Schools like Mo Pai (John Chang) and Longmen Pai (Wang Liping)?

Matthew Wight, שונה לפני 13 שנים at 00:51 21/09/10
Created 13 שנים ago at 00:51 21/09/10

Schools like Mo Pai (John Chang) and Longmen Pai (Wang Liping)?

פרסומים: 39 תאריך הצטרפות: 18/09/10 פרסומים אחרונים
Does anyone else know of schools which develop abilities like Mo Pai, and Longmen Pai?

for reference.
Jeff Grove, שונה לפני 13 שנים at 08:15 21/09/10
Created 13 שנים ago at 03:12 21/09/10

RE: Schools like Mo Pai (John Chang) and Longmen Pai (Wang L

פרסומים: 310 תאריך הצטרפות: 24/08/09 פרסומים אחרונים
Hi Matthew,

I have put a number of years into neigong practice and learnt from Jim who is shown in the 2nd video (this is real). Jim let one of his students put this video out to inspire people to meditate. I also studied with teachers of a similar lineage in china and with students of WLP and Sifu Zhao (tiandi qigong) in Australia. They could all demonstrate these extraordinary abilities after a life time of practice, for example I witnessed (& recorded) Telekinesis, pyrokinesis, emitting qi (felt like electricity but behaved differently) etc . The techniques used in the lower levels can be found in a number of martial arts such as Tai Chi, Xingyi and Yiquan. Yijinjing (tendon-changing classic) is very important. There is alot of information to learn to gain an understanding of the process but as with vipassana if you put in the effort (and it takes alot) the maps/progression can be confirmed.

take care
Buddy Griffin, שונה לפני 13 שנים at 13:20 11/11/10
Created 13 שנים ago at 13:20 11/11/10

RE: Schools like Mo Pai (John Chang) and Longmen Pai (Wang L

פרסומים: 6 תאריך הצטרפות: 08/11/10 פרסומים אחרונים
My Dharma Pals,

I joined the DhO last week after discovering MCTB the previous week. I have been floored and my practice ridiculously enriched both by Daniel's book and also by the intelligent, varied discourse on this forum. I am feeling some profound thanks for both of these Agents O' Cause and Condition in my life and practice.

I had envisioned my first post to The Overground to be all spiritual and shyte; instead it is simply the link below:

Extraordinary claims indeed...
Matthew Wight, שונה לפני 13 שנים at 23:24 11/11/10
Created 13 שנים ago at 23:24 11/11/10

RE: Schools like Mo Pai (John Chang) and Longmen Pai (Wang L

פרסומים: 39 תאריך הצטרפות: 18/09/10 פרסומים אחרונים

Not to brag, but I've experienced enough first hand in my training to know this isn't BS. I've been training in neigong for several years now, and while I think 99.99% of the masters out there are frauds or lunatics not all of them are.

I hope one day to become advanced enough to be able to satisfy the skeptics.
Buddy Griffin, שונה לפני 13 שנים at 12:39 12/11/10
Created 13 שנים ago at 12:39 12/11/10

RE: Schools like Mo Pai (John Chang) and Longmen Pai (Wang L

פרסומים: 6 תאריך הצטרפות: 08/11/10 פרסומים אחרונים
Hi Matthew,

Thanks for your response. When I first saw the video of John Chang setting fire to that newspaper, I got really excited and thought "Bujeezus, siddhis be real for sure and here's proof finally!". But then I calmed down and my rational mind (and Google) found the video I posted: someone going through pretty much the exact same motions with the identical outcome. And I was bummed for a while because in that moment I REALLY WANTED to believe!

My intention in that post was not to debunk everything (believe me, I know that there ain't nothing BUT possibilities and potential up in here), but to remind readers (especially myself) that, despite the fact that we DhO-types are working through some esoteric stuff, we need to keep our rationale and some healthy skepticism in our toolkit.

That being said, I wish you every success in your training, Matthew. And I share your hope!!!
Matthew Wight, שונה לפני 13 שנים at 01:31 18/11/10
Created 13 שנים ago at 01:28 18/11/10

RE: Schools like Mo Pai (John Chang) and Longmen Pai (Wang L

פרסומים: 39 תאריך הצטרפות: 18/09/10 פרסומים אחרונים
Eventually I plan on editing the Chang video and cutting out all the unbelievable stuff. The newspaper bit is a tad too unbelievable for most people and they stop watching the video at that point. If you skip through to about 6 minutes in on the video they bring in a few professionals a physicist and a medical doctor, and an ambassador from the mind science foundation in Texas. Chang strips down to a shirt and is checked for metal with a metal detector and is still able to preform his "tricks" then he is taken to a hotel room of their choosing and he is able to light an LED light.

According to Kosta one of his students who was a mechanical engineer for general dynamics, he demonstrated things beyond comprehension while using only a very small percentage of his full power. Levitation and every psychic phenomenon there is a name for pretty much, all at under 10% of his full potential.

I agree it's a lot to swallow and that almost all masters in this area are fakes or lunatics but I really have to question chang's motivation if he is a fraud. He never once charged any students, or people who needed healing. From what I understand he made his home welcome to students, and freely gave healing to all who needed it without charge for many years.
Also from what I understand he is a very private person and doesn't want all the attention he is getting, he just wants to be left in peace to his practice. From what I can see he isn't pursing money or fame directly from his abilities or practice.

I believe we are capable of things we do not believe possible, and I myself have had many moments during deep meditation that have directly affected other people in a tangible way. We get lulled into this false paradigm, that our current world view represents a correct and absolute understanding of all of reality. Anything that goes against conventional thinking automatically is assumed to be a fraud or a hoax or impossible. What if it isn't? What if we don't understand reality to the degree we think we do?

Just my $0.02

Buddy Griffin, שונה לפני 13 שנים at 16:53 18/11/10
Created 13 שנים ago at 16:53 18/11/10

RE: Schools like Mo Pai (John Chang) and Longmen Pai (Wang L

פרסומים: 6 תאריך הצטרפות: 08/11/10 פרסומים אחרונים
Yep, I did watch the entire video and saw the scientists getting shocked/burned when they touched him and the other far-out things he was doing in front of highly skeptical observers. Pretty whacky!
Crazy Wisdom, שונה לפני 13 שנים at 06:09 19/11/10
Created 13 שנים ago at 06:09 19/11/10

RE: Schools like Mo Pai (John Chang) and Longmen Pai (Wang L

פרסומים: 45 תאריך הצטרפות: 05/07/10 פרסומים אחרונים
San Szu, שונה לפני 11 שנים at 14:28 11/01/13
Created 11 שנים ago at 14:25 11/01/13

RE: Schools like Mo Pai (John Chang) and Longmen Pai (Wang L

פרסם: 1 תאריך הצטרפות: 11/01/13 פרסומים אחרונים
If you are in Surabaya then you should contact Shifu Y or Shifu BD. The latter is very easy to find, and the former is also pretty easy to find if you ask around schools in the area. This of course, assumes you are Chinese, which is currently a requirement of the Indonesian school.

If you are outside of the area, you should simply learn from Shifu Lin, whose works you can find here:

[url=]Shifu Lin Mo Pai Nei Kung listings on Amazon

I have found them very helpful. He is also willing to teach non-Chinese the Mo Pai Nei Kung system up through the level of Yin Yang Kung. Contact him at for more information.
Jigme Sengye, שונה לפני 11 שנים at 12:43 12/01/13
Created 11 שנים ago at 11:34 12/01/13

RE: Schools like Mo Pai (John Chang) and Longmen Pai (Wang L

פרסומים: 188 תאריך הצטרפות: 22/08/09 פרסומים אחרונים
Speaking of the Longmen Pai, Wang Liping does take students. He teaches small group classes every few months in his hometown of Dalian. I think they last 10 days. Some friends have taken the class and really liked it. If you want to do a practice that involves creating a yang shen, I think it would be hard to find a more qualified teacher.

That being said, the lifestyle and amount of meditation involved to do such a thing is somewhat prohibitive for most people. There's a reason that most people who do these practices don't end up achieving the yang shen, the yin yang gong or any other special qigong attainments of that level. Also, doing energy accumulation practice to the exclusion of all else really makes you question why you're practicing. The styles of meditation that lead to enlightenment seem far easier and more satisfying. This is not to say that one excludes the other, but then there are only so many hours for practice in a day.

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