Genekeys and The Siddhis

Mattias Wilhelm Stenberg, modificado 8 Anos atrás at 23/06/15 18:25
Created 8 Anos ago at 23/06/15 17:29

Genekeys and The Siddhis

Postagens: 131 Data de Entrada: 26/10/13 Postagens Recentes
I was introduced to this system known as the Genekeys ( a while back and found it very useful. There was a bit of an intellectual hurdle because my ego did not at the time "believe" in anything resembling astrology, but after testing this system out on countless of people the accuracy was enough to dispel that particular ignorance.

It is based on I Ching and Human Design (two other systems I recommend) and one of the things it does is map out the siddhis that (apparently) come pre-programmed with every individual incarnation. In this system there are 64 different siddhis, with corresponding gifts (apparent talents in the relative world) and shadows (apparent drawbacks in the relative world). According to this, you will be born with certain latent siddhis or abilities that will awaken as you develop on the spiritual path, but unlike many Buddhist traditions it encourages the development or insight into these as a part of your awakening, not as a distraction from it.

As an example I have the siddhi of "Empathy" in a prominent position in my chart, and can confirm that it is active. This allows me to feel fairly accurately what "others" are feeling as soon as I connect with them, assuming they are somewhat open. I've been playing around and investigating this a lot over the last few months and it seems to be an ability that many can develop, to a greater or lesser extent, but that your aptitude for it will vary. It would be interesting to see if those here who are interested in awakening or developing siddhis will have the same result, so hopefully a few of you will check this out.

Dream Walker, modificado 8 Anos atrás at 23/06/15 20:15
Created 8 Anos ago at 23/06/15 20:13

RE: Genekeys and The Siddhis

Postagens: 1738 Data de Entrada: 18/01/12 Postagens Recentes
Mattias Wilhelm Stenberg:
I was introduced to this system known as the Genekeys ( a while back and found it very useful. There was a bit of an intellectual hurdle because my ego did not at the time "believe" in anything resembling astrology, but after testing this system out on countless of people the accuracy was enough to dispel that particular ignorance.

It is based on I Ching and Human Design (two other systems I recommend) and one of the things it does is map out the siddhis that (apparently) come pre-programmed with every individual incarnation. In this system there are 64 different siddhis, with corresponding gifts (apparent talents in the relative world) and shadows (apparent drawbacks in the relative world). According to this, you will be born with certain latent siddhis or abilities that will awaken as you develop on the spiritual path, but unlike many Buddhist traditions it encourages the development or insight into these as a part of your awakening, not as a distraction from it.

As an example I have the siddhi of "Empathy" in a prominent position in my chart, and can confirm that it is active. This allows me to feel fairly accurately what "others" are feeling as soon as I connect with them, assuming they are somewhat open. I've been playing around and investigating this a lot over the last few months and it seems to be an ability that many can develop, to a greater or lesser extent, but that your aptitude for it will vary. It would be interesting to see if those here who are interested in awakening or developing siddhis will have the same result, so hopefully a few of you will check this out.

The main page tells it all -
The Gene Keys Golden Path is a program that sheds light on your deepest potential. By helping you to embrace your shadows and recognise your gifts, it guides you towards a simpler and more peaceful way of being.
read more…
Based on the book, ‘Gene Keys – unlocking the higher purpose hidden in your DNA’, the Golden Path uses a combination of I-Ching lines and Gene Keys to create a ‘Hologenetic Profile’ which leads you through consecutive insights about your life purpose, relationships and prosperity.
The Golden Path is divided into 3 ‘sequences': The Activation Sequence, The Venus Sequence and The Pearl Sequence.
As you apply the insights from the Gene Keys and your Profile to your life, you will literally reprogram your DNA with a new higher vision of yourself. Then you can simply watch as your new life begins to manifest. How far you go is limited only by your own imagination!
Step 1 is free
buy the Golden Path Program here

It looks a bit markety to me....levels and stages and money to buy it...with the first step free...
if it works for you cool...please feel free to explain the details and costs etc....
Mattias Wilhelm Stenberg, modificado 8 Anos atrás at 24/06/15 06:19
Created 8 Anos ago at 24/06/15 06:19

RE: Genekeys and The Siddhis

Postagens: 131 Data de Entrada: 26/10/13 Postagens Recentes
Yeah there's a "markety" aspect to it and I did invest a few hundred dollars to get full access to the info. The only thing that is really "needed" however is the actual book, which was very cheap. Like 15-20 dollars and since the content was both powerful and genuine I was very happy with it.

It basically maps out what sort of gifts/shadows/siddhis you have, as well as some other interesting things. Like your "core wound", how your sexuality and mind works etc etc. It's extremely accurate. But for me now the most interesting part is how it decribes the different siddhis and their awakening. Not sure what else to tell you, was just hoping some people would get the free profile and see if it resonates with them, and for those who are working on/with their siddhis to report if there seems to be a correlation. 

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