a Few of your Fa-vor-ite Things

rich s, modified 14 Years ago at 1/30/11 7:20 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/30/11 7:20 AM

a Few of your Fa-vor-ite Things

Posts: 49 Join Date: 8/2/10 Recent Posts
What are a few of your favorite things? Those things that really make life worth living for? Those things that make you step back from a state of sadness and confusion and go, "Ah ... OK, I'm glad I'm alive so I can experience this!"

I can remember one cold, rainy day in one of America's major east coast cities: I had no shelter, was a 16 year old runaway, all alone, had a lot on his mind, and was in a terribly depressed and pained state as I ordered a Double-Quarter Pounder with Cheese Value Meal with Large Fries and Soda from McDonald's with the short supply of cash I still had on me. When I sat at that table next to the window and took my first bite of that superemely delicious and juicy hamburger which I'd stuffed with golden brown McD's fries, a very comforting notion came over me of, "Wow, at least there's THIS in life!"

And then there's me being cuddled up in my warm bed by myself with the TV remote or a game controller in my hands, enjoying a masterfully crafted videogame or movie or hilarious show, a large supply of ginger ale, beer, smokes, and delicious snacks within my reach, and with nothing to do or worry about for that day (at least) ... Straight chillin'.

I recall Trent posting something about stuff he used to do to get those felicitous feelings rolling ... he mentioned playing videogames among otherthings. Would appreciate it if someone who happens to know what I'm talking about can link that right-quick for me in this thread.
Gabriel S, modified 14 Years ago at 1/30/11 3:44 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/30/11 3:44 PM

RE: a Few of your Fa-vor-ite Things

Posts: 28 Join Date: 9/24/10 Recent Posts
Jason L:
Given this, how do you increase felicitousness?

This answer may be a bit vague, but: anyway you can. I have heard and read many different ways of going about it. For instance, in the recent podcast where Dan and Tarin spoke about related matters, Dan talked about viewing his house as his "vacation house" and his car as his "vacation car," and the like. Simply viewing things in that manner can aid one in recognizing the impeccable freshness, wonder, and excitement (among other felicitous-friendly things) that's available. For another (quite different) example, I often just tried to do the various conditional things (video-games, for instance) that were already conducive to felicity for me, and then I just sorta carried that on through the times that I wasn't doing those activities. In this way, the activities served as a bit of a launch pad into really, really enjoying this moment.

In essence, everything is far better than "good"-- perfect being as good as it gets-- and it behooves one to do anything possible to see that, each moment again, right here, right now, in any salubrious manner available.

rich s, modified 14 Years ago at 1/30/11 4:22 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/30/11 4:22 PM

RE: a Few of your Fa-vor-ite Things

Posts: 49 Join Date: 8/2/10 Recent Posts
Thanks Gabriel, I appreciate it. And as no good deed goes unpunished ... Care to share some of your favorite things?
Martin M, modified 14 Years ago at 1/30/11 8:25 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/30/11 8:25 PM

RE: a Few of your Fa-vor-ite Things

Posts: 91 Join Date: 9/3/09 Recent Posts
I´m pretty much on the same page as you: really good food, a great game (though I´ve become pretty picky there) and of course the obligatory walk outside. I actually really like to go out late in the evening/night, when everyday noise has calmed down and I can enjoy the lighting effects from street lamps and buildings etc emoticon
Gabriel S, modified 14 Years ago at 1/31/11 4:05 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/31/11 4:05 AM

RE: a Few of your Fa-vor-ite Things

Posts: 28 Join Date: 9/24/10 Recent Posts
Sure, Rich… first thing that comes to mind—people; and the effect they have on me (here and now).

I find that (spending time with) human beings, particularly when at their best, i.e. playful and lighthearted (as this facilitates, although by no means is essential for, a most excellent ‘chillin’’), are at the very top of my ‘favorite things’… and also the quickest/most reliable way towards intimacy (being in good company/being good company—as Tarin suggested to Stephanie, I think). Intimacy is what makes this my most favorite thing.

Not just to have intimacy (for example, I used to befriend those whom (I felt) possessed certain qualities (I felt) I lacked—and then, by feeling complemented, more complete, via love and learning, (I felt) I had “intimacy”) but to be intimate with them (felicitously, here and now) – or the closest approximation (that is, attempting to converge at a felicitous frequency).

Incidentally, my other favorite things (the warmth of sunlight at dawn (reflecting a pleasant sunstruck vista), here and now, sipping coffee/tea delighted by a myriad of morning aromas (the birds chirping blithely away), here and now, a brisk walk under the moonlight (sometimes with a friendly companion), here and now, basking in the refreshing scent of an ocean breeze (amused by a city slicker that complains about its salty tang), here and now, ad infinitum…) would not be so favorite without an awareness of this moment in time (my favorite moment in time, by the way)—and being (more than) comfortable with (how I experience) such immediacy… even people (including those who are the easiest to enjoy) can seem, well, awfully “meh” (despite my best wishes)… if I am not glad to be experiencing this moment of being alive.

Actually, upon reflection, it appears that my favorite moment gives rise to the appreciation of my favorite things (and it used to be the other way around).
