Recent Posts - Discussion
Recent Posts
Dependent Origination, Ontogenesis, and Five Elements
Started by Olivier S
Pawel K replied 5 Months ago.
125837 -
Stuck(ish) in a weird phase (Shock me like electric eels)
Started by Decaf Wolf
Decaf Wolf replied 1 Year ago.
69045 -
Achieved Stream-Entry in 2 Months
Started by Andrew Lyssunov
Julian Wirt replied 1 Year ago.
3421853 -
Looking for unenlightened control group for Buddha in a hottub experiment
Started by Stranger_Loop Stranger_Loop
Bahiya Baby replied 1 Year ago.
1014727 -
New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people up!
Started by Artem Zen
finding-oneself ♤ replied 2 Years ago.
1012334 -
How to Progress? Some Motivation Issues From a Newer Practitioner
Started by Mike B
Mike B replied 2 Years ago.
1219474 -
MOE's Journey Towards 2nd Path
Started by Mind over easy
Papa Che Dusko replied 2 Years ago.
204762 -
Stefan's Log #3: Mara Delenda Est
Started by Stefan Stefan
Papa Che Dusko replied 2 Years ago.
377122 -
How to actually train equanimity?
Started by Pavel Pek
finding-oneself ♤ replied 2 Years ago.
175408 -
Noting Struggle - Mental notes require physical breath
Started by Luis Fer
Luis Fer replied 2 Years ago.
614021 -
Abdomen vs choiceless awareness
Started by Christopher Kerr
CJMacie replied 8 Years ago.
880110 Answers -
Energetic event in EQ? / Does new A&P mean 1st path is done?
Started by jhana sais quoi
Mind over easy replied 8 Years ago.
118025 -
MYJ: No teacher, Only reading (and some practice)
Started by AbdouAbed
shargrol replied 8 Years ago.
148192 -
Kellen's journey towards 2nd path
Started by Mind over easy
Mind over easy replied 8 Years ago.
116635 -
Why are retreats so ascetic? (sleep and food deprivation)
Started by Matt Lorean
wwyww replied 9 Years ago.
12151261 Answer -
Opening the heart (chakra), curiousity
Started by Mind over easy
b man replied 9 Years ago.
1212434 -
Common grounds visitor in Minnesota, coming out of the lurker closet.
Started by Ryan J
Ryan J replied 10 Years ago.
55668 -
Weird 'coincidences' arising in high equanimity
Started by Aos Bound
x x replied 10 Years ago.
97122 -
Curious about your post path(s) experience
Started by Mind over easy
Mind over easy replied 10 Years ago.
56108 -
Quick, snapping, intense event... what is it?
Started by Mind over easy
Jehanne S Peacock replied 10 Years ago.
35828 -
Can Stream Entry Knock One Out of Equanimity and Formations?
Started by Jenny
Jenny replied 10 Years ago.
3129493 -
Epic Rap Battles: Mahasi vs Goenka
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem replied 10 Years ago.
1010087 -
Cracking the debate open: Free will vs. determinism in the Dharma
Started by Mind over easy
Eva Nie replied 10 Years ago.
108562 -
New-Age Wisdom
Started by Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem
Eva Nie replied 10 Years ago.
147311 -
Trying to practice after tragedy... any advice?
Started by Mind over easy
Daniel M. Ingram replied 10 Years ago.
96765 -
How do people's 4th Path experience compare?
Started by Charles B
Banned For waht? replied 10 Years ago.
31165496 Answers -
The insight that didn't change anything and surely can't be the "one"?
Started by Mind over easy
Eric M W replied 10 Years ago.
45500 -
Question about how exactly to spend the split seconds during Samatha
Started by Iulian Doroftei
Mind over easy replied 10 Years ago.
34949 -
Still struggling to understand experience in terms of maps/cycling
Started by Mind over easy
Andrew Mayer replied 10 Years ago.
97249 -
How to deal with body shaking, neck twisting and rapid breathing?
Started by George S. Lteif
M N replied 10 Years ago.
89141 -
Nanas and vibrations becoming less apparent: is this normal?
Started by Mind over easy
Mind over easy replied 10 Years ago.
65352 -
EQ > ReOb > EQ > ReOb > EQ... Forever?
Started by Mind over easy
Jenny replied 10 Years ago.
3728750 -
Human nature... any hope on that front?
Started by Mind over easy
Richard Zen replied 11 Years ago.
68410 -
DN more pronounced after stronger periods of EQ?
Started by Mind over easy
katy steger,thru11.6.15 with thanks replied 11 Years ago.
76531 -
Trying to flip it, effort of flipping it seems counterproductive
Started by Mind over easy
Dream Walker replied 11 Years ago.
55361 -
Reconsidering Zen at my Paradox Roadblock in EQ
Started by Mind over easy
B B replied 11 Years ago.
617454 -
Preparing For My First Retreat (Goenka 10-day)
Started by Mind over easy
Bailey . replied 11 Years ago.
78064 -
torn between the material and the spiritual
Started by Fitter Stoke
Andrew K replied 11 Years ago.
67149 -
Still Dealing with Family Pain
Started by Mind over easy
Victor S B Cova replied 11 Years ago.
1316300 -
"Spirits"... I'd Like to Meet Them, Anyone Experienced Out There?
Started by Mind over easy
Jareth Dekko replied 10 Years ago.
4546557 -
Microcosmic Orbit - 3 dantiens method
Started by Dan Cooney
Dan Cooney replied 11 Years ago.
Showing 1 to 60 of 112 entries.