I'm getting very very close, some fine tuning help would be welcomed

Westthings, modifié il y a 8 années at 29/12/15 13:16
Created 8 années ago at 29/12/15 13:16

I'm getting very very close, some fine tuning help would be welcomed

Publications: 50 Date d'inscription: 21/08/15 Publications Récentes
Hey everyone,

I have been spending a lot of time sitting this last month. Im around 140 hours in the last 25 days with 7 of those days being on retreat.

I'm really close to popping and would love some tips for the area im working in.

In high EQ. Lots of body parts are tingling, buzzing etc. I see soft white crescent moons going straight across my visual field. Then they will turn into soft big white orbs traveling across my visual field. Once I seen the entire visual field of black and grey version of white static (on old tv's for those who are too young to remember). I tried focusing on it to see what would happen. It seemed like the spots got bigger as I focused on them but as soon as I did it only last for a moment then went away.

I get into this state in high EQ that feels like a mild dissolutionment but with a strong effect that is really difficult to not get caught up in. It sucks me in and by the time I realize that I had been had I don't remember how I got there. Sometimes its as if my object of meditation sneakly becomes obsorbed into some mind senario that I don't even know im in. When I realize this I note it. I have been getting better at catching it just as I start to get sucked in and once just as it was sucking me in. However sometimes my sits feel like im stuck in dissolutionment and can't get past it. I will transistion from super clear wide open, to dreamy, soft and lazy with a lack of precieved concentration and then back out again to wide open and very very concentrated.

I have about 6 hours of straight meditation so far this morning and the orbs or crescents havent come back but some luminous flickering and flashing was there but not much. There also has been a few times where anticipation rises and a little excitement is there.

Im not exactly stuck but I do know that in high EQ it can be helpful to have your attention directed by someone and the last sit I spent most of it in and out of  that dream like state. 

Would love to hear what you guys think.

If it matters, Im on my 2nd path.
Incandescent Flower, modifié il y a 8 années at 29/12/15 17:01
Created 8 années ago at 29/12/15 17:01

RE: I'm getting very very close, some fine tuning help would be welcomed

Publications: 87 Date d'inscription: 27/10/14 Publications Récentes
For second path, my biggest problem was with striving. Everytime I felt like I was getting close, my mind would start racing, my heart would pump, and I would start grasping at experience as if I could wrench second path out of its hands.

So my advice to you comes down to just two words: surrender, and presence.
Westthings, modifié il y a 8 années at 29/12/15 17:51
Created 8 années ago at 29/12/15 17:51

RE: I'm getting very very close, some fine tuning help would be welcomed

Publications: 50 Date d'inscription: 21/08/15 Publications Récentes
This is great advice. I caught myself wanting and desiring for there to be more luminous orbs because they were lacking in today's sits. I however noted it.
Daniel M Ingram, modifié il y a 8 années at 30/12/15 02:42
Created 8 années ago at 30/12/15 02:42

RE: I'm getting very very close, some fine tuning help would be welcomed

Publications: 3274 Date d'inscription: 20/04/09 Publications Récentes
Body parts buzzing, tingling, white lights doing things: A&P?
Pablo CEG, modifié il y a 8 années at 30/12/15 11:50
Created 8 années ago at 30/12/15 11:48

RE: I'm getting very very close, some fine tuning help would be welcomed

Publications: 23 Date d'inscription: 07/07/15 Publications Récentes
Hi Darrek, 

You might find interesting (perhaps not helpful, though) to check "MEDITATION AND LIGHT VISIONS IN EARLY DAOIST TEXTS" by Philip T Nicholson (2004). At the end of the PDF you'll see pics of orbs, crescent moons and the like. Don't know where to find the PDF, but below you have a link to the author. 


Also, there are some videos too to check about the subject (same author):

Westthings, modifié il y a 8 années at 31/12/15 01:19
Created 8 années ago at 31/12/15 00:08

RE: I'm getting very very close, some fine tuning help would be welcomed

Publications: 50 Date d'inscription: 21/08/15 Publications Récentes
Daniel M. Ingram:
Body parts buzzing, tingling, white lights doing things: A&P?

I could always be wrong. However A&P wasn't exactly hard to miss when I was in that territory 3 or 4. Maybe those descriptions are too generic as I seem to get them in a few different stages. 

My typical sits are 60-90 mintues. They go usually somewhat close to this:

5 minutes in flashing lights for like 10 seconds tops

Super dreamy (feels like im trying to pin the tail on the donkey (object of medition) but can't focus worth shit. I stay here for a good 5-10 mintues.

After this there is intense pain for 5-7minutes followed by a lighter version of the dreamy/can't concentrate on my object and sometimes back to the pain.

Then everything clears and it feels as if I just sat down for my first morning sit. At this point the intese physical pain has been numbed drastically and doesn't hurt at all. About 5 or so mintues later and i'm back into more intense pain and sometimes again dreamy/can't concentrate. 

This was pretty typical for the last 2-3 weeks. But the last week I have been blowing through all those stages really quick and solidly getting into the clear calm and boring with few senstations to observe without dropping back to the pain(so I note things like pressure from sitting because there isn't much else to note) which then is followed by a dreamy state that is like but different from what I described before.

Usually after I get through this this part sensations rise all at once and seem to come out of nowhere, like as in 10 at a time many times a second and I seem to be able to see all of them clearly. This only lasts for a minute or two then they go away and there are basically no sensations to observe and i'm just sitting again 90 minutes into my meditation feeling like I just started.

Can you experience a cycle within a cycle? Like as in im meditating at my cutting edge in lets say Re-Ob but I got a flash of lightning because im cycling and hit some A&P or is that not possible while meditating and only off the cushion?

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