Seeing people while meditating? - Discussion
Seeing people while meditating?
Seeing people while meditating? | brian patrick | 7/15/24 12:49 PM |
RE: Seeing people while meditating? | T DC | 7/15/24 1:02 PM |
RE: Seeing people while meditating? | brian patrick | 7/15/24 1:14 PM |
brian patrick, modified 2 Months ago at 7/15/24 12:49 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 7/15/24 12:49 PM
Seeing people while meditating?
Posts: 71 Join Date: 10/31/23 Recent Posts
A friend told me about experiences he's having while meditating.
here's what he wrote:
"Was just meditating and had this thing happen again that has happened a lot of times during my life, meditating or not. Wondering whether anything like it has happened to you:
This is what led to it happening this time: Clear mind of all things. Sink deep into nothingness and focus on the shifting light near behind eyelids. Make the vision become closer though, as if inside the shifting. Let attention go wide. Let anything that begins to materialize out of the shifting chaos come.
Eventually I find someone. Never the same person twice. I see them from the side usually, but then they notice that I'm there and turn to look at me. The hallucination (if that's what it is) is more real than normal reality in a way I can't pin down. Once our eyes lock I instinctively break out, even if I go in with the intention of staying there after our eyes lock. They never have expressions on their faces, or say anything. Just turn and look at me like and for some reason my instincts flee from it. No idea why.
Happens in dreams sometimes too.
any ideas?"
I've had hallucinations. The first time it was scary—not the content, just the fact that I was hallucinating—but they are never clear like this. Mostly chaotic and weird.
here's what he wrote:
"Was just meditating and had this thing happen again that has happened a lot of times during my life, meditating or not. Wondering whether anything like it has happened to you:
This is what led to it happening this time: Clear mind of all things. Sink deep into nothingness and focus on the shifting light near behind eyelids. Make the vision become closer though, as if inside the shifting. Let attention go wide. Let anything that begins to materialize out of the shifting chaos come.
Eventually I find someone. Never the same person twice. I see them from the side usually, but then they notice that I'm there and turn to look at me. The hallucination (if that's what it is) is more real than normal reality in a way I can't pin down. Once our eyes lock I instinctively break out, even if I go in with the intention of staying there after our eyes lock. They never have expressions on their faces, or say anything. Just turn and look at me like and for some reason my instincts flee from it. No idea why.
Happens in dreams sometimes too.
any ideas?"
I've had hallucinations. The first time it was scary—not the content, just the fact that I was hallucinating—but they are never clear like this. Mostly chaotic and weird.
T DC, modified 2 Months ago at 7/15/24 1:02 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 7/15/24 1:00 PM
RE: Seeing people while meditating?
Posts: 522 Join Date: 9/29/11 Recent Posts
Weird things happen in meditation / life sometimes.. ..and some people are more prone to it. ;) Sounds powers-ish.
brian patrick, modified 2 Months ago at 7/15/24 1:14 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 7/15/24 1:14 PM
RE: Seeing people while meditating?
Posts: 71 Join Date: 10/31/23 Recent PostsT DC
Weird things happen in meditation / life sometimes.. ..and some people are more prone to it. ;) Sounds powers-ish.
Weird things happen in meditation / life sometimes.. ..and some people are more prone to it. ;) Sounds powers-ish.
Yeah, I wondered whether to post this query in powers. I've heard about all kinds of weird things and have always tried to avoid any kind of astonishment when weird things happen to me.