My path

CuddleJunkie, modified 8 Years ago at 2/18/16 10:31 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 2/18/16 10:31 AM

My path

Posts: 3 Join Date: 2/18/16 Recent Posts
Hello everybody! I was a lurker a year ago, loved the place and got to access concentration and could feel the first jhana really close. Anyhow, something happened and I dropped a lot of the good habits that I had. Now I'm on my feet again, maybe better than ever I feel like taking the path seriously.
I intend to do this very slowly, I'm not in a rush and I want to do things with great care. So I will start with 15 minutes of concentrative meditation focusing on the breath at the nostrils, and I will add 5 minutes every week. I will post in this journal how is it going. I have plans of how I would like to continue the journey after I get to the first jhana, but I am aware that setting such expectations is counterproductive. So let's go one step at a time.
So this is all. A big thank you to the community for allowing people to discuss these things with such an open-mindness, and please excuse my poor english, I try to get better at it!
C P M, modified 8 Years ago at 2/18/16 11:06 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 2/18/16 11:06 AM

RE: My path

Posts: 218 Join Date: 5/23/13 Recent Posts
Welcome to the forum and good luck! (Your English is fine by the way).
CuddleJunkie, modified 8 Years ago at 2/22/16 5:25 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 2/18/16 5:59 PM

RE: My path

Posts: 3 Join Date: 2/18/16 Recent Posts
I will make weekly updates to not make thousands of post, so I'll be editing this post.
Day 1
15 minutes of focusing on the breath sensation at the nostrils. I had a lot of movement in the mind, recapituling the week and so on. Around the 10 minute mark I started to focus on the breath. I started feeling like I could not breath, but rationalize it like a continuum sensation of breath from the nostrils to the lungs, it really felt like a solid object occupaying all that area, it was weird, but I remained more or less relaxed and could continue focusing on the nostrils. The alarm sounded.
Day 2
15 minutes of focusing on the breath sensation at the nostrils. At first I was calm, then thoughts and emotions of lost romance disrupted my practice. Went back to breath, started hearing clock and snores.... I have to meditate earlier on the day. Finally focused on breath, got the tactil sensation on the nose bridge, might be my sign, because shortly after I start to enter access concentration (I've had that arising sign before when I practiced a year ago, I'm not a visual person but a kinesthetic one as body energy practices have revealed). A chilling feel starts to happen on the tights, I get distracted (and a little excited) by it and lose my concentration. Back to the breath, alarm sounds.
Day 3
15 minutes of focusing on the breath sensation at the nostrils. Fluctuations of thoughts at first, then a push and pull of concentration and distractions. Around the end of the session I got that "rising" sensation in the whole body with an increased focus on the breath. Alarm sounds, I get alarmed by it (Lol)
Day 4 
Procastinated all day until night. When it was time to meditate I had a terrible headache.
Day 5
Almost 15 minutes (didn't have alarm today, so I estimed the time and did 14:40) of focusing on the breath sensation at the nostrils. Couldn't concentrate that much, there was some noise outside. But one thing I've noticed is that I didn't get mad, and I used to when someone would distract me, so I guess the work on emotional healing is bearing its fruits. All nice if so!