Bhavana Society [Alex L.] [MIGRATE]

Migration 62 Daemon, modificado hace 10 años at 7/05/14 4:56
Created 10 años ago at 7/05/14 4:56

Bhavana Society [Alex L.] [MIGRATE]

Mensajes: 66 Fecha de incorporación: 7/05/14 Mensajes recientes
Bhavana Society [Alex L.]

Alex L. - 2014-04-28 19:19:22 - Bhavana Society


I'm considering going on a retreat to the Bhavana Society in West Virginia.  

However, I'm concerned that it won't be serious enough. I'm looking to deepen my practice and worry that my time could be better utilized elsewhere.  I have two little girls so my time away from the family is precious. 

I'm an intermediate meditator who's done mostly insight and looking to deepen concentration.  I have done 2 Goenka 10-days and one 7-day following Shinzen's methods at the Centre for Mindful Learning in Burlington.  

Can anyone help me on this?  With appreciation and metta,



Daniel M. Ingram - 2014-04-29 02:28:18 - RE: Bhavana Society

i did a bunch of retreats there 1996-2001 and got a lot out of it

mostly the question is what you do with your mind all day long

even in very "serious" places, people blow it often

up to you


Alex L. - 2014-04-29 21:03:34 - RE: Bhavana Society


thanks for the reply and, of course, for creating this website.  

I suppose it's hard to move on from Soryu Forall and my friends in Burlington who I met last summer but perhaps I should broaden my horizon.  And they're all younger than me so I'll probably see them again.    


Rednaxela, modificado hace 8 años at 27/07/15 17:18
Created 8 años ago at 27/07/15 15:08

RE: Bhavana Society [Alex L.] [MIGRATE]

Mensajes: 158 Fecha de incorporación: 23/12/11 Mensajes recientes

i just finished retreat at Bhavana i was comtemplating last year.   it was just great.  

i enjoyed the generally serious nature of approx. 45 other foks there, in the sense that they were there to meditate-- and i didnt mind what seemed like a fair amount of Buddhist ritual.   with the aim of deepening my practice and just for a bit of fun, i did the lifetime precept ceremony with some white clothes I had brought along.

perhaps the best part of the experience was time spent with the monks, featuring 87yr-old Bhante G.  he invited small groups to spent an hour with him and pepper him with questions.

West Virginia was rather beautiful and the experience otherworldly.  after the day's final sit, I enjoyed walking up the hill to my residence in the pitch black, with the deafening sound of crickets and my senses on fire.


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