Bodhi Monastery

Eric B, modifié il y a 11 années at 09/01/13 10:31
Created 11 années ago at 09/01/13 10:22

Bodhi Monastery

Publications: 187 Date d'inscription: 24/08/09 Publications Récentes
Name of Center: Bodhi Monastery

Address: 67 Lawrence Road, Lafayette, NJ USA 07848

Phone Number: 973-940-0473


Contact Email: Contact through website.

Tradition(s): Looks to be a combination of Chan/Theravada--draw your own conclusions from the website.

Technique(s): Depends on the teaching.

Teacher(s): Depends on who is visiting.

Cost: They ask for a contribution.

Accommodations: There is a large 2nd floor men's dormitory divided into 16 cubicles with 2 beds in each. I beleive teh women's dormitory is the same.

Facilities: A former Catholic school and cloister. If you go in the winter and it's cold outside, you can count on it it being cold inside too. They keep the thermostats se at 60 degrees, so bring warm clothes and layers.

Physical Setting: Located in bucolic Sussex County New Jersey on a large quiet stretch of land. I saw several deer, who come to eat leftovers that are put out for them.

Food (Vegetarian/Vegan/etc.): Good vegetarian Chinese prepared on site.

Retreat Length(s): Varies, but mine was 8 days.

Typical Schedule: For the one I attended 4: 30AM-9PM, with lights out at 9: 30PM

Issues of Taboos around attainment, real practice, disclosing insights, etc.: Nothing about this ever came up.

Issues of Rites/Rituals: Just chanting (reciting in English actually) at the end of the day, and bowing to the Buddha in the meditation hall.

Issues of Proper Dress: Never came up, but it was cold and everyone was heavily layered.

Issues of Etiquette: See retreat guidelines on the website

Issues of Language: None

Health Issues: None

Logistical Issues: None

Strengths: The silence while sitting in the Buddha Hall in the middle of winter is about the best you can get in Samsara. Seriously.

Weaknesses: Did I mention the cold?

Other Comments: They seem to do a few retreats per year. Also, Bhikkhu Bodhi is affilaited with the monastery, and teaches there.

Overall Impression: Well worthwhile.

Worthy of recommendation on the Dharma Overground? Yes.

Name of Person Reviewing the Center: Eric Bause

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