Meditation teacher/centre in London

Zoe, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 29.12.2019 4:38
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 29.12.2019 4:38

Meditation teacher/centre in London

Viestejä: 7 Liittymispäivä: 23.12.2019 Viimeisimmät viestit

Could anyone recommend a teacher or centre in London for learning Insight who can guide one through the maps. 

Could you also recommend which insight method to learn and in what order if my goal is to work through the maps? 

While London is preferable I'd also be happy to learn over skype (if anyone teaches this way) as it's more the teachings that are important rather than being in the same room as the teacher.  

Thank you 

James Matthews, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 30.12.2019 4:46
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 30.12.2019 4:46

RE: Meditation teacher/centre in London

Viestejä: 15 Liittymispäivä: 16.1.2019 Viimeisimmät viestit
Hi Zoe,

One site to check is London Insight, while they don't run regular classes they do have regular events:
 and they also list local groups:

 In terms of specific traditions there is Bhante Bodhidhamma who has a centre in Wales:
 He does a day event once a year with through London Insight but his student/Teacher in training, Carl Fooks, is looking to set up a London group soon. You could get in touch with them for more details.I have sat a weekend Mahasi retreat at Satipanya with Carl and I think he is a good teacher even though Mahasi is not my thing. Bear in mind while they are "map-y" I've heard Bhante is a bit more reserved when it comes to things like attainment. While I did not discuss things directly with Carl he made a number of comments that made me think that he was a little more liberal in this respect (though don't quote me on that).

Of course there are the Triratna groups around if that is your thing, I can't comment on them though.
Also there are a lot of Thich Naht Hahn groups around, again not strictly insight as such.

I'm currently working with a teacher from the Samatha Trust through an online course that they offer. As far as I can tell they are a Thai forest tradition, so jhana before insight is their general policy. I have a background in TMI and I've found the ST practice really good.They have a number of local groups around but I can't say anything about their other teachers (Mine is awesome though).

There is also Ajahn Amaro who does events through London Insight and rusn retreats north of London, but I can't comment much here other than I've heard he's good to retreat with.

Finally, I organise an online peer-led group for people in European time zones. We are predominantly TMI people but some of us are branching out elsewhere too. We meet a few times a week to either practice together or discuss practice. If you can figure out the PM system, feel free to drop me a message if you are interested.

Good luck,
Bill T, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 10.1.2020 4:58
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 10.1.2020 4:58

RE: Meditation teacher/centre in London

Viestejä: 108 Liittymispäivä: 22.11.2019 Viimeisimmät viestit
Hi Zoe. I'm also based in London (East) and looking for local teachers or meetups. I've been meditating 20 years on and off, mostly via the Goenka Vipassana tradition.

Recently discovered MCTB, kasina practice, and started having some very interesting experiences. I'd love to meet and chat meditation online or in person. 
Bill T, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 10.1.2020 5:02
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 10.1.2020 5:02

RE: Meditation teacher/centre in London

Viestejä: 108 Liittymispäivä: 22.11.2019 Viimeisimmät viestit

Could you also recommend which insight method to learn and in what order if my goal is to work through the maps? 

This would probably need a real conversation. What's your previous experience with meditation?
