I feel progress. I wonder where I am? Wavy vision, vibrating breath.

Dark Night Yogi, שונה לפני 15 שנים at 07:38 15/06/09
Created 15 שנים ago at 07:38 15/06/09

I feel progress. I wonder where I am? Wavy vision, vibrating breath.

פרסומים: 138 תאריך הצטרפות: 25/08/09 פרסומים אחרונים
Forum: Dharma Overground Discussion Forum

been feeling more sensitive lately. almost constantly over-sensitive.
also to people's energies.

last couple of days i get to be in sort of meditative calm samadhi-like spontaneously, usually a few hours after i wake up.

im feeling a sort of separation from my body as well. like, its easier to watch my self.

when i was meditating earlier too, i got to a sort of, stuck in my in-out breath without controling it, but my consciousness is, to my left, then i move it to my right, then behind. when on the pc, the hand on the mouse often doesnt feel like my hand?

over-all, i feel a sort of different feeling over-all to how i perceive reality before.
ive started meditating daily last January. im wondering, if anyone knows where i am in the Maps or models? or Am I anywhere at all above the first stage?

i dont know if im imagining, but sight also gets like a wave, ripple, pulsating a bit sometimes and then i experienced some flickering on the wall doing zazen.

Namaste. :namaste:
Florian, שונה לפני 15 שנים at 08:13 15/06/09
Created 15 שנים ago at 08:13 15/06/09

RE: I feel progress. I wonder where I am? Wavy vision, vibrating breath.

פרסומים: 1028 תאריך הצטרפות: 28/04/09 פרסומים אחרונים
Hi Mitch,

Sounds like you're making progress. Pin-pointing such experiences on the maps is not so straight-forward - getting stuck in the breath can happen in cause and effect, for example, where it is a bit jerky and mechanical, or in a&p, where it is very natural and incorporated into a cyclic experience, and I have related experiences in other contexts. Similarly for consciousness moving about; tends to happen first in mind&body, but it doesn't stop there.

How's your focus - narrow, wide, ...? How's the clarity of your perceptions? How fast are the vibrations, ripples, flickers? Those are rather good indicators, I've found.

Also, if the "territory" is new to you, you'll have more trouble lining it up with the maps than with territory you've been through many times.

Do you keep a record of this stuff? Highly recommended. A lot of things tend to become obvious when looking back, at least this is what happens in my practice.

Dark Night Yogi, שונה לפני 15 שנים at 08:54 15/06/09
Created 15 שנים ago at 08:54 15/06/09

RE: I feel progress. I wonder where I am? Wavy vision, vibrating breath.

פרסומים: 138 תאריך הצטרפות: 25/08/09 פרסומים אחרונים
i keep a journal, though a bit in different places.

I think my focus seems wide.
The vibrations felt in my lungs are similar to the tingling like after exercising, or pins-n-needles.
The ripples are slow, actually, it just feels sometimes like my vision isn't flat, like even the monitor sometimes changes shape. this is weird, havn't read this anywhere. The flickers seem pretty moderate, not super-fast.

I remember now that in being mindful of the breath, i felt like I got stuck in the present moment, where things started to really speed up. Prior to this, usually when things speed up, its thoughts, or the perception of sensations arising and being noticed easily. This one however is like being the moment.

I reread the stages. Is it safe to say that I am nearing arising and passing away?
If so, does this mean that I should be careful and not continue, if ever its not a good time to be in darkNight zone?

thanks, namaste.
Jackson Wilshire, שונה לפני 15 שנים at 12:51 16/06/09
Created 15 שנים ago at 12:51 16/06/09

RE: I feel progress. I wonder where I am? Wavy vision, vibrating breath.

פרסומים: 443 תאריך הצטרפות: 06/05/09 פרסומים אחרונים
You might be experiencing some A&P territory, being that things are really starting to speed up. I guess you'll find out sooner or later. If you continue, than yes, you will cross in to the Dark Night stages.

This doesn't have to be a big hairy deal. Not that I don't experience some pretty crazy stuff during DN periods, 'cause I most certainly do. But not everyone messes things up beyond repair. Daniel's warnings are meant to cover the majority of scenarios, so he includes the extreme stuff as well as the not-so-extreme stuff.

If you don't think you can handle it, then give it a rest. If you do decide to proceed, all of us here at the DhO are here for you. Besides, the benefits of stream entry are well worth the troubles of the Dark Night. Just know that the A&P is usually really cool, and that the Dark Night sucks ass. You'll feel like you are backsliding, and that you just want to give up meditation practice for good. Knowing that this will more than likely occur, you can overcome these thoughts and feelings and keep practicing!

Go for it, man.
Dark Night Yogi, שונה לפני 14 שנים at 05:55 17/06/09
Created 14 שנים ago at 05:55 17/06/09

RE: I feel progress. I wonder where I am? Wavy vision, vibrating breath.

פרסומים: 138 תאריך הצטרפות: 25/08/09 פרסומים אחרונים
Thanks Florian and Jackson = )

I think Im in (in Daniels table) the stages nearing the A&P Event. i see there are three (immature,rapturuous,mature) i think im about in the middle... and have experienced some symptoms, (a light blue light, meditation in sleep, in meditation when waking up! decreased sleep).

It started when I began meditating on the toilet. One day, i got so deep on the toilet, that it led to a 5 hour sit after that. So I suppose, I won't be able to sit 5 hours during the dark night that easily?

Is there an estimate, how long it may take me to get to the A&P event? (say, if i sit 2 hours a day)
and also, how will does it usually take to get past the dark night?

many Thanks!!
Trent S H, שונה לפני 14 שנים at 17:11 17/06/09
Created 14 שנים ago at 17:11 17/06/09

RE: I feel progress. I wonder where I am? Wavy vision, vibrating breath.

פרסומים: 0 תאריך הצטרפות: 22/08/09 פרסומים אחרונים

No real estimate on those things. The more you focus and resolve to get your goal, the quicker it'll come; the mind will find a way. For where you are, I would balance your sessions by beginning with shamatha jhana practice, followed by insight practice.

Dark Night Yogi, שונה לפני 14 שנים at 18:27 17/06/09
Created 14 שנים ago at 18:27 17/06/09

RE: I feel progress. I wonder where I am? Wavy vision, vibrating breath.

פרסומים: 138 תאריך הצטרפות: 25/08/09 פרסומים אחרונים
thanks trent!

ive been doing that going rather smooth.
my sleep last night was tough though, sort of felt like Neo when he was getting delusional, sort of felt Like LSD.

I notice this morning that its more painful to feed my ego in any way. It sort of leads to panic.

Dark Night Yogi, שונה לפני 14 שנים at 18:29 17/06/09
Created 14 שנים ago at 18:29 17/06/09

RE: I feel progress. I wonder where I am? Wavy vision, vibrating breath.

פרסומים: 138 תאריך הצטרפות: 25/08/09 פרסומים אחרונים
w/c is good, because after going to a&p territory, there is a big 'ego'ing associated with progress and wanting to brag, etc. or tell the world im so great. so i could use all the sensitivity really needing to develop the equanimity..

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