Lots of Video Interviews

S Pro,修改在13 年前。 at 11-2-7 上午11:37
Created 13 年 ago at 11-2-7 上午11:37 Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 86 加入日期: 10-2-7 最近的帖子
Buddha at the Gas Pump:

Florian,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-16 下午4:14
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-16 下午4:14

RE: Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 1028 加入日期: 09-4-28 最近的帖子
Which now features an interview with the DhO Overlord himself.

Dream Walker,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-17 上午11:03
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-17 上午11:03

RE: Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 1746 加入日期: 12-1-18 最近的帖子
Watched it last night. Kinda surprised on where it went. I think maybe he needed to read your book before the interview. It seemed you both were mostly off topic...but maybe not. He could have asked some incredibly specific questions that you and only a few people could have answered and seemed to not know that. If it was meant to be a beginners level intro it also missed it's mark.
It was a good chat between strangers...just not an interview per say.
How do you think it went Daniel?
J C,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-17 下午4:41
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-17 下午4:41

RE: Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 644 加入日期: 13-4-24 最近的帖子
Paweł K:
In this interview Daniel is radiating very strong 3rd and after two hours switch to even stronger 2nd chakra sensations. There are few 5th moments and one 6th when he talks about 'seeing' at about 1h45m. It seems there is one 7th moment (somewhere in the middle) and flashes of 4th but of that I am not sure, at least there doesn't seem to be any blockades of those chakras either. 

No open 1st chakra though, none at all which is kinda strange. There is one moment near the end (after Rick wondering if enlightened person should be 100% sure it is it) when Daniel answer kinda show 1st chakra pattern but not effortlessly fitting every vocal sound to all sub-patterns but more like being forced to at least fit some of it to main pattern which actually indicate blockades (not being comfortable with this chakra). It might be because of the question that was kinda hard and took him by surprise but still 1st could and even imho should be improved. Imho stronger 1st chakra (being more grounded) would definitely help with being able to express in more understandable and less random way.

Anyhow, that is what presented itself when watching this video. Skype sound synchronization issues and YT compression might have altered the vibes so it might not be as accurate as it would otherwise be =)
As for actual discussed topics and how they went it was also somewhat random and I would rather listen about technical hardcore meditation topic than discourse about if meditation in schools could help make society better or not. I guess Rick was not hardcore enough meditator himself to want to engage those kinds of topics.

I hope my analysis was not too offensive

BTW. Did you by a chance had fruition or something similar during this interview? =)

Wow, any chance you could tell me which chakras I have switched on or off?

Do you know what the correspondence is between chakras and stages of insight?
Dream Walker,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-18 上午1:31
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-18 上午1:31

RE: Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 1746 加入日期: 12-1-18 最近的帖子
Thinking back on it today I have to say that my favorite part was the description of Agency. I'm gonna have to watch that again
from 2:08:40 - 2:10:10
yep...still like it.
ftw,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-18 上午7:33
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-18 上午7:30

RE: Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 60 加入日期: 14-6-10 最近的帖子
J C:

Do you know what the correspondence is between chakras and stages of insight?
I think I heard Kenneth F. talk about them while explaining hopping between Jhanas on youtube. 

Also he talks about chakras and jhanas in this old thread:

I have no idea what's it all about though. I have no experiental or other kind of knowledge about chakras.
ftw,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-18 上午8:11
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-18 上午8:11

RE: Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 60 加入日期: 14-6-10 最近的帖子
S. Pro:
Buddha at the Gas Pump:


Thanks I'm really enjoying it so far.
I'm sensing Daniel to be a very warm, kind and good person.
This perception of DI is kind of helping me release more doubt
which is a major obstacle for me. I'm procrastinating and researching
and reading tons of books but I don't actually sit and practice.
Started a couple of times but I really need to make it regular.

Will watch the whole interview later on.
J C,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-18 下午6:55
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-18 下午6:55

RE: Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 644 加入日期: 13-4-24 最近的帖子
Paweł K:
J C:
Wow, any chance you could tell me which chakras I have switched on or off?

So I need at least video of someone to tell anything, preferably thinking about spiritual stuff. It would be preferable to see someone face to face (or at least on skype) cause then I could activate my own chakras and see people reaction to seeing me.

Unfortunately its not very thoroughly tested yet. I have opened my last remaining chakras sufficiently only recently so its actually very arrogant of me to say I can read people chakra activation. It would be the best to have some interaction with skilled jogi to actually confirm that I can actually do what I claim I can.

Would you Skype with me and give me your impressions? It would be interesting to test it out.
Daniel M Ingram,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-20 上午2:45
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-20 上午2:45

RE: Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 3275 加入日期: 09-4-20 最近的帖子
I had fun talking with him, enjoyed the political discussion, and so thought it went pretty well. I agree, he didn't really know much about the tradition I come from, so it barely touched on many of the more interesting aspects of that, and he didn't know much about the book, and it really didn't touch on technique basically at all, which is too bad, but as talking with Boomers goes it went a lot better than I thought it would, given previous experience with such things.
Dada Kind,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-20 下午3:38
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-20 下午3:33

RE: Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 633 加入日期: 13-11-15 最近的帖子
Daniel, your humor and enthusiasm for practice is infectious. Your description of the experience of 3rd path has renewed some of my previous dharmafuel. Thank you.

Too many times I wished I could jump in the conversation and ask technical questions, so I understand some of the frustations expressed in this thread. Here are some thoughts I had

Weirdly, I think your cynicism has comforted me. Previously I had the perception that most 'spiritual' teachers have a naively optimistic view of the fate of the political, economic, and social landscape. Let it be known that I found your acknowledgement of the arguably dire situation of the planet even more comforting than the Pope's.

I was delighted at your man in the head at the controls metaphor. My latest metaphor for considering the paradox of noun-self is thinking about the little man in the head of the man in our head, ad infinitum.

Your discussion of the importance of causality when talking about the Powers brought to mind dreams. Our dreams can be transformational, educational, profound, etc and have a real impact on our daily life. 'Are' dreams 'real'? Red herring.

Also, at one point when you were grasping for words to explain the reduction in suffering of arahatship, Kenneth Folk's 'meta-okayness' came to mind. From my limited perspective it seems like the simplest way of saying it.

Anyway, thanks! emoticon

You should highly consider this subtitle MCTB2: Everyone Poops (even buddhas)
Simon T,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-20 下午7:55
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-20 下午7:55

RE: Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 383 加入日期: 11-9-13 最近的帖子
Daniel M. Ingram:
I had fun talking with him, enjoyed the political discussion, and so thought it went pretty well. I agree, he didn't really know much about the tradition I come from, so it barely touched on many of the more interesting aspects of that, and he didn't know much about the book, and it really didn't touch on technique basically at all, which is too bad, but as talking with Boomers goes it went a lot better than I thought it would, given previous experience with such things.

Talking of axis of development Daniel, you really have to work on that "you know" habit! Great interview by the way.
Daniel M Ingram,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-21 上午1:07
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-21 上午1:07

RE: Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 3275 加入日期: 09-4-20 最近的帖子
Yeah, the "you know" thing bugged me also on listening to it. Glad you liked it.
tom moylan,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-21 上午3:44
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-21 上午3:44

RE: Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 896 加入日期: 11-3-7 最近的帖子
Howdy Daniel,
I loved the interview and especially the wide-ranging nature of it.

It was especially valuable for me to hear your thoughts and concerns about 'the direction of the world and the dangers inherent in having psychopaths' hands on the levers of power'  (my summary).

One thing that my awakening, such as it is,  has shown  me is that the techniques we use to peel back the layers of confusion have repercussions in all aspects of the world.  Seeing through programming and control methodologies is a natural side-effect of deep investigation.

I have spent the past few years smashing the icons of my indoctrination on social, political and personal levels.  While I don't pretend to have insight into your political thoughts I was very encouraged to see that your very deep intellect and analysis is not confined just to the introspective arena.


Simon T,修改在9 年前。 at 14-6-21 下午6:45
Created 9 年 ago at 14-6-21 下午6:43

RE: Lots of Video Interviews

帖子: 383 加入日期: 11-9-13 最近的帖子
Dan, in the interview you mention being friend with Dan Harris who wrote 10% Happier. I haven't read the book but I have read the discussion Dan Harris and Sam Harris had:


From this short thext, it sounds a bit like he got to the A&P stage and got all excited about it but that's just my interpretation.

Anyway, since you and Sam Harris have a friend in common, it could be interesting if you were to reach to each others and have a discussion like the one at the Hurricane Ranch. Sam's book Waking Up will be out in November and I assume he will do more promotion around that time, possibly going on batgap and Buddhist Geeks, I hope.

But what would make a conversation between you and Sam interesting is that it seems that Sam still has a pretty strong physical materialist point of view and I expect him to be skeptical on matters like the Powers. Also, based on his book The Moral Landscape, it seems that his views on morality aren't very much integrated with the Dharma. Maybe he has his own concept of axis of development, but the way he keep both conversation separate is a bit curious. 

Sam is being wise in keeping his view of spirituality as pragmatic and close to science since audience is among the most skeptical people on earth regarding spirituality. It's going to be interesting to see how is book will be received. 
