Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Daniel M. Ingram 2013.02.17. 21:20
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Adam . . 2013.02.17. 21:28
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? ... every3rdthought ... 2013.02.17. 22:54
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Richard Zen 2013.02.17. 23:20
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Rod C 2013.02.17. 23:29
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? M N 2013.02.18. 7:23
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? PP 2013.02.18. 8:48
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Superkatze one 2013.02.18. 8:24
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Alan Smithee 2013.02.18. 14:44
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Rick M 2013.02.18. 9:34
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Dauphin Supple Chirp 2013.02.18. 9:40
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Tommy M 2013.02.18. 17:54
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? super fox 2013.02.18. 21:06
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Bagpuss The Gnome 2013.02.19. 1:55
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Dream Walker 2013.07.09. 13:05
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? charon 2013.02.19. 4:01
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Martin Sokolski 2013.02.20. 12:31
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Alan Smithee 2013.02.20. 12:47
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? tom moylan 2013.02.21. 7:43
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Mike H. 2013.02.21. 14:28
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Florian 2013.02.22. 5:52
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Daniel M. Ingram 2013.07.01. 15:13
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Richard Zen 2013.07.01. 16:29
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Daniel M. Ingram 2013.07.01. 19:19
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? John P 2013.07.02. 11:24
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Victor S B Cova 2013.07.02. 17:57
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Daniel M. Ingram 2013.07.07. 1:37
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? M N 2013.07.06. 15:16
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Victor S B Cova 2013.07.06. 15:36
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? bernd the broter 2013.07.09. 5:59
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? PP 2013.07.09. 8:33
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? -- Timus -- 2013.07.30. 10:21
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Daniel M. Ingram 2013.07.30. 5:01
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Fitter Stoke 2013.07.30. 10:35
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Dream Walker 2013.07.30. 15:17
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Simon T. 2013.07.02. 0:06
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Matthew 2013.07.02. 15:17
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Christian A 2013.07.13. 8:52
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Alesh Vyhnal 2013.07.29. 12:27
RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see? Daniel M. Ingram 2013.07.29. 23:05
Daniel M Ingram, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.17. 21:20
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.17. 21:20

Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 3275 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2009.04.20. Legújabb bejegyzések
I have finally got my setup together to create some videos (in case any tech geeks care: iMac, Logitech C910 1080p camera, PreSonus Project FireWire Mic-Preamp/AtoD coverter, CAD M179 condenser mic, ScreenFlow 4, an iPad 3 with iKlip stand and Apogee MiC for recording videos that the C910 is not as good for (as its autofocus can get really annoying in certain settings), iMovie, etc., and a Vimeo account to post them to) and I obviously had some ideas of things I wanted to cover, but thought that it would be way more interesting to create some that people were interested in, so, if you have anything you are interested in me creating a video about, let me know. Otherwise I will will ramble on about whatever...
Adam , módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.17. 21:28
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.17. 21:28

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 613 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.03.20. Legújabb bejegyzések
Can't think of anything atm but thanks for doing this!
every3rdthought , módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.17. 22:54
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.17. 22:54

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 5 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.10.11. Legújabb bejegyzések
I'm not sure whether this is something that has been thoroughly addressed and picked to pieces on message boards over the years - but on the other hand I'm not sure it's happened anywhere as something directly addressed, in one place, out of the context of disagreements about different teachings and techniques -

I'd love to see a discussion of the relationship between the Mahasi and MCTB path models to Fourth, and the Buddhist canonical idea of enlightenment/awakening/nibbana/nirvana as 'the end of suffering.' For me this is the main question that interests me when hearing people talk about their awakening experiences, and it's not always one that's directly and/or personally addressed (which may be related to the nature of any individual's experience of awakening, I imagine)

- Is 'the end of suffering' a realistic goal?

- What is the relationship between clear comprehension of 'reality,' and suffering?

- How are changes to experienced suffering as a result of practice generalisable or how do they differ between practitioners?

- How does that relate to the perspective that there is (possibly much) more to do after Fourth Path?

- How should 'suffering' even be defined in these types of discussions? (for example in the canon the Buddha obviously both experiences physical pain, and experiences some activities as tiresome - how does this relate to the nature of suffering and its reduction or elimination that modern-day PD yogis may experience?)

- Should yogis expect that their suffering will become progressively less over the course of the four-path model, or not, how does this relate to the ever-controversial DN and cycling, and what does it mean for people making decisions about starting out?

- What does your own exploration post-Fourth lead to in terms of suffering reduction as a/the primary aim of contemplative practice?

- Etc.

Richard Zen, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.17. 23:20
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.17. 23:16

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 1665 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2010.05.18. Legújabb bejegyzések
Guided meditations with examples of good practice.

An FAQ on meditation and what to avoid when meditating.

I would also like a rundown of your pathways meditation map (especially from equanimity up to the top of the map):


Post it on youtube emoticon

EDIT: Also your views on how different meditation practices and the where they may end up for people. Do different practices of insight lead to different results or do they all do the same thing?
Rod C, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.17. 23:29
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.17. 23:29

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 88 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.11.19. Legújabb bejegyzések
Hi Daniel,
It appears that an area of significant confusion is the variety of experiences etc pre-stream entry. This is probably since people in this region are most often new to the whole path concept and practice in many cases experiencing phenomena before they actually develop interest in a practice. Describing how the process pre-stream unfolds (generally with a few broader exceptions described) would be helpful. MCTB does this too but the idea of how this occurs is not well described other than the generic phenomenological signposts along the way - which can be on a scale that is more subtle than they are described - such descriptions often being heavily influenced by the more 'explosive' examples (understandable) such as the descriptions of A&P and DN. Videos in bite size grabs on a range of topics in this area would be great - just some thoughts.

M N, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.18. 7:23
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.18. 7:23

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 210 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.03.03. Legújabb bejegyzések
Well, I strongly subscribe Richard's list... something about subjhanas stuff might be interesting... and maybe a discussion on wich are the factors that allow some guy do the thing very quickly, while others seems to have much more trouble in achieving paths... what is that is different between the guy that gets stream entry in a few months of practice off-retreat and thoose who spend years meditating consistently before they get it?

However, it's always nice to hear you rambling... bye!
PP, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.18. 8:48
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.18. 7:58

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 376 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.03.21. Legújabb bejegyzések
Daniel, a few days ago I saw your fantastic conference "It’s a Jungle in There" emoticon

- I would love a sequel where you chart those 6 categories, point out their connections, give some (sketchy) examples of profiles of meditators in the different Buddhist traditions, and if possible non-Buddhist too. Each category could be "valued" not in a numeric or "strong-weak" way, but in the wideness of practices or in a dimension where two different qualities are emphasized ***

- It would be interesting if you could show a chart with an X dimension for Jhanas and a Y dimension for Sub-Jhanas, give some reference on the most common experiences and how could one avoid wrong assertions (eg say 4th Jhana instead of 1st Jh - 4th sub-Jh). Also, where (if possible) would the 5 Pure Land Jhanas, PCEs and the like be charted.

- You already gave a lot of help in MCTB regarding the DN trap. But, nowadays it seems from pre-StreamEnterers practice logs in DhO and KFD that most people get stuck more in EQ than in DN. Most of what your wrote about EQ is about formations, it's an amazing subject but probably way too advanced for pre-Stream Enterers. Could you expand more on EQ and how to avoid getting stuck there?

- Where in the insight ladder/wave/cycle/paths do you see that fast-noting is best suited? And other kind of noting methods like out-loud/silent noting, Shinzen's "gone", Mahasi detailed noting?

- Is there any difference between the Theravada's No-Self door your wrote about in MCTB and what I understand is Mahayana's The Witness/Emptiness? Is the later a pure No-Self only door, or also bundled with either Impermanence or Suffering?

*** If may I give a suggestion, I would like to see the Powers included as a separate 7th category, aside from Concentration, as many people have developed them without any formal practice, or relate them to the other category Energetics. Also, because the Powers are main aim for many yogis (say China).
Superkatze one, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.18. 8:24
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.18. 8:24

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 35 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2011.11.05. Legújabb bejegyzések
What Richard Zen said emoticon
Alan Smithee, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.18. 14:44
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.18. 9:02

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 310 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2010.04.02. Legújabb bejegyzések
A basic but developed explanation of noting practice. So many folks have discovered noting practice as a result of your book, and it would be nice for practioners to have an additional resource they can turn to on this technique. There isn't a whole lot of material out there in the US meditative practice community [beyond websites and blogs] -- for example, published books -- which really explain the technique. It is still kinda obscure. A primer on the mechanics of the practice, basic pitfalls, signposts of success with the technique, a discussion of the pros and cons of fast noting v slow noting vs verbal noting vs multi-part noting vs anchored noting vs choiceless awareness noting vs directed noting vs foreground noting, etc., would be enormously useful. To some degree, I've struggled with noting in the past, since sometimes it's hard to tell if you are "doing it right" [how many times have folks posted that kind of question on the DhO?]. I'd love to be able to link people to a video which explains the technique, especially if I'm trying to turn them onto the practice, or help them develop the efficency of their practice, etc.

Also, as I happen to be stewing around in EQ territory myself, and like Pablo suggested, any addition suggestions on navigating this territory would be great [although I love the EQ chapter in MCToB, and think it is pretty amazing. I think the stuff about formations is pretty clear and lucid and insightful.]. A fair number of people end up in that EQ place where it is hard to know how to proceed. It can feel like a wall, etc. Anything on this subject would be great for us chronic EQ yogis.

I'd also be interested to hear a discussion of vipassana jhanas vs samatha jhanas, or just vipassana jhanas in general. There is a fair amount of confusion out there amongst new practioners about whether or not they need to develop "1st jhana" [hard jhana] before starting vipassana [with the nimitta, becoming absorbed into it, etc.]. Some clarifying words on this subject would be helpful, I'd wager. There is a lot of neurosis out there about how much concentration is necessary, or the relationship between vipassana practice and the development of concentration, etc. From my own experience, after making great progress on a 10-day retreat, I stopped meditating for six months because I thought "what's the point?," I'll never be able to develop as much concentration at home as I did while on retreat, etc., but once I started practicing again I quickly found that I could still progress through the stages of insight, and even make it into High EQ territory, in a daily practice.

Obviously, one can focus on really advanced subjects [since a certain contingent of DhO practioner has really progressed a long way], and that stuff is necessary and important and just plain fascinating, but don't forget to get down and dirty with some basics to help all the newbies and intermediate practioners who are working their way to 1st path. Back to basics!

I have to say, I'm really excited about the project of yours! Whatever you end up doing, I'm sure it will be a great contribution. Thanks for all you do!
Rick M, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.18. 9:34
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.18. 9:32

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 100 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2013.01.01. Legújabb bejegyzések
Alan Smithee:
A basic but developed explanation of noting practice. So many folks have discovered noting practice as a result of your book, and it would be nice for practioners to have an additional resource they can turn to on this technique. There isn't a whole lot of material out there in the US meditative practice community [beyond websites and blogs] -- for example, published books -- which really explain the technique. It is still kinda obscure. A primer on the mechanics of the practice, basic pitfalls, signposts of success with the technique, a discussion of the pros and cons of fast noting v slow noting vs verbal noting vs multi-part noting vs anchored noting vs choiceless awareness noting vs directed noting vs foreground noting, etc., would be enormously useful. To some degree, I've struggled with noting in the past, since sometimes it's hard to tell if you are "doing it right" [how many times have folks posted that kind of question on the DhO?]. I'd love to be able to link people to a video which explains the technique, especially if I'm trying to turn them onto the practice, or help them develop the efficency of their practice, etc.

As a relative newbie to both DhO and noting practice, I would echo this request for a developed explanation of noting practice, as you see it. Maybe something along the lines of "Noting from 0.5-40 Hz" ;-).

I spent (part of) the weekend watching your Cheetah House talks. I normally don't like watching videos: I have more time and opportunities to read something than I do to watch something. Even though I've read the relevant sections in MCTB several times, I was surprised how helpful I found the explanation of the path of insight in the videos. It clarified a number of things that I'm going through right now and made me much more comfortable with dissolution.
Dauphin Supple Chirp, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.18. 9:40
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.18. 9:40

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 154 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2011.03.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
I take it you are usually one to focus on practical aspects, but I would be interested in a video on how your view on consciousness/mind/matter has changed.

Did you start out a materialist, like so many of us, believing elementary particles exist independently and are in fact the only true ultimate reality; and when arranged into a brain, they can create consciousness and mind as byproducts? How did your views change as you started finding out more about the nature of reality?
Tommy M, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.18. 17:54
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.18. 17:54

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 1199 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2010.11.12. Legújabb bejegyzések
Maybe something like a breakdown and analysis of one sensation, a rough overview of the general patterns involved in observing any given sensation and some examples of the range of observable sub-modalities, e.g. Noting "hearing, hearing" we can break it down further into stuff like pressure, volume, location, size and all those subtle, unquestioned concepts we've built up around the bare point of sense contact. I think that if people were more aware that each sensation needs to be deconstructed down to this level and beyond, they might be able to make that final push in High Equanimity; a lot of people seem to focus on just the 'whole' sensations and get complacent rather than really going deep into the mental aspects of it and seeing the formations that create a sense of solidity.

By the way, if you need any work done with post-production on your video then give me a shout. iMovie should have plenty of stuff in it for sorting out contrast and brightness issues, fades and all that jazz but I can knock up an introductory ident for you to use if you want.
super fox, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.18. 21:06
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.18. 21:06

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 36 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2011.02.09. Legújabb bejegyzések
It would be great if you could discuss third path and what to look for at that level. I'm still confused by what is meant by "emptiness" and whether the definition practitioners use on the DhO for emptiness corresponds to definitions used elsewhere.

Also reviews of books that would be useful to those working on 3rd/4th path, how to read them and what to get out of them would be great.
Bagpuss The Gnome, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.19. 1:55
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.19. 1:55

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 704 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2011.11.02. Legújabb bejegyzések
+1 for YouTube. Make this as accessible as possible. See Shinzen Young's Youtube channel. He's done some great work there and it would be marvellous to see something similarly well done.

For content: A simple and short video that describes why anyone would do this in the first place. Why meditate? Why seek enlightenment?

Under 5mins, under 3mins if possible so it can be used as an introduction to the entire thing.
charon, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.19. 4:01
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.19. 4:00

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 36 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2010.11.24. Legújabb bejegyzések
Having access to tuition from only books and forums, I’d love to see some videos on what Richard, Pablo, and Tommy have suggested. As Tommy stated, something with the nuances explained as much as is possible – also vibrations explained; frequency variations, overlaying/coalescing/coming apart, and how they relate to other sensations.

With so many people having learnt so much from your books, this would another great learning resource!
Martin Sokolski, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.20. 12:31
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.20. 12:31

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 21 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.10.20. Legújabb bejegyzések
Great idea. I'd be interested to see some basic things covered: concentration, access concentration, dhyana. How to avoid dark night/insight. Also could you say more about metta and metta practices?
The time limit of 20 mins that was given for some of those Buddhist Geek conference talks worked well I thought.
Alan Smithee, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.20. 12:47
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.20. 12:47

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 310 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2010.04.02. Legújabb bejegyzések
Martin Sokolski:
Great idea. I'd be interested to see some basic things covered: concentration, access concentration, dhyana. How to avoid dark night/insight. Also could you say more about metta and metta practices?
The time limit of 20 mins that was given for some of those Buddhist Geek conference talks worked well I thought.

Just as a counterpoint opinion: the long, rambly Cheetah House discussions go WAY longer than 20 minutes and are enormously valuable. I'd prefer to let Dan take as much time as he pleases, and if that means hours, FINE BY ME!! Go for it! The more material, the better!
tom moylan, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.21. 7:43
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.21. 7:43

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 896 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2011.03.07. Legújabb bejegyzések
GR8 Idea.

I would like to see a longer Video from you breaking down to a practice level a point you made a while back where you helped a yogi who had LOTS (maybe too much) of determination to see awareness / space / phenomena as already synchronized and from there move on to SE...

mille grazie
Mike H, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.21. 14:28
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.21. 14:28

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 72 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2013.01.04. Legújabb bejegyzések
I agree with an earlier comment. A talk on breaking through equanimity would be very useful.

Or more broadly, if one is coming out of a dark night and into equanimity, what can be said about moving progressively and efficiently through EQ into stream entry? What would help yogis avoid falling back into dark night, repeatedly?
Florian, módosítva 11 év-val korábban at 2013.02.22. 5:52
Created 11 év ago at 2013.02.22. 5:52

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 1028 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2009.04.28. Legújabb bejegyzések
Nice project!

I'd love to hear you talk about the interrelated themes of "morality training section of the noble eightfold path" / integration of new levels of insight into mundane life and its challenges / compassion / "heart stuff" / Bodhisattva ideals.

Another juicy theme complex is that of talking about enlightenment with practitioners of other traditions. How can we speak with an enlightened Wiccan? Philosopher? Catholic? Materialist / atheist? Muslim? New-Ager? and so on. One solution I know interests you is the development of unencumbered scientific language for enlightenment - but would that be appealing for an Indigo Child in full A&P mode to learn in order to talk about their experience?

Anyway, looking forward to the series! Also, if possible, make it available as an audio podcast - that's my main mode of multimedia reception, because I can listen on my commute.

Daniel M Ingram, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.01. 15:13
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.01. 15:13

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 3275 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2009.04.20. Legújabb bejegyzések
Finally, four months later, the first video is done.

It is on the Ñanas and Jhanas Mind Map, aka the Pathways Mind Map, and it can be found on Vimeo here.

These things take longer than I thought they would.

It is done on yEd and ScreenFlow and edited in Final Cut Pro X, in case anyone was wondering.

Being as this is the first video I have ever produced and edited, please forgive the crudeness of the production and editing. Hopefully it will get the general points across. I must say, it is fun learning new things.

I hope you all enjoy it. More will be coming.
Richard Zen, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.01. 16:29
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.01. 16:29

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 1665 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2010.05.18. Legújabb bejegyzések
Really cool! Thanks for the explanations. I can definitely feel a difference in equanimity fro when I first got it to how it feels now. I'm not sure I can label it in that detail but it is definitely better.
Daniel M Ingram, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.01. 19:19
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.01. 19:19

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 3275 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2009.04.20. Legújabb bejegyzések
Speaking of mind maps...

I am realizing that I find Mind Maps much more fun than wikis, and I was wondering, does anyone know of a mind map software platform that is Mac OSX compatible that will allow the creation of very large, complex, on-line mind maps that someone with a browser can interact with in the same way that someone viewing the mind map in the original creation software can, meaning expanding out collapsed child nodes, clicking nodes that are hyperlinks, click on video and audio links, drilling down into nodes that expand to more complex ones, and expand and contract the map and scroll around the way that I can when I am creating them?

I don't mind if it costs something or if I have to pay for hosting.

I have explored numerous possibilities and just haven't found quite what I want yet.


John P, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.02. 11:24
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.01. 23:22

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 155 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.01.24. Legújabb bejegyzések

Daniel M. Ingram:
Speaking of mind maps...

I am realizing that I find Mind Maps much more fun than wikis, and I was wondering, does anyone know of a mind map software platform that is Mac OSX compatible that will allow the creation of very large, complex, on-line mind maps that someone with a browser can interact with in the same way that someone viewing the mind map in the original creation software can, meaning expanding out collapsed child nodes, clicking nodes that are hyperlinks, click on video and audio links, drilling down into nodes that expand to more complex ones, and expand and contract the map and scroll around the way that I can when I am creating them?

I don't mind if it costs something or if I have to pay for hosting.

I have explored numerous possibilities and just haven't found quite what I want yet.



I usually don't make mind maps, but I know there are a lot of apps integrated with Google Drive.
Google drive is basically an online storage system, usually with support to sharing and real-time collaboration.

I tried two apps that are integrated with google drive and can make Mind Maps: MindMup and MindMeister.
And I found MindMeister to be the best choice.
I created an example with public access to show what I believe to be the features you are looking for. See HERE

I also added you (Ingram) as an editor so you can try it out.

Since it integrates with Google Drive, it needs some permissions from your google account.

To add this service to your Google Drive account:
1 - go to
2 - Click on the "CREATE" red button
3 - If MindMeister is already connected, it will be listed there, otherwise click on "Connect more apps", search for MindMeister and add.
4 - Now you can create MindMeister mind maps connected with Google Drive(the edition and creation of the files willl happen on MindMeister's site)

I saw your video just now, and in case you are also looking for a diagramming tool, I used before and really liked LucidChart, also integrated with Google Drive(it doesn't have real-time collaboration though).
It looks like it's paid after a trial period, but it's fully-featured and you can customize the arrows and everything the way you want.

And if you ever need it, there are some softwares to show which keys you are pressing during a screencast.
Simon T, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.02. 0:06
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.02. 0:06

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 383 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2011.09.13. Legújabb bejegyzések
Daniel M. Ingram:
Finally, four months later, the first video is done.

It is on the Ñanas and Jhanas Mind Map, aka the Pathways Mind Map, and it can be found on Vimeo here.

These things take longer than I thought they would.

It is done on yEd and ScreenFlow and edited in Final Cut Pro X, in case anyone was wondering.

Being as this is the first video I have ever produced and edited, please forgive the crudeness of the production and editing. Hopefully it will get the general points across. I must say, it is fun learning new things.

I hope you all enjoy it. More will be coming.

I have a question about the "review mature?" split and getting back to either the Arising and passing away or mind and body. Are you saying that for someone to be working on the next path it is necessary to go back to mind and body? In other words, that would be the definitive criteria for stream entry, and only then someone escape the loop of the first path? From Practical Insight Meditation I was left with the impression that A&P could be the entry point for the beginning of the work toward the next path.

Suppose that a yogi, let calling Bob, get clearly himself out of the dark night, experience a radical shift and a fundamental understanding, then find himself in the A&P stage almost instantly, without noticing any stages in-between, works for months on the A&P, get the light show until he break-through and start another dark night. Is there any chance this cycle is still first path? Or are those repeated cycles inside the same path something that happens in the following days of the change of lineage if at all.

Also, if eventually you can develop on those 2 parallels tracks that are "3 characteristics" vs "Conformity - change of lineage - path". I'm confused about the distinct roles and effects of those 2 tracks and I never seen it presented that way.
Matthew, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.02. 15:17
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.02. 15:17

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 119 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2013.01.30. Legújabb bejegyzések
Fantastic video. Keep them coming.
Victor S B Cova, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.02. 17:57
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.02. 17:57

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 11 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2013.06.27. Legújabb bejegyzések
Hey Daniel,

I'm looking forward to watching this! For your software needs, have you had a look at Tinderbox ? They are the leading people as far as ultra-complex mind map and crazy hyperlinked databases are concerned, and they are extremely nice and available. I would not hesitate to send them an e-mail describing what you are looking for. If Tinderbox won't do the trick, they'll point you in the right direction. If it can, it might need to be used in connection to other softwares, and they will help you out to set up the workflow. I've used Tinderbox for some projects in the past, so don't hesitate to ask me the good and bad of it.

Daniel M Ingram, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.07. 1:37
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.06. 14:14

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 3275 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2009.04.20. Legújabb bejegyzések
Ended up going moderately low-tech, with sort of 50's look to the graphs. I think it works ok.

Here is a new video on the ñana graphs, found over at The original graphs are here.

ñana graphs video

M N, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.06. 15:16
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.06. 15:16

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 210 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.03.03. Legújabb bejegyzések
Victor S B Cova, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.06. 15:36
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.06. 15:36

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 11 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2013.06.27. Legújabb bejegyzések
Thoroughly enjoyed, very nice stuff! Thanks a lot!
bernd the broter, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.09. 5:59
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.09. 5:59

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 376 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.06.13. Legújabb bejegyzések
Nice! This one actually confirmed lots of my latest experiences. (and contradicted some.)
Now I'm waiting for the video about equanimity.
PP, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.09. 8:33
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.09. 8:33

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 376 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.03.21. Legújabb bejegyzések
Great video Daniel! That clarified some issues I'm dealing with. I wish you could include the graphics and words in MCTB II.
Dream Walker, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.09. 13:05
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.09. 13:05

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 1746 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.01.18. Legújabb bejegyzések
Nick W (aka Bagpuss):

For content: A simple and short video that describes why anyone would do this in the first place. Why meditate? Why seek enlightenment?

I second this idea...Something to show non practitioners such as your parents or friends that we may be a specific kind of crazy but there are great benefits at many levels from beginning to the end. Keep it light but draw parallels to any endeavor that there is good and possible bad temporary effects too. Balance the message so it is truthful and open but not to technical.
Christian A, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.13. 8:52
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.13. 8:52

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 10 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2011.07.13. Legújabb bejegyzések
Interesting, fun, helpful! Thanks!
A guided meditation through the Jhanas would be another interesting subject!

Best Regards
Alesh Vyhnal, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.29. 12:27
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.29. 12:27

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 130 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2013.02.14. Legújabb bejegyzések
Hi Daniel, I highly appreciate your effort. It is a pitty that as a non English speaker I am unfortunatelly not able to undestand well spoken word in English. I would like to ask you at what stage is your writing of MCTB2. Will it be available on-line? Thank you in advance for your kind answer. Aleš
Daniel M Ingram, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.29. 23:05
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.29. 23:05

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 3275 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2009.04.20. Legújabb bejegyzések
Yeah, good question.

It will probably be a while, given how things are going. So much pulls at my time, including other dharma things, though I do get time to work on it here and there. Thanks for the question, as it helps me remember that finishing it is important.

I wish I could give you a timeframe.

Was there something specific you were interested in?
-- Timus --, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.30. 10:21
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.30. 4:55

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 47 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2010.05.17. Legújabb bejegyzések
Daniel M. Ingram:
... Here is a new video on the ñana graphs, found over at ...

Thanks, very well done, helped me quite a bit. I had been somehow under the impression that the energetic stuff is almost exclusively happening around the A&P. For me it also shows up in the dukkha ñanas in a rather strong and edgy way, no fun at all, often with a scary intensity that makes me fear for my sanity, and actually made me twice drop out of a retreat, wondering what the heck had happened. So, watching the part on the energetic phenomena and seeing the two peaks in the dukkha ñanas was rather reassuring.

Daniel M. Ingram:
… but thought that it would be way more interesting to create some that people were interested in, so, if you have anything you are interested in me creating a video about, let me know. ...

A bit late, I know, nevertheless: I'd be very interested in a video on the middle paths, the territory after the second.
Daniel M Ingram, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.30. 5:01
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.30. 5:01

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 3275 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2009.04.20. Legújabb bejegyzések
Yeah, that one keeps coming up but somehow organizing and trying to figure out how to present that information about the middle stages in some coherent way is eluding me basically the way it has eluded everyone else, as the amount written about the topic in basically every source I know of across the traditions is woefully small and vague.

I have begun to wonder if perhaps I should give up trying to nicely organize some of those more complex topics the way I did for those graph-videos and just talk and see what comes out. The problem is that I do better in conversation. Anyone want to be part of that conversation, asking me questions, providing other feedback and information or whatever, and videoing it and posting it?

That might be the fastest way to get that done, if perhaps not quite so clean and polished, but it is not a very clean and polished topic.


Fitter Stoke, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.30. 10:35
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.30. 10:35

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 487 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.01.23. Legújabb bejegyzések
Daniel M. Ingram:
Yeah, that one keeps coming up but somehow organizing and trying to figure out how to present that information about the middle stages in some coherent way is eluding me basically the way it has eluded everyone else, as the amount written about the topic in basically every source I know of across the traditions is woefully small and vague.

I have begun to wonder if perhaps I should give up trying to nicely organize some of those more complex topics the way I did for those graph-videos and just talk and see what comes out. The problem is that I do better in conversation. Anyone want to be part of that conversation, asking me questions, providing other feedback and information or whatever, and videoing it and posting it?

That might be the fastest way to get that done, if perhaps not quite so clean and polished, but it is not a very clean and polished topic.



I had many questions about this stuff last fall, and you were kind enough to give a pretty detailed reply. If you wanted to resurrect that discussion over Skype and record the result, we could do that. I don't have the ability to record Skype conversations, however there's software for Mac that allows you to do it.
Dream Walker, módosítva 10 év-val korábban at 2013.07.30. 15:17
Created 10 év ago at 2013.07.30. 15:17

RE: Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?

Bejegyzések: 1746 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.01.18. Legújabb bejegyzések
Would love to chat about 3rd path stuff...I volunteer.
