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Shift happens - Sudden vs gradual - Resources?
Started by pixelcloud *
pixelcloud * replied 3 Hours ago.
5181 -
Bahiya 3: Put these foolish ambitions to rest
Started by Bahiya Baby
Chris M replied 5 Minutes ago.
864818 -
2nd to 3rd path - From seeing to knowing the dharma
Started by Bruno Loff
Jure K replied 5 Days ago.
181506 -
Young and maybe dumb and maybe in the stream
Started by Wandering All
Wandering All replied 1 Month ago.
81432 -
The path and core wounds - A practice summary
Started by pixelcloud *
pixelcloud * replied 1 Month ago.
193175 -
Seeking teacher recommendation for 3rd => 4th path
Started by Frearless Style
Frearless Style replied 1 Month ago.
191968 -
Is all this noting that some buddhist do an original teaching?
Started by Stickman3
Papa Che Dusko replied 1 Month ago.
455728 -
Different words to describe Dukkha
Started by Papa Che Dusko
Papa Che Dusko replied 1 Month ago.
212439 -
Objects for noting in daily life, other related questions
Started by Mikey Oz
John L replied 2 Months ago.
134394 -
Regular reality vs Sensory reality in Daniel's work.
Started by Diogo Kelles Fonseca
Eudoxos . replied 25 Days ago.
215500 -
Showing 1 to 20 of 26 entries.