Shaktipat Intensives

Arthur D Rowell, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 03/05/12 12:57
Created 12 Anos ago at 03/05/12 12:57

Shaktipat Intensives

Postagens: 9 Data de Entrada: 03/05/12 Postagens Recentes
My teacher, Durga Ma, is offering Shaktipat Intensives in Phoenix, AZ, for those who are sincerely interested.

Shaktipat initiates spontaneous meditation, kundalini awakening and spiritual transformation. Shakti is the Sanskrit word for the activating force of nature (prakriti). Shakti initiates all action. Because shakti initiates all action, shaktipat is often translated as initiation. The giving, or transmission, of shakti is known as shaktipat diksha.

Shaktipat Diksha

The word diksha refers specifically to initiation in the sense of informing or bestowing something upon someone. Shaktipat diksha then, means “shakti-giving initiation,” and may be likened to lighting one candle with another candle. When the life energy in the body (prana) is released through shaktipat, kundalini, the evolutionary force, can awaken naturally, and the body, feelings and mind evolved.

Shakti is present everywhere. It is shakti that activates kundalini. The awakening of kundalini is necessary for progressing to advanced stages of spiritual development and the achievement of freedom and eternal happiness.

Shaktipat may occur two ways:

1 Through various practices done arduously and persistently

2 Directly through an empowered spiritual master

The first of these may take a very long time, usually many years or even many lifetimes. The second, the transmission of shakti by a living master, is done through touch, gaze, sound or thought, and can be immediate or delayed depending upon the receptivity of the individual. Another advantage of this approach is that the individual has a someone who can guide him or her through the stages that follow.

Surrender Meditation

The practice associated with shaktipat diksha is known by various names: Surrender Meditation, sahaja yoga, shaktipat kundalini yoga, Natural Meditation, maha yoga, siddha yoga, kriya yoga, etc.

Ancient masters understood that the way to God was to surrender to God. From this, meditation techniques were eventually developed through observation. The unique feature of this practice is that meditation occurs effortlessly on its own, and kundalini awakens naturally and spontaneously. This type of meditation is not generally known and was originally imparted by the spiritual master (guru) along with shaktipat diksha.

In existing traditions, shaktipat diksha is given after a period of time has been spent with the spiritual master, often many years, often to only to a select few disciples. There are valid reasons for this. Today however, the opportunities for taking shaktipat diksha have increased to some degree, but initiates often do not have the guidance and information necessary to understand what follows initiation; kundalini may present dramatically, leaving the initiate floundering and confused, or may even return to dormancy.

By learning about this practice along with shaktipat diksha, one has the means to allow shakti the freedom to act from its own divine intelligence. Meditation is spontaneous and automatic, and kundalini does her work according to what is needed in order to advance and reach her destination. All forms of yoga unfold automatically in organic sequence as a result of this process.

Shaktipat Intensives

Intensives include a massive amount of information on kundalini, chakras, lokas, granthis, yoga cosmology, stages of sadhana and kundalini, special powers, and more.

Initiation (optional): Receive shaktipat directly from Durga Ma, and initiation into the practice of Surrender Meditation.

You can learn more at
Florian, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 03/05/12 15:09
Created 12 Anos ago at 03/05/12 15:09

RE: Shaktipat Intensives

Postagens: 1028 Data de Entrada: 28/04/09 Postagens Recentes
Hi Arthur, and welcome to the Dharma Overground.

Have you read the material on the front page? To get there, just click on my welcome above.

Go on, read it now if you haven't, because it will provide the background for my question below.

Arthur D Rowell:
Shakti is present everywhere. It is shakti that activates kundalini. The awakening of kundalini is necessary for progressing to advanced stages of spiritual development and the achievement of freedom and eternal happiness.

How do you know?

If you want to get the Dharma Overground crowd interested in your teacher, quoting from some sales pitch won't work very well.

Come on, let us know what really happened to you, that you now go around advertising your teacher. She's important to you, but why? Promises of advanced stages of spiritual development sound good - but what did you actually do, or get out of it, or find, or whatever it was?

Tommy M, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 03/05/12 15:38
Created 12 Anos ago at 03/05/12 15:31

RE: Shaktipat Intensives

Postagens: 1199 Data de Entrada: 12/11/10 Postagens Recentes
I'm in agreement with Florian on this too, this is a site dedicated to pragmatic meditation techniques and the process of awakening; not a Craigslist for spiritual teachers, however highly realized they may be. I think Florian has made a very reasonable request and your cooperation in clarifying the specifics of yours, and your teachers practices and backgrounds would be a wonderful starting point for further discussion.

Welcome to the DhO,

Tommy (Moderator)

P.S. If the response to this question..."Promises of advanced stages of spiritual development sound good - but what did you actually do, or get out of it, or find, or whatever it was?"...involves the words "nothing" "to" and "do", there'll be trouble. emoticon
Tommy M, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 03/05/12 15:38
Created 12 Anos ago at 03/05/12 15:35

RE: Shaktipat Intensives

Postagens: 1199 Data de Entrada: 12/11/10 Postagens Recentes
I am copying and pasting the other threads related to this same subject into this same thread, it's unfair to the other participants and borders on abuse of the forum. If you wish to advertise your teachers facilities, please post in a more considerate manner.

Arthur D Rowell:
My Teacher, Durga Ma, has an approach to authentic meditation that is both natural to practice and easy to learn. It includes weekly lessons, practice meditations, experiments, guided meditations, group discussions, and much more. Please visit her website to learn more:

If you would like to learn more about meditation and how to have the ability to share it with others, there is a Meditation Teacher Certification course that will do just that! Please visit to learn more about how to get started.

[Edited: I have left the thread entitled "Durga Ma" in it's original location as it is posted appropriately.]
Arthur D Rowell, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 03/05/12 16:07
Created 12 Anos ago at 03/05/12 16:07

RE: Shaktipat Intensives

Postagens: 9 Data de Entrada: 03/05/12 Postagens Recentes
Hi Florian,

Thank you for welcoming me to the forum.

It is possible that I have misunderstood, but I believed that this section was to discuss various retreats; the Shaktipat Intensive being one such retreat. If I was mistaken, then I sincerely apologize.

The words you quoted are actually the words of my teacher. Honestly, I can't say for sure that the awakening of kundalini is necessary for advanced spiritual stages or happiness or whatever, since that is not my experience...yet :-) However, it is the reported experience of my teacher and her teachers before that.

Words like Shakti, prana, etc are only pointers to the truth and not the truth itself. The same could be said about apple, chair, or Obama. It is a label given to an experience that allows us to communicate with one another.

Now, I would be happy to share with you my experience of Shaktipat and Surrender meditation, but honestly, I thought that was for another forum category, which I just haven't made it around to yet. Perhaps I should have started with that. I may be too zealous to share my teacher, but it is only because of my love for her and what she has given me. I hope you can imagine what I am trying to say.

I will be sharing more in the near future, especially if individuals such as your self have an interest to hear more.

Arthur D Rowell, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 03/05/12 16:56
Created 12 Anos ago at 03/05/12 16:56

RE: Shaktipat Intensives

Postagens: 9 Data de Entrada: 03/05/12 Postagens Recentes
Hi Tommy,

Again, I apologize for any misunderstanding on my part. I was trying to follow the organization of the site as I understood it.

Now, as you have requested, I will try to provide some information about myself, my experience, and my teacher, but this may require some time and multiple posts. However, I will do my best, and I appreciate your patience.

One might consider my spiritual journey to have begun while I was attending a Pentecostal church during my high school years; although, it could be argued that it began long before that. I had some powerful physical experiences that were then attributed to the Holy Spirit such as spontaneous dancing, running, feinting, and glossolalia (speaking in tongues). This had a dramatic effect on my life and I felt an intense devotion to God. Regardless, I later become disillusioned with the church, the clergy, and even the laymen. Additional, I began studying science, which ultimately, lead me to become an atheist. At that point, I attributed my earlier experiences to some form of neurological excitation or an altered state of consciousness. After a painful divorce and financial reversal, I mostly involved myself with alcohol and women.

Eventually, I would regain balance in my life, my finances, and even establish a new positive relationship. This provided the stability I needed to once again consider life in a deeper way. I don't mean I was looking for God. I just thought that much of life and the potential for happiness might be overlooked. Positive psychology was an encouraging source of information, but I couldn't apply it in a way that wasn't more than just informative. It just didn't transform my life in any meaningful way. Then something happened that changed my course...again.

I was studying martial arts in Toronto Canada, where I met a Russian immigrant who knew an ancient Russian martial art called Lubki. In training, he could easily dispatch me to the ground with seemingly no effort. When I inquired into his methods for such level of skill, he said that the secret to Lubki is self-knowledge. I had never heard of such, but I was definitely open to new suggestions for improving my game. He taught me a method of "purification" called Kresenie, in which the question "Who are you?" was repeatedly asked. I had no idea where this exercise was going, why he was asking me such a ridiculous question, or how I was suppose to answer it. I was frustrated, but curious. Eventually, this person returned to Russia, and I returned to the US.

When I returned home, I began to investigate if other martial artists where using something similar to improve their abilities, and that's when I discovered the Enlightenment Intensive. The EI (for short) is a 3.5 day residential, monastic retreat developed by Charles Berner in the '60s. It drew inspiration from Zen sesshins, Advaita, and a new communication technique called a dyad. I read what I could about the retreat and then decided to take the plunge. I located an EI that was scheduled on a date I could attend, payed the fee, booked my flight, and set out into the unknown. That weekend is a grand story in itself, and perhaps I will tell more about it in a different post. I will say that during the course of that weekend, I became de-identified with what I had considered myself to be, and I had a direct experience of the Truth of my own being. In that moment of direct knowing, I laughed my ass off. I thought it was the funniest cosmic joke ever told. "That is who I am?! " It was both amazing and completely ordinary. A moment of perfect clarity.

After the Intensive I wanted to adopt a practice to help integrate this experience into my life, and to explore the mystery further. I had no real experience into these matters, so I wasn't exactly sure what to do. I tried a Zen sitting group, some spiritual mentoring, and some self styled meditation. Additionally, I began to read anything I could get my hands on that was related to awakening, enlightenment, and associated practices. I began to read more about Charles Berner and his life and practices. The EI he had developed proved to be effective; perhaps he had even more to offer. As it turns out, he spent the last few decades of his life practicing Sahaja (surrender) meditation, as taught by his teacher, Swami Kripalu. If it was good enough for him, I was willing to give it a try. Since Charles had already passed away, I looked to find one of his students who could guide me along this path. I only found 3 people who taught this form of meditation, so I contacted all 3. Durga Ma, was one them, and she is the one I choose to be my teacher.

So, in this tradition, there are two paths you can take to reach full enlightenment. They both take you to the same place, but use slightly different methods to get you there. The first is the path of the will; the second is the path of surrender. In the path of the will you use concentration meditation to invert the senses and enter into the meditative state. It is in this meditative state that the mind is stilled and Truth is revealed. The path of surrender has the same goal (samadhi), but instead of using a specific technique, you surrender the body and mind to the Absolute. In doing so, the natural intelligence of the cosmos actually guides the process, choosing the exact appropriate technique at the exact appropriate time, and leads you into the meditative state, which leads to samadhi. In this surrender meditation, there is a natural progression of events that takes place, and roughly speaking, it happens to everyone involved in this form of meditation. Many of these experiences I had even before I knew what they were or that they were taking place in the predicted order. This includes spontaneous asanas, pranayamas, mudras, lucid dreams (during meditation), OEB, and much more. This path calls for the person to surrender more and more, while the other path calls for you to try harder and harder. Every person must find their own path, but Durga Ma has methods of mediation that also allow a person to find which one is right for them. She also teaches about self-inquiry, belief-testing, and other observation methods that are used when not conducting a formal meditation practice. She has lovingly and selflessly shared with me her knowledge and experience, and I am grateful for investment in my development. That is why I try to share her with others. At 70 years old, she won't be on this plane much longer, and I hope that others will benefit from her as I have.

I will try to write more as I can, and I am always open to questions or comments.

Tommy M, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 03/05/12 17:17
Created 12 Anos ago at 03/05/12 17:17

RE: Shaktipat Intensives

Postagens: 1199 Data de Entrada: 12/11/10 Postagens Recentes
Hi Arthur,

Thanks for the detailed and interesting response, hopefully you'll understand the initial skepticism. Welcome on board once again, it'll be interesting to hear more about the approach your teacher uses and hopefully we can all learn more together!

Arthur D Rowell, modificado 12 Anos atrás at 04/05/12 10:21
Created 12 Anos ago at 04/05/12 10:21

RE: Shaktipat Intensives

Postagens: 9 Data de Entrada: 03/05/12 Postagens Recentes
Hi Tommy,

I understand and appreciate the skepticism. Thank you for maintaining respect and kindness while questioning my claims. I hope to share more, and I am always open to specific questions.


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