Six Principles of Cordiality and a Seven-Point test for Stream-En

James E P, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 12/04/12 08:04
Created 12 Anos ago at 12/04/12 07:58

Six Principles of Cordiality and a Seven-Point test for Stream-En

Postagens: 31 Data de Entrada: 17/06/11 Postagens Recentes

Since there is alot of questions about "Have I attained Stream-Entry", I've decided to post this after stumbling across it, I would do this test overtime, see how consistently you meet the criteria and don't take it as gospel, as one can say at any point in time "I have attained stream entry" this may be true when defilements are subtle or turned down in volume, but when it counts are they there?

Generally a Succint description of entry is found in these words:

"Stream-enterer: The first direct insight into selflessness is often the most powerful because it's unlike anything you've ever experienced before. For a timeless moment (which may last just an instant), no one is there — that is, there's no trace of a separate self anywhere. A feeling of tremendous relief, often accompanied by joy and bliss, generally follows the experience: At last, you've had the insight you've been seeking for so long. At last, you've "entered the stream" of realization.

When you become a stream-enterer, you can never again believe that you're really a separate self that lives inside your head and looks through your eyes. Your experience forever eliminates this illusion. When you look within, you can't find a self anywhere. In everyday life, however, you may still feel like a separate somebody and may still get caught up by greed, anger, ignorance, and various other negative feelings and patterns. Fortunately, the stage of stream-enterer also brings an unshakable confidence and dedication to the Buddhist spiritual path, so you're motivated to keep deepening and refining your realization."

Additional Tests:

"According to the Pali Commentary, six types of defilement would be abandoned by a Sotāpanna:



"Sotāpanna is not capable of committing six wrong actions:

Murdering one's own mother.
Murdering one's own father.
Murdering an Arahant.
Maliciously injuring the Buddha to the point of drawing blood.
Successfully creating a schism in the monastic community.
Choosing anyone other than a Buddha as one's foremost Teacher."

And Abandonment of the following 3 "Lowest Fetters"
1. identity view
2. doubt
3. ritual attachment

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