Reobservation = revolt

shargrol, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 20.3.2020 14:59
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 20.3.2020 14:59

Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 2522 Liittymispäivä: 8.2.2016 Viimeisimmät viestit
I just realize that the perfect english word for "reobservation" is "revolt".

ah, and interesting that it has the etimology of rolling back, similar to rolling up the mat emoticon

mid 16th century: from French révolte (noun), révolter (verb), from Italian rivoltare, based on Latin revolvere ‘roll back’ (see revolve).

that is all.
Noah D, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 20.3.2020 15:58
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 20.3.2020 15:58

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 1211 Liittymispäivä: 1.9.2016 Viimeisimmät viestit
It does lose the aspect of the nana which is to look back at all the prior insights in total.  But it gains more of the emotional mood of the nana.
Dustin, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 20.3.2020 16:20
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 20.3.2020 16:19

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 115 Liittymispäivä: 28.12.2017 Viimeisimmät viestit
Similar to throw up. As in when I think about reobservation I want to throw up
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 20.3.2020 16:31
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 20.3.2020 16:31

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 7134 Liittymispäivä: 8.12.2018 Viimeisimmät viestit
Am I really the only one who has a weird attachment to reobservation? It must be some need for revolt...
Not two, not one, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 20.3.2020 16:40
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 20.3.2020 16:40

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 1039 Liittymispäivä: 13.7.2017 Viimeisimmät viestit
"Sire, the meditators are revolting!"   

"Not all of them, Rudy, not all of them. Some still wash."
shargrol, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 20.3.2020 18:27
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 20.3.2020 18:26

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 2522 Liittymispäivä: 8.2.2016 Viimeisimmät viestit
Hibiscus Kid:

The way I understand or personally use the word "revolt", would be akin to "fighting back". However, if I have truly spent time in this stage as mapped by other practitioners, I was pitiful. At my weakest.

Right, your stuff (reactive patterns) was revolting against you!  emoticon

This is like the last stand for the reactive patterns. Either they get you to stop meditating or... they surrender ....and there is acceptance ...and eventually equanimity.
Lars, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 21.3.2020 2:07
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 21.3.2020 2:05

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 420 Liittymispäivä: 20.7.2017 Viimeisimmät viestit
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö:
Am I really the only one who has a weird attachment to reobservation? It must be some need for revolt...

Nope, i've spent more time there than i'd like to admit. Lately i've noticed that revolt can manifest as wanting to correct people on the internet. I see someone post something and I want to get in an argument, even though I know it's pointless and reactive. When i'm in EQ or other nanas I don't really feel that desire, or it comes from a place of wanting to help versus correct.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 21.3.2020 4:21
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 21.3.2020 3:59

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 7134 Liittymispäivä: 8.12.2018 Viimeisimmät viestit
I still want to help in reobservation, but my idea of what is helpful gets clouded, and it gets corrupted by reactivity that stems from fear.

But what I meant is that parts of me seem to enjoy the feeling of reobservation and don't want to let go of it. They enjoy the intensity of it and the mindracing and find the agitated energy motivating. They enjoy that things are happening.

Some of them enjoy being torn apart and long for the annihilation. Others enjoy that the illusion of a self is at a peak because it makes them feel in control and on top of the world. Paradoxically, both those very different attachments lead to clinging to the nana. That is due to misconceptions about what the annihilation is in the first case, focusing on the destruction rather than the liberation. In the second case, it is of cource due to a misconception about the possibility of being in control and of being something continuous and separate. The first case shares that latter misconception as well, which is why it thinks that there is something there that needs to be annihilated or even "punished" for the sake of purification, and so it goes all in as if it were in some kind of BDSM relationship with "the Process" as its master. Thus, indirectly, since both these rather opposite reaction patterns become allies in clinging to the polarization of reobservation, it seems like the "master" in that relationship is really the deluded ego that enjoys being on top of the world, and so it becomes something self-absorbed and ludicrous and self-perpetuating. I'm in the process of letting go of this.
shargrol, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 21.3.2020 7:04
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 21.3.2020 7:04

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 2522 Liittymispäivä: 8.2.2016 Viimeisimmät viestit
Reobservation, I mean. revolt without suffering is sort of like being the queen of the domain, looking over her high balcony and seeing all the peasants squabiling and wanting to revolt. It's exciting, there's a buzz in the air, there's a sense of threat, but the queen knows she has all the food and water she needs and the peasants aren't going to be able to defeat the castle. emoticon

And reobservation is full of that bittersweet feeling of purification, like a hard massage, it kinda hurts so good...  
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 21.3.2020 9:39
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 21.3.2020 9:39

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 7134 Liittymispäivä: 8.12.2018 Viimeisimmät viestit
Matthew, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 21.3.2020 10:01
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 21.3.2020 10:01

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 92 Liittymispäivä: 31.10.2019 Viimeisimmät viestit
Queue the hand-burning scene from Fight Club...

Yes, it’s overdramatic and on-the-nose, but so is Reobservation 
terry, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 21.3.2020 12:55
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 21.3.2020 12:55

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 2530 Liittymispäivä: 7.8.2017 Viimeisimmät viestit
Reobservation, I mean. revolt without suffering is sort of like being the queen of the domain, looking over her high balcony and seeing all the peasants squabiling and wanting to revolt. It's exciting, there's a buzz in the air, there's a sense of threat, but the queen knows she has all the food and water she needs and the peasants aren't going to be able to defeat the castle. emoticon

And reobservation is full of that bittersweet feeling of purification, like a hard massage, it kinda hurts so good...  

"if there's no bread, let them eat cake"

(off with her head)
Tim Farrington, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 29.3.2020 6:11
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 29.3.2020 6:05

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 2464 Liittymispäivä: 13.6.2011 Viimeisimmät viestit
Reobservation, I mean. revolt without suffering is sort of like being the queen of the domain, looking over her high balcony and seeing all the peasants squabiling and wanting to revolt. It's exciting, there's a buzz in the air, there's a sense of threat, but the queen knows she has all the food and water she needs and the peasants aren't going to be able to defeat the castle. emoticon

And reobservation is full of that bittersweet feeling of purification, like a hard massage, it kinda hurts so good...  

I think of some lines from Jeremiah, in Lamentations 3 (i am partial to the King James Version translation, with all due cultural acknowledgments qualifications etc.): "Remembering mine affliction and my misery, the wormwood and the gall: My soul hath them still in remembrance, and is humbled in me. This I recall to mind, therefore have I hope."

There is that point of humbled, spent resonance with all aspects of your wonderfully fruitful translation of reobservation here as "revolt." We remember the disgust phase, how revolting it all was; we remember revolting against all the shit and desiring only liberation at whatever cost, and the fiery lucid determination of that revolt; and we have revolved through all of it, turned and re-turned and turned again, to a point of somehow seeing it all clearly enough that it doesn't hurt too much to see it clearly (a punkish way of speaking of the relief that kinda hurts so good, here, but I place great value on "bearabilty," given all I know about what feels unbearable). There is no going back from this "revolt," and ahead is only the mystery of equanimity, that doingless necessity that must be done, that impossible desire that can afford to want nothing, and the knowledge that the r/evolution spins on.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 31.3.2020 14:59
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 31.3.2020 14:59

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 7134 Liittymispäivä: 8.12.2018 Viimeisimmät viestit
I think of reobservation pretty much as unmedicated ADHD, because that's what it often feels like to me (which is probably part of why I have had the previously mentioned attachment to reobservation - it feels so incredibly familiar after having spent most of my life undiagnosed and thus unmedicated). I have actually found that the Meyers Briggs personality test very consistently categorizes my personality as INFP when medicated with ADHD medication on a regular basis and as INFJ when I have been unmedicated for a longer period. That is the difference between a diplomate and an advocate, which relates very nicely to revolt. Another aspect of ADHD, as most of you probably know, is that one is very easily distracted and unable to filter out sensations from the periphery. ADHD medication helps the brain to strengthen some sensory input (the focus) and filter out others. Furthermore, the ADHD brain spins very fast (until it crashes, which may result in bad mood). So all you people who find reobservation challenging and need some input on how to cope with it, find someone who copes well with (unmedicated) ADHD and ask them. I don't think taking ADHD medicines without ADHD would be a good idea, though, even if it would help (which it most likely would not, since the underlying cause differs), because there are important lessons to learn from dealing with reobservation without cheating. 

Stuff that my ADHD brain thinks (or rather that some processes identifying with my ADHD brain think) about while trying to do shamatha during reobservation... emoticon ...and yet I managed to get into jhana several times; I just didn't stay there long because I was too restless to maintain a stable intention. 
A Dietrich Ringle, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 4.4.2020 13:14
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 4.4.2020 11:39

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 881 Liittymispäivä: 4.12.2011 Viimeisimmät viestit
I didn't read the other posts. Initially I found that I wanted to revolt and cast my shadow towards reobservarion. And yet that same shadow now points to desire for deliverance.

Edit. Another point is that if you learn to skip over desire for deliverence. That is something.
Tim Farrington, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 29.4.2020 3:30
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 29.4.2020 3:30

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 2464 Liittymispäivä: 13.6.2011 Viimeisimmät viestit
I just realize that the perfect english word for "reobservation" is "revolt".

ah, and interesting that it has the etimology of rolling back, similar to rolling up the mat emoticon

mid 16th century: from French révolte (noun), révolter (verb), from Italian rivoltare, based on Latin revolvere ‘roll back’ (see revolve).

that is all.
J W, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 29.4.2020 10:50
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 29.4.2020 10:50

RE: Reobservation = revolt

Viestejä: 687 Liittymispäivä: 11.2.2020 Viimeisimmät viestit
Right, your stuff (reactive patterns) was revolting against you!  emoticon

This is like the last stand for the reactive patterns. Either they get you to stop meditating or... they surrender ....and there is acceptance ...and eventually equanimity.

And now after reading this, with my practice lately being focused on surrender and 'letting go of', or the 'dying' of the delusion of 'self', it seems I may currently be in Reobservation.  I had assumed I was in EQ for about the past week.  But it also seems from what I read and from my own experience that EQ has a fluidity to it, even more so than the other stages, and so I may just be bouncing back and forth between reobservation and EQ.  Or, maybe I'm just in Dissolution, the entrance to the Dark Night!  
