Recent Posts - Discussion
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BDSM as a path to deep spirituality
Started by Jano Pavuk
Matt Jon Rousseau replied 2 Years ago.
2028033 -
Analayo - satipaììhãna The Direct Path to Realization
Started by tom moylan
tom moylan replied 5 Years ago.
86787 -
Walter's Practice Log: Striving for Stream Entry
Started by Brato Ganibe
Brato Ganibe replied 5 Years ago.
2815134 -
Changes due to A&P?
Started by Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö replied 5 Years ago.
1714210 -
Politics and the Awakened
Started by Stirling Campbell
Stirling Campbell replied 6 Years ago.
169366 -
Videos: new message category, hopefully new videos as well
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
jonjohn replied 6 Years ago.
4919432 -
How do you spend your time? What kind of work do you do?
Started by Chi
Christine replied 8 Years ago.
2010643 -
Benjie's Practice Log, to stream entry (and beyond!)
Started by Ostaron
Ostaron replied 8 Years ago.
46661 -
Showing 1 to 20 of 22 entries.