My first post - concentration experience and question

Daniel Hanszmann, modified 4 Years ago at 10/2/19 4:22 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 10/2/19 4:22 PM

My first post - concentration experience and question

Posts: 2 Join Date: 5/16/19 Recent Posts
This is my first post so I’m sorry in advance if I misplaced it in the wrong topic.
I had an experience on my practice today, it felt like a deep insight so I wanted to share maybe someone could be generous enough to comment on it.

I practice Vipassana, learned from Goenka Ji.

I understand we should not be attached to sensations and also the fact that this isn't any measurement of progress in the path, but it felt like this was different somehow, So much so, I would be interested to listen someone  else point  of view.
I was probably around minute 45, the concentration was somewhat steady. 
So the felling of vibrations throughout the body as awareness moved, it really started to feel more like a physical reverberation.

It felt exactly like a "Tibetan bell" the awareness was the wood stick, and the body was the bell itself, and as the awareness travelled through the body, the reverberation intensified and passed away. 

Off course at some point the realization of it, made me start losing it, but for the first time I was able to bring it back, by directing awareness not forcefully to equanimity and not the  sensation itself.

Like for the first time, the tweak, actually worked not by luck but by intention.

Now as I'm writing I don't know how much is just my ego or delusion.., or both..., or if maybe I tapped into something that could be something.

Maybe someone can burst this bubble, I would be glad to move on with my practice if this is just a trap, but also I would love to explore it if somehow this is shared by other's experience.

Thank you so very much!

Much Metta to all of you!
Chris M, modified 4 Years ago at 10/3/19 6:59 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 10/3/19 6:59 AM

RE: My first post - concentration experience and question

Posts: 5258 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
It felt exactly like a "Tibetan bell" the awareness was the wood stick, and the body was the bell itself, and as the awareness travelled through the body, the reverberation intensified and passed away. 

I'll jump in, not with a comment but with a  question: what does this experience convey to you? Why do you feel it's different from any of your prior meditative experiences?
Daniel Hanszmann, modified 4 Years ago at 10/3/19 6:51 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 10/3/19 6:51 PM

RE: My first post - concentration experience and question

Posts: 2 Join Date: 5/16/19 Recent Posts
Hey Chris,

Thanks for taking this one.

I would say two things, first how impressed I was replicating an experience that resembles exactly something so physical and palpable. Made me wonder of course I was not the first, and who knows maybe someone got inspired by it and he or she invented the Tibetan bell, based on this sort of experience emoticon.

Second thing was, as I started to loose concentration because I was mesmerized with the experience, I didn't tried to force it (as I usually do), but I just chose to remain equanimous, and naturally the whole thing came back, instead of just passing away and that was pretty curious to me.
The whole thing felt right some how..., I just don't know if this is an ego trap.... or maybe a relevant reference, Goenka mentioned something about 161 stages of consciousness, but I didn't find it yet how they are described, so it could serve as a reference, talking to one teacher he mentioned if they were described it would become a source for sicking and that would have the opposite effect. I get it, but it is sometimes frustrating, the beauty of the simplicity leave us with not much reference to rely on.

Thanks Chris, I appreciate your support!
