
5年前 に pieva によって更新されました。 at 19/03/21 15:04
Created 5年 ago at 19/03/21 15:04


投稿: 36 参加年月日: 19/03/15 最新の投稿
Can anyone tell me, how do Buddhists go about gardening?
Moved to a house with a garden that needs quite a bit of work. But it looks that there is a ground worm or two anywhere I poke. I never liked to see them hurt but now, knowing the precepts, it's unbearable!
Or, what do you do when your beloved plants are infested with whiteflies?
5年前 に pieva によって更新されました。 at 19/03/23 10:36
Created 5年 ago at 19/03/23 10:36

RE: Gardening

投稿: 36 参加年月日: 19/03/15 最新の投稿
Thank you, that's interesting! So we don't have many Jains here.
In the meantime I am happy to accept my father-in-laws offers to help us and shift karma onto his insensitive soul.
5年前 に Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö によって更新されました。 at 19/05/03 15:28
Created 5年 ago at 19/05/03 15:28

RE: Gardening

投稿: 7134 参加年月日: 18/12/08 最新の投稿
I’m glad someone asked. I have been wondering too. When I was a student I just couldn’t kill those beetle larvae that eat clothes. They seemed so utterly harmless and I thought they were cute and killing them felt so wrong. After a while I had them everywhere and they ate holes in everything that contained natural fibres of any kind. I had to wear pure polyester for several years (it wasn’t modern at the time, but a lot of secondhand polyester clothes were available) to get rid of the invasion. That’s actually how I came up with my nick.
4年前 に Mista Tibbs によって更新されました。 at 20/02/14 14:05
Created 4年 ago at 20/02/12 21:34

RE: Gardening

投稿: 81 参加年月日: 18/08/17 最新の投稿
Everybody on the planet, what's up with that? You can get involved with Buddhism but you don't become any thing.

emoticon This is important! Promise I'll get to the topic emoticon

To identify is to create a frame for your self. There are active layers of gross and subtle cogitation in effort to stay within that mental boundary going on at all time. Adding this unnecessary limiting factor will inarguably dampen potential growth... not to mention that it is a logical fallacy in Buddhist art.

Our sense of self extends onto the ideas we hold dearly. To categorize is to divide. Structuring knowledge is good but there really is no need in identifying with that knowledge. It's not any way efficient. This sort of business needs to be examined on a personal level. Buddhism used to be an individual practice, not an institution. That has changed now in order to stay relevant... it's probably for the best honestly, but that fundamental truth should still be regarded, more so for veteran practitioners because it's functional, not just philosophical.
Our brains are great information filters, tasked with picking and choosing what data receives focal attention and how much importance is carried. This can muddle the learning process if it goes haywire.
I love dancing! In the mirror I dance! At the park I dance! While I'm cooking I dance! With friends I dance! I have even done minor performances. Does that make me a dancer? Well if you want to label this one go ahead, free will wasn't my fault. If you ask me directly I'll just tell you I'm nothing at all. Likewise, I am subscribed to Buddhist news and practice the Buddhist forms but stopped calling this one a Buddhist years ago.

There is a law in psychology that if you form a picture in your mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking"
-William James

Our self assesment is clouded by ego, false pride, limited intellect, sensitivity, double standards etc. Everyone sees other with their own colored glasses. People tend to judge with their own values, with their own scales, with their own expectations, with their own standards. I am not able to judge myself correctly; I still form a mental picture of myself..." - C.V. Rajan

"You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are" -??? 

Asking how a "Buddhist" gardens is silly. Go for a walk through your favorite park and you will surely step on grass's face! Are you going to suffer that as well? Put that idea in the oven for 400 degrees and let the thought marinate for 30 minutes. A Buddhist will just think about it and think about it... and then think about it some more.
A botanist will tell you right away... if the roots are fine, the grass is fine. Then he'll ask why you're crying. 
Please don't seatbelt your being. Let it wander around and explore.

My livelihood at the moment has its roots in horticulture so I have a case in this.
Worms prefer loamy earth so the whole mess can be easily avoided if you turn the soil by hand.
Put those hands to work!
My one digging tool is a water gauge poker. It only takes a single quick motion to loosen any tough soil and the rest is taken care of manually. like this, you can easily feel the squiggly boys as you dig so as to not decapitate them.
Even if, worms are one of those few creatures with regenerative adaptations anyway.

Think of the garden as its own ecosystem... the key to success is balance! Plants don't exist as autonomous entities... The living things on this planet have evolved together to form a web of hyper-connectivity. We can take advantage of this and find a pawn for every ecological niche.

Basil is a natural whitefly repellent and their roots form a symbiosis with neighboring root systems. Basil is one of those miracle plants everyone should try growing. It will have a cascade effect in your life all the way to the kitchen and to your health if you allow it to. Basil was my plant of choice to learn plant training because it grows fast and propagates easily. While you read up on botany, pick up a book on macrofaunal taxonomy. The whitefly has several predators you could introduce. The pirate bug is a good choice for your dilemma. The ultimate goal is not to create the day of reckoning for whiteflies. It's to prosper harmony. 

My field's equivalent would be the fungus gnat. Fungus gnats lay their clutches beneath the earth in moist patches of soil. The larvae are ravenous and greedily gnaw on roots which leads to plant death. It's tragic and they are woefully dreaded. folks have summed up catalogs of methods for carrying out insect genocide against them. Living soil is a holistic alternative but its concept is still in the primitive stages. The garden should obviously have a balance of prey and predator. Sometimes no one will have your desired insect species for sale so you might have to look into raising cultures. 

I had my first gnat infestation last year emoticon I had honestly been waiting for one to happen because It would be a great lesson in making me a better cultivator! I sat and watched them eat my kids while I thought up solutions...
My idea was to mimic the natural world right into the garden. I'm going to fast forward six months. Those 6 months were spent reading about and experimenting with various critter species, insect breeding, macro synergies, mosses, etc. Now I have separate little compounds with different insect cultures. I carry centipedes, flightless fruit flies, bees (still in the works), worms, microbes, springtails, millipedes, caterpillars (also still in the works) and.... fungus gnat colonies. The cultures require me to feed them, but once they are added to the main garden site they become self-sustaining.

It turns out the gnat babies that eat the roots are actually beneficial for the end harvest! I chose centipedes because of their voracious nature to constantly seek food. They patrol the whole garden site and keep the gnat population in check. The larvae gnawing on roots are nabbed up while only some are allowed to make it to the next stage in their life cycle. The centipedes pose virtually no threat to the flying adults so they can safely mate and spread again. The damaged roots would still be severe if not for the worms to eat/clean the rotting bits of matter. The springtails and microbes sterilize the root zones and from them spring two new taproots. In other words, the plant is now twice as strong! Truly, no life is any more important or less significant than any other in the grand scheme. Sounds simple enough but I am sparing you the deeper complexity.

If you love your plants you will definitely go this far them I hope.
I'm sat writing in this in my garden right now, bees licking my palms as I type.
4年前 に pieva によって更新されました。 at 20/02/17 15:12
Created 4年 ago at 20/02/17 15:12

RE: Gardening

投稿: 36 参加年月日: 19/03/15 最新の投稿
Mista Tibbs, your answer left me speechless. I would like to see your garden.