
S B, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 28/06/11 07:04
Created 12 Anos ago at 28/06/11 07:04


Postagens: 7 Data de Entrada: 26/06/11 Postagens Recentes
I am trying to decide where to learn in Atlanta, Georgia. For the past year I have been meditating irregularly. These meditations often were attempts to 'silence the mind' and/or guided journey to gain deeper understanding on subjects (of a mystical variety, such as the elements).

Through Buddhist Geeks I came across Daniel Ingram, and then his site, and thus his book. His book answered many of the questions that I had about the Buddhist path. I have since started practicing concentration and insight meditation. I have plenty of questions about insight, and know that I could get great assistance from a teacher.

In Atlanta, we have the Drepung Loseling Monestary which teaches that variety of Tibbetan Buddhism. We also have a Shambala center, a Soto Zen center, Kadampa Meditation Center, and the Dorje Ling Center (a Jonang Tibbetn Buddhist practice). Further, there is a heravada Buddhist Temple and Vipassana Meditation Center; however, I don't know the extent to which they teach (the information on their site isn't all that clear). Lastly, there is an insight meditation group that meets together, but I don't know how experienced or far along they are in their practice (I don't know if there are any people who are enlightened).

As for my goals, I want to achieve enlightenment, and I want to live a life consistent with the Buddha's teachings.I also have interest in the esoteric/mystical/magickal practices.

Thank you for any help that you can provide.

S B, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 29/06/11 06:10
Created 12 Anos ago at 29/06/11 06:10

RE: Atlanta

Postagens: 7 Data de Entrada: 26/06/11 Postagens Recentes
Perhaps somebody can point me to a previous discussion or good source on how to choose a path? It's difficult to choose at this stage, when I know so little about them, their strengths and weaknesses, etc.
Eric G, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 28/07/11 15:45
Created 12 Anos ago at 28/07/11 15:45

RE: Atlanta

Postagens: 133 Data de Entrada: 06/05/10 Postagens Recentes
In terms specifically of Pragmatic Dharma, there may not be much in the way of teachers in ATL. I would suggest you learn here and on Kenneth Folk Dharma, and just find a place to sit. I just sit at home. The Soto Zen Center is a good place to sit, but for my taste they are a bit dogmatic. Drepung, I don't really want to pay $$$ for a meditation class, and Tibetan is too baroque and pimped out for me and along the same lines Shambala. I personally find some of the Temple type places to be a bit more set up for community ceremonies for the Asian population.

You may have found the Sandy Springs Insight meditation group, Joel who posts on KFD is over there, not a teacher but is maybe a good person to talk to. The people who make the most progress seem to mainly focus on the Mahasi noting style. There are people you could skype with. When I first got into it I did a skype session with Kenneth Folk, but really if you read these forums a bit there is plenty of instruction.
Jerrilyn P, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 26/09/11 11:14
Created 12 Anos ago at 26/09/11 11:14

RE: Atlanta

Postagens: 2 Data de Entrada: 26/09/11 Postagens Recentes
Hi, I just recently moved to Atlanta myself. I don't know much more than what's already been posted. But I am looking, because I find that it benefits my practice tremendously to meditate with others, regardless of whether or not they are strictly doing Vipassana in the tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw as is my practice.

To that end, I intend to check out everything. I went to the Shambhala Center a few weeks ago. That was good. They offer times to sit three times every week, so I intend to go at least once a week if I can. I found a couple of Vipassana meetup groups that hold weekly sessions and an occasional half day retreat. There is also a monthly full day retreat at a place called the Georgia Buddhst Vihara.

I signed up to do a 10 day retreat at one of the Goenka Centers next month. It's about 4 hours from Atlanta and they have retreats several times a month on a donation basis. The technique is not my favorite, but it's the best option for retreat I've found so far given my current limitations of distance, money and time.

I'm wondering if you've found anything out since you posted this question.

Thanks for the question, and I would also like to extend my gratitude for this site.
S B, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 26/09/11 11:35
Created 12 Anos ago at 26/09/11 11:35

RE: Atlanta

Postagens: 7 Data de Entrada: 26/06/11 Postagens Recentes
I haven't attended any of the area places, such as those mentioned above, yet. My plan is to attend, when possible, the Vipassana meet up group on Wednesdays, and their occasional half-day retreats on Sundays.

But thus far, I've just been practicing alone, and I'm making good strides.

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