Inverting the Three Characteristics - Discussion
Inverting the Three Characteristics
Illuminatus, modified 9 Years ago at 2/18/15 8:34 AM
Created 9 Years ago at 2/18/15 8:10 AM
Inverting the Three Characteristics
Posts: 101 Join Date: 7/16/14 Recent Posts
I had four fruitions yesterday. The first was done the usual way, but the next three were done in the polar opposite way.
The usual way – noticing the Three Characteristics in every sensation – involves exploding the universe to nothing by realizing there is no self in any of it.
The new way – actually easier way, for me – involves experiencing the inverse of each of the Three Characteristics. Before I get into what that means exactly, it's important to know that this practice arose spontaneously as a result of pondering the Fractal (the idea that everything is in everything else). The Fractal is the same at all levels – so, if I'm in Desire for Deliverance, I want the cycle to end. I want cessation. At that moment, the entire universe (the Fractal) wants to end. There is no time – reality is exactly what it is at that moment, and "you" are it. This is not as solipsistic as it sounds, when you notice that solipsism is based on the idea that there "should" be something else. There is just unity. Unity is incomprehensible to a self because it invalidates the very notion of a self.
This is why this method works. And it does work. Instead of exploding the universe infinitely to zero, you contract the universe so that, in that one moment, "everything is everything". Please note I am not talking about samatha jhana (of which I have 8, and extensive experience), and I am NOT doing the samatha jhana process of "contraction". I want to nip that in the bud early because I predict it will be a common objection.
An analogy you might have heard before is that of looking at your hand. If your hand was big enough – infinitely big – it would be all around you and you would not be able to perceive it, so it would effectively become nothing. That is the exact premise of this "method". Be a "self" but be everything in that self, so it is so "big" it becomes everything and effectively nothing (no self). And it is effective. I got three fruitions doing this yesterday seemingly far easier and more consistently than doing it the other way (but almost certainly depends on the practitioner).
I will reiterate. I was not "looking for the inverse of the Three Characteristics" in systematic fashion. I was noticing the Fractal in everything. This actually does experience the inverse of the Three Characteristics; my point is that it is not simply the "same method" inverted, even though it does end in an inversion. Here is what the process might look like:
- Notice verbal thinking.
- Instead of breaking down thinking into sensations (which will "strobe" that verbal thought), actually say the words in your body. "Enter the stream" – the nervous pathways – of those words.
At this point I noticed that all verbal thought is actually the body trying to correct its own posture. The words are an interpretation made by the left hemisphere in response to the pain being experienced by the right hemisphere. Instead, experience the pain (in reality it has you dip into it with your breathing – but words will begin to fail me here).
Similarly, rather than noticing the sensations that make up, say, fear, actually choose to experience fear itself in the body without observer but only experiencer. This is a qualitively different experience of fear, and is non-dual.
- This usually leads to spontaneously experiencing other senses "as they are". So, my eyes become open. It's like I'm "drawing in" vision, and it "is me". Repeat this on the other sense doors, as the fancy takes you (it will run on autopilot, if you let it).
Here are the notes I made after the first fruition:
"thinking every thought, feeling every feeling, seeing every sight, hearing every sound"
You break down duality by not ever having an observer and an observed. You experience the sensate universe as it was intended – at the time of experience, not after the fact (as it is in the regular "Three Characteristics in each sensation" schtick).
The normal Stages of Insight do occur during this. For example, upon noticing a verbal thought is literally a breathing or pain response in the body, I immediately get an impression of my body in all its sinewy, muscly, corporeal glory. It is disgusting. I then experience the disgust "directly" in the same way – in the body – and consequently get through the cycle much quicker.
When experience and awareness of that experience are overlaid exactly upon each other at the exact time of experi-awareness, the self breaks down. It is 1:1 = 1 = 0 (because it's so much "everything" that it is "nothing". Numbers are a consequence of dualism anyway). At this moment reality does indeed blink out. The hand has become everything and therefore nothing.
Here are the inversions of the Three Characteristics I am experiencing (but not intentionally noticing):
- Self. There is a self. It is everything. There is no separateness. So, it is not surrounded by void, because void does not exist. (Pondering a "self beyond a self" is dualism.) This is one of the Three Inverse Doors that presents itself while pondering the fractal: self. You consider the void (Misery) around the "self" (the universe/Fractal). Then you realize that that was "you" experiencing the concept of void, separateness and thus Misery, and you are back to being everything, and everything "is" Misery in that moment. Then you notice that you noticed and there's a separate self again, but you experience the experience of pondering a separate self and are back to everything again. This regressive process eventually "gives up" trying to find no-self (void) and reality does indeed blink out through the Inverse Door of Self.
- Permanence. There is a permanence. Because there is permanent change. Therefore you stop seeking an end (whereas in the regular Three Characteristics you endeavour to NOTICE the end of each sensation). Because there is no end to this permanent changing, you stop seeking one spontaneously (simultaneously also abandoning the search for a start to this permanent changing), and exit via the Inverse Door of Permanence.
- Satisfaction. There is a satisfaction in direct experience. There is satisfaction in fruition else you would not seek it. Fruition is the moment of direct experience – the 1:1 experi-awareness ratio that equals 1 and therefore equals 0. There is satisfaction here. In this moment you exit via the Inverse Door of Satisfaction.
Please note this is not "theory". The theory came after the fact. I actually experienced each of these Three Inverse Doors last night, with reality blinking out each time.
Experiencing the above combined with my knowledge of neuroscience has led me to make the following model.
The "usual way" uses the left brain as a laser to penetrate or "shoot" each sensation passed to it from the right brain – and notice the Three Characteristics in each. Its modality is primarily left-brained, as a result of left-brainers writing all this stuff and needing it packaged for the left brain.
The "inverse" way is primarily a right-brain modality. It does not work with "sensations" while in operation (though it starts out that way because you have to exit the left-brain prison to get into it). It is a process of stripping back experience (not sensations) to a point before the left brain got involved. I believe this method is only really accessible to serious "body workers" (I do incessant daily posture work, and have come to realize that problems with posture – and duality itself arising – is entirely down to the involvement/interference of the left hemisphere).
It is interesting to notice that what is packaged as "Ultimate Reality" in Buddhism is actually just the right brain's experience of reality. It has lost its shine for me now – though noticing that in itself is a left-brain perception, and to make peace I merely have to "experience things as they are" (right brain) and we are back to that paradoxical and utterly irreconcilable swing between perspectives that underpins all of human endeavour and frustration.
Finally, duality–non-duality itself is completely normal and is a product of the two-brain system. So, animals are in the right brain primarily, and therefore experience no-self most of the time. When something jars them and requires "their" attention, the left brain zooms in on that "thing" and creates a dualistic split. Once that "thing" is dealt with, attention returns to the right hemisphere and self bleeds back out to infinity.
Humans are stuck in the left-brain mode for a few reasons. In fact, making up reasons for stuff is specifically a left-brain thing and I won't indulge it too much right now, except to point towards culture generally encouraging and reinforcing the left-brain mode. Humans are stuck in that "do something about X" mode that is the left brain, and are failing to return to right-brain awareness. The entire "notice the Three Characteristics in each sensation" method itself is entirely a left-brain modality (no wonder it seemed long-winded and never sat right with me), as is samatha jhana (artificial creation of a permanent, separate, satisfying object – which is quite clearly also the methodology of the left brain and ALL addictions, and clearly does not sit right if you bring a moment's sanity to it). What I would like to be able to do with all of this is to show people how to strip back to experience-before-the-left-brain and therefore beat the dualistic split before it ever arises.
During my above method, my experience of reality is indistinguishable from a trip on psychedelics (of which I've done many), despite my not being on any drugs. This is the way the right-brain experiences reality – hence the constant perception of interconnectedness and noticing the Fractal in everything. I am omniscient at this time (within human limits – I cannot escape the two-brain system and explore the nothingness). You can ask me literally any question and a moment's glance at it will formulate the answer (which, if allowed to complete, will itself regress back infinitely and cause an exit through one of the Three Inverse Doors -- the Stages of Insight are in EVERYTHING).
Some of the many notes I make during these "sessions" (which last for hours) would make your hair stand on end as they strike right at the heart of what you believe it means to be human. I get knowledge I don't even want at times – for example I can now see, literally visually, how a human is a bigger fractal form of a DNA helix. And how the DNA helix is a winding of the contractive and expansive forces, and is also Yin & Yang. And how that becomes your left and right brains. I think you should ask me a question to test this "power", if you want. I would prefer if you didn't because writing is extremely difficult at these times as it is a left-brained act – and necessarily creates duality by separating an idea out of the "fuzz" that is EVERYTHING (the "unified" Fractal). The act of separating out that idea itself is paradoxical and counter to the understanding behind it (hence the "symbol" getting confused for the "thing"). I've written enough today so will stop here.
The usual way – noticing the Three Characteristics in every sensation – involves exploding the universe to nothing by realizing there is no self in any of it.
The new way – actually easier way, for me – involves experiencing the inverse of each of the Three Characteristics. Before I get into what that means exactly, it's important to know that this practice arose spontaneously as a result of pondering the Fractal (the idea that everything is in everything else). The Fractal is the same at all levels – so, if I'm in Desire for Deliverance, I want the cycle to end. I want cessation. At that moment, the entire universe (the Fractal) wants to end. There is no time – reality is exactly what it is at that moment, and "you" are it. This is not as solipsistic as it sounds, when you notice that solipsism is based on the idea that there "should" be something else. There is just unity. Unity is incomprehensible to a self because it invalidates the very notion of a self.
This is why this method works. And it does work. Instead of exploding the universe infinitely to zero, you contract the universe so that, in that one moment, "everything is everything". Please note I am not talking about samatha jhana (of which I have 8, and extensive experience), and I am NOT doing the samatha jhana process of "contraction". I want to nip that in the bud early because I predict it will be a common objection.
An analogy you might have heard before is that of looking at your hand. If your hand was big enough – infinitely big – it would be all around you and you would not be able to perceive it, so it would effectively become nothing. That is the exact premise of this "method". Be a "self" but be everything in that self, so it is so "big" it becomes everything and effectively nothing (no self). And it is effective. I got three fruitions doing this yesterday seemingly far easier and more consistently than doing it the other way (but almost certainly depends on the practitioner).
I will reiterate. I was not "looking for the inverse of the Three Characteristics" in systematic fashion. I was noticing the Fractal in everything. This actually does experience the inverse of the Three Characteristics; my point is that it is not simply the "same method" inverted, even though it does end in an inversion. Here is what the process might look like:
- Notice verbal thinking.
- Instead of breaking down thinking into sensations (which will "strobe" that verbal thought), actually say the words in your body. "Enter the stream" – the nervous pathways – of those words.
At this point I noticed that all verbal thought is actually the body trying to correct its own posture. The words are an interpretation made by the left hemisphere in response to the pain being experienced by the right hemisphere. Instead, experience the pain (in reality it has you dip into it with your breathing – but words will begin to fail me here).
Similarly, rather than noticing the sensations that make up, say, fear, actually choose to experience fear itself in the body without observer but only experiencer. This is a qualitively different experience of fear, and is non-dual.
- This usually leads to spontaneously experiencing other senses "as they are". So, my eyes become open. It's like I'm "drawing in" vision, and it "is me". Repeat this on the other sense doors, as the fancy takes you (it will run on autopilot, if you let it).
Here are the notes I made after the first fruition:
"thinking every thought, feeling every feeling, seeing every sight, hearing every sound"
You break down duality by not ever having an observer and an observed. You experience the sensate universe as it was intended – at the time of experience, not after the fact (as it is in the regular "Three Characteristics in each sensation" schtick).
The normal Stages of Insight do occur during this. For example, upon noticing a verbal thought is literally a breathing or pain response in the body, I immediately get an impression of my body in all its sinewy, muscly, corporeal glory. It is disgusting. I then experience the disgust "directly" in the same way – in the body – and consequently get through the cycle much quicker.
When experience and awareness of that experience are overlaid exactly upon each other at the exact time of experi-awareness, the self breaks down. It is 1:1 = 1 = 0 (because it's so much "everything" that it is "nothing". Numbers are a consequence of dualism anyway). At this moment reality does indeed blink out. The hand has become everything and therefore nothing.
Here are the inversions of the Three Characteristics I am experiencing (but not intentionally noticing):
- Self. There is a self. It is everything. There is no separateness. So, it is not surrounded by void, because void does not exist. (Pondering a "self beyond a self" is dualism.) This is one of the Three Inverse Doors that presents itself while pondering the fractal: self. You consider the void (Misery) around the "self" (the universe/Fractal). Then you realize that that was "you" experiencing the concept of void, separateness and thus Misery, and you are back to being everything, and everything "is" Misery in that moment. Then you notice that you noticed and there's a separate self again, but you experience the experience of pondering a separate self and are back to everything again. This regressive process eventually "gives up" trying to find no-self (void) and reality does indeed blink out through the Inverse Door of Self.
- Permanence. There is a permanence. Because there is permanent change. Therefore you stop seeking an end (whereas in the regular Three Characteristics you endeavour to NOTICE the end of each sensation). Because there is no end to this permanent changing, you stop seeking one spontaneously (simultaneously also abandoning the search for a start to this permanent changing), and exit via the Inverse Door of Permanence.
- Satisfaction. There is a satisfaction in direct experience. There is satisfaction in fruition else you would not seek it. Fruition is the moment of direct experience – the 1:1 experi-awareness ratio that equals 1 and therefore equals 0. There is satisfaction here. In this moment you exit via the Inverse Door of Satisfaction.
Please note this is not "theory". The theory came after the fact. I actually experienced each of these Three Inverse Doors last night, with reality blinking out each time.
Experiencing the above combined with my knowledge of neuroscience has led me to make the following model.
The "usual way" uses the left brain as a laser to penetrate or "shoot" each sensation passed to it from the right brain – and notice the Three Characteristics in each. Its modality is primarily left-brained, as a result of left-brainers writing all this stuff and needing it packaged for the left brain.
The "inverse" way is primarily a right-brain modality. It does not work with "sensations" while in operation (though it starts out that way because you have to exit the left-brain prison to get into it). It is a process of stripping back experience (not sensations) to a point before the left brain got involved. I believe this method is only really accessible to serious "body workers" (I do incessant daily posture work, and have come to realize that problems with posture – and duality itself arising – is entirely down to the involvement/interference of the left hemisphere).
It is interesting to notice that what is packaged as "Ultimate Reality" in Buddhism is actually just the right brain's experience of reality. It has lost its shine for me now – though noticing that in itself is a left-brain perception, and to make peace I merely have to "experience things as they are" (right brain) and we are back to that paradoxical and utterly irreconcilable swing between perspectives that underpins all of human endeavour and frustration.
Finally, duality–non-duality itself is completely normal and is a product of the two-brain system. So, animals are in the right brain primarily, and therefore experience no-self most of the time. When something jars them and requires "their" attention, the left brain zooms in on that "thing" and creates a dualistic split. Once that "thing" is dealt with, attention returns to the right hemisphere and self bleeds back out to infinity.
Humans are stuck in the left-brain mode for a few reasons. In fact, making up reasons for stuff is specifically a left-brain thing and I won't indulge it too much right now, except to point towards culture generally encouraging and reinforcing the left-brain mode. Humans are stuck in that "do something about X" mode that is the left brain, and are failing to return to right-brain awareness. The entire "notice the Three Characteristics in each sensation" method itself is entirely a left-brain modality (no wonder it seemed long-winded and never sat right with me), as is samatha jhana (artificial creation of a permanent, separate, satisfying object – which is quite clearly also the methodology of the left brain and ALL addictions, and clearly does not sit right if you bring a moment's sanity to it). What I would like to be able to do with all of this is to show people how to strip back to experience-before-the-left-brain and therefore beat the dualistic split before it ever arises.
During my above method, my experience of reality is indistinguishable from a trip on psychedelics (of which I've done many), despite my not being on any drugs. This is the way the right-brain experiences reality – hence the constant perception of interconnectedness and noticing the Fractal in everything. I am omniscient at this time (within human limits – I cannot escape the two-brain system and explore the nothingness). You can ask me literally any question and a moment's glance at it will formulate the answer (which, if allowed to complete, will itself regress back infinitely and cause an exit through one of the Three Inverse Doors -- the Stages of Insight are in EVERYTHING).
Some of the many notes I make during these "sessions" (which last for hours) would make your hair stand on end as they strike right at the heart of what you believe it means to be human. I get knowledge I don't even want at times – for example I can now see, literally visually, how a human is a bigger fractal form of a DNA helix. And how the DNA helix is a winding of the contractive and expansive forces, and is also Yin & Yang. And how that becomes your left and right brains. I think you should ask me a question to test this "power", if you want. I would prefer if you didn't because writing is extremely difficult at these times as it is a left-brained act – and necessarily creates duality by separating an idea out of the "fuzz" that is EVERYTHING (the "unified" Fractal). The act of separating out that idea itself is paradoxical and counter to the understanding behind it (hence the "symbol" getting confused for the "thing"). I've written enough today so will stop here.
Florian, modified 9 Years ago at 2/18/15 11:31 AM
Created 9 Years ago at 2/18/15 11:29 AM
RE: Inverting the Three Characteristics
Posts: 1028 Join Date: 4/28/09 Recent Posts
At one point, fruitions seemed very different from before, to me. I groped for ways to express it, and "heart opening" came closest, and at one point I gave up trying to find a good way to express it in words. The stages of insight unfolded just like before, only "lower down". Maybe this is similar in some ways to what you discovered. It is interesting to read that you are experiencing difficulties expressing this. I think you did a good job at conveying your discovery in the face of these difficulties.
Somewhat related, here's a short story playing with the theme of "inverting the three characteristics": Wood, Paper, Stone
At one point, fruitions seemed very different from before, to me. I groped for ways to express it, and "heart opening" came closest, and at one point I gave up trying to find a good way to express it in words. The stages of insight unfolded just like before, only "lower down". Maybe this is similar in some ways to what you discovered. It is interesting to read that you are experiencing difficulties expressing this. I think you did a good job at conveying your discovery in the face of these difficulties.
Somewhat related, here's a short story playing with the theme of "inverting the three characteristics": Wood, Paper, Stone
John Mitchell, modified 9 Years ago at 2/19/15 5:36 PM
Created 9 Years ago at 2/19/15 5:36 PM
RE: Inverting the Three Characteristics
Posts: 2 Join Date: 2/19/15 Recent Posts
]During my above method, my experience of reality is indistinguishable from a trip on psychedelics (of which I've done many), despite my not being on any drugs. This is the way the right-brain experiences reality – hence the constant perception of interconnectedness and noticing the Fractal in everything. I am omniscient at this time (within human limits – I cannot escape the two-brain system and explore the nothingness). You can ask me literally any question and a moment's glance at it will formulate the answer (which, if allowed to complete, will itself regress back infinitely and cause an exit through one of the Three Inverse Doors -- the Stages of Insight are in EVERYTHING).
If this is possible why not do something of true value like advance humanity's knowledge of physics/math? I'd love to be able to glance at any problem and have my subconscious figure it out. In fact there's a question for you.. Find a unifying theory for quantum mechanics and gravity and express it mathematically
Realistically, in what sense can these states you are describing actually lead to insight in the form of actual knowledge about reality? It might be worth starting an initiative to get more scientists into meditation if it really is as simple as you describe.
]During my above method, my experience of reality is indistinguishable from a trip on psychedelics (of which I've done many), despite my not being on any drugs. This is the way the right-brain experiences reality – hence the constant perception of interconnectedness and noticing the Fractal in everything. I am omniscient at this time (within human limits – I cannot escape the two-brain system and explore the nothingness). You can ask me literally any question and a moment's glance at it will formulate the answer (which, if allowed to complete, will itself regress back infinitely and cause an exit through one of the Three Inverse Doors -- the Stages of Insight are in EVERYTHING).
If this is possible why not do something of true value like advance humanity's knowledge of physics/math? I'd love to be able to glance at any problem and have my subconscious figure it out. In fact there's a question for you.. Find a unifying theory for quantum mechanics and gravity and express it mathematically
Realistically, in what sense can these states you are describing actually lead to insight in the form of actual knowledge about reality? It might be worth starting an initiative to get more scientists into meditation if it really is as simple as you describe.
Illuminatus, modified 9 Years ago at 2/19/15 6:15 PM
Created 9 Years ago at 2/19/15 6:14 PM
RE: Inverting the Three Characteristics
Posts: 101 Join Date: 7/16/14 Recent PostsIf this is possible why not do something of true value like advance humanity's knowledge of physics/math? I'd love to be able to glance at any problem and have my subconscious figure it out. In fact there's a question for you.. Find a unifying theory for quantum mechanics and gravity and express it mathematically
Those fields are entirely made up. All scientific "discovery" is entirely a creative act.
(Dualistically), in what sense can these states you are describing actually lead to insight in the form of actual knowledge about (duality)? It might be worth starting an initiative to get more scientists into meditation if it really is as simple as you describe.
Brackets inserted to show your error.
And why would I want to get more scientists into meditation?
John Mitchell, modified 9 Years ago at 2/20/15 1:05 AM
Created 9 Years ago at 2/20/15 1:05 AM
RE: Inverting the Three Characteristics
Posts: 2 Join Date: 2/19/15 Recent PostsEdd:
If this is possible why not do something of true value like advance humanity's knowledge of physics/math? I'd love to be able to glance at any problem and have my subconscious figure it out. In fact there's a question for you.. Find a unifying theory for quantum mechanics and gravity and express it mathematically
Those fields are entirely made up. All scientific "discovery" is entirely a creative act.
(Dualistically), in what sense can these states you are describing actually lead to insight in the form of actual knowledge about (duality)? It might be worth starting an initiative to get more scientists into meditation if it really is as simple as you describe.
Brackets inserted to show your error.
And why would I want to get more scientists into meditation?
1. They are made up in the sense they are expressed abstractly. They do however refer to real things/patterns and are bound by reality (and how reality performs under experiment). It's not as if science is a complete fiction in that sense.
2. Science is very left brained, and there are a huge amount of scientists with a stunning amount of knowledge. If they had right brain access and could achieve the states you describe, perhaps their brain would begin to make sense of all that extensive knowledge they carry around with them. More scientists with right brain access = more new ideas = better technology = longer lifespan = ability to colonize planets = crop technology to help world hunger = renewable energy technology to stave us off oil and remove our reliance on the middle east/russia ETC ETC.
I don't want to divert your thread as that wasn't my intention but you did say that you had the ability to answer any question did you not? I think that such a state, if it could be spread to millions, would do a tremendous amount of good
Illuminatus, modified 9 Years ago at 2/20/15 7:29 AM
Created 9 Years ago at 2/20/15 7:16 AM
RE: Inverting the Three Characteristics
Posts: 101 Join Date: 7/16/14 Recent PostsJohn Mitchell:
1. They are made up in the sense they are expressed abstractly. They do however refer to real things/patterns and are bound by reality (and how reality performs under experiment). It's not as if science is a complete fiction in that sense.
No. The scientist only ever measures himself. None of his measurements pertain to anything "out there". The double-slit experiment was the first time he unmistakably saw the effect of his intention upon "reality" -- and that he was only ever finding what he intended to find. He has been irked by this ever since and attempted to ignore it.
I'll throw you some freebies from my "omniscient" notes:
- "Exploring space" is the bigger fractal version of exploring the neocortex. When man's awareness drifts to the stars, picture awareness moving simultaneously within the brain itself outwards from the cerebellum (Earth) out into the neocortex (the stars).
- The ratio of dark mass-energy to "normal" mass-energy will turn out to be identical to the ratio of interconnectivity between the (left hemisphere) and the (right hemisphere + body). The "missing" "dark" mass-energy is actually the right hemisphere and body, which the left hemisphere cannot perceive because it is so self-contained and self-referential (you/duality).
Everything is a fractal of everything else, and you are only ever measuring or observing some aspect of yourself.
2. Science is very left brained, and there are a huge amount of scientists with a stunning amount of knowledge. If they had right brain access and could achieve the states you describe, perhaps their brain would begin to make sense of all that extensive knowledge they carry around with them. More scientists with right brain access = more new ideas = better technology = longer lifespan = ability to colonize planets = crop technology to help world hunger = renewable energy technology to stave us off oil and remove our reliance on the middle east/russia ETC ETC.
I don't want to divert your thread as that wasn't my intention but you did say that you had the ability to answer any question did you not? I think that such a state, if it could be spread to millions, would do a tremendous amount of good
The worldviews are entirely irreconcilable. If scientists got right-brain access they would most likely give up science. Most of technology has simply served to amplify the left-brain feedback loop, since it is the left brain manifesting itself. Most of technology has been horribly destructive to life and well-being. When you go into the right brain the first thing it tries to do is to correct the body that has been contorted just by sitting for some long period. Most verbal thoughts are a result of the pain of the damaged body. The damaged body forms a feedback loop with the left hemisphere in that way. It seeks technology to ease its suffering, not realizing that its own damage to the body -- caused largely by technology -- causes suffering. That's the "technology" feedback loop, and there are others.
You can refer to the following post of mine for some other clues as to the problems of indulging the left brain much further:
In that post I describe the other kinds of causality besides the "linear" causality of the left brain.
better technology = longer lifespan = ability to colonize planets = crop technology to help world hunger = renewable energy technology to stave us off oil and remove our reliance on the middle east/russia ETC ETC
Finally, I would like to ask you: Why would you want the above? That's not rhetorical. Actually ask yourself why you would want the above. It points to something.
I'm going to give you one of the pieces of information I received about Homo Sapiens.
Homo Sapiens is not special. He is a pack animal, and war is his nature. Splitting the world into us vs. them "packs", fractally upwards to nations, is his nature. Being at war actually causes less suffering for Sapiens than not being at war. He cannot fathom not having someone to hate -- so simply makes one up. Further, all his nurturing of his kin is based on the instinct that they fall on the "us" side of the line. Take away war, and you take away all their drives to love and hate. And feeling nothing, for them, is hell. Every soap opera is a mini fractal reflection of this theme.
Most of the "problems of the world" are not actually problems at all. They are nature playing out. They are problems TO YOU because you do not consider yourself part of that way. Why is this? Actually think about it.
My current prevailing idea is that the ones who consider normal human nature to be a "problem" are those who feel alien to it, and they feel that way because they have expression of Neanderthal genes. The tendencies/world views expressed by those genes are literally alien to Sapiens world. Homo Sapiens LOVES war. The more pure Sapiens you get, the more they love war: look at football games/hooliganism. It is a mirror of tribal warfare in Black Africa (which has no Neanderthal genes).
The people who are writing the books and theorizing about getting us out of this mess are simply the ones who feel most alien to it. They are measuring themselves, as everyone always is, and only ever is. Most people (Sapiens) literally don't give a damn. Further, most Sapiens don't actually experience that much duality, so aren't suffering so much -- because their environment better reflects what their nature expects (war, one-upmanship etc.) It is the Neanderthal that sits by the side, shakes his head, and writes books about such things. He is in a constant state of left-brain agitation because the culture he finds himself in is so alien to his nature -- he is always in the left-brain mode because he is trying to "fix" the suffering caused by the intangible, imperceivable trauma of finding himself constantly in an alien environment. This is whence all technology comes. The Sapiens, meanwhile, go to football games, get drunk, beat each other up, while enjoying Neanderthal-made technology -- the technology Neanderthal made to ease his own suffering, having misidentified the true cause of his suffering, which is alienation. Notice how Sapiens finds such technology completely novel -- because he could never have created it himself. It is like finding a piece of alien technology in a meteor or something.