Recent Posts - Discussion
Recent Posts
Off cushion noting at Goenka retreat?
Started by Brad John Turner
Bailey . replied 4 Years ago.
412235 -
Insight vs concentration - what is fundamentally happening differently
Started by aroundaround
Martin replied 4 Years ago.
117644 -
Does age matter for the risks of aiming for stream entry?
Started by Abble Dok
George S replied 4 Years ago.
796970 Answers -
Looking for friendship and spiritual peers
Started by Kirill
Joseph Ernedal replied 3 Years ago.
46861 -
Y'all think we could enter Jhana and win these competitions?
Started by Bailey .
Jim Smith replied 4 Years ago.
25110 -
How can I do shamatha when all I do is cycle cycle cycle
Started by Zsolt
Tim Farrington replied 4 Years ago.
3318525 -
Saysdaw. Practical Insight meditation basic and progressive stages
Started by Matthew Jon Rousseau
Bailey . replied 5 Years ago.
14660 -
Is there a good substance (psychedelic) to aid in reaching a hard jhana
Started by Matthew Jon Rousseau
Matthew Jon Rousseau replied 5 Years ago.
8210681 Answer -
What is best OTC medicine for 3rd eye headaches?
Started by Bailey .
s j t replied 6 Years ago.
324278 -
Changing to constant peripheral visual upon attainments
Started by Bailey .
Noah D replied 6 Years ago.
86699 -
dipping my toe into the sea of enlightenment
Started by don hayes
Bailey . replied 6 Years ago.
65027 -
Widening awareness and avoiding tunnel vision
Started by O
junglist replied 6 Years ago.
355810 Answers -
Anyone know that webpage with a ton of enlightened people on it?
Started by Bailey .
Rednaxela replied 7 Years ago.
712457 -
Strategies for increasing the length of individual sits
Started by neko
Yilun Ong replied 6 Years ago.
178190 -
Any suttas or chanting to get rid of demons/evil spirits?
Started by Bailey .
Bailey . replied 7 Years ago.
15573 -
Vipassana meditation states vs stages in insight
Started by mikko
Bailey . replied 9 Years ago.
310559 -
Do any of you highly attained people still enjoy the Jhanas?
Started by Bailey .
Richard Zen replied 9 Years ago.
24167 -
Goenka Body Scanning: Do you continue to scan if you fall into Jhana?
Started by Bailey .
Psi replied 10 Years ago.
36278 -
Is the "point" to get to samadhi or to be in samadhi?
Started by Mike
Bailey . replied 10 Years ago.
249090 Answers -
Benefits of Meditation Specifically Unrelated To Nanas and Jhanas
Started by Noah
J C replied 10 Years ago.
1510741 -
A Sticky should be made about the cyclicle nature of the nanas (stages)
Started by Bailey .
A. Dietrich Ringle replied 10 Years ago.
14330 -
Can you serve two masters? Nirvana & samsara
Started by Conor O'Higgins
Max Nanasy replied 9 Years ago.
1211255 -
Is the private message system down?
Started by Bailey .
Daniel M. Ingram replied 10 Years ago.
16489 -
Is there a guy here named IAMthat, or something like that?
Started by Bailey .
Bailey . replied 10 Years ago.
14104 -
Analayo's new book
Started by katy steger,thru11.6.15 with thanks
Richard Zen replied 10 Years ago.
914335 -
I met a fully Enlightened "Buddha". Here's what he said:
Started by IAMTHAT That Ami
Bailey . replied 10 Years ago.
1816447 -
Showing 1 to 60 of 171 entries.