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Awareness of awareness practice
Started by anti anti camper
Banned For waht? replied 10 Years ago.
47520 -
Can meditation help someone overcome anxiety?
Started by Chris Dipster
PÃ¥l S. replied 11 Years ago.
6649556 -
concentration hardware project - need expert advice
Started by anti anti camper
Daniel M. Ingram replied 11 Years ago.
910153 -
My Dream of a New Scientific Journal
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Rednaxela replied 7 Years ago.
6074634 -
Formal language (XML?) for practice and experience?
Started by anti anti camper
Martin M replied 11 Years ago.
711001 -
Wondering about PCEs, EEs, and non-dual experiences
Started by Fitter Stoke
Fitter Stoke replied 12 Years ago.
1412849 -
OK, Let's Do This - Robert's Practice Log
Started by Robert McLune
Ivo B replied 10 Years ago.
7526495 -
meditation sickness and fear?
Started by anti anti camper
Tommy M replied 12 Years ago.
12123560 Answers
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries.