What are the criteria for access concentration? - Discussion
What are the criteria for access concentration?
Bhumi, modified 7 Years ago at 12/8/17 4:50 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/8/17 4:50 AM
What are the criteria for access concentration?
Posts: 38 Join Date: 11/23/17 Recent Posts
I would like to review some basics with you guys. What do you think are the main criterias for access concentration based on your knowledge and experience?
Eelco ten Have, modified 7 Years ago at 12/8/17 6:41 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/8/17 6:40 AM
RE: What are the criteria for access concentration?
Posts: 81 Join Date: 7/20/13 Recent Posts
In my limited experience,
When settling in meditation there comes a point where the gaps between the rising and falling of the belly becomes a place where there isn't a distraction.I sort of happen to find myself there. From there my mind seems to become more focussed in the here and now experiencing one thing after another. A feeling of effort is present to continue, but it seems more clear than the initial stages of meditation where the mind is settling down. The effort required to sttle is more like work. Using the movement of the breath or the feet to latch on to, instead of using my effort to not get distracted and stay with the phenomena as they arise...
Does that make sense?
In my mind the criteria would be a sense effortlessness in observing the phenomena, but effort expended to stay with the phenomena as they arise, are present and pass.
When settling in meditation there comes a point where the gaps between the rising and falling of the belly becomes a place where there isn't a distraction.I sort of happen to find myself there. From there my mind seems to become more focussed in the here and now experiencing one thing after another. A feeling of effort is present to continue, but it seems more clear than the initial stages of meditation where the mind is settling down. The effort required to sttle is more like work. Using the movement of the breath or the feet to latch on to, instead of using my effort to not get distracted and stay with the phenomena as they arise...
Does that make sense?
In my mind the criteria would be a sense effortlessness in observing the phenomena, but effort expended to stay with the phenomena as they arise, are present and pass.
Bhumi, modified 7 Years ago at 12/8/17 7:07 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/8/17 7:07 AM
RE: What are the criteria for access concentration?
Posts: 38 Join Date: 11/23/17 Recent PostsEelco ten Have, modified 7 Years ago at 12/8/17 7:37 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/8/17 7:37 AM
RE: What are the criteria for access concentration?
Posts: 81 Join Date: 7/20/13 Recent PostsBhumi:
If I understand you well it takes you less effort to observe the object than to hold onto it.
Not exactly. It seems like it, but there is some sort of shift in awareness where at first the effort needed is to stay on the object, but is easily distracted by the background noises, phenomena.. At some point these background noises seem to fall away where the meditation object is clearly percieved. The effort level to stay on the object is the same, but feels less because of the lack of background noises.
These background phenomena seem less present or even diminished in quantity, but also from an awareness point of view it is more clear where one ends and another starts. This clarity provides a sense of easy in staying with what is present. Maybe due to lack of having to discern which of all phenomena is the one you are perciebing right now?
Hope this clarifies my experience of it a bit, But I find I am struggling to write it as clear as I percieve it when It happens..
Bhumi, modified 7 Years ago at 12/8/17 8:37 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/8/17 8:37 AM
RE: What are the criteria for access concentration?
Posts: 38 Join Date: 11/23/17 Recent Posts
I find what you are saying very interesting I seem to have a similar experience with the effort part. I used to feel the part in which the object has more clarity. But in my case what I observe let's say I am focusing on inhalation and exhalation, the object divides itself into a way proportional to how much awareness (or noting) I put into it. This cause the object to become so fine that it almost disappears in space, there is a sense that the object is there but it is so sutble that it convinces you it is not. Afterwards it feels like the awareness is just hanging in in space. Now I realize how hard it is to describ such experiences!
Eelco ten Have, modified 7 Years ago at 12/9/17 6:55 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/9/17 6:55 AM
RE: What are the criteria for access concentration?
Posts: 81 Join Date: 7/20/13 Recent PostsBhumi:
But in my case what I observe let's say I am focusing on inhalation and exhalation, the object divides itself into a way proportional to how much awareness (or noting) I put into it.
Does this deconstruct the object into so many parts the object itself disapears into its sepperate parts?
Bhumi, modified 7 Years ago at 12/9/17 7:06 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/9/17 7:06 AM
RE: What are the criteria for access concentration?
Posts: 38 Join Date: 11/23/17 Recent Posts
Exactly, there is also cases when those smaller parts seem to feel like "small spirals or circular movement" which made it difficult for me to hold the mind and concentrate. Do you think I should just keep noting them and continue?
Eelco ten Have, modified 7 Years ago at 12/9/17 8:52 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/9/17 8:52 AM
RE: What are the criteria for access concentration?
Posts: 81 Join Date: 7/20/13 Recent PostsBhumi:
Exactly, there is also cases when those smaller parts seem to feel like "small spirals or circular movement" which made it difficult for me to hold the mind and concentrate. Do you think I should just keep noting them and continue?
Other than when in doubt.. Note it and continue..
alguidar, modified 7 Years ago at 12/13/17 9:41 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/13/17 9:41 AM
RE: What are the criteria for access concentration?
Posts: 106 Join Date: 6/4/17 Recent Posts
I think MAYBE i am at acess concentration. (im a begginer)
i come back to the quiet center effortlessly, whenever i get sucked in by thought stories.
i come back to the quiet center effortlessly, whenever i get sucked in by thought stories.