Jhana cultivation and insight

zim zim, muokattu 14 Vuodet sitten at 5.5.2010 7:29
Created 14 Vuodet ago at 5.5.2010 7:29

Jhana cultivation and insight

Viestejä: 13 Liittymispäivä: 11.3.2010 Viimeisimmät viestit
Recently i have been meditating and shifting through the jhanas 1 to 4 with no real set plan just an investigation and seeing how far i can go. Ive now made the resolve to cultivate 1st jhana and untill i completely do so i plan on staying there. My only problem is that i am a novice in regards to cultivation,experience and technique. I only use breath as my object and wish to know about kasinas and their uses. Can anyone shed some light on this subject or offer a web site?
Also, i am due to go to a Mahashi insight retreat in the summer so could you offer any advice on preperation before i go as in any meditation tips as to ensure i get the best from my time there.
Eric B, muokattu 14 Vuodet sitten at 5.5.2010 10:19
Created 14 Vuodet ago at 5.5.2010 10:19

RE: Jhana cultivation and insight

Viestejä: 187 Liittymispäivä: 24.8.2009 Viimeisimmät viestit
Here is a link for a recent thread on the subject which includes some external links:


A search of the threads should turn up more.

When using the breath to attain jhanas 1 through 4, did you do this just by watching the breath at the spot below the nose/above the lip area?
Florian, muokattu 14 Vuodet sitten at 5.5.2010 15:16
Created 14 Vuodet ago at 5.5.2010 15:16

RE: Jhana cultivation and insight

Viestejä: 1028 Liittymispäivä: 28.4.2009 Viimeisimmät viestit
Jhanas: there are quite a few good threads in the Concentration Section of the forum. Even better, ask you own questions there. Also, Kenneth Folk Dharma has a lot of good stuff on Jhana, and experienced people on the forum.

Retreat preparations: check out Tarin's Reformed Slackers Guide to Stream Entry.

zim zim, muokattu 14 Vuodet sitten at 6.5.2010 1:15
Created 14 Vuodet ago at 6.5.2010 1:15

RE: Jhana cultivation and insight

Viestejä: 13 Liittymispäivä: 11.3.2010 Viimeisimmät viestit
When attaining the jhanas i begin with nose only then once deeper in i begin to use the lip part as heavy breathing usually begins and makes it easier for me to concentrate and keep hold of. Is that a bit wacky?
Eric B, muokattu 14 Vuodet sitten at 6.5.2010 11:43
Created 14 Vuodet ago at 6.5.2010 11:43

RE: Jhana cultivation and insight

Viestejä: 187 Liittymispäivä: 24.8.2009 Viimeisimmät viestit
zim zim:
When attaining the jhanas i begin with nose only then once deeper in i begin to use the lip part as heavy breathing usually begins and makes it easier for me to concentrate and keep hold of. Is that a bit wacky?

No, not wacky at all.
PE Ong, muokattu 14 Vuodet sitten at 11.5.2010 5:02
Created 14 Vuodet ago at 11.5.2010 5:02

RE: Jhana cultivation and insight

Viestejä: 3 Liittymispäivä: 22.8.2009 Viimeisimmät viestit
zim zim:

Also, i am due to go to a Mahashi insight retreat in the summer so could you offer any advice on preperation before i go as in any meditation tips as to ensure i get the best from my time there.

Do you mean Mahasi above. If that is the case, you should work on your noting practice instead.

Mahasi centers do not teach Jhana. The teacher will likely ask you temporary put aside your Jhana practice, revert to the noting practice and report your experience accordingly.

