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Opening the heart (chakra), curiousity
Started by Mind over easy
b man replied 9 Years ago.
1212774 -
What The Buddha Did Not Teach - Christopher Titmuss
Started by J J
Karalee Peltomaa replied 9 Years ago.
5337797 -
Is Killing Ever Right? Of Mosquitoes and Men
Started by Jenny
. Jake . replied 10 Years ago.
7452923 -
3rd and Some Important Thoughts
Started by Incandescent Flower
Incandescent Flower replied 10 Years ago.
69695 -
Non-Dual Awareness by Shinzen
Started by Dada Kind
katy steger,thru11.6.15 with thanks replied 10 Years ago.
3025602 -
A silver bullet for Actualist practice (or, how to disable negatvity)
Started by Not Tao
Not Tao replied 9 Years ago.
4036427 -
PCE's vs Concentration practices vs Jhana , or is it all the same?
Started by Psi
Psi replied 10 Years ago.
2818108 -
Gerry's Noting practice log aiming for Stream Entry
Started by Gerry V
Incandescent Flower replied 8 Years ago.
10261567 -
Showing 81 to 100 of 147 entries.