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Should I return to breath after noting? (Focus In Shinzen Young Style&
Started by Dominik J
Bjorn Hjelte replied 12 Years ago.
59628 -
Bagpuss' Stream Entry Practice Thread
Started by Bagpuss The Gnome
Bagpuss The Gnome replied 12 Years ago.
16944782 -
Vippassana to Jhana pitfalls
Started by Howard Clegg
Eric B replied 12 Years ago.
17102590 Answers -
Freestyle Practice: Exploring Without A Map
Started by Tommy M
Tommy M replied 12 Years ago.
10339984 -
Purification vs development language
Started by Tarver
katy steger,thru11.6.15 with thanks replied 12 Years ago.
109127 -
What was that 'mystical' experience?
Started by mind less
mind less replied 12 Years ago.
1392921 Answer -
Brain scans: a distinct model of enlightenment?
Started by Tarver
Tarver replied 12 Years ago.
67341 -
Something has happened, is happening, and by all indications will continue
Started by T. Merganser
Luna Swift Arrow replied 12 Years ago.
98119 -
Dealing skillfully with having been transgressed against
Started by Tarver
thomas delrue replied 12 Years ago.
47295 -
Is this calm that arises with everything the after effects of SE?
Started by Braxton
Braxton replied 12 Years ago.
44839 -
Meditation Practice Thread (Daniel J)
Started by Daniel Johnson
Daniel Johnson replied 12 Years ago.
5416242 -
Showing 41 to 60 of 81 entries.