Anyone tried Shinzen's Home Practice Program?

11年前 に Robert McLune によって更新されました。 at 12/11/21 22:06
Created 11年 ago at 12/11/21 22:06

Anyone tried Shinzen's Home Practice Program?

投稿: 255 参加年月日: 12/09/08 最新の投稿

How did it work for you?
11年前 に Tarver  によって更新されました。 at 12/11/21 22:22
Created 11年 ago at 12/11/21 22:22

RE: Anyone tried Shinzen's Home Practice Program?

投稿: 262 参加年月日: 10/02/03 最新の投稿
Robert McLune:

How did it work for you?

Yes, I have done a few. It is very well designed as a way of giving people a chance to have a retreat experience at very low cost and very high convenience. You can sign up for just one part, or the whole weekend. The cost is minimal, and if you ask they will usually give you a scholarship. Some people on the call are total beginners, others are very advanced. You can ask questions, and a recording of the session is available afterwards, if memory serves. Obviously, Shinzen (or one or another of his senior associates) will be leading the HPP from the point of view of Shinzen's Basic Mindfulness system, so it would be wise to read the relevant section of the practice manual to get the terminology straight before the call if you don't know it already. I was struck by how people from all over the globe were on the line. It was quite cool, the sense of virtual connection to others doing the practice.
11年前 に Robert McLune によって更新されました。 at 12/11/21 22:42
Created 11年 ago at 12/11/21 22:42

RE: Anyone tried Shinzen's Home Practice Program?

投稿: 255 参加年月日: 12/09/08 最新の投稿
Thanks Tarver.
It all looks really cheap. I wonder how he lives. I guess they'd accept more money than the basic fee if someone were to offer it as a donation?
11年前 に Tarver  によって更新されました。 at 12/11/22 7:05
Created 11年 ago at 12/11/22 7:05

RE: Anyone tried Shinzen's Home Practice Program?

投稿: 262 参加年月日: 10/02/03 最新の投稿
I don't know how he lives at home, but I happen to have been on retreat with him just a few days ago, and I happen to have had the privilege of helping him pack his suitcase and driving him to the airport. He seems to live simply enough, even frugally perhaps. My impression is that enough people sign up for the HPP that it should be doing reasonably well financially, but if you should feel moved to contribute more, I don't see why Emily wouldn't be happy to help you there too.

I actually asked Shinzen about Right Livelihood earlier this year, and he said that his experience has been that in the business of helping others, if one gets results, people are generous.
