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Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Started by Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
Chris M replied 1 Hour ago.
13018876 -
Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Started by Bahiya Baby
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 16 Hours ago.
7617734 -
Who Are the Hungry Ghosts?
Started by Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
Bahiya Baby replied 2 Days ago.
1150 -
Movies with Dharma themes
Started by Griffin
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 14 Days ago.
3010746 -
Alex's Dharma Log 4. Finding-Oneself
Started by finding-oneself ♤
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 15 Days ago.
456469 -
Meditation Retreat Recommendations in US - Midwest to East Coast
Started by Truth Seeker
Joseph Martin replied 17 Days ago.
3580 -
What's your assessment of this experience?
Started by JDW 3621
JDW 3621 replied 15 Days ago.
151188 -
COVID Risk Reduction on Retreat Video
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Bahiya Baby replied 15 Days ago.
195247 -
Looking for retreat recommendations
Started by Jacob Hermansen
Eudoxos . replied 26 Days ago.
76677 -
How has Metta meditation changed you and impacted your life?
Started by Aeon .
Nick Green replied 1 Month ago.
2010714 -
What is "Zen koan koan training at its best?"
Started by Alley Faint Wurds
terry replied 2 Months ago.
315668 -
How do views change experience?
Started by Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
Papa Che Dusko replied 2 Months ago.
2918007 -
And the award for best named spiritual book publisher goes to…
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 2 Months ago.
02404 -
What do you say to freinds who suffer
Started by Martin
Papa Che Dusko replied 2 Months ago.
165647 -