strange reactions

12年前 に This Good Self によって更新されました。 at 11/06/22 20:16
Created 12年 ago at 11/06/22 20:16

strange reactions

投稿: 946 参加年月日: 10/03/09 最新の投稿
Whenever I attempt a walking meditation I get some odd reactions from people. I basically do this: whole body scan + ask "What part of me is paying attention to the body?", switching my attention between the two objects. I don't know if this is a proper technique, but it seems to work reasonably well for me. Creates a fair bit of mental fatigue, but nothing too bad.

People wanting high fives, asking me to call them (lol), big smiles, odd looks. These are normal people from what I can determine, often teenage guys and sometimes old people as well. At first I was taken aback and thought - why are these people taking the piss? But it seems they weren't because sometimes it would be women and they don't tend to do that sort of behaviour to an unknown bloke on a walking track. For every 20 minute walk, at least one person will do something strange like that, whereas if I don't do this meditation, people you see on the track just sort of look then carry on, maybe a hello or nod if they like the look of you. It's nice for the ego boost. Highly recommended.
12年前 に Bruno Loff によって更新されました。 at 11/06/23 1:55
Created 12年 ago at 11/06/23 1:55

RE: strange reactions

投稿: 1094 参加年月日: 09/08/30 最新の投稿
This happens to me when I walk outside happy and smiling.
12年前 に This Good Self によって更新されました。 at 11/06/23 4:42
Created 12年 ago at 11/06/23 4:19

RE: strange reactions

投稿: 946 参加年月日: 10/03/09 最新の投稿
ok, well for me it's quite a new experience to be treated like a rock star! I don't enjoy the meditation at all, but I do like all the attention I'm getting as a result. The difference in others reaction is startling.

I don't smile, I basically walk along watching the path in front of me so as to maintain concentration. If I was head-up and beaming at everyone I guess I could understand it. I doubt whether anyone could even see my face since I wear a peaked cap in case it rains.
12年前 に James E P によって更新されました。 at 11/06/23 6:46
Created 12年 ago at 11/06/23 6:46

RE: strange reactions

投稿: 31 参加年月日: 11/06/17 最新の投稿
Actually I think you're not alone in that and it's not just with walking meditation. I was on the subway doing some open eyed meditation and suddenly I had people wanting to talk to me, trying to get my attention.
12年前 に Morgan Taylor によって更新されました。 at 11/06/23 16:04
Created 12年 ago at 11/06/23 16:04

RE: strange reactions

投稿: 71 参加年月日: 11/05/23 最新の投稿
Are you walking really slowly or at a regular pace? I imagine if it's the former, people might think you're really deep in thought or sad or something. And if the latter, perhaps there's a thoughtful or sad expression on your face (or seems to be, since I assume it's probably actually neutral).

Either way, that's never happened to me.
12年前 に This Good Self によって更新されました。 at 11/06/23 20:53
Created 12年 ago at 11/06/23 20:49

RE: strange reactions

投稿: 946 参加年月日: 10/03/09 最新の投稿
It doesn't happen to me either Morgan, unless I'm doing that practice, walking at normal pace. Not that I attribute any of what happens to walking as such, it's just that's the only time I've meditated amongst people, and I'm fascinated by how differently they respond. It may simply be that my expression does change and I'm not aware of it, but then again my face is often obscured by my hat.

I'm well aware of how people respond to a very depressed face!! They avoid you like the plague! I'm pretty sure I'm neutral in expression most of the times this has happened.
12年前 に Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem によって更新されました。 at 11/06/23 21:48
Created 12年 ago at 11/06/23 21:48

RE: strange reactions

投稿: 2227 参加年月日: 10/10/27 最新の投稿
C C C:
It doesn't happen to me either Morgan, unless I'm doing that practice, walking at normal pace. Not that I attribute any of what happens to walking as such, it's just that's the only time I've meditated amongst people, and I'm fascinated by how differently they respond. It may simply be that my expression does change and I'm not aware of it, but then again my face is often obscured by my hat.

I'm well aware of how people respond to a very depressed face!! They avoid you like the plague! I'm pretty sure I'm neutral in expression most of the times this has happened.

perhaps the vibe of being open + receptive and such (due to the nature of meditation) affects people in that way. you also seem to be good at affecting people from some of your other posts (you turned invisible once? or was that someone else?), so that capacity of yours might amplify the effect.