Jhanas 6 to 8

Rob DL, modified 8 Years ago at 1/5/16 4:27 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 1/5/16 4:26 PM

Jhanas 6 to 8

Posts: 36 Join Date: 10/31/15 Recent Posts
Couple of questions about the transition from Sixth up to eighth jhana,

1. How do you personally experience going from boundless conciousness to no-thingness, what do you notice that changes?

2. Would you say that getting more 'clarity' in 7th would naturally lead to 8th, not a perfect question but the interest in nothingness sort of runs out leading to 8th or do you find that something is 'done' to generate significant intention for it to arise?

neko, modified 8 Years ago at 1/6/16 5:13 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 1/6/16 5:13 AM

RE: Jhanas 6 to 8

Posts: 763 Join Date: 11/26/14 Recent Posts
I am not 100% sure of my experiences in that territory, but here is my take on this:

Robbie Downs-Levene:

1. How do you personally experience going from boundless conciousness to no-thingness, what do you notice that changes?

6th to 7th: Disinterest in external and internal phenomena. Detatchment follows. I let perceptions get dark, both visually and in the other sense channels.

Robbie Downs-Levene:

2. Would you say that getting more 'clarity' in 7th would naturally lead to 8th

For me, it is noticing that "nothingness (7th)" is made up of "nothingness stuff", and detatching from those lumps of nothingness too. Clarity is definitely necessary but it does not seem to be the only ingredient, as, from what the name suggests, you switch from perception of nothingness (7th) to non-perception of nothingness, but with awareness still on (8th). Awareness still on = "nor yet non perception" = clarity is one side of the coin; "non-perception" of nothingness the other side of it.

I elaborate on this further here:


but it is in the form of questions, as I am not still 100% that what I am experiencing is actually 8th. Very interested in other people's take on this.
