My 2 cents about the AF thing. [James Yen] [MIGRATE]

Migration 62 Daemon, modifié il y a 10 années at 07/05/14 05:01
Created 10 années ago at 07/05/14 05:01

My 2 cents about the AF thing. [James Yen] [MIGRATE]

Publications: 66 Date d'inscription: 07/05/14 Publications Récentes
My 2 cents about the AF thing. [James Yen]

James Yen - 2014-04-27 18:32:02 - My 2 cents about the AF thing.

In case anyone asks me about my opinion on the whole AF thing.

Here it is.

AF is a heretical teaching that on the surface appears similar to the teachings of the Buddha, or any spiritual tradition. But in reality hides some very uncompromising flaws and fallacies that are extremely dangerous.

The AFers love the idea that they have found "another way", leading to freedom, when in reality they have not bypassed anything. The whole centrality of AF is the notion that its founders found another way to freedom, a "new" freedom.

But this is not possible, there are no two freedoms, there is only one, and the goal is Nirvana.

*cue quote from Buddha*

"Wanderers of other sects who ask thus may be answered in this way: 'How then, friends, is the goal one or many?' Answering rightly, the wanderers of other sects would answer thus: 'Friends, the goal is one, not many.'

I will try to avoid making absolutist statements in the future, and avoid quoting the Buddha when not appropriate as I realize it doesn't help.

Here's some more food for thought:

  • Richard says it's possible to enjoy sensual pleasure anhedonically, but the Buddha asserts that it is not possible to enjoy sensual pleasure without the thought of sensuality!
  • Richard asserts that freedom accrues from relying on an eternal body, the universe, this is stock sakkaya-ditthi. Ironically sakkaya includes the word kaya, meaning body.
  • Richard asserts that suffering originates with the existence of an entity, that is annihilated upon reaching his freedom, this is stock clinging to a view of self.
  • Few people have successfully replicated Richard's state, in other words Richard's state is not real, it is fabricated. Whereas Richard asserts that his state is real and supramundane.
  • AFers never argue properly, but always nitpick or pick apart words, neglecting the context or meaning, they seem unable to address the meaning of a statement, but rather address the individual definitions of the words.

I'll let you figure out the rest.


sawfoot _ - 2014-04-27 20:14:21 - RE: My 2 cents about the AF thing.

What's your opinion on the whole AF thing James?


James Yen - 2014-04-27 20:44:20 - RE: My 2 cents about the AF thing.

There is actually stuff I like about it. So I'm not entirely sure actually. It seems kind of cool.

On the other hand the warning flags are annoying.

Richard is often very argumentative and downright strange to talk too. The followers of Richard seem like parrots. But the practice seems to replicate some freedoms very interestingly. Overall I'm ambiguous.

I have my own independent freedom.


James Yen - 2014-04-27 21:12:13 - RE: My 2 cents about the AF thing.

Personally I suffer from intense delusion and sometimes mania. So I'm often very gregarious and intense, but I recognize with my body some of the teachings of Gotama.

Which is why I try to impress upon you guys some good practice. But I understand if no one wants to listen.

I used to believe I was the Buddha, in fact I was absolutely certain and convinced I was (classic megalomania). I often feel intense bodily peace, so satisfying that my heart is sated.

It's like a heart release.

Back when I felt existential angst in the chest (which I no longer do), I most often possessed good mood, now I just feel Nirvana with my body.

Either that or I'm cray cray.


I'm trembling as I write this.



Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem - 2014-04-27 21:36:13 - RE: My 2 cents about the AF thing.

That's interesting.  So James could you give us your two cents on the whole AF thing?


James Yen - 2014-04-27 21:38:10 - RE: My 2 cents about the AF thing.




Why do you always troll me? It obviously doesn't work, and I'm obviously not going anywhere. 

If you don't like me I don't think it's all on me either.

Might be some issues you want to examine.

Just sayin.


Pawe? K - 2014-04-27 22:13:58 - RE: My 2 cents about the AF thing.

oh cut the crap, your delusions are not bigger than that of others here at DhO

most practitioners experience sensual and spiritual bliss, joy and something that can be called deathless/nibbana underneath all experience, so its not unique to you

when you feel urge to throw some 'I am enlightened' crap then contemplate on this:
The Diamond Sutra:
Subhuti said to the Buddha: ìWorld Honored One, when the Buddha attained unsurpassed complete enlightenment, was nothing actually attained?î The Buddha said, ìSo it is, Subhuti, so it is. As to unsurpassed complete enlightenment, I have not attained the slightest thing. This is why it is called unsurpassed complete enlightenment.î

if you don't get it then bang your head on it until you do and with it that urge to share... or more precisely 'announce' your realization level =)


Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem - 2014-04-27 22:42:59 - RE: My 2 cents about the AF thing.

James I do like you. As much as I can like someone destined for aeons in hell. The question is, why do you always troll me? It obviously doesn't work. Might want to look in a mirror sometimes. A metaphysical mirror. Self-reflection ya known and I don't mean light waves.


James Yen - 2014-04-27 22:46:08 - RE: My 2 cents about the AF thing.

Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem:
James I do like you. As much as I can like someone destined for aeons in hell. The question is, why do you always troll me? It obviously doesn't work. Might want to look in a mirror sometimes. A metaphysical mirror. Self-reflection ya known and I don't mean light waves.

Why do you always say I'm going to hell.



I mean I do often feel like I'm going to hell.

I just don't understand why you want to drive the stake in all the time, it's kind of malicious.

Edit 2:

I'm actually not going to hell BTW, simply because I didn't violate any of the precepts. Plus I'm a good person. emoticon

Anyways I'll talk to you later, it's nerve wracking refreshing that page all the time.


Edit 3:

I feel like I should talk this out with you though.

Why do I bother you?


Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem - 2014-04-28 03:19:04 - RE: My 2 cents about the AF thing.

James Yen:
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem:
James I do like you. As much as I can like someone destined for aeons in hell. The question is, why do you always troll me? It obviously doesn't work. Might want to look in a mirror sometimes. A metaphysical mirror. Self-reflection ya known and I don't mean light waves.

Why do you always say I'm going to hell.



I mean I do often feel like I'm going to hell.

I just don't understand why you want to drive the stake in all the time, it's kind of malicious.

See this just shows how ignorant you are. I don't do it out of malice, I do it out of compassion. Because if you keep going the way you are going, you will end up in hell. You falsely claimed you're the Tathagata and you're trying to split the sangha. That's grounds for going to the very worst hells. I am truly sorry you do not see the error of your ways.


James Yen - 2014-04-28 04:03:53 - RE: My 2 cents about the AF thing.


I see what you're saying.

How do I stop?

Maybe I should just yield, brb.


Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem - 2014-04-28 04:58:42 - RE: My 2 cents about the AF thing.

James Yen:

I see what you're saying.

How do I stop?

Maybe I should just yield, brb.

Well it's easy. Before every mental formation, ask yourself, is the mental formation I'm about to have skillful or not? If skillful then go ahead with it. If unskillful then turn away from it. During every mental formation, ask yourself, is the mental formation I'm currently having skillful or not? If skillful then cultivate it and nurture it and express it. If unskillful then turn away from it and seek its cessation. After every mental formation, ask yourself, was the mental formation I had just now skillful or unskillful? If skillful then seek to bring about those same qualities that led to it arising. If unskillful then seek to avoid those same qualities that led to it arising.

Keep it up and soon you'll have only skillful mental formations.

Which ones are skillful? Those that lead to the noble eightfold path of course. And which are unskillful? Those that lead away from the noble eightfold path.


James Yen - 2014-04-29 11:56:58 - RE: My 2 cents about the AF thing.

I don't understand. Aren't you an Actualist?


Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem - 2014-04-29 17:01:42 - RE: My 2 cents about the AF thing.

James Yen:
I don't understand. Aren't you an Actualist?

How can the Tathagata be an actualist?

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