Oaf Wots_ and the Magic Mountain

Dada Kind, modifié il y a 9 années at 21/06/14 11:52
Created 9 années ago at 21/06/14 11:52

Oaf Wots_ and the Magic Mountain

Publications: 633 Date d'inscription: 15/11/13 Publications Récentes

Oaf Wots_ and the Magic Mountain

Once upon a time there was a village beside a perilous mountain. According to local legend, adventurers who reached the summit of the mountain would be granted wondrous powers, bliss, and liberation. But, for hundreds of years none of the villagers dared try to climb the mountain. And, most didn't believe in such silly fairytales anyhow.

One day a cocky youth named Naiad Gremlin attempted the treacherous journey up the mountain. During his climb he was met with myriad trials, traps, and tricks.  Many times he failed the climb; and many times he consulted the local legends and library for hints about completing the journey. After many attempts and over many years Naiad finally completed his journey. Atop the mountain he was transformed permanently. The change was dramatic, but not identical to the legends. Yet, Naiad was satisfied. Immediately he understood the grains of truth that had been the source for  all the legends. He returned to the village and set to work writing a guide for scaling the mountain, along with a comprehensive map. In the guide Naiad tried to explain the real nature of the transformation, with mixed success.
The villagers reacted variously to the publication of his guide. Some scoffed haughtily, some   yelled angrily, some cowered fearfully, and some perked eagerly. From the last group, a traveling party was soon formed. Although a few turned back, the party was a success. The travelers returned to the village, all trying to convey the experience of the transformation, as Naiad had done. Some wrote poems, some composed music, and some used metaphor. All agreed that their symbols could not convey the experience of the transformation.

Over the years a small minority continued to scale the mountain. One day a young traveler named Oaf Wots heard of the magic mountain. Oaf Wots was stirred by the prospect of powers and transformation, but was obsessively doubtful and afraid of the journey. When Oaf was around other interested travelers he would tepidly voice his concerns, 'Do you ever think Naiad and the rest are lying?', 'What if we fall?', 'Maybe the mountain only works for them'. Invariably the travelers would reply to the effect, 'Only one way to find out.'

Oaf Wots lurked at the base of the mountain, speaking with travelers about their journey. Many travelers offered to help Oaf up the mountain, but he would never climb higher than the base of the mountain. One day Oaf saw a group of travelers descend the mountain, all with a look of satisfaction and peace. The travelers spoke with Oaf, discussing the effects of their transformation. One man tried to convey the transformation to Oaf saying, 'The effect was unmistakable. But, you could say I was always atop the mountain.' The other travelers smiled and nodded knowingly. Oaf yelled, 'Aha! So the mountain is fake!'. The travelers tried to explain, but Oaf persisted in his misunderstanding and accusations. 

Since that day, Oaf has roamed the mountain dettering adventurers with, 'Turn back! I heard Folk say the mountain doesn't work!' Some adventurers are dettered but most are not, commanding, 'Back ye troll! Back!'
J J, modifié il y a 9 années at 21/06/14 12:34
Created 9 années ago at 21/06/14 12:34

RE: Oaf Wots_ and the Magic Mountain

Publications: 225 Date d'inscription: 31/03/14 Publications Récentes
I cried.
Psi, modifié il y a 9 années at 21/06/14 14:21
Created 9 années ago at 21/06/14 14:21

RE: Oaf Wots_ and the Magic Mountain

Publications: 1099 Date d'inscription: 22/11/13 Publications Récentes
Droll Dedekind:

Oaf Wots_ and the Magic Mountain

Once upon a time there was a village beside a perilous mountain. According to local legend, adventurers who reached the summit of the mountain would be granted wondrous powers, bliss, and liberation. But, for hundreds of years none of the villagers dared try to climb the mountain. And, most didn't believe in such silly fairytales anyhow.

One day a cocky youth named Naiad Gremlin attempted the treacherous journey up the mountain. During his climb he was met with myriad trials, traps, and tricks.  Many times he failed the climb; and many times he consulted the local legends and library for hints about completing the journey. After many attempts and over many years Naiad finally completed his journey. Atop the mountain he was transformed permanently. The change was dramatic, but not identical to the legends. Yet, Naiad was satisfied. Immediately he understood the grains of truth that had been the source for  all the legends. He returned to the village and set to work writing a guide for scaling the mountain, along with a comprehensive map. In the guide Naiad tried to explain the real nature of the transformation, with mixed success.
The villagers reacted variously to the publication of his guide. Some scoffed haughtily, some   yelled angrily, some cowered fearfully, and some perked eagerly. From the last group, a traveling party was soon formed. Although a few turned back, the party was a success. The travelers returned to the village, all trying to convey the experience of the transformation, as Naiad had done. Some wrote poems, some composed music, and some used metaphor. All agreed that their symbols could not convey the experience of the transformation.

Over the years a small minority continued to scale the mountain. One day a young traveler named Oaf Wots heard of the magic mountain. Oaf Wots was stirred by the prospect of powers and transformation, but was obsessively doubtful and afraid of the journey. When Oaf was around other interested travelers he would tepidly voice his concerns, 'Do you ever think Naiad and the rest are lying?', 'What if we fall?', 'Maybe the mountain only works for them'. Invariably the travelers would reply to the effect, 'Only one way to find out.'

Oaf Wots lurked at the base of the mountain, speaking with travelers about their journey. Many travelers offered to help Oaf up the mountain, but he would never climb higher than the base of the mountain. One day Oaf saw a group of travelers descend the mountain, all with a look of satisfaction and peace. The travelers spoke with Oaf, discussing the effects of their transformation. One man tried to convey the transformation to Oaf saying, 'The effect was unmistakable. But, you could say I was always atop the mountain.' The other travelers smiled and nodded knowingly. Oaf yelled, 'Aha! So the mountain is fake!'. The travelers tried to explain, but Oaf persisted in his misunderstanding and accusations. 

Since that day, Oaf has roamed the mountain dettering adventurers with, 'Turn back! I heard Folk say the mountain doesn't work!' Some adventurers are dettered but most are not, commanding, 'Back ye troll! Back!'
Llord Kind Dede,  the Anagrammatist...
sawfoot _, modifié il y a 9 années at 21/06/14 15:34
Created 9 années ago at 21/06/14 15:04

Jimmy MacJimJim and the magic seeds

Publications: 507 Date d'inscription: 11/03/13 Publications Récentes

                                                                     Jimmy MacJimJim and the magic seeds

In a far away land, there was a giant tree. A huge, giant, beautiful ancient tree, with many branches. A tree of great power, whose power was closely guarded by its guardians, a race of giants.

Jimmy MacJimJim had heard of this tree, and yearned for its great power. But he came to the tree and was told that in order to reap the power of the tree he had to become a guardian of the tree, as only the guardians of the tree could be trusted with its power. But becoming a guardian was a long, and arduous task, involving great sacrifice. Jimmy didn’t like the sound of that.

But then he heard about a hermit who lived in a small cabin. People said he was crazy, but that he knew of the secret of the great tree. Jimmy approached the hermit, and begged the old man to tell him of the secret. The hermit, with a twinkle in his one-good eye, told him all he knew. Jimmy came away with a plan.

He went to the guardians of the tree, and offered to help them out for a while. While he tended the tree, he took one of its seeds, some fertiliser that the guardians had left around, and in the middle of the night, went back home.

He planted the tree in his garden. It grew well with the rich fertiliser. And one day, it started sprouting berries. And he ate them. But the berries had sour seeds, which didn’t please Jimmy, so he spat that part of the berry out. As he ate the flesh of the berries he became taller, just like the guardians of the tree. This pleased Jimmy. He had figured out the secret of the guardians and the tree! Each year, the tree blossomed new berries, and he ate every one. And Jimmy grew taller and taller. But as he grew taller, Jimmy also grew fatter. And fatter. He didn’t really notice, as he was so happy about getting taller, and he had always been a bit on the tubby side anyway. And so after many harvests, Jimmy had grown taller and taller. He was now even taller than many of the guardians. But he had become obese.

By this time the news had spread, and the guardians came to see. They looked on aghast. They were horrified! The guardians, while tall, were slim. They went away, shocked by what they had seen. Jimmy didn’t mind, he was tall, so tall! He had everything he had always wanted.
Others came to see. Some of those looked away in horror, just like the guardians. Others were amazed by the size of Jimmy, and asked if they could join him. Some of them were so entranced by how tall Jimmy was they didn't notice the obesity, and some of them just didn't care about getting fat. They just wanted to get tall. By this point Jimmy was so large that he couldn’t get through the doors of his house anymore, and had become rather lonely, so he encouraged people to join him in his garden. They too grew tall and obese eating the berries, though none of them could ever become quite as tall and obese as Jimmy.

Olaf had also heard news of the giant obese Jimmy. He came to watch from the outer gardens, fascinated yet repelled as to what he was witnessing. He tried asking them if they had noticed how obese everyone was, and whether there were other ways of growing tall without getting fat. But they didn't listen, as all everyone in the garden wanted to do was discuss how sweet the berries were and how tall they had become. Eventually they grew tired of the questioning, and said to Olaf, either you eat the berries and become fat and tall like us, or get out of the garden. Olaf didn't want to become fat, so he was cast out.

One day walking home, Olaf was drinking in a tavern. On the table next to him were some guardians (the tavern had a very large ceiling). His ears perked up, as he realised they were talking about Jimmy and the secrets of the giant tree of the far away land:
“If only Jimmy had stayed with us long enough to realise you have to eat the seeds as well!”
Dada Kind, modifié il y a 9 années at 21/06/14 15:58
Created 9 années ago at 21/06/14 15:58

RE: Jimmy MacJimJim and the magic seeds

Publications: 633 Date d'inscription: 15/11/13 Publications Récentes
Llord Kind Dede-buddha Sakadagami 10degree=1square=3rhombus is most amused

Fairytales are much more productive
J J, modifié il y a 9 années at 21/06/14 16:03
Created 9 années ago at 21/06/14 16:03

RE: Jimmy MacJimJim and the magic seeds

Publications: 225 Date d'inscription: 31/03/14 Publications Récentes
Guys I just hit the 11th nana, but I found if you click your thumbstick to the right and press R twice you magically hit fruition, please add this to the cheat list. We need to debug this mind game.


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