Retreat centres/Scotland

14年前 に zim zim によって更新されました。 at 10/04/12 10:21
Created 14年 ago at 10/04/12 10:21

Retreat centres/Scotland

投稿: 13 参加年月日: 10/03/11 最新の投稿
Hi, can anyone recommend a good retreat centre to attend in Scotland or if not , whatever good retreat is closest to it. I am in the central belt and i dont mind travelling.Im not much fussed over what the protocol or living arrangements are like.just somewhere i will hopefully get more out of on the practical side/insight.
14年前 に Andy Coke によって更新されました。 at 10/04/12 20:00
Created 14年 ago at 10/04/12 20:00

RE: Retreat centres/Scotland

投稿: 93 参加年月日: 09/10/05 最新の投稿

Best place around that I know is in Wales, I haven't been myself yet, but I'm doing a retreat there this sumer, check it out:

I live in Edinburgh! where exactly are you from? Glad to see someone serius about meditation from scotland!

14年前 に zim zim によって更新されました。 at 10/04/13 3:00
Created 14年 ago at 10/04/13 3:00

RE: Retreat centres/Scotland

投稿: 13 参加年月日: 10/03/11 最新の投稿
Im in Glasgow. Getting to the point now where i need a little bit of guidance. I seem to get into some pretty deep states quite quickly and i feel i could be using them alot more productively than i am. Caught between letting go and investigating. Have you been on retreat before?
14年前 に Andy Coke によって更新されました。 at 10/04/13 8:09
Created 14年 ago at 10/04/13 8:09

RE: Retreat centres/Scotland

投稿: 93 参加年月日: 09/10/05 最新の投稿
Cool! I spend lots of time in Glasgow, because my girlfriend lives there.

I have been on retreat before, but I didn't really know what I was doing, so you are probably far beyond where I am. For how long have you been meditating?

I've been once in the vihara in maryhill road. I went there to find out if the monk was going to be open about all this or if it was going to be more of the same. That particular day happened to take place some interfaith event, so I didn't get the chance. But he was nice, I can say that. check the link

14年前 に zim zim によって更新されました。 at 10/04/14 8:13
Created 14年 ago at 10/04/14 8:13

RE: Retreat centres/Scotland

投稿: 13 参加年月日: 10/03/11 最新の投稿
I first tried meditation about 8 years ago it was at a class in Great Western Rd. It taught me to quiet the mind somewhat and i got a cassette called silent watching(i think that was its name anyway)Anyway i soon aborted the meditating as at the time i thought that that was all there was too it as after a few weeks of the class it was all we were taught. It did serve me well at the time tho so i cant complain. It wasnt untill about 3 months ago i returned to the meditation with some indepth books and a new thirst for understanding that things began to click and i discovered the Jhanas and the real work ahead!emoticonI looked at the retreat website and liked what i saw so thanks for that
14年前 に Daniel M Ingram によって更新されました。 at 10/04/14 22:27
Created 14年 ago at 10/04/14 22:27

RE: Retreat centres/Scotland

投稿: 3274 参加年月日: 09/04/20 最新の投稿
Gaia House in Devon is obviously a bit of a trip from a UK point of view, but from a US point of view, pretty close, really, given how cozy and cute that little island is... ;)

Anyway, cool place, depending on who is teaching at that time, and Christopher Titmuss is a hoot.

I got a lot out of the 2 months of retreat I did there.
13年前 に Tommy M によって更新されました。 at 10/11/24 12:15
Created 13年 ago at 10/11/24 12:15

RE: Retreat centres/Scotland

投稿: 1199 参加年月日: 10/11/12 最新の投稿
Hey, another fellow central Scot here as well! Ha!

As for retreats, the main one I've come across is the Samye Ling centre on the river Esk. It's Tibetan, not Theravada but it looks like a beautiful place and I believe it's connected with the centre on the Holy Isle, just off the coast of Arran.

Don't know if this is any help but it's the only one I can think of.

All the best.
9年前 に Dominik J によって更新されました。 at 14/11/04 14:58
Created 9年 ago at 14/11/04 14:58

RE: Retreat centres/Scotland

投稿: 10 参加年月日: 11/06/21 最新の投稿
I'll move to Glasgow soon & would love to meet some serious practitioners! just shoot me a quick email at dominikjung[at]gmx[dot]de . Much metta =)
