Definately Agree

Lee G Moore, modificado 15 Anos atrás at 04/07/08 07:39
Created 15 Anos ago at 04/07/08 07:39

Definately Agree

Postagens: 18 Data de Entrada: 04/07/09 Postagens Recentes
Forum: Jack Kornfield

Until this May, I had only sat with monastics. I was a bit concerned going to Jacks IMS May retreat because of the Mushroom factor as Daniel puts it. However, it was quite apparent that Jack and several of the teachers were excellent. What impressed me was the ability to incorporate aspects of western psychology and integration without arbitrarily blending it all together into "I'm Ok you're Ok" mush.

I'm currently making arrangements to do at least 1 month of the 2 month Spirit Rock retreat next spring.
Vincent Horn, modificado 15 Anos atrás at 04/07/08 11:16
Created 15 Anos ago at 04/07/08 11:16

RE: Definately Agree

Postagens: 211 Data de Entrada: 20/04/09 Postagens Recentes
Sweet! Glad you had a similar observation. My wife and I are planning on being there for the March retreat (which Jack generally teaches). Maybe we'll see you there. emoticon

Lee G Moore, modificado 15 Anos atrás at 04/07/08 12:18
Created 15 Anos ago at 04/07/08 12:18

RE: Definately Agree

Postagens: 18 Data de Entrada: 04/07/09 Postagens Recentes
I saw you guys at IMS in May but obviously it was inappropriate for an introduction emoticon.

I reached out to Spirit Rock a few weeks back and confirmed that Jack is teaching the March one this year. That's definitely the one I plan on attending. Here is the info I got if your interested. They'll be posting this on the site later this month and they will open for registration in August.

Feb 1-Mar 1 (28 nights) - Guy Armstrong, Sylvia Boorstein, James Baraz, Carol Wilson, Sally Clough

Mar 2-29 (27 nights) - Jack Kornfield, Gil Fronsdal, Trudy Goodman, John Travis, Marie Mannshatz, Adrianne Ross

February cost is $1820 plus dana to teachers and retreat staff.

March cost is $1785 plus dana to teachers and retreat staff.

Both months (56 nights) is $3640 plus dana to teachers and retreat staff.


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