Easy Enlightenment (test pic)

Dream Walker, modificado 10 Anos atrás at 07/05/14 02:29
Created 10 Anos ago at 07/05/14 02:27

Easy Enlightenment (test pic)

Postagens: 1738 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
Test pic (successful)
Dream Walker, modificado 10 Anos atrás at 07/05/14 13:34
Created 10 Anos ago at 07/05/14 13:19

RE: Easy Enlightenment (test pic)

Postagens: 1738 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
Content format test
Noting Boldly success
Noting Italics sucess
Noting underlined sucess
Noting Strikethru sucess
Noting combo sucess
Noting self referential linking - http://www.dharmaoverground.org/web/guest/discussion/-/message_boards/message/5527214success
Note link {title} test - http://www.dharmaoverground.org/web/guest/discussion/-/message_boards/message/5527214 -----------------Someone test the button next to link. is this an unlink button or title change button?
Note Pic gif test - Success
Note smily test emoticon success
Note test color test success
  • note numberes list test success
  • still success
  • bullet test
  • success
Indent test FAILdecrease indent FAIL

Align center test success

align right test success

justify test Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas metus. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, nulla. Aenean dictum lacinia tortor. Nunc iaculis, nibh non iaculis aliquam, orci felis euismod neque, sed ornare massa mauris sed velit. Nulla pretium mi et risus. Fusce mi pede, tempor id, cursus ac, ullamcorper nec, enim. Sed tortor. Curabitur molestie. Duis velit augue, condimentum at, ultrices a, luctus ut, orci.  maybe lets add a couple more words to this sentence and see what happens to them?Success

test right edge format word wrap ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testy testers test testily testy success after publishing
Note Font success
note size matters
Copy paste test  Copy paste testCopy paste testCopy paste testCopy paste testCopy paste test Copy paste testCopy paste test Success
test quote...there is no quote button

There is no quote so quotey as quote of quoting
lama carrot top, modificado 10 Anos atrás at 07/05/14 22:40
Created 10 Anos ago at 07/05/14 22:40

RE: Easy Enlightenment (test pic)

Postagens: 49 Data de Entrada: 12/06/12 Postagens Recentes
I see a pair of boobs, so, yes, test successful.
tom moylan, modificado 10 Anos atrás at 11/05/14 08:23
Created 10 Anos ago at 11/05/14 08:23

RE: Easy Enlightenment (test pic)

Postagens: 896 Data de Entrada: 07/03/11 Postagens Recentes
carrot top:
I see a pair of boobs, so, yes, test successful.
me too, success!
Not Tao, modificado 10 Anos atrás at 10/05/14 04:39
Created 10 Anos ago at 10/05/14 04:39

RE: Easy Enlightenment (test pic)

Postagens: 995 Data de Entrada: 05/04/14 Postagens Recentes
The simplicity of the AF diagram really calls to my sensibilities.
Dream Walker, modificado 10 Anos atrás at 11/05/14 00:35
Created 10 Anos ago at 11/05/14 00:35

RE: Easy Enlightenment (test pic)

Postagens: 1738 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes

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