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Looking for more Noting Partners on Skype
Started by Cedric .
Daniel M. Ingram replied 9 Years ago.
224519 -
Anyone going to Science and Non-Duality conference happening now.
Started by Cedric .
Cedric . replied 10 Years ago.
14146 -
Buddhist Geeks 2014 DhO Gathering
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Simon T. replied 10 Years ago.
3224331 -
How to keep motivation and accountability high to get in lots of practice.
Started by Cedric .
Cedric . replied 11 Years ago.
214308 -
EQ > ReOb > EQ > ReOb > EQ... Forever?
Started by Mind over easy
Jenny replied 10 Years ago.
3730041 -
Long sits on a daily basis
Started by Aduro T
katy steger,thru11.6.15 with thanks replied 11 Years ago.
1417716 -
Looking for a teacher and/or fellow travelers in Miami/South Florida
Started by Cedric .
Cedric . replied 11 Years ago.
38254 -
Anxiety, Phobias, and Practice
Started by Jane Laurel Carrington
Jane Laurel Carrington replied 11 Years ago.
1923340 -
Improvement of awareness and concentration skills with fasting,
Started by aurélien berthomé
Jenny replied 10 Years ago.
1719961 -
Alan's [enter catchy title here] Meditation Notes
Started by Alan Smithee
Alan Smithee replied 4 Years ago.
7842752 -
Can meditation help someone overcome anxiety?
Started by Chris Dipster
PÃ¥l S. replied 11 Years ago.
6651643 -
The Tathagata Meditation Center in San Jose - Anyone been there??
Started by Cedric .
Cedric . replied 11 Years ago.
312627 -
4th Path: Doing It vs. Getting It Done
Started by Fitter Stoke
Cedric . replied 11 Years ago.
2632337 -
Why does attaining to higher paths facilitate great concentration ability?
Started by Cedric .
Jeff Grove replied 11 Years ago.
36502 -
I think I am close to SE - a question about not yet moving on to 2nd p
Started by Cedric .
Cedric . replied 11 Years ago.
88944 -
Let's see if we can list out the work that might be done after 4th path.
Started by Cedric .
Nikolai . replied 11 Years ago.
25940 -
Relation of MCTB 4th Path to Tibetan Buddhist Map
Started by T DC
. Jake . replied 11 Years ago.
2918012 -
Looking for a teacher or Dharma friend in Dallas
Cedric in Miami, FL., modified 11 Years ago.
03942 -
To renounce, or to marry, to have children, and to strive in the world?
Started by Cedric .
James Phillip Turpin replied 11 Years ago.
2224559 -
My Whining about Zen and how slippery Zen babble is.
Started by Cedric .
Not Important replied 12 Years ago.
25882 -
Smoking pot and meditative concentration
Started by Max Raikes
Not Important replied 12 Years ago.
3635159 -
Toxic Evangelism, Hardcore Dharma and Relationships
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Bhante Rakkhita Samanera replied 5 Years ago.
Showing 1 to 30 of 30 entries.