Getting sick with blockages releasing

b man, modifié il y a 9 années at 04/06/15 08:27
Created 9 années ago at 04/06/15 08:27

Getting sick with blockages releasing

Publications: 199 Date d'inscription: 25/11/11 Publications Récentes
wondering if anyone noticed a correlation between big energy releases, from blocked areas in the body getting released during cycles, and getting sick?

I seem to be seeing this correlation over the last few years and wondering if its a common thing with anyone else..
b man, modifié il y a 9 années at 04/06/15 13:50
Created 9 années ago at 04/06/15 13:50

RE: Getting sick with blockages releasing

Publications: 199 Date d'inscription: 25/11/11 Publications Récentes
Appreciate the reply Gordo. its comforting to know that someone else has been there and made it out the otherside in once piece! Mindfulness is definitely the priority at the moment. I decided 6 months back that it would make it the begginning and end of my day, without fail, rahter than the boom and bust cycles of practice that I had been doing the previous years. I've managed to stick to this and it has somewhat sped things up. 

I guess I know that the only way is onwards, its a rocky road, and I feel somewhat trapped knowing I must continue but I know that its leading somewhere worthwhile, so I just try and allow it to be as best as possible - try and let go and allow what comes up without making it "bad" 

Did you find big energy shifts made you physcially unwell?
b man, modifié il y a 9 années at 04/06/15 17:31
Created 9 années ago at 04/06/15 17:31

RE: Getting sick with blockages releasing

Publications: 199 Date d'inscription: 25/11/11 Publications Récentes
Damn, and I thought my support system was lacking. Thats really doing it on your own. 

yeah, its probably intoxicants in my case. 15 years of pretty heavy drinking and smoking messed up my body a little i think. Previous illnesses - nothing really, but I did used to have pretty bad asthma, (yeah I know, smoking and asthma is a bad mix) which I havent had for many years and wierdly enough today, whilst sitting at the end of a week long off work with strong detox illness, I got what I thought was asthma at first but was kinda just very hard to breathe - very similar feeling. it was wierd. Like my body was remembering it in some way. 

what was it for you gordo - intoxicants or illness or both?
(D Z) Dhru Val, modifié il y a 9 années at 07/06/15 17:12
Created 9 années ago at 07/06/15 17:12

RE: Getting sick with blockages releasing

Publications: 346 Date d'inscription: 18/09/11 Publications Récentes
b man:
wondering if anyone noticed a correlation between big energy releases, from blocked areas in the body getting released during cycles, and getting sick?

I seem to be seeing this correlation over the last few years and wondering if its a common thing with anyone else..

Just to add a datapoint, I have noticed a correlation between big energy releases and getting sick with respitory infections.
Matthew, modifié il y a 8 années at 20/08/15 19:17
Created 8 années ago at 19/08/15 15:42

RE: Getting sick with blockages releasing

Publications: 119 Date d'inscription: 30/01/13 Publications Récentes
Gordo . .:
Sickness yes. Nausea, stomach problems, headache, toxic feeling in the body. These symptoms are a stage of purification that will pass.
I started experiencing these symptoms about a year and a half ago when I got stuck in high EQ near MCTB 4th (many cycles after SE), along with post-meditation feelings of energy stagnating throughout the body and a "scorched" feeling in my solar plexus that persisted for weeks. It felt like the "physio-energetic" process of insight was somehow arrested, unable to make the connection needed to complete the cycle, with the trapped energy irritating my solar plexus. 

I stopped practicing vipassana for a few months to let the "cutting edge" of insight progress backslide, which calmed things down. I then switched from vipassana to Reggie Ray's bodywork, which Chuck Kasmire also recommended in this thread (the URL is redirecting to the wrong page when I paste it into a hyperlink for some reason):

These practices involve examining body sensations without any emphasis on the 3 characteristics/perceptions. I could feel the bodywork clearing out the tension and bringing emotional material to the surface, but after a few months (last December) the symptoms returned.

Until last week I hadn't practiced for 8 months. This long break diminished the symptoms but didn't eliminate them. Although I wasn't practicing during that period, emotional material still came to the surface, so I suspect the pattern of tension has been coming apart on its own. 

Last week, I realized that I had been habitually tightening the abs around the solar plexus as a gesture of almost violent effort during every meditation session. This tension gave me a false sense of control and prevented the breath from entering a natural rhythm. 

I feel less "in control" of the practice now that I'm not tensing the solar plexus. This has actually made it easier for me to see the sensations as they're occurring without creating unnecessary commentary and imagery (ex. imagining my foot while I'm scanning that area in a pointless attempt to force my attention to remain in that area). I honestly think that if I had realized this 8 months ago, it would've been possible for me to continue practicing without such a long break. This habitual pattern of tension was so ingrained that if someone had told me I was intentionally doing something to make myself sick, I wouldn't have believed them.

I still experience these symptoms (minus the energy circulating during practice), but they fade quickly after each session and I expect that the unreleased tension that was blocking my insight progress will clear up pretty fast. I hope others having these experiences can get through them quickly. Here's what has worked for me:

1. Taking a break from all practices to let the energy system calm down, possibly for a few months to backslide to previous cycles
2. Switching from vipassana to gentler bodywork
3. Abandoning some intentional effort during meditation: it might feel like the mind is too out of control, to the extent that the practice won't work without more striving, but it's possible that an excess of gross effort is making the symptoms worse. Tension/blockages will continue to release as long as you gently return to body sensations.

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