tasks, learning, other realms, and all that

This Good Self, שונה לפני 11 שנים at 20:03 16/09/12
Created 11 שנים ago at 20:03 16/09/12

tasks, learning, other realms, and all that

פרסומים: 946 תאריך הצטרפות: 09/03/10 פרסומים אחרונים
I've been reading a book called Seth Speaks, which is a "channeled non-physical entity" speaking through the author Jane Roberts. There's quite a bit of wisdom in the book, and I want to know what people think about these ideas.

He speaks about personality as being multi-dimensional, with past and future lives playing out simultaneously.
He talks about setting up life experiences before one is born, so that one can learn from them.
He talks about life tasks to complete, both in this world and a multitude of other worlds that exist simultanously.
He talks about learning to manifest (co-create) as being one of the main things to learn.

I think a Buddhist might say "that's all dream state stuff - forget it". But I'm not so sure.
Tom M A, שונה לפני 11 שנים at 12:05 17/09/12
Created 11 שנים ago at 12:05 17/09/12

RE: tasks, learning, other realms, and all that

פרסומים: 67 תאריך הצטרפות: 22/08/12 פרסומים אחרונים
I can certainly relate to the "learning to manifest/co-create", on and in every level of our life/being. I used to think life just happened, you know that I was pretty much at the mercy of circumstances beyond my control.

I'd say a lot of that comes from the way we're brought up and kind of expect life to play out that way because our parents told us what to do, when to do it. Then we're shipped off to school and they tell us what to do and when to do it. We've got religions, governments, police, doctors, bosses, etc, all telling us what to do, when to do it.

So we become so hypnotised by all that, by our expected roles, that that we forget we're actually creative intelligent beings in our own right.

I’ve been studying and applying a lot of the “New Thought” teachings recently, the results are surprising and very much concrete. Money is appearing in my life like never before with the greatest of ease (I used to work really hard to make money and that would always have been fixed sum, i.e. monthly wage). I’ve won things which I decided to manifest. Opportunities have come out of the blue. Stuff like that. It is interesting and giving me a greater depth of mind too.

When I posted a few links to free eBooks concerning mind power, some thought I was just being superficial and greedy, but to me they were the one’s who are being superficial in their judgement as everyone needs money and material possessions in a capitalistic selfish society.

Money and possessions do not produce nor encourage greed. I can use money in anyway I want too… to help others… to enhance their lives. Preaching about non-greed would not help them one bit as they are driven by society to work, consume, indulge, etc. People have to find change themselves, because if it’s imposed from without “spiritual greed” will corrupt them as it has the evangelist.

Anyway, what better way to get our material needs than via mind power alone? It’s far better than working yourself into an early grave and having no time to really probe into your own mind and being.

I don’t know if we’re here to “learn” though. What would we be learning for in an ultimate sense? To become a separate “God”?

I do know, but I can’t see why we’d choose our life experiences and then incarnate purposely to play these out. What would be the benefit? Why couldn’t we just learn from where we came from, in a virtual reality form if you like (maybe we are of course).

I’ve been having experiences lately where rooms or surroundings become infused with light. It’s kind of like a CAD drawing, but the edges are all coloured light really bright and not related to the colours of the walls or area. If I move to touch the wall it fades away or my perception becomes solid and normal again. Are these a peek at “other dimensions”, “other worlds”? That is the feeling I get when it happens that I could move into that world of light and interact there but something is holding me back.

Anyway, I just see the ability to manifest as any other ability of the mind and body… such as our ability to move our fingers to type these words, or draw up a plan for a house and then build it or choose how to react or respond to a given stimulus. It’s more about realising our potentialities than fulfilling any grand designed destiny.
This Good Self, שונה לפני 11 שנים at 20:19 17/09/12
Created 11 שנים ago at 20:19 17/09/12

RE: tasks, learning, other realms, and all that

פרסומים: 946 תאריך הצטרפות: 09/03/10 פרסומים אחרונים
Tom M A:
I can certainly relate to the "learning to manifest/co-create", on and in every level of our life/being. I used to think life just happened, you know that I was pretty much at the mercy of circumstances beyond my control.

I'd say a lot of that comes from the way we're brought up and kind of expect life to play out that way because our parents told us what to do, when to do it. Then we're shipped off to school and they tell us what to do and when to do it. We've got religions, governments, police, doctors, bosses, etc, all telling us what to do, when to do it.

So we become so hypnotised by all that, by our expected roles, that that we forget we're actually creative intelligent beings in our own right.

I’ve been studying and applying a lot of the “New Thought” teachings recently, the results are surprising and very much concrete. Money is appearing in my life like never before with the greatest of ease (I used to work really hard to make money and that would always have been fixed sum, i.e. monthly wage). I’ve won things which I decided to manifest. Opportunities have come out of the blue. Stuff like that. It is interesting and giving me a greater depth of mind too.

When I posted a few links to free eBooks concerning mind power, some thought I was just being superficial and greedy, but to me they were the one’s who are being superficial in their judgement as everyone needs money and material possessions in a capitalistic selfish society.

Money and possessions do not produce nor encourage greed. I can use money in anyway I want too… to help others… to enhance their lives. Preaching about non-greed would not help them one bit as they are driven by society to work, consume, indulge, etc. People have to find change themselves, because if it’s imposed from without “spiritual greed” will corrupt them as it has the evangelist.

Anyway, what better way to get our material needs than via mind power alone? It’s far better than working yourself into an early grave and having no time to really probe into your own mind and being.

I don’t know if we’re here to “learn” though. What would we be learning for in an ultimate sense? To become a separate “God”?

I do know, but I can’t see why we’d choose our life experiences and then incarnate purposely to play these out. What would be the benefit? Why couldn’t we just learn from where we came from, in a virtual reality form if you like (maybe we are of course).

I’ve been having experiences lately where rooms or surroundings become infused with light. It’s kind of like a CAD drawing, but the edges are all coloured light really bright and not related to the colours of the walls or area. If I move to touch the wall it fades away or my perception becomes solid and normal again. Are these a peek at “other dimensions”, “other worlds”? That is the feeling I get when it happens that I could move into that world of light and interact there but something is holding me back.

Anyway, I just see the ability to manifest as any other ability of the mind and body… such as our ability to move our fingers to type these words, or draw up a plan for a house and then build it or choose how to react or respond to a given stimulus. It’s more about realising our potentialities than fulfilling any grand designed destiny.

Thanks for that reply Tom.

The Seth books are full of info on how we choose to experience this type of lifestyle or that type of intellect or this type of body or that type of race .... and then as for the 'why'..... to learn. Why learn? So that then you 'progress' to a a more rarefied plane of existence. In these other worlds you get to do all sorts of weird and wonderful things - maybe experience what its like to live as a C14 Aristocrat, or an alien form Plieades. He makes it sound like a huge video game where you're constantly learning and experiencing new challenges and new environments, so that you can get to the next level. Seriously, this sounds exhausting, don't you think?!!

On this particular level (earth incarnations), the "task" is you like, is to learn to use the mind to create, rather than hard work.... as you are doing.

This "other world" stuff is interesting. I've no experience of it. Maybe some of the jhana practitioners can chip in some comments please? He (and many other authors) say that this world is just as real as those you visit in your dreams and then forget about on waking.

Personally I like the idea of materializing good/useful things, because it reduces strain and competition, which are hallmarks of ego. I'd like to hear any further comments Tom, if you have something to add.
Tom M A, שונה לפני 11 שנים at 12:03 18/09/12
Created 11 שנים ago at 12:03 18/09/12

RE: tasks, learning, other realms, and all that

פרסומים: 67 תאריך הצטרפות: 22/08/12 פרסומים אחרונים
Hi C, I have my doubts about the learning aspect. I mean, if we came from some other dimension to experience this one what content are we learning and for what purpose? What applies to life in the Antarctic doesn’t apply in the Bahamas does it? What applies to being a surgeon doesn’t apply to being bricklayer does it? So what applies to an Earthly material incarnation won’t apply to a subtle spiritual one will it, as these are very different conditions.

Another way of looking at it is, we’d be working our way back to that refined dimension wouldn’t we? So at best, we’d firstly be forgetting and then remembering rather than learning.

But the implication is that we’re just acting out these dramas, as we’ve decided what type of body we’ll have, what type of mental comprehension, etc. So I’d assume that it would be better to be unconscious of that fact as the drama would have little or no meaning if we were conscious that we were just acting out. It’s like playing a trick on someone. You know what you’re doing, but they don’t. That’s why it’s funny for you and not so funny for them.

And it’s like with things such as murders, rapes, cancer, etc, are these pre-ordained by self? Choosing experiences seems stupid as basically we can learn anything - from overcoming adversity to caving in and becoming completely fearful, but why go though those type of terrible things? Surely they would be unnecessary if we came from a rarefied realm and shall return to the same.

The way I see it is, all we can learn is our own preoccupation with our own delusions, and by that, break free. It’s like wakening from a nightmare. One second you were terrified, next “Ah, it was just a stupid dream”. So when we awake from the dream it is meaningless and there’s nothing to learn from it because we know it is just a dream.

The way I understand life is that we are creating our own life and we are attracting those people, experiences that will fulfil our hopes and fears. If we change our mind, life changes with us. But whether we lived in another dimension prior to this and did decide which kind of life experiences we’d have, it just doesn’t ring true as I keep asking why?

Technology progresses due to knowledge increasing, but if John Logie Baird invented a 3D colour tv, it would be kind of silly of him to decide, “no I want a 2D black and white, that keeps going on the blink. Now that would be a step in the right direction”.

Does Seth say why we are learning? You mentioned to progress, but progress to what, what is the end of this learning?
This Good Self, שונה לפני 11 שנים at 19:58 18/09/12
Created 11 שנים ago at 19:58 18/09/12

RE: tasks, learning, other realms, and all that

פרסומים: 946 תאריך הצטרפות: 09/03/10 פרסומים אחרונים
I don't necessarily agree with the seth stuff, and I realize it's all speculation from where we are, but from what I can gather...

I think the idea is basically one of a cosmic video game. So the learning is in order to progress to the next level. Suffering is not necessary, but that's what happens if you're not learning. The 'next level' would just be something more fun, more expansive, more interesting, more challenging. And on it goes... no end point.

The lesson for this level is: you create your reality with your thoughts.

I've only read two of the books so far. Obviously I can't decide anything because I have no experience of other realms.

I was hoping the advanced jhana practitioners would chime in.
Tom M A, שונה לפני 11 שנים at 09:01 19/09/12
Created 11 שנים ago at 09:01 19/09/12

RE: tasks, learning, other realms, and all that

פרסומים: 67 תאריך הצטרפות: 22/08/12 פרסומים אחרונים
Life is pretty much a game however we look at it. We can take a game seriously or not so seriously. I advocate the latter option. Those who take it seriously forget it is just a game, just us playing around. So we’ve got all these different types of groups and individuals who not only try but do dictate to millions and expect everyone to bow down to them too.

It’s a game and the rules, if there are any, are not what these people are all making them out to be. Every set of rules have huge contradictions, total injustices, etc.

That’s one reason I don’t think explanations from books or teachers make things any clearer as that just means we’re accepting something as truth rather than directly experiencing truth itself.

And it’s like that with when Seth talks of “learning”, either it’s a loose usage of the word or a misuse. It’s like everyone says… “don’t touch hot coals or you’ll learn the hard way”. We don’t have to learn, we just have to be aware. The heat is there to be felt. So there’s nothing to learn, we can just feel, be aware.

What you’ll have to do is see an answer in this post from one of the “advanced Jhana’s”. They’ll come a calling if you sound the whistle. Learn your lesson C emoticon

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