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On morality: The Strange Persistence of Guilt
Started by Andromeda
terry replied 6 Years ago.
6232356 -
On emptiness, nihilism, materialism and apriori perfection
Started by seth tapper
Nick O replied 6 Years ago.
3422783 -
A possible view of Dark Night from a materialist perspective
Started by seth tapper
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö replied 6 Years ago.
110332 -
My Big Toe(Theory Of Everything) by Thomas Campbell
Started by Dream Walker
J W replied 2 Years ago.
5441558 -
Root access to the brain (major edit II)
Started by seth tapper
seth tapper replied 6 Years ago.
28314 -
Towards a rational materialist understanding of the mind, the self and God.
Started by seth tapper
shargrol replied 6 Years ago.
5614728 -
How can you practice Brahmavihara and Anatta the same time?
Started by Nicky
Daniel M. Ingram replied 6 Years ago.
23443 -
Sam Harris, Dan Goleman and Richie Davidson on Dzogchen v. Burmese Vipassan
Started by Francis M. Crawford
Prabhakar Krishnamurthy replied 6 Years ago.
2925685 -
Would an arahat cry if his wife died?
Started by Tom Smith
Tim Farrington replied 4 Years ago.
7527560 -
Chris André working towards 4th Path
Started by Chris André
Chris André replied 6 Years ago.
10130901 -
Why is this particular reality so solidified?
Started by Ricky Lee Nuthman
Ricky Lee Nuthman replied 6 Years ago.
67020 -
I know "self" is an opinion. How do I convince my primitive brain?
Started by Jim Smith
Jim Smith replied 5 Years ago.
2416843 -
How many arahants are there on earth today?
Started by Tom Smith
Robin Woods replied 6 Years ago.
1812826 -