Meditation practice roll call

Not Tao, modificado hace 9 años at 19/04/15 20:53
Created 9 años ago at 19/04/15 20:46

Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 995 Fecha de incorporación: 5/04/14 Mensajes recientes
So, I saw a number of people in the "Talking about Dho" thread claiming the people posting on here regularly aren't discussing practice and don't have a regular practice.  I'm just curious if this is actually true, since I'd say 98.5% of the threads I see and post in are practice related, and the people in them are trying to understand things they've encountered or where they might be heading. I think this might also foster a bit of of mutual respect - if we can see that other people are practicing as much as we are, maybe we'll be less likely to look down on what these people are saying, especially if it isn't part of our current trajectory.

For my part, I generally meditate 2 - 4 hours a day, and I've been meditating every day since July of 2013. emoticon

EDIT: To clarify, this number has gone up and down over the years, haha, but always every day for a little bit!
Rafal K, modificado hace 9 años at 20/04/15 9:30
Created 9 años ago at 20/04/15 3:07

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 12 Fecha de incorporación: 16/10/13 Mensajes recientes
Not Tao:
(...)I think this might also foster a bit of of mutual respect - if we can see that other people are practicing as much as WE are, maybe WE'll be less likely to look down on what these people are saying, especially if it isn't part of our current trajectory.(...)
Mutual respect? You just lost most of it with this post. First primo You feel superior becouse you are meditating 4h a day. Lol sit for 8h you ll be twice as awesome. IMO everyone who sits less than 8h is to be looked down upon, so try harder. Second primo there is You and a group you identify with (probably the forum buddies) that are so elite that everyone else is not worthy (plus a whole lot of other crappy assumptions in that sentence).

This is actualy like the best example ever, of why some think this place is not about discussing practice.

EDIT - you've made 800post in a year, thats about 2 a day. Clearly you have a lot of problems along your way.

Have a nice day,
Nikolai , modificado hace 9 años at 20/04/15 9:51
Created 9 años ago at 20/04/15 9:34

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 1677 Fecha de incorporación: 23/01/10 Mensajes recientes
Rafal K:
Not Tao:
(...)I think this might also foster a bit of of mutual respect - if we can see that other people are practicing as much as WE are, maybe WE'll be less likely to look down on what these people are saying, especially if it isn't part of our current trajectory.(...)
Mutual respect? You just lost most of it with this post. First primo You feel superior becouse you are meditating 4h a day. Lol sit for 8h you ll be twice as awesome. IMO everyone who sits less than 8h is to be looked down upon, so try harder. Second primo there is You and a group you identify with (probably the forum buddies) that are so elite that everyone else is not worthy (plus a whole lot of other crappy assumptions in that sentence).

This is actualy like the best example ever, of why some think this place is not about discussing practice.

EDIT - you've made 800post in a year, thats about 2 a day. Clearly you have a lot of problems along your way.

Have a nice day,

This post is not helpful. Simply venomous. 

I have my suspicions, thus:

If one is puppeting a sock at the moment to avoid being found out, simply to spit the venom one does not have the ability/capacity/willpower/practice skills to deal with nor contain within appropriately without blubbing it all over those that have become the object of their own lack, this person will eventually be found out. That person should not expect a happy outcome for their participation at the DhO. 

If you do not have your hand in a sock and are simply succumbing to illwill towards one particular person,  please keep it civilised as in no personal attacks, or simply go elsewhere. 

Nick (mod) **new approach
Sock Puppet, modificado hace 9 años at 20/04/15 13:39
Created 9 años ago at 20/04/15 13:37

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensaje: 1 Fecha de incorporación: 20/04/15 Mensajes recientes
Nikolai .:
st is not helpful. Simply venomous. 

I have my suspicions, thus:

If one is puppeting a sock at the moment to avoid being found out, simply to spit the venom one does not have the ability/capacity/willpower/practice skills to deal with nor contain within appropriately without blubbing it all over those that have become the object of their own lack, this person will eventually be found out. That person should not expect a happy outcome for their participation at the DhO. 

If you do not have your hand in a sock and are simply succumbing to illwill towards one particular person,  please keep it civilised as in no personal attacks, or simply go elsewhere. 

Nick (mod) **new approach
There aren't any sock puppets here!

If you were you, I would check the posting history of this user by clicking on the recent posts button - here an excerpt of their first post.

Check the date:
0/16/13 10:20 AM Reply Reply with Quote Quick Reply
Hello everyone,

my name is Rafal and if you don't mind I have a question for you.
I've started meditating after reading Daniel's book, about 2 years ago. I did it on and off but now it starts to take a permanent place in my life.

Of course though, they may be playing a long game, waiting for their moment to strike...
Rafal K, modificado hace 9 años at 21/04/15 6:35
Created 9 años ago at 21/04/15 6:35

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 12 Fecha de incorporación: 16/10/13 Mensajes recientes
You have a wrong idea, I'm not at all angry and you haven't done anything to me and I'm not a smurf account.

I'll rephrase my concerns about this thread with the most polite fashion I can:

by starting this thread you are stating that "If you practice X amount of time a day you are to attain something fast/faster/in Y time/more of IT"
This statment, to my knowladge, is so far from truth as it can get and is just another perception of reality, whereas Dhamma teaching always point to the hear and now, nirvana now, awernes now.
This can be confusing as someone is to think if only he spend more time meditating, he'll get closer to the goal. So there is an assumption time = progress, which is generaly not true.

Here you go, I don't really like this style, I prefere to put this stuff in an agressive wrapping, pinpointing weak points of your message, touching more subject. There is no art in here now. But for now it'll do.

Wishing you all less hours on th cushion,
Not Tao, modificado hace 9 años at 21/04/15 11:31
Created 9 años ago at 21/04/15 11:31

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 995 Fecha de incorporación: 5/04/14 Mensajes recientes

I think you've completely misunderstood my intentions for this thread.  I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there have been a number of threads, like "Talking about the DHO itself" and "Thoughts on specific improvements to the DHO," where people are complaining that no one here is practicing and all the threads are off-topic debates about sectarian issues.  This wasn't my impression of the forum, so I thought it would be nice to have a bit of solid evidence that people were, indeed, practicing.  I created a new thread for it so I wouldn't be derailing the other threads.

I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that I was suggesting practice hours led to results in a mechanical fasion.  I'm guessing you didn't read my original post very closely and just reacted impulsively to what you thought you were reading.
Rafal K, modificado hace 9 años at 22/04/15 3:44
Created 9 años ago at 22/04/15 3:44

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 12 Fecha de incorporación: 16/10/13 Mensajes recientes
I'm sorry guys I'm not good with words, so I'll try to rephrase again:
the "root of all evil" is the notion: "I need to do X to get enlighted".

If I was to show the way, it'd be closer to:
"do nothing" - and you're done, fire off confetti and fireworks ;) (like Tao had this nice post about letting go. What did you let go and what was left?)

I'm acting all smartass, but it's actualy really hard to put a point across emoticon (and you never know if you are not deluded) you probably read like a couple of thosand pages about this and still the meaning is somewhat not clear, right? It's all like on those youtube wideos when the moment a guy gets some realization is captured and he starts to laught his ass off. There are all this spiritual books and whole industries to try to make people happy and when it hits you, what the way looks like, it's like heaving this rolling laughter in the background all the time from now on emoticon

Also one other note: you can sit all you want, speak with angels, have hardass jhanas, many realisations and what not, but when you get up and get upset by a random guy over the internet - you are doing it wrong.

Also a note, that I was sick sitting at home, not really feeling well, so I was trolling a spiritual forum to kill some time and push some buttons, maybe pointing to something useful that way, you never know what will work ;) but I'm getting better now, so I'll be off. 

Good luck and have fun,
Not Tao, modificado hace 9 años at 22/04/15 12:07
Created 9 años ago at 22/04/15 12:07

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 995 Fecha de incorporación: 5/04/14 Mensajes recientes
Actually, Rafal, I'm starting to think that enlightenment is simply having the honesty to admit to myself exactly how I'm feeling - admitting completely in each moment that who I am and what I am is not under direct control.  Steps beyond enlightenment (Nibbana?) are probably related to patience and untagling the knots of causality by intentionally setting up causes that lead to beneficial effects.  I understand what you're saying, but it just doesn't have much bearing on reality.  It's very easy to fool yourself into thinking you're letting go when in reality you're repressing, suppressing, and denying.

For example, you feel the need to troll a spiritual forum in order to kill time. It's hard to imagine you as being very peaceful.  I'm more interested in finding the way to make my life easier and less dramatic, so your advice probably doesn't apply to me.
Not Tao, modificado hace 9 años at 20/04/15 11:03
Created 9 años ago at 20/04/15 10:47

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 995 Fecha de incorporación: 5/04/14 Mensajes recientes
@Rafal: After I posted this and read through it again, I realized it could be taken the wrong way.  My intention was sincere originally, though, so I decided to leave it up in case it could actually do some good.  I thought the main issue was that some people thought frequent posters were just doing a lot of arguing about suttas and theory without any meditation time to back it up.  Maybe the issue is more that discussions aren't always about fruitions and paths, though.  I can readily admit I don't talk about those, but this is because I don't have experience with them that I'm familiar with.  When I did talk about them it just made people angry.  I have apologized a few times for making ignorant arguments, but maybe you missed it.  I AM sorry I've made you so angry - whether it was because of the reasons I listed above or some other reason I'm not aware of.

I really don't think of myself as elite.  I used to be incredibly egotistical, actually, but meditation has changed that a lot.  This egoism was a coping mechanism for persistant anxiety.  I think a lot of my post count actually comes from when I first got here.  It was A&P time and I argued with a lot of people about the Dark Night and AF related stuff.  I'm going to assume, like Nikolai, that you're probably an alt name for some other regular.  If so, maybe you can try to forgive some of my past ignorance?  It came out of suffering, and being here has helped a lot with that suffering.  Mostly what this place has been for me is a constant itch.  I have been confused by the message and I've been trying to understand.  If I've been rude or confrontational, it's because this itch just won't go away and sometimes that is so annoying, haha.  If anything, I've been changed by this forum a lot more than the forum has been changed by me.  I feel like I'm starting to understand the ideas, and I'm starting to see how they relate to my own practice.

Anyway, if I've said anything personally offensive to you in the past, or you just find my presence on the forum annoying because of how I post, I hope you can understand that inspiring hatred was not my intention.  I can see clearly these days that a lot of my personality has been created by suffering and anxiety, so if it's any consolation, I was hurting myself as much as I was hurting you.  You did succeed in making me feel bad with your post, as well, so maybe we can call it even now?

EDIT: @Matto: I agree with what you're saying here.  I think a lot of my own discontent has come from thinking that broad statements by other people have to apply to me or I'm doing something wrong.  Untying knots sounds like a great way to define practice.  What those knots are is going to differ for everyone.
tom moylan, modificado hace 9 años at 20/04/15 9:49
Created 9 años ago at 20/04/15 9:49

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 896 Fecha de incorporación: 7/03/11 Mensajes recientes
my sitting practice is really variable.  i would say in the past year or so,an hour and a half a day would be the average.

i am in a place where i am almost immediately in equanimity when i sit down and sizzle through it taking on all comers trying to broaden and comprehend ever more subtle stuff.

thats down from the go-getter phase of a few years ago of a solid three hours per day during the week.

Noah, modificado hace 9 años at 20/04/15 10:25
Created 9 años ago at 20/04/15 10:25

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 1467 Fecha de incorporación: 6/07/13 Mensajes recientes
I'm hesitant to comment here as it isn't really my style.  I think what I would see as constructive would be for people to actively link their theoretical/conceptual understandings with their current practice.  For instance, many people might just be untying conceptual knots in their head.  This is part of their practice.  I always have to do this and it has actually helped me progress through a given nana on multiple occassions.  In other cases, the understanding of a concept will be linked to a particular sitting experience.  

Sometimes, people are just playing with concepts, even if those concepts don't matter to them in a way that would be extremely bothersome if they couldn't figure them out (this is what I mean by untying knots).  

No matter what the purpose of a given debate on theory, I think a participating poster should reiterate their purpose again and again, for this will hold all parties vulnerable, as real people and real practicioners, and make everyone honest.  

This is not to say that people are purposely being dishonest.  But I feel that sometimes when one posts about concepts with a sense of certainty about how they apply to everyone or how they are objectively true, they are not being true to their own practice.

p.s. I am not targeting anyone specifically, for that would not be authentic to my gut instinct or true to my own practice as it is expressed here on this website.
Psi, modificado hace 9 años at 20/04/15 10:28
Created 9 años ago at 20/04/15 10:27

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 1099 Fecha de incorporación: 22/11/13 Mensajes recientes
Not Tao:
So, I saw a number of people in the "Talking about Dho" thread claiming the people posting on here regularly aren't discussing practice and don't have a regular practice.  I'm just curious if this is actually true, since I'd say 98.5% of the threads I see and post in are practice related, and the people in them are trying to understand things they've encountered or where they might be heading. I think this might also foster a bit of of mutual respect - if we can see that other people are practicing as much as we are, maybe we'll be less likely to look down on what these people are saying, especially if it isn't part of our current trajectory.

For my part, I generally meditate 2 - 4 hours a day, and I've been meditating every day since July of 2013. emoticon

EDIT: To clarify, this number has gone up and down over the years, haha, but always every day for a little bit!

I agree with you, Not Tao, It seems most people here are practicing or trying to practice, or trying to figure out how to practice.  Practice is a constant change in progress, and one uses different methods according to different circumstances.  Some practices are formal sitting, some are informal.

But, mostly , I agree, all this negative talk about practioners on DHO and the judgements about practioners, is absolute nonsense, very judgemental, and incorrect.

Most of us do practice here, some of us just practice in silence, which is a lesson I have yet to learn...  emoticon

Formal practice everyday, my vow when I started was ten minutes minimum, no matter what. I had to start somewhere.  Average now, probably 1-3 hours, formally. Trying 50/50 Insight/Tranquility.  That, and moment to moment daily living practice.

sloane, modificado hace 9 años at 20/04/15 15:34
Created 9 años ago at 20/04/15 15:34

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 29 Fecha de incorporación: 11/10/14 Mensajes recientes
Not Tao:
I'm just curious if this is actually true, since I'd say 98.5% of the threads I see and post in are practice related, and the people in them are trying to understand things they've encountered or where they might be heading.

This is my sense as well. I'm sitting only about an hour a day since January, but thought it was worth posting to say that I often come on DhO to get my motivation going when I feel it's slacking. I'd like to get back to the 2-3 hours a day I was doing previously. This place has been really helpful for me in that regard in the past. 
Rednaxela, modificado hace 9 años at 20/04/15 16:49
Created 9 años ago at 20/04/15 16:38

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 158 Fecha de incorporación: 23/12/11 Mensajes recientes
Hi Not Tao,

i'm here to discuss practising and appreciate your posts (like the Samatha Method one).  I've just begun my fifth year of practice which i consider to have begun on my first 10-day Goenka course.  Anyway,i've broken free of the Goenka tradition and beame fascinated with Jhana and, more recently, Zen.

Ive got two young daughters so My daily practice is all over the map.  sometimes i only do 30min or less (aim for 15 minimum).  The majority is on a cushion but i should also admit that a decent share is on the train to/from work.  On days when i sit with my zen master, i manage an hour or more.  I've done retreats last four years and last year somehow managed to get away for two weeks.

And since i'm posting and curious, i'd really appreciate it if someone could help me diagnose an intense energy.  It's right in between my eyes, and seems to open up after meditating open-eyed, or after consuming caffeine or carbs.  It stays with me throughout most of the day and has done so for months--it might have opened up after a Jhana retreat in Augut.  But, then again, i never journaled it and never mentioned it to anyone.  And i have to pay attention to realize its there.  It is hottish, not very subtle and is usually pulsating--maybe related to blood flow in the area?  But i suppose i should find the right place to post this question.

Bill F, modificado hace 9 años at 20/04/15 19:06
Created 9 años ago at 20/04/15 18:54

RE: Meditation practice roll call

Mensajes: 556 Fecha de incorporación: 17/11/13 Mensajes recientes
I hope that no one has to prove themselves as a meditator. I think as long as people share directly their own experience, or hypothesize without criticizing the experience of systems they are unfamiliar with, things go fine.

Edit: Edited to remove potentially overdirect language. Replaced with impersonal but equally truthful language.

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