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Pervasive sadness - is it spiritual state or just pure emotional?
Started by Tommy Toys
David Matte replied 3 Years ago.
53084 -
Compare: Awareness of Awareness vs. Do Nothing vs. Awareness of Breath
Started by Tommy Toys
Pepe · replied 3 Years ago.
53620 -
Logic of Emptiness seem "flawed" to me. Please help explain.
Started by Tommy Toys
Not two, not one replied 3 Years ago.
114801 -
Good motivation tips? (esp post Eq pre Path)
Started by Tommy Toys
Pepe · replied 3 Years ago.
14910 -
"Never argue with Sayadaw. He simply can’t tolerate it."
Started by Jim Smith
ahtrahddis replied 3 Years ago.
9340757 -
"Watsup Dawg" - Trick to dis-embed I-ness of thoughts
Started by Tommy Toys
Oatmilk replied 3 Years ago.
47657 -
Theravada monasticism and western values
Started by Lucas
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö replied 3 Years ago.
1616826 -
DN: How to interpret Kenneth's concentration suggestion?
Started by Tommy Toys
Papa Che Dusko replied 4 Years ago.
18136890 Answers -
Geeky theory: Stream Entry As a Game, in Computing terms
Started by Tommy Toys
Tommy Toys replied 4 Years ago.
462670 Answers -
Which stage of insight am I stuck at?
Started by Tommy Toys
Tommy Toys replied 4 Years ago.
1166970 Answers
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries.