruno,you suggest channeling spock which amuses me.. , due to it having its own voice type thing. it does kind of have its own logic, but not anything wild, not anything really beyond. hard to describe, but following everyday reasoning for many on the spiritual path.
I have found nothing hard to describe about what it is I experience these days (freedom from the human condition). And personally, it has proven to be far "beyond" anything else I've experienced (including arhatship of the MCTB-described variety).
Matthew Moore:
it happened pretty much spontaneously but was the result of years of endless rather neurotic ponderings and kind of cross referencing of concepts and came down to a matter of logic and sort of looking between the lines. at some point a feeling arose and i kind alllowed it to happen rather than fighting it with fear. it wasnt really like i meant it to happen, it just seems that way after as the logic of it comes apparent that i found what i was trying to work out.. mysterious sounding, but not really though, relatively profound and at the same time natural and normal, . my initial fumblings in meditation where within insight, which i think might have helped in terms of complementary concepts and theories and part of me getting a grip on things... so seems as valid as anything, i cant imagine it somehow impedes as all seems like a case of when or if things are ripe naturally then this area which appears familiar to areas of buddism might become apparent,,
Matthew Moore:
it seems pretty well summed up by kenneth folk here.. in talking about the lack of consensus on the end point, ultimate reality or whatever..
Buddhists have been arguing about this question of "dependently arisen" vs. "inherently existing" awareness for over two thousand years, and there is no resolution in sight. We are not going to resolve it here. One thing we can do, though, is acknowledge that there is this disagreement and see for ourselves how it comes about--because it is not some obscure point of doctrine; rather, these views are based on the actual experience of real flesh and blood humans who do these practices and come to radically different conclusions.
So let's look at how this happens. It is simultaneously easy to understand and impossible to resolve. It has to do with the assumptions you take into your practice. If you believe, as do the conservative Theravada Buddhists, that everything must be investigated for the three characteristics of suffering, impermanence, and no-self, you will not find primordial awareness. You will find only suffering, impermanence, and no-self.
If, on the other hand, you believe that nothing you can do will reveal the truth and that the best thing to do is to surrender completely to this moment, you will discover Primordial Awareness.
This is actually quite a good joke on all of us, so let's take a moment to enjoy it. It isn't even complicated. Because the recognition of Primordial Awareness is "uncompounded," anything you can do will distract you from recognizing it. "Anything you can do" includes investigating your experience through an act of will. The very act of investigation is compounding the situation and preventing the recognition of Primordial Awareness. This awkward situation of using the fabricated mind to seek out the truth of the un-fabricated has been likened to sending the chief of police to investigate an arson, when the chief of police is himself the arsonist. The culprit will never be found.
Buddhists have been arguing about this question of "dependently arisen" vs. "inherently existing" awareness for over two thousand years, and there is no resolution in sight. We are not going to resolve it here. One thing we can do, though, is acknowledge that there is this disagreement and see for ourselves how it comes about--because it is not some obscure point of doctrine; rather, these views are based on the actual experience of real flesh and blood humans who do these practices and come to radically different conclusions.
So let's look at how this happens. It is simultaneously easy to understand and impossible to resolve. It has to do with the assumptions you take into your practice. If you believe, as do the conservative Theravada Buddhists, that everything must be investigated for the three characteristics of suffering, impermanence, and no-self, you will not find primordial awareness. You will find only suffering, impermanence, and no-self.
If, on the other hand, you believe that nothing you can do will reveal the truth and that the best thing to do is to surrender completely to this moment, you will discover Primordial Awareness.
This is actually quite a good joke on all of us, so let's take a moment to enjoy it. It isn't even complicated. Because the recognition of Primordial Awareness is "uncompounded," anything you can do will distract you from recognizing it. "Anything you can do" includes investigating your experience through an act of will. The very act of investigation is compounding the situation and preventing the recognition of Primordial Awareness. This awkward situation of using the fabricated mind to seek out the truth of the un-fabricated has been likened to sending the chief of police to investigate an arson, when the chief of police is himself the arsonist. The culprit will never be found.
Unfortunately for those deluded enough to buy into it, this is half baked at best...easy to understand and impossible to resolve, eh? One can disguise one's own confusion in vague (thus profound sounding to the gullible) messages such as this, but I do not suffer that sort of foolishness one little bit. 'Primordial Awareness' is a delusion, and I would be doing no one a favor by saying otherwise.
Matthew Moore:
all i can say is that it feels like i have acheived the recogniction of primordial awareness as stated by kenneth. the AF stuff in relation to buddhsit tradition seems confused because its hard to categorise the simply uncompounded.. seems like an old arguement. so i would like to repeat, nothing too weird going on here just a strange mix up of buddhist traditions. it feels from here that it does kind of pull the rug on the Theravada side, but that could somehow be vice verca. all in all it makes no difference. its nothing new that people have claimed these states, and nothing new that it a sticky point. the only thing that really needs to be eradicated is all the confusion and strange ideas of and about AF
There is no mix up or confusion over here...perhaps this common-theme of (misplaced) confusion can be recognized for what it is, then reeled back home and leveraged toward realizing one's own autonomy.
Matthew Moore:
also check ken wilburs great chain. it simply appears, and this is speculation, that insight type training, goes up and down the chains.. Mahayana type stuff sits under all the chains and cant be accesed through insight alone, just some kind of logical putting 2 and 2 together and it making sense. seems pretty simple. all worthy goals. seems that the AF thing sort of claims just simply back to number 1 in the chain, physical, and that is supposed to be a brand new thing. who knows, maybe those guys are on a different trip, somekind of different uncompounded state.. 2 cognizing non dual states?.. i guess you could say the same well maybe the buddhist experience is actually experiencing this simple reduction.. but whatever, its not new. if it was some completely other state than i am in, then well, im clueless,r:0,s:0,r:0,s:0
Interesting, is it not, that you confidently state "its not new," and yet proceed to immediately defy your own certitude by acknowledging that you may well be clueless...
Matthew Moore:
bruno- really, dont worry about all of this actual freedom movement stuff. i know its concerning, and confusing, just take no notice, you seem pretty damn wise in sensing the crazyness of this being new.. all it really comes down to is a weird website that seems a bit synister and cultish somehow, or that somehow it is a trap. .. seems like there are many old heads around who have charted this before the richard and a small section of a relatively obscure website came along. this site seems to have a category for the range of traditions, actual freedom is just a weird anomly, like a girl hanging out in the guys locker room.. i would suppose the arguement comes in where the Mahayana people say, hey this is it, i found a perfect state, i feel happy and free and the theravada people assume it is some kind of deluded state. As if you enter the state you see the logic, then the arguement can never really be resolved. thats all really. confusion arises. you will logically see it or not.. but insight practise seems valid, its all part of the spectrum.
As I stated in another thread, there is no "movement," it is all quite still here. There are, however, people are reading, exploring, investigating, sharing...and this is wonderful.
Have you considered that these foreboding feelings you find yourself experiencing may be happening because you've actually comprehended just what is being said, and as such, are scared shitless at the prospect(s)?
Matthew Moore:
its all quite funny really...
In a sense, yes...funny writ large; however, as 7 billion of our fellow humans are suffering like mad, it behooves one to reel it in and consider just what is at stake.
Matthew Moore:
just to comment on the state itself, its nothing too wacky.. though it all hasnt really sunk in yet..feels like will need to integrate it more, i felt strong feelings of compassionate joy when i went for a walk, doesnt feel too unusual, seems to fit nirvana descriptions, but not in a way that feel like is a big deal.. yes is a bit unusual, but not unexpected. just it needs to sink in a bit more, its all a bit tainted by tiredness at the mo,
If there were any affective feelings at all, of any kind (let alone strong ones of the variety indicated), it has nothing to do with the PCE or an actual freedom. If you would like, I encourage you to post what your current methods entail and I will attempt to redirect you when I have the time to reply; that is, if your aim is genuinely to sample the PCE.
Matthew Moore:
feel like all i really did was work out a simple puzzle of logic, .. i am also very wary of promoting this neccessairly, feels like if it should happen, it should happen, thats all, thats how i awoke, thats all i have to go by. you can be happy without all this
I don't really follow what you're saying to clarify?
Matthew Moore:
i feel like when i get up tomorrow and see my family it will be a joy, and that when i call my girlfriend i will love all of her idiosyncrasies. .. just without an underlying sense i am trying to work some weird thing out. in a way, i already could appreciate these concepts simply in mindful terms of trying to not get lost in reactions, again nothing new, it is just revealed more clear without the maddening 'i know i shouldnt feel like this but i do' cycle.
Matthew Moore:
if for some reason i awoke tomorrow or whenever i drop out of this, ill let you know. also if somehow, i suddenly felt like i was in going a bit mad, i would tell you that too. i really dont want to appear as a mystery cultist of anykind. or even be associated as an AF movement type guy. buddism seems to cover it.
Okay then.
Matthew Moore:
funny if i look at the title of the thread, help me get my head around this.. i did get my head around this..but i dont attribute it to something to do with anything special in the actual freedom movement, it was just part of a chain of investigations that included many things and my own logic.
You may want to continue your investigation, as you seem quite confused...but, of course, you may do whatever you like.
Matthew Moore:
i guess in terms of daniel, and speculating about his experiences and the apparent u turn on his book which in turn has pulled the carpet from under peoples feet and left them slightly bewildered.. just consider this (from wikipedia)
Mahayana traditions consider that Nirvana Without Remainder is always followed by Nirvana With Remainder[citation needed] — the state of attainment of arhat is not considered final, and should be succeeded by Bodhisattvahood[citation needed].
so daniel can maybe be just seen as completing some kind of a complete journey, full circle. and no need to cycle.
and as daneil says, he is happy he followed the inight path, and he wrote a great and totally valid book on it. so if he finishes the whole thing of then maybe he can just write another book, MTCTOTB REDUX , or a criptic footnote. or maybe it will somehow fall back into something in the insight path
daniel is a excellent teacher, but dont fret about what he is or isnt doing or if he is doing something crazy. i can only assume that becuase he was so locked into insight he keeps going through these modes. 'PCE' as they call it, though feels nicer just to call it plain old nirvana or awareness or something if it is that... i feel somehow what i am writing is somehow cocky with my new found confidence.., so apoligies if that is the case, but that sense of clarity is what i have gained, so seems natural to write like i am
Mahayana traditions consider that Nirvana Without Remainder is always followed by Nirvana With Remainder[citation needed] — the state of attainment of arhat is not considered final, and should be succeeded by Bodhisattvahood[citation needed].
so daniel can maybe be just seen as completing some kind of a complete journey, full circle. and no need to cycle.
and as daneil says, he is happy he followed the inight path, and he wrote a great and totally valid book on it. so if he finishes the whole thing of then maybe he can just write another book, MTCTOTB REDUX , or a criptic footnote. or maybe it will somehow fall back into something in the insight path
daniel is a excellent teacher, but dont fret about what he is or isnt doing or if he is doing something crazy. i can only assume that becuase he was so locked into insight he keeps going through these modes. 'PCE' as they call it, though feels nicer just to call it plain old nirvana or awareness or something if it is that... i feel somehow what i am writing is somehow cocky with my new found confidence.., so apoligies if that is the case, but that sense of clarity is what i have gained, so seems natural to write like i am
I'll leave all of that for Daniel to comment on if he wishes to do so.
Matthew Moore:
it would be reasonalbe to think any pathways would make you more conducive, be this the point or not. maybe even the relative discomfort of inight is enough to signal a change, maybe you have to feel it..(seems common that arahatship turns to Bodhisattvahood) then all angles are worth going for, as on the other side of the coin of 'just stop meditating and question your experience' could be 'spend a few years going round in circles in your head and not doing worthwile practise' (though could also lead to something more spontanious, i have no official figures on these things..)
I can't really figure out what you're saying to elaborate?
Matthew Moore:
thats all really, thanks trent for the a couple of nudges, bruno, keep the faith whatever you do.. people seem to jump on you for trying to reign daniel a bit, but as he appears a little involved theoretically with the AF movement and adopting AF terms, well i guess that is just what he is doing, but it does seem odd in places and maybe he needs to be reigned in someway if this just just fall into buddism, just not the exact model he was master of, though im not aware of of his latest positiuon on it. .. its bog standard buddha awakening i proppose.. (also it even feels a little like we have to say 'i' instead of i or 'you' instead of you. it feels a little pedantic to me, that is spock speak as you put it bruno, haha) problem. Though I wonder where exactly you were nudged to and by what specifically.
Matthew Moore:
i dont know, personally i didnt ever feel like insight was a that much of a race or become a bit envious when my friend told me she had attained a path. this doesnt relaly seem too unusual though my insight dabbles were quite lame and i cant say if i got deeper in it wouldnt have come about somehow, i have no clue, all i really did was mind muddle with a few decent sessions of observing the chaning of my breath. within the 'hardcore' dharma movement ive heard people say, yeah i felt envious when this guy or that guy got a certain path, this could be reletively common throughout the tradition and just isnt verbalised, i dont want to assume anybodys underlying things. but its just there seems to be a slight link between AF and the going for it all guns blazing and beating your friends to it type thing. i just percive a loose connection. there could be a tendancy for some people to more likely find this a new phenominon, be on that leading wave, and take the advice from an angle that claims to undermine a lot of traditional buddhism,
What exactly is this "slight link?" Could you elaborate? Is this related to the ebullient gusto AF aspirants often seem to suddenly stumble into?
Matthew Moore:
the information appears to be all over the place in the buddhist tradition, i only worked all this out from really looking at it properly.. i cant really understand how it could all be overlooked at the expense of the richards website.
Alright...and what if it only appears to be that way? What then?
Matthew Moore:
all in all feels like no tradition should be discounted, the discounting attitude could be the block. actual freedom shouldnt be discounted, just put into context, it doesnt have to be religious and dogmatic to fit into some buddhist traditions, which is what i had a hunch about in my first post, if you prefer nothing to do with any kind of organised religion type thing , check out jeff fosters site about non dual awareness. you can see he's a chirpy guy has some decent web design going on.
And what if not discounting those traditions is actually the block? What then?
Matthew Moore:
ok, this might be nonsese, if it makes sense to you cool, if it is the ramblings of a madman, then at least it documents that. if this actual freedom thing is some kind of, oh yes that is what you were supposed to realise thing, they you got me, but again i feel it was just an incedental part. it doesnt follow much logic to me that the actual freedom movement is presenting anything new, the downgrading of the tranditional buddhist thing just seems a bit daft. especially as it throws a bizarre curveball and unsettles everyone in its claims to newness...
I am not pointing these things out to offend you in any way, by the way...but do you see how you have done the following?
In this paragraph you have alluded to or outright admitted to: possibly being insensible (might be nonsense), mad (the ramblings of a madman), out of control (feel it was just ... incidental), defensive of buddhism in general as you perceive it to be threatened, suspecting that it is unsettling to those you identify with, and unsettling to you due to its newness to you.
Perhaps, and I can only suggest, you should take a step back from this, take a nice big deep breath, then perhaps dive in again when you're ready to read with refreshed, unclouded eyes.
, modified 14 Years ago at 9/24/10 9:50 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 9/4/10 5:34 AM
RE: help me get my head around this...
Posts: 13 Join Date: 8/3/10 Recent Posts
Hi trent...
thanks for going through that trent. ill just make this post to clear things up and thanks for offering to delete my post, but theres no need. the reason i deleted the post was that i basically got all paranoid and just wanted to remove all trace of it. now, not being paranoid, it doesnt bother me. It shows where i was then, and where i am now, however that relates to anything, its madness in action. Any specualtions i made about the PCE and how it fits into anything really where just ramblings of a madman. I will just take your advice and take a step back, step away from the forum, appreciate my life as it is. im not interested, now atleast, to investage how any of this relates, whether or not my current feelings are some kind of step to the appreciation of what you guys are on about. So ill just keep it neutral to how i feel, speculation free as possible, and no need for anyone to put this into any kind of other persepctive if thats cool,
One of the only things that made sense in my post was that i said if i fall out of this, or if i feel like i am going mad, ill let you know. So this is me doing so. ]It might be helpful for anyone who falls into the state, for whatever reason and may chance upon this, to read, as it appears relatively common.
My experience was spontanious. and lasted about 24 hours. The experience is pretty much an experience of nihilistic existentialism, felt to the very core. Its been decribed as 'the filth' and 'sweet sickness'. This is from a description of Jean-Paul Sartre's 'nausea' (mine wasnt as severe as this)
Over time, his disgust towards existence forces him into near-insanity, self-hatred; he embodies Sartre's theories of existential angst, and he searches anxiously for meaning in all the things that had filled and fulfilled his life up to that point. But finally he comes to a revelation into the nature of his being. Antoine faces the troublesomely provisional and limited nature of existence itself.
In his resolution at the end of the book he accepts the indifference of the physical world to man's aspirations. He is able to see that realization not only as a regret but also as an opportunity. People are free to make their own meaning: a freedom that is also a responsibility, because without that commitment there will be no meaning.
i can see it for what it is, a horrible feeling. a kind of accident of experience, but maybe something valuable in terms getting past it and reintegrating it.
also seems common with various drugs. my mum described a similar though weeker sensation after childbirth. (i specualte this feeling would lead to post natal depression).
i think people in this state can alternate between personalites as it cycles between careless meaningless, and paranoia. Someone might be very sedate and then kind of become anxious. i was calm much of yesterday, in the evening very nervy and edgy.
so, im not really too bothered at how any of this relates. im just happy to have my senses back. for me it feels it seems clear it affected me spending too long on forums in general
so thanks.. and im out of here! maybe there should be a thread on this site about dealing with this kind of stuff, maybe there already is, and framework/speculation free. it does seems to be charted within buddhism/spirituality as a trap, but it isnt a buddhist/spiritual trap. its just trap. Maybe certain practises could make one more liable to that, at the same time, the same practises could make you see through it easier if it happened. its just a thought loop, i dont like the thought of anyone getting trapped in that through lack of rational perspective. because it is salvagable.
edit: just to add. in the state i was in...
1: i didnt feel tired and was awake all night.
2: i didnt feel hungry.
3: i was impotent
3: there was a sense of unreality and disassociation
4: a concept of making its own sense that couldnt really be argued with, a meaningless that makes natural sense only through its meaningless. hard to break through if breaking through is meaningless.
5: a sad floaty loneliness, feeling of kind of curse, and yearning to return.
6: a strange tendency to rationalize it was a good state and to say it felt ok in vague ways, and that you had to get your language right about it. in this there was some kind of sense that as you were stuck there, part of you still wants to make out it is correct, and worth doing, the other part aware that you dont really want to push others toward this point. maybe that is why its hard to get the language right. . (it did feel 'ok', but that seems excactly why its not ok. the okness gives it momentum and holds you in there to not break out)
7: feeling that i knew more about things and can theorise everything correctly and put things in their place through the inherent logic.
thanks for going through that trent. ill just make this post to clear things up and thanks for offering to delete my post, but theres no need. the reason i deleted the post was that i basically got all paranoid and just wanted to remove all trace of it. now, not being paranoid, it doesnt bother me. It shows where i was then, and where i am now, however that relates to anything, its madness in action. Any specualtions i made about the PCE and how it fits into anything really where just ramblings of a madman. I will just take your advice and take a step back, step away from the forum, appreciate my life as it is. im not interested, now atleast, to investage how any of this relates, whether or not my current feelings are some kind of step to the appreciation of what you guys are on about. So ill just keep it neutral to how i feel, speculation free as possible, and no need for anyone to put this into any kind of other persepctive if thats cool,
One of the only things that made sense in my post was that i said if i fall out of this, or if i feel like i am going mad, ill let you know. So this is me doing so. ]It might be helpful for anyone who falls into the state, for whatever reason and may chance upon this, to read, as it appears relatively common.
My experience was spontanious. and lasted about 24 hours. The experience is pretty much an experience of nihilistic existentialism, felt to the very core. Its been decribed as 'the filth' and 'sweet sickness'. This is from a description of Jean-Paul Sartre's 'nausea' (mine wasnt as severe as this)
Over time, his disgust towards existence forces him into near-insanity, self-hatred; he embodies Sartre's theories of existential angst, and he searches anxiously for meaning in all the things that had filled and fulfilled his life up to that point. But finally he comes to a revelation into the nature of his being. Antoine faces the troublesomely provisional and limited nature of existence itself.
In his resolution at the end of the book he accepts the indifference of the physical world to man's aspirations. He is able to see that realization not only as a regret but also as an opportunity. People are free to make their own meaning: a freedom that is also a responsibility, because without that commitment there will be no meaning.
i can see it for what it is, a horrible feeling. a kind of accident of experience, but maybe something valuable in terms getting past it and reintegrating it.
also seems common with various drugs. my mum described a similar though weeker sensation after childbirth. (i specualte this feeling would lead to post natal depression).
i think people in this state can alternate between personalites as it cycles between careless meaningless, and paranoia. Someone might be very sedate and then kind of become anxious. i was calm much of yesterday, in the evening very nervy and edgy.
so, im not really too bothered at how any of this relates. im just happy to have my senses back. for me it feels it seems clear it affected me spending too long on forums in general
so thanks.. and im out of here! maybe there should be a thread on this site about dealing with this kind of stuff, maybe there already is, and framework/speculation free. it does seems to be charted within buddhism/spirituality as a trap, but it isnt a buddhist/spiritual trap. its just trap. Maybe certain practises could make one more liable to that, at the same time, the same practises could make you see through it easier if it happened. its just a thought loop, i dont like the thought of anyone getting trapped in that through lack of rational perspective. because it is salvagable.

edit: just to add. in the state i was in...
1: i didnt feel tired and was awake all night.
2: i didnt feel hungry.
3: i was impotent
3: there was a sense of unreality and disassociation
4: a concept of making its own sense that couldnt really be argued with, a meaningless that makes natural sense only through its meaningless. hard to break through if breaking through is meaningless.
5: a sad floaty loneliness, feeling of kind of curse, and yearning to return.
6: a strange tendency to rationalize it was a good state and to say it felt ok in vague ways, and that you had to get your language right about it. in this there was some kind of sense that as you were stuck there, part of you still wants to make out it is correct, and worth doing, the other part aware that you dont really want to push others toward this point. maybe that is why its hard to get the language right. . (it did feel 'ok', but that seems excactly why its not ok. the okness gives it momentum and holds you in there to not break out)
7: feeling that i knew more about things and can theorise everything correctly and put things in their place through the inherent logic.